mirror of
synced 2025-01-16 03:30:16 +00:00
411 lines
27 KiB
411 lines
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* *
* LLUCE Command Syntax *
* *
* ! Bitwise NOT
* % (same as MOD) Remainder of divide
* & (same as AND) Bitwise AND
* * Multiply numbers
* + Add numbers/concat strings
* - Subtract numbers
* / Divide numbers
* : Statement separator
* < Compare less than
* = Equate or compare equals
* > Compare greater than
* ^ (same as EOR and XOR) Bitwise exclusive OR
* \ Line continuation
* | (same as OR) Bitwise OR
* ~ Logical NOT
* != (same as <>) Compare not equal
* %= Remainder to variable
* && Logical AND
* &= Bitwise AND to variable
* *= Multiply to variable
* ++ Increment variable
* += Add to variable
* -- Decrement variable
* -= Subtract from variable
* /= Divide to variable
* << Bitwise shift left
* <= Compare less or equal to
* <> (same as !=) Compare not equal
* => Compare greater or equal to
* == Equate or compare equals
* =< Compare less or equal to
* >= Compare greater or equal to
* >> Bitwise shift right
* >< (same as !=) Compare not equal
* ^= Bitwise exclusive OR to var.
* |= Bitwise OR to variable
* || Logical OR
* <<= Bitwise shift left to variable
* >>= Bitwise shift right to variable
* Value =ABS(Value) Make positive
* AND (same as &) Bitwise AND
* EOR (same as XOR and ^) Bitwise exclusive OR
* MOD (same as %) Remainder of divide
* NOT (same as !) Logical NOT
* OR (same as |) Bitwise OR
* XOR (same as EOR and ^) Bitwise exclusive OR
* ADDINT(String) Add interrupt character
* ANSI OFF Turn ANSI term emulation off
* ANSI ON Turn ANSI term emulation on
* Value =ANSI Get the value of ANSI
* 0 = off, 255 = on
* APPEND #Channel(File) Append to a file
* Value =ASC(String) Get ASCII value of the first
* character of specified string
* Value =BAUD Get users baud rate
* BREAK Exit from DO or WHILE loop
* BYTE =Address Set byte address
* Value =BYTE Get byte address
* BYTE(Value8) =(Value8) Set a byte
* Value =BYTE(Value8) Get a byte
* CALL Address Call routine at address
* CHAIN Filename Chain to segment filename
* CHAIN Filename,Label Chain to segment filename
* Start at specified label
* CHARDEL$ Send char delete sequence
* CHARDEL$ =String(7) Set char delete sequence
* String =CHARDEL$ Get char delete sequence
* print CHARDEL$ Send char delete sequence
* CHARINS$ Send char insert sequence
* CHARINS$ =String(7) Set char insert sequence
* String =CHARINS$ Get char insert sequence
* print CHARINS$ Send char insert sequence
* String =CHR$(Value8) Make a 1 character string
* String =CHR$(Value8,Value8) Make a multi character string
* statements
* CLEAR Clear variables
* CLOCK CLEAR Set timer start
* CLOCK ONLINE Get time connected
* CLOCK =Value16 Set time limit
* Value =CLOCK Get time limit
* CLOSE Close any open file(s)
* CLOSE #Channel(File) Close file at specified channel
* CLRBOL$ Send clr to line begin sequence
* CLRBOL$ =String(7) Set clr to line begin sequence
* String =CLRBOL$ Get clr to line begin sequence
* print CLRBOL$ Send clr to line begin sequence
* CLRBOS$ Send clr to screen top sequence
* CLRBOS$ =String(7) Set clr to screen top sequence
* String =CLRBOS$ Get clr to screen top sequence
* print CLRBOS$ Send clr to screen top sequence
* CLREOL$ Send clr to line end sequence
* CLREOL$ =String(7) Set clr to line end sequence
* String =CLREOL$ Get clr to line end sequence
* print CLREOL$ Send clr to line end sequence
* CLREOS$ Send clr to screen end sequence
* CLREOS$ =String(7) Set clr to screen end sequence
* String =CLREOS$ Get clr to screen end sequence
* print CLREOS$ Send clr to screen end sequence
* print CLS Clear the screen
* CLS Clear the screen
* CONTINUE Continue DO or WHILE loop,
* bypass remaining statements
* CONVERT ON|OFF Switch emulation conversion
* mode on or off
* COPY Filename Copy a text file to console
* COPY (Lines)Filename Copy (lines) of a text
* file to the console
* COPY Filename,#Channel(File|7|9..10) Copy a text file to device
* COPY (Lines)Filename,#Channel(File|7|9..10) Copy (lines) of a text file
* to device
* COPY #Channel(File|7..10),#(File|7|9..10) Copy text from device to device
* COPY (Lines)#Channel(File|7..10),#(File|7|9..10) Copy (lines) of text from
* device to device
* CREATE Filename Create a text file
* CREATE Filename,Msg,Value16 Create a message file
* CREATE Filename,Type8 Create a file with Type8
* CREATE Filename,Type8,Subtype Create a file with Type8,
* AuxType of Subtype
* CRUNCH Compact current message file
* CURSORD$ Send cursor down sequence
* CURSORD$ =String(7) Set cursor down sequence
* String =CURSORD$ Get cursor down sequence
* print CURSORD$ Send cursor down sequence
* CURSORU$ Send cursor up sequence
* CURSORU$ =String(7) Set cursor up sequence
* String =CURSORU$ Get cursor up sequence
* print CURSORU$ Send cursor up sequence
* CURSORL$ Send cursor left sequence
* CURSORL$ =String(7) Set cursor left sequence
* String =CURSORL$ Get cursor left sequence
* print CURSORL$ Send cursor left sequence
* CURSORR$ Send cursor right sequence
* CURSORR$ =String(7) Set cursor right sequence
* String =CURSORR$ Get cursor right sequence
* print CURSORR$ Send cursor right sequence
* DATE$ =String Set date (for no clock)
* String =DATE$ Get date
* DISK LOCK Reserve network
* DISK UNLOCK Release network
* DO statement WHILE (expression) DO loop
* DO { statements } WHILE (expression) DO loop
* ECHO =String Character to echo on input
* EDIT Enter the editor
* EDIT CLEAR Clear editor buffer
* EDIT OFF Turn off profanity filter
* EDIT ON Turn on profanity filter
* EDIT =Filename Set editor filename
* Value =EDIT Get editor buffer location
* Value =EDIT ERROR Get .X hack attempt
* Value =EDIT SIZE Get size of message
* ELSE See IF statement
* END See KEY statement
* END End program execution
* EOF(Channel(File)) Check for end of file
* Value =ERR Get last error number
* ERROR See ON and EDIT statements
* EXEC =Value8 Set exec user status
* Value =EXEC Get exec user status
* Value =EXIST(Filename) Check If file exists
* EXIT Exit from LLUCE
* EXIT CompletePathname Exit from LLUCE, execute path
* FILL Address,Bytes8,Value8 Fill Address range with data
* FLAG See KEY statement
* FLAG =Address Set flag pointer
* Value =FLAG Get flag pointer
* FLAG(Value8) =(Value1) Set a flag
* Value =FLAG(Value8) Get a flag
* FLASH ON GS screen flash on
* FLASH OFF GS screen flash off
* FLUSH Flush any open file(s)
* FLUSH #Channel(File) Flush specified file
* String =FMTDATE$ Get formatted date
* String =FMTWHEN$ Get stored formatted date
* FOR L=Value TO Value Loop from value to value
* FOR L=Value TO Value STEP Value Loop from value to value
* stepping by specified count
* FREE Compact variables
* FREE See MSG statement
* GET String|Number Get a single character
* GOSUB Label Go to a subroutine
* Alse see ON statement
* GOTO Label Go to a label
* Alse see ON, ON ERROR and
* ON NOCAR statements
* GOTOXY$ (X-Value8,Y-Value8) Send gotoxy sequence
* GOTOXY$ =String(7) Set gotoxy sequence
* String =GOTOXY$ Get gotoxy sequence
* print GOTOXY$ Send gotoxy sequence
* HOME$ Send cursor home sequence
* HOME$ =String(7) Set cursor home sequence
* String =HOME$ Get cursor home sequence
* print HOME$ Send cursor home sequence
* IF statement [THEN] statement [ELSE statement] Conditional
* IF statement { statements } [ELSE statement]
* IF statement [THEN] statement [ELSE { statements }
* IF statement { statements } [ELSE { statements }
* INPUT @n String|Number Get a line of text
* Value =INSTR(String1,String2) Find a string in another string
* Value =INSTR(String1,String2,start8) Find a string in another string
* starting at specified character
* INVERSE$ Send invert chars sequence
* INVERSE$ =String(7) Set invert chars sequence
* String =INVERSE$ Get invert chars sequence
* print INVERSE$ Send invert chars sequence
* Value =KEY Return keypress (if any)
* Value =KEY END 1 If 'stop' char pressed
* Value =KEY NEXT 1 If 'next' char pressed
* Value =KEY FLAG Any interrupt char pressed
* KILL Filename Delete a file
* String =LEFT$(String,Value8) Get left part of a string
* Value =LEN(String) Get length of a string
* LINEDEL$ Send line delete sequence
* LINEDEL$ =String(7) Set line delete sequence
* String =LINEDEL$ Get line delete sequence
* print LINEDEL$ Send line delete sequence
* LINEINS$ Send line insert sequence
* LINEINS$ =String(7) Set line insert sequence
* String =LINEINS$ Get line insert sequence
* print LINEINS$ Send line insert sequence
* LOCK See DISK statement
* LOCK Filename Lock a file
* LOWER$(String) Convert string to lower case
* LTRIM$(String) Trim strings trailing spaces
* MARK(Channel(File|10)) =Value Set file mark
* Value =MARK(Channel(File|10)) Get file mark
* String =MID$(String,Value8) Get part of a string, starting
* at specified point to end
* String =MID$(String,Value8,Value8) Get part of a string, starting
* at specified point, for
* specified number of characters
* MID$(string,Value8)=string copy a string into part of
* another, starting at specified
* point, to end of string
* MID$(string,Value8,Value8)=string copy a string into part of
* another, starting at specified
* point, to end of string, or to
* the specified size.
* MIXED$(String) Convert string to mixed case
* MODE =Value8 Set backspace mode
* Value =MODE Get backspace mode
* MODEM READY Wait for a call
* MODEM ONLINE=Value8 Dial out at Value8 * 100 baud
* MODEM TIME$=String Set auto logon time
* MODEM CLEAR Clear auto logon
* MOUSE$ Send mousetext sequence
* MOUSE$ =String(7) Set mousetext sequence
* String =MOUSE$ Get mousetext sequence
* print MOUSE$ Send mousetext sequence
* MOVE Address,Bytes TO Address Move data
* MSG(Value16) =Value Set message data
* MSG(Value16,Value2) =Value Set message data indexed
* Value =MSG(Value16) Get message data
* Value =MSG(Value16,Value2) Get message data indexed
* Value =MSG FREE Get message file blocks free
* Value =MSG SIZE Get message file capacity
* NAME Filename,Filename Rename a file
* NEXT End of closest FOR loop
* NEXT Nvar End of specified FOR loop
* Alse see FOR and KEY statements
* NIBBLE =Address Set NIBBLE address
* Value =NIBBLE Get NIBBLE address
* NIBBLE(Value8) =(Value4) Set a NIBBLE
* Value =NIBBLE(Value8) Get a NIBBLE
* NOCAR See ON and MODEM statements
* Value =NODE Get network NODE number
* NORMAL$ Send normal chars sequence
* NORMAL$ =String(7) Set normal chars sequence
* String =NORMAL$ Get normal chars sequence
* print NORMAL$ Send normal chars sequence
* NULLS =Value8 Set number of nulls
* Value =NULLS Get number of nulls
* OFF See EDIT and FLASH statements
* OFFSET =Value8 Set OFFSET character
* Value =OFFSET Get OFFSET character
* ON See EDIT and FLASH statements
* ON ERROR : Clear error detect
* ON ERROR GOTO Label Set error routine
* ON N GOTO Label1,Label2,Label3 Indexed goto
* ON N GOSUB Label1,Label2,Label3 Indexed gosub
* ON NOCAR : Clear carrier loss detect
* ON NOCAR GOTO Label Set carrier loss routine
* ON N PUSH Label1,Label2,Label3 Indexed push
* ONLINE See CLOCK and MODEM statements
* Value =ONLINE Get online/local status
* OPEN #Channel(File),Filename Open any file
* OVERLAY Filename[Parameters] Execute an overlay
* Value =PDL(Value4) Get game control value
* Value =PEEK(Address) Get value at address
* POKE Address,Value Put value to address
* POP Remove subroutine
* POP DO Remove DO/WHILE from stack
* POSITION #Channel(File),Reclen,Recnum Position to start of record
* POSITION #Channel(File),Reclen,Recnum,Byte Position to specified byte of
* record
* PREFIX Set to startup prefix
* PREFIX Pathname Set the prefix
* String =PREFIX Get current prefix
* PRINT Print data
* PUBLIC Label Set a public label
* PUSH See ON statement
* PUSH Label Push routine to return to
* RAM Location of scratch Ram
* RAM(0) Location of scratch Ram
* RAM(1) Location of scratch Ram 1
* RAM(2) Location of scratch Ram 2
* RAM(3) Location of scratch Ram 3
* Value =RANDOM(Value) Get a random value
* READ #Channel(File),Address,Bytes Read binary data
* READY See MODEM statement
* READY Filename|Nullstring Get a message file ready
* RECALL Filename Recall program variables
* RESUME Resume program after error
* RETURN Return from subroutine
* REWIND Restart current ,essage
* String =RIGHT$(String,Value8) Get right part of a string
* String =RND$ Get a random character
* RTRIM$(String) Trim strings leading spaces
* SET String=Address,Length Set variable pointer
* SET MSG =Value8 Set top of screen message
* SETINT(String) Set interrupt character
* SIZE See EDIT and MSG statements
* SIZE(Channel(File)) Get file size
* STEP See FOR statement
* STORE Filename Save program variables
* String =STR$(Value) Make numeric string
* TERMINAL =Value8 Set terminal type number
* Value =TERMINAL Get terminal type number
* THEN See IF statement
* String =TIME$ Get current time, 24 hour
* String =TIME12$ Get current time, 12 hour
* TO See FOR and MOVE statements
* print TONE(Value8,Duration) Execute a pure tone
* print TONE(Value8,Value8,Duration) Execute a dual tone
* TONE(Value8,Duration) Execute a pure tone
* TONE(Value8,Value8,Duration) Execute a dual tone
* TYPE Filename Type text, SRC or AW file
* to the console
* TYPE Filename,#Channel(File) Type text, SRC or AW file
* to the specified channel
* UNLOCK See DISK statement
* UNLOCK Filename Unlock a file
* UPPER$(String) Convert string to upper case
* Value =VAL(String) Get value of a string
* WHEN$ =Address Set date storage address
* WHEN$ =String Store a date
* String =WHEN$ Get stored date
* WHILE (expression) statements WHILE loop
* WHILE (expression) { statements } WHILE loop
* WIDTH =Value8 Set editor width
* Value =WIDTH Get editor width
* Value =WIDTH(Value2) Get fixed widths
* WINDOW =Value8 Set window top
* WINDOW =Value8,Value8 Set window top and bottom
* WINDOW =Value8,Value8,Value8 Set window top, bottom and left
* WINDOW =Value8,Value8,Value8,Value8 Set all window limits
* First Value =Screen Top
* Second Value =Screen Bottom
* Third Value =Screen Left
* Fourth Value =Screen Right
* WORD =Address Set word address
* Value =WORD Get word address
* WORD(Value8) =(Value16) Set a word
* Value =WORD(Value8) Get a word
* WRITE #Channel(File),Address,Bytes Write binary data
* Value 1 = 0 through 1
* Value 2 = 0 through 3
* File = 1 through 3
* Value 4 = 0 through 15
* Byte = 0 through 255
* Bytes = 0 through 255
* Length = 0 through 255
* Lines = 0 through 255
* Reclen = 0 through 255
* Value 8 = 0 through 255
* Address = 0 through 65535
* Recnum = 0 through 65535
* Subtype = 0 through 65535
* Value 16 = 0 through 65535
* Value = -8388608 through 8388607