1: Syntax error2: END of program3: Missing symbol error4: Missing data5: Type mismatch error6: String overflow7: Numeric overflow8: Division by zero9: Bad device number10: Bad filename11: Link label not found12: Message file not found13: Cannot load overlay14: Prefix not found15: Module not found16: Disk write error17: A label was not defined18: GOSUB stack full19: RETURN without GOSUB error20: FOR stack full21: NEXT without FOR error22: RESUME with no error23: Bad system overlay version24: SYSOP call termination25: DO stack full26: No pending DO27: WHILE stack full: User Defined error Starting Module Not Found One Moment Please... ...Exiting Exec Mode... Sysop Is On-Line... Sysop Is Off-Line... Sorry, Time Limit Exceeded One Moment Please...  -O-![ Page: On ]![ Chat: On ]![ Exec: On ]