LST OFF TR TR ADR TTL 'LLUCE - Global page' PAG *------------------------------- * History: * * 11/07/89 AMW * 1. Added history section * 2. Added segment titles * 3. Renamed this section to GLOBALS * * 11/10/89 AMW * Added AppleShare flag * * 11/14/89 AMW * Added ProDOS entry point vector * * 11/21/89 AMW * Moved startup filename to LLUCE * * 11/23/89 AMW * Added CRC16 location * * 11/28/89 AMW * Added time display flag *------------------------------- ; to be created by the config program NODENUM DB 0 DW SEG_NAME MODULE DW 0 VERSION DDB version STPCHR DB ' ' ; stop message char NXTCHR DB 'N' ; next message char WIDTH DB 4 ; index for default DB 32,40,64,80 FILTLOC DB 0 WWFLAG DB -1 ; word-wrap flag for editor REFNUM DB 0 MSGREF DB 0 DW FBUF2 SHWTXT DB 0 SHWTRC DB 0 ; show program trace TOCONST DW 159 EDLOC DW EDBUF EDITLEN DW EDBUF+EBUFEND EDMEMORY DB 0 ; if negative, buffer in aux FILTFLAG DB 1 ASHARE DB 0 ; AppleShare flag PDOSVEC DA 0 CRC DA 0 TIMEDISP DB $80 ; 0=24 hour, $80=12 hour ; modem(0) commands in LLUCE M_QUIT DB 'Q'-ctrl ; quit M_LOGIN DB 'G'-ctrl ; enter M_ANSWER DB 'A'-ctrl ; answer DS $840-* FLNAME DS $40 ; last filename used SEG_NAME DS $40 ; start up segment pathname SYSPFX DS $40 ; system files prefIX