LST OFF TR TR ADR *------------------------------- * Printer re-configuration *------------------------------- REL prdrv = $900 point0 = $11 point1 = $14 DSK REL/PRINTER TopBox EXT print EXT cls EXT start EXT escape EXT inpnum EXT chinit EXT wrtchg EXT nullprnt EXT ;null printer driver serial EXT ;serial/cout printer driver grappler EXT ;parallel grappler printer driver parallel EXT ;parallel printer driver re_pr ENT JSR TopBox JSR print DB 1,2,29 ASC '- Printer Interfaces -' DB 1,4,5 ASC 'Please refer to Appendix B of your user' ASC ' manual for more information.'00 JSR cls LDX #start JSR escape LDA #prdrv STA point1+1 JSR print DB 1,7,0 ASC ' 1 - Apple //c built-in port ' ASC ' 7 - Apple Parallel interface'0D ASC ' 2 - Apple Super Serial Card (SSC) ' ASC ' 8 - Epson APL printer card'0D ASC ' 3 - Apple IIgs built-in port ' ASC ' 9 - Appricorn Parallel card'0D ASC ' 4 - Generic Printer Driver ' ASC '10 - Tyvec Printer Interface'0D ASC ' 5 - Star Micronics Grafstar ' ASC '11 - No Printer in system'0D ASC ' 6 - Orange Micro Grappler card'0D0D0D ASC 'Which? [1-11] '00 LDX #11 ;get printer # JSR inpnum CMP #5 BLT :serial CMP #7 BLT :grappler CMP #11 BLT :parallel :null LDA #nullprnt STA point0+1 JMP :noslot :serial LDA #serial JMP :getslot :grappler LDA #grappler JMP :getslot :parallel LDA #parallel :getslot STA point0 STX point0+1 JSR print DB 1,20,0 ASC 'What slot/port does your printer use? [1-7] '00 LDX #7 ; get slot JSR inpnum ASL ASL ASL ASL :noslot PHA ;save slot LDY #0 ;move the single page :loop LDA (point0),Y ;source STA (point1),Y ;destination INY BNE :loop LDY #0 PLA ;get the slot back STA (point1),Y JSR chinit ; check for init JMP wrtchg ; write the changes