LST OFF TR TR ADR TTL 'LLUCE - Error Messages' drivers = $2E8005 ]TYPE = ^drivers ; set file type ]AUX = drivers ; and aux type ORG ]AUX ; must be this way TYP ]TYPE DSK /MAIN/LLUCE/LLUCE.TEXT ************************************************** * * * ProTerm special control equates * * * ************************************************** Ctrl = $40 begin = 'A'-Ctrl Cursor endline = 'B'-Ctrl Cursor delchar = 'D'-Ctrl Delete inschar = 'F'-Ctrl Insert bell = 'G'-Ctrl Ring back = 'H'-Ctrl Cursor tab = 'I'-Ctrl Tab down = 'J'-Ctrl Cursor up = 'K'-Ctrl Cursor clrscn = 'L'-Ctrl Clear cr = 'M'-Ctrl Do normal = 'N'-Ctrl Normal inverse = 'O'-Ctrl Inverse mouse = 'P'-Ctrl Real repeat = 'R'-Ctrl Repeat tone = 'T'-Ctrl ProTERM right = 'U'-Ctrl Cursor insline = 'V'-Ctrl insert clreos = 'W'-Ctrl Clear home = 'X'-Ctrl Home clreol = 'Y'-Ctrl Clear delline = 'Z'-Ctrl Delete gotoxy = '^'-Ctrl GotoXY txtend = $80 ************************************************** * * * Error messages * * * ************************************************** ERRMSGS DB -1 DCI '1: Syntax error' DCI '2: END of program' DCI '3: Missing symbol error' DCI '4: Missing data' DCI '5: Type mismatch error' DCI '6: String overflow' DCI '7: Numeric overflow' DCI '8: Division by zero' DCI '9: Bad device number' DCI '10: Bad filename' DCI '11: Link label not found' DCI '12: Message file not found' DCI '13: Cannot load overlay' DCI '14: Prefix not found' DCI '15: Module not found' DCI '16: Disk write error' DCI '17: A label was not defined' DCI '18: GOSUB stack full' DCI '19: RETURN without GOSUB error' DCI '20: FOR stack full' DCI '21: NEXT without FOR error' DCI '22: RESUME with no error' DCI '23: Bad system overlay version' DCI '24: SYSOP call termination' DCI '25: DO stack full' DCI '26: No pending DO' DCI '27: WHILE stack full' DCI ': User Defined error' DB 0,0 DS $400-*+ERRMSGS ERR *-$2E8405 ************************************************** * * * Other messages * * * ************************************************** PROGTEXT DB -1 ;0 DB cr ;1 DCI 'Starting Module Not Found' DB cr ;2 ASC 'One Moment Please...' DB cr+txtend ;3 ASC '...Exiting Exec Mode...' DB cr,cr+txtend DB cr,cr ;4 ASC 'Sysop Is On-Line...' DB cr,cr+txtend DB cr ;5 ASC 'Sysop Is Off-Line...' DB cr,cr+txtend DB cr,cr ;6 ASC 'Sorry, Time Limit Exceeded' DB cr+txtend DB cr ;7 ASC 'One Moment Please...' DB cr+txtend ;8 DB repeat,back,20 ; back up over it DB repeat,' ',20 ; cover it up DB repeat,back,19 ; back up again DB back+txtend DB 0,0 DS $400-*+PROGTEXT ERR *-$2E8805 ************************************************** * * * These are the top of screen messages. * * The format must be followed or the results can * * be unpredictable. * * * * Byte 1: Horizontal position * * Additional bytes: * * Printed text. May contain PTSE * * control characters, last character * * must have its high bit set. * * * * This pattern is to be repeated for as many * * messages are desired up to 1K * * * ************************************************** VIDMSGS DB 0 DB inverse DB repeat,'-',79 DCI '-' DB 33 DB inverse DCI '[ Page: On ]' DB 33 DB inverse DCI '[ Chat: On ]' DB 33 DB inverse DCI '[ Exec: On ]' DB 0,0 ; This MUST be at the end ; to denote the end of ; messages DS $300-*+VIDMSGS ERR *-$2E8B05 LST OFF