*------------------------------- * ProDOS Command Interpreter for GBBS "Pro" * Written originally by Greg Schaefer * Modified extensively by Scott Galbraith * Rewritten/Converted to Orca/M by Andy Nicholas * Binary II file contents lister by Andy Nicholas * January, 1988 *------------------------------- DATE *------------------------------- Id = 4 Aux = 1 LST OFF LSTDO OFF TR TR ADR EXP ONLY Y = 1 y = 1 N = 0 n = 0 NOLIST = Y DO NOLIST LISTOBJ = N LISTSYM = N ELSE LISTOBJ KBD 'List This Source? (Y/N)' LISTSYM KBD 'List Symbol Table? (Y/N)' FIN DO LISTOBJ LST FIN LST OFF PUT EQUATES/EQUATES PUT EQUATES/OS.EQUATES PUT EQUATES/ENTRY ]TYPE = ^overlays ; set file type ]AUX = overlays ; and aux type ORG ]AUX ; must be this way TYP ]TYPE DSK /MAIN/LLUCE/SYSTEM/XDOS LST RTN TTL 'LLUCE - External DOS commands' DO LISTOBJ LST FIN DB Id DA Aux DB Aux/256!Aux!Id!$A5 *------------------------------- * Size Of Code To Check CRC *------------------------------- DA CODEEND-XDOS DA 0 ; CRC Goes Here FAILFLAG = PRN ORG $D000 * Start of Xdos routines *------------------------------- XDOS LDX #CODEEND-PARMLSTS MOVEPDOS LDA PARMLSTS,X ; Move Parameter Lists STA GFI_P,X DEX BPL MOVEPDOS STZ FAILFLAG ;Innocent until proven guilty LDA #0 TAX FILL STZ LNBUF,X ;zero string buffer DEX BNE FILL JSR GOBCOM ;gobble JSR INPSTR ;get string (dont use memory) LDY #-1 MOVE INY CPY STRLEN ;at end of line? BEQ DISPAT ;yep LDA (STRLOC),Y CMP #' ' BNE MOVE LDX #0 MOVE2 CPY STRLEN ;at end of line? BEQ DISPAT ;yep LDA (STRLOC),Y STA LNBUF,X ;copy rest of line INX INY BRA MOVE2 DISPAT LDY #0 LDA (STRLOC),Y ;get command JSR CONV CMP #'C' BEQ JMP1 CMP #'X' BEQ JMP2 CMP #'T' BEQ TYPE CMP #'F' BEQ JMP4 CMP #'G' BEQ JMP5 CMP #'B' BEQ JMP7 CMP #'V' BEQ JMP8 JMP1 LDA #0 ;set up for 40 col catalog function HEX 2C JMP2 LDA #-1 ;set up for 80 col catalog function JMP CAT JMP4 JMP FREE JMP5 JMP GET_INFO JMP7 JMP BINARYII JMP8 JMP VOLINFO * change the type of a file *------------------------------- TYPE JSR GFNAME ;get filename to retype JSR GETINFO ;get current file info JSR FINDATA ;SET POINTER TO FIND NEW FILE TYPE IN BUFFER LDA LNBUF,X CMP #',' BNE KEEPON INX KEEPON LDA #TYPETBL STA TEMP+1 NEXTTYP LDY #1 LDA LNBUF,X JSR CONV CMP (TEMP),Y BNE TRYNEXT INY LDA LNBUF+1,X JSR CONV CMP (TEMP),Y BNE TRYNEXT INY LDA LNBUF+2,X JSR CONV CMP (TEMP),Y BNE TRYNEXT LDA (TEMP) STA P_INFO+4 ;store new file type in file info buffers LDA #7 ;setup 7 for set-info STA P_INFO JSR MLI DB Setinfo DA P_INFO STA FAILFLAG RTS TRYNEXT CLC ;Point to next type name LDA TEMP ADC #4 STA TEMP BNE TYPEEND INC TEMP+1 TYPEEND LDA (TEMP) ;Any more? BNE NEXTTYP ;yes LDA #-1 STA FAILFLAG RTS * Free space *------------------------------- FREE JSR GFNAME LDA FNAME1 BNE DOFREE ;they typed a pathname JSR MLI DB Getpfx ;get the current prefix DA P_CPFX DOFREE LDA DEVNUM ;get device # of most recent accessed device STA P_ONLIN+1 ;store it for 'Online' call JSR MLI DB Online DA P_ONLIN LDA FNAME1+1 AND #$F INC A ;increase name character length by '1' STA FNAME1 ;store new name length LDA #'/' ;load '/' character to make name a vol name STA FNAME1+1 ;insert character into name string JSR GETINFO ;get info on volume LDA #cr JSR COUT JSR XPR ASC 'Blocks Total: '00 LDX P_INFO+5 ;get low byte of total blocks LDA P_INFO+6 ;get high byte of total blocks JSR DECOUT0 ;print total blocks on volume JSR XPR ASC ' Blocks Used: '00 LDX P_INFO+8 ;get low byte of blocks used # LDA P_INFO+9 ;get high byte of blocks used # JSR DECOUT0 ;print total blocks used on volume JSR XPR ASC ' Blocks Free: '00 LDA P_INFO+5 SEC SBC P_INFO+8 TAX LDA P_INFO+6 SBC P_INFO+9 JSR DECOUT0 LDA #cr ;send cr/lf and exit back to program JMP COUT * get info on a particular file *------------------------------- GET_INFO JSR GFNAME LDA FNAME1 BNE DO_GFI INC FNAME1 LDA #'/' STA FNAME1+1 DO_GFI JSR MLI DB Getinfo DA GFI_P JSR MLI ;open the file DB Open DA P_COPEN LDA P_COPEN+5 ;get refnum STA GET_REF STA P_CLOSE+1 JSR MLI DB Geteof DA GETEOF_P LDA GET_REF+1 STA GETEOF_P LDA GET_REF+2 STA GET_REF LDA GET_REF+3 STA RBYTE LDX #7 ;divide by 128 NLOOP LSR RBYTE ROR GETEOF_P+1 ROR GETEOF_P DEX BNE NLOOP LDA GET_REF+1 ;get low byte AND #$7F ;is number divisable by 128? BEQ DONE ;yes, even multiple, don't add 1 INC GETEOF_P ;no, add 1 for extra bytes BNE DONE ;didn't roll over, go print it INC GETEOF_P+1 ;low byte rolled over, increment mid DONE LDA GETEOF_P+1 ;mask off high byte if set AND #$7F STA GETEOF_P+1 JSR MLI ;close file DB Close DA P_CLOSE RTS ;done, so return * get info on the current volume/file * return K instead of 1/2k *------------------------------- VOLINFO JSR GFNAME LDA FNAME1 BNE DO_VINF INC FNAME1 LDA #'/' STA FNAME1+1 DO_VINF JSR MLI DB Getinfo DA GFI_P STA FAILFLAG LSR IBLOCKS_USED+1 ROR IBLOCKS_USED LSR IAUXTYPE+1 ROR IAUXTYPE RTS * Error/Abort *------------------------------- FINBERR STA FAILFLAG LDA #cr ;end line JSR COUT BRA CLOSE_BII * Error/Abort *------------------------------- NOT_BII LDA #cr ;end line JSR COUT LDA #-2 STA FAILFLAG CLOSE_BII JSR MLI ;close file DB Close DA P_CLOSE RTS * Binary II file contents lister *------------------------------- BINARYII JSR GFNAME ;get pathname/drive specifier LDA FNAME1 BNE BCAT2 ;they typed a pathname JSR MLI DB Getpfx ;get the current prefix DA P_CPFX BCAT2 JSR MLI ;open the current prefix DB Open DA P_COPEN BCS FINBERR LDA P_COPEN+5 ;get refnum STA BII_READ+1 STA BII_GMARK+1 STA BII_SMARK+1 STA P_CLOSE+1 STZ NUMFLS ;0 files processed STZ NUMFLS+1 BRDLOOP LDA #DIRBLOK STA TEMP+1 JSR MLI DB Read DA BII_READ BCS FINBERR LDA DIRBLOK ;check ID bytes for Binary II CMP #$A BNE NOT_BII LDA DIRBLOK+1 CMP #'G' ;check ID2 BNE NOT_BII LDA DIRBLOK+2 CMP #'L' ;check ID3 BNE NOT_BII LDA DIRBLOK+18 CMP #2 ;check ID4 BNE NOT_BII LDX #'*' ;default = locked LDA DIRBLOK+3 AND #3 CMP #3 BNE BLOCKED LDX #' ' BLOCKED TXA JSR COUT ;print lock/unlock status LDX #0 LOOP LDA DIRBLOK+24,X ;default to printing name JSR COUT INX CPX #15 BEQ NOSUBDIR CPX DIRBLOK+23 BNE LOOP NOSUBDIR LDA #' ' LOOP2 JSR COUT ;adjust INX CPX #16 BLT LOOP2 ;less than LDA DIRBLOK+4 STA FILETYP JSR PTYPE LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA DIRBLOK+8 STA NUM LDA DIRBLOK+9 STA NUM+1 JSR DECOUT1 LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA #10 ;now setup to get creation date STA POSITION JSR CONVDAT ;get, convert and display creation date LDA #12 ;and creation time STA POSITION JSR CONVTIM LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA #14 ;setup to get mod-date STA POSITION JSR CONVDAT LDA #16 ;else continue with full catalog by setting STA POSITION ;pointers to mod time data JSR CONVTIM LDA DIRBLOK+20 STA NUM LDA DIRBLOK+21 STA NUM+1 LDA DIRBLOK+22 STA NUM+2 JSR DECOOT1 LDA #4 ;now check for txt or bin files CMP FILETYP BNE BCHKBIN LDA #'R' JSR COUT BRA BCONT BCHKBIN LDA #6 ;checking for bin file CMP FILETYP BNE BFINISHU LDA #'A' JSR COUT BCONT LDA #'=' JSR COUT LDA DIRBLOK+5 STA NUM LDA DIRBLOK+6 STA NUM+1 JSR DECOUT1 ;convert and display data BFINISHU LDA #cr ;send cr/lf and exit back to cat routine JSR COUT LDA DIRBLOK+127 BEQ BFINISH ;we are done, no more files LDA DIRBLOK+4 CMP #$F ;directory file BNE NOTDIR JMP BRDLOOP NOTDIR JSR MLI DB Getmark DA BII_GMARK BCC GETOK JMP FINBERR GETOK LDA BII_GMARK+2 ;add low byte of current mark CLC ;to site of next header ADC DIRBLOK+20 STA BII_SMARK+2 LDA BII_GMARK+3 ;add mid-byte to site of ADC DIRBLOK+21 ;next header STA BII_SMARK+3 LDA BII_GMARK+4 ;add high byte to site of ADC DIRBLOK+22 ;next header STA BII_SMARK+4 LDA BII_SMARK+2 ;get lo byte of next mark AND #$7F ;chop off high bit BEQ SETMARK ;already on a page, go set the mark EOR #$7F ;get complement of number CLC ADC BII_SMARK+2 ;add it to number STA BII_SMARK+2 ;save corrected mark INC BII_SMARK+2 ;make it on an even boundary BNE SETMARK ;$80, so go set mark INC BII_SMARK+3 BNE SETMARK INC BII_SMARK+4 SETMARK JSR MLI DB Setmark DA BII_SMARK BCC DOLOOP JMP FINBERR DOLOOP JMP BRDLOOP ;do another block BFINISH JSR MLI ;close file DB Close DA P_CLOSE RTS * cat the currently logged path *------------------------------- CAT STA CATTYPE JSR GFNAME ;get pathname/drive specifier LDA FNAME1 BNE CAT2 ;they typed a pathname JSR MLI DB Getpfx ;get the current prefix DA P_CPFX ;into the filename buffer CAT2 LDA #cr ;add a linefeed JSR COUT LDX #0 CAT3 INX LDA FNAME1,X ;print pathname JSR COUT CPX FNAME1 BNE CAT3 LDA #cr ;add 2 linefeeds JSR COUT JSR COUT JSR MLI ;open the current prefix DB Open DA P_COPEN BCC CAT4 STA FAILFLAG LDA #cr ;end line JSR COUT RTS CAT4 LDA P_COPEN+5 ;get refnum STA P_CPOS+1 STA P_CRINF+1 STA P_CRDIR+1 STA P_CLOSE+1 JSR MLI ;read dir info DB Read DA P_CRINF JSR MLI ;set back to start DB Setmark DA P_CPOS STZ NUMFLS ;0 files processed STZ NUMFLS+1 LDX #-1 STX BLKCNT ;start at file 1 in block CRDLOOP LDA #DIRBLOK+4 STA TEMP+1 JSR MLI ;read block DB Read DA P_CRDIR LDA BLKCNT ;first pass? BPL CRDLOOP2 ;nope STZ BLKCNT ;set to 0 BRA CRDLOOP5 ;go to next entry CRDLOOP2 LDA NUMFLS ;we done? CMP DIRINFO+$25 BNE CRDLOOP3 ;nope LDA NUMFLS+1 ;check high CMP DIRINFO+$26 BNE CRDLOOP3 ;were done JSR DOFREE ;print freespace JSR MLI ;close file DB Close DA P_CLOSE RTS CRDLOOP3 LDY #0 LDA (TEMP),Y ;get length and type AND #$F STA (TEMP),Y ;get rid of extra stuff STA TEMP2 BEQ CRDLOOP5 ;oops, deleted file INC NUMFLS ;inc file count BNE CRDLOOP4 INC NUMFLS+1 CRDLOOP4 JSR PRENT ;print the entry CRDLOOP5 CLC LDA TEMP ;go to next entry ADC DIRINFO+$23 STA TEMP LDA TEMP+1 ADC #0 STA TEMP+1 INC BLKCNT ;inc place within block LDA BLKCNT CMP DIRINFO+$24 BEQ CRDLOOP6 ;go to next block BRA CRDLOOP2 ;do next entry within this block CRDLOOP6 STZ BLKCNT ;reset count JMP CRDLOOP ;do another block * print the entry *------------------------------- PRENT LDX #'*' ;default = locked LDY #$1E ;check access LDA (TEMP),Y AND #3 CMP #3 BNE LOCKED LDX #' ' LOCKED TXA JSR COUT ;print lock/unlock status LDY #$1C+1 ; Valid filename case flags? LDA (TEMP),Y STA doCase ; set flag STA TEMP3+1 ; save flags for shift DEY LDA (TEMP),Y STA TEMP3 LDY #1 ASL TEMP3 ROL TEMP3+1 PRENT2 LDA (TEMP),Y ;default to printing name CPY TEMP2 ;check against length BCC PRENT2A ;opps, too long BEQ PRENT2A LDA #' ' PRENT2A BIT doCase BPL uCase ASL TEMP3 ; is this lower case? ROL TEMP3+1 BCC uCase ; nope CMP #'A' ; is it alpha? BLT uCase ; nope CMP #'Z'+1 BGE uCase ; nope ADC #$20 ; make lower case uCase JSR COUT ;print char INY CPY #17 ;print 18 chars BCC PRENT2 LDY #$10 ;get filetype LDA (TEMP),Y STA FILETYP ;store file type in data byte for later JSR PTYPE NONENT LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDY #$13 ;get blocks used LDA (TEMP),Y STA NUM ;save number INY LDA (TEMP),Y STA NUM+1 JSR DECOUT1 LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA #$18 ;now setup to get creation date STA POSITION JSR CONVDAT ;get, convert and display creation date LDA #0 ;check to see if command was 'cat' or CMP CATTYPE ;if it was 'x'(='catalog') BNE CONCAT ;keep going if 'catalog' was wanted LDA #cr ;else load end of line JMP COUT ;send cr/lf and exit back to program CONCAT LDA #$1A ;and creation time STA POSITION JSR CONVTIM LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA #' ' JSR COUT LDA #$21 ;setup to get mod-date STA POSITION JSR CONVDAT LDA #$23 ;else continue with full catalog by setting STA POSITION ;pointers to mod time data JSR CONVTIM LDY #$15 ;now get file length (eof), convert and LDA (TEMP),Y ;display it with max of 8 decimal digits STA NUM INY LDA (TEMP),Y ;get middle byte of 3 byte value STA NUM+1 INY LDA (TEMP),Y ;get high byte of 3 byte value STA NUM+2 JSR DECOOT1 LDA #4 ;now check for txt or bin files CMP FILETYP BNE CHECKBIN LDA #'R' JSR COUT BRA CONTINUE CHECKBIN LDA #6 ;checking for bin file CMP FILETYP BNE FINISHUP LDA #'A' JSR COUT CONTINUE LDA #'=' JSR COUT LDY #$1F ;get aux.type data either bin load address LDA (TEMP),Y ;or the txt file record length STA NUM INY LDA (TEMP),Y STA NUM+1 JSR DECOUT1 ;convert and display data FINISHUP LDA #cr ;send cr/lf and exit back to cat routine JMP COUT *------------------------------- DECOUT1 STZ NUM+2 ;reset total STZ NUM+3 STZ NUM+4 STZ NUM+5 STZ NUM+6 CLC SED LDY #16 ;use decimal mode DECOUT2 ASL NUM ROL NUM+1 LDA NUM+2 ADC NUM+2 ;do actual 'woz' conversion STA NUM+2 LDA NUM+3 ADC NUM+3 STA NUM+3 ROL NUM+4 DEY ;loop down BNE DECOUT2 CLD ;done with decimal LDY #4 ;print 5 digits DECOUT3 LDA NUM+4 ;get digit AND #$F BNE DECOUT4 ;is it zero? LDX #' ' BIT NUM+5 ;is this a leading zero? BPL DECOUT8 ;yep DECOUT4 DEC NUM+5 CLC ADC #'0' ;print digit TAX INC NUM+6 DECOUT8 TXA JSR COUT ;show digit or spacer DECOUT5 LDX #3 ;move up next digit DECOUT6 ASL NUM+1 ROL NUM+2 ROL NUM+3 ROL NUM+4 DEX BPL DECOUT6 DEY ;count down digits BMI DECOUT7 BNE DECOUT3 STX NUM+5 ;print last zero for sure BPL DECOUT3 DECOUT7 CLC RTS *------------------------------- DECOOT1 STZ NUM+3 ;reset total STZ NUM+4 ;convert and display an 8 digit number STZ NUM+5 STZ NUM+6 STZ NUM+7 STZ NUM+8 STZ NUM+9 CLC SED LDY #24 ;use decimal mode - shift out 24 bits DECOOT2 ASL NUM ROL NUM+1 ROL NUM+2 ;do actual 'woz' conversion LDA NUM+3 ADC NUM+3 STA NUM+3 LDA NUM+4 ADC NUM+4 STA NUM+4 LDA NUM+5 ADC NUM+5 STA NUM+5 LDA NUM+6 ADC NUM+6 STA NUM+6 ROL NUM+7 DEY ;loop down BNE DECOOT2 CLD ;done with decimal LDY #8 ;print 8 digits DECOOT3 LDA NUM+7 ;get digit AND #$F BNE DECOOT4 ;is it zero? LDX #' ' BIT NUM+8 ;is this a leading zero? BPL DECOOT8 ;yep DECOOT4 DEC NUM+8 CLC ADC #'0' ;print digit TAX INC NUM+9 DECOOT8 TXA JSR COUT ;show digit or spacer DECOOT5 LDX #3 ;move up next digit DECOOT6 ASL NUM+1 ROL NUM+2 ROL NUM+3 ROL NUM+4 ROL NUM+5 ROL NUM+6 ROL NUM+7 DEX BPL DECOOT6 DEY ;count down digits BMI DECOOT7 BNE DECOOT3 STX NUM+8 ;print last zero for sure BPL DECOOT3 DECOOT7 CLC LDA #' ' JMP COUT * subroutine to print "[No Date] " *------------------------------- NODATE LDY #10 LDX #0 NDLOOP LDA DEFDATE,X JSR COUT INX DEY BNE NDLOOP RTS * subroutine to convert and print dates on the screen *------------------------------- CONVDAT LDY POSITION ;get day of mod-date LDA (TEMP),Y BEQ NODATE ;default display if no date on file PHA AND #%00011111 ;just get date JSR BINDEC8 JSR COUT TXA ;display date JSR COUT LDA #'-' ;put in seperator JSR COUT LDY POSITION ;get last bit of month INY LDA (TEMP),Y LSR A PLA ROR A ;move in month bit LSR A LSR A AND #%00111100 ;just get month TAX ;make into offset LDY #4 PR_DATE LDA MONTH-4,X JSR COUT ;show month INX DEY BNE PR_DATE LDY POSITION INY LDA (TEMP),Y ;get year LSR A JSR BINDEC8 ;translate JSR COUT TXA JSR COUT ;print year LDA #' ' JMP COUT * Convert and print time to screen *------------------------------- CONVTIM LDY POSITION ;get time data, convert to decimal and INY ;get hours first LDA (TEMP),Y ;then display it AND #%00011111 ;mask for needed digits JSR BINDEC8 ;convert binary to decimal and return JSR COUT ;display tens digit TXA ;shift in other digit JSR COUT ;display ones digit LDA #':' ;print separator JSR COUT LDY POSITION ;get minutes now LDA (TEMP),Y AND #%00111111 ;mask for needed bits JSR BINDEC8 ;convert to decimal JSR COUT ;display tens digit TXA JMP COUT ;display ones digit and return * convert lower to upper and clear high bit *------------------------------- CONV AND #$7F ;strip high bit CMP #'a' BCC CONV2 CMP #'z'+1 BCS CONV2 SBC #$1F ;since carry is clear, -$20 CONV2 RTS * get filename and place into buffer *------------------------------- GFNAME STZ FNAME1 ;zero buffer JSR FINDATA ;locate data within buffer BCS CONV2 ;error, no more data LDA LNBUF,X ;get first byte JSR CONV JSR FINDATA ;find the name itself BCS GFNAME7 LDY #0 GFNAME5 LDA LNBUF,X ;get data BEQ GFNAME6 CMP #' ' BEQ GFNAME6 ;at end of line CMP #',' BEQ GFNAME6 STA FNAME1+1,Y ;save data LDA #' ' STA LNBUF,X ;kill name INX INY BNE GFNAME5 GFNAME6 STY FNAME1 ;save length of name GFNAME7 CLC RTS * find data within lnbuf *------------------------------- FINDATA LDX #-1 FIND2 INX LDA LNBUF,X ;end of line? SEC BEQ FIND3 ;yep CMP #' ' BEQ FIND2 CLC FIND3 RTS * jsr xpr ; data ; 0 -- quick print routine *------------------------------- XPR PLA ;save calling address STA PRN PLA STA PRN+1 XPR2 INC PRN ;get next byte BNE XPR3 INC PRN+1 XPR3 LDY #0 LDA (PRN),Y ;get byte BEQ XPR4 ;were done JSR COUT BRA XPR2 XPR4 INC PRN ;inc for return BNE XPR5 INC PRN+1 XPR5 JMP (PRN) * translate a binary to text [0-99] *------------------------------- BINDEC8 LDY #0 ;start 10's counter BIN8 CMP #10 BCC BIN8A ;less than 10, were done SBC #10 ;minus 10 INY ;add 1 to the 10's counter BNE BIN8 ;loop BIN8A ADC #'0' ;make 1's into text TAX ;save TYA ADC #'0' ;make 10's into text RTS ;were done * get info on a file *------------------------------- GETINFO LDA #10 ;setup 10 for get-info STA P_INFO JSR MLI DB Getinfo DA P_INFO RTS * Print file type *------------------------------- PTYPE LDX #TYPETBL STX TEMP3+1 LDY #0 ; Index Is Zero PHA ; Save Type TLOOP PLA ; Restore Type CMP (TEMP3),Y ; Same Type? BEQ SHOWTYP ; Yes, Show It PHA ; Save Type CLC ; Add 4 To Skip Last Type LDA #4 ADC TEMP3 STA TEMP3 BCC TLOOP INC TEMP3+1 BRA TLOOP SHOWTYP INY ; Print First Character LDA (TEMP3),Y JSR COUT INY ; Print Second Character LDA (TEMP3),Y JSR COUT INY ; Print Last Character LDA (TEMP3),Y JMP COUT * print hex subroutine for catalog *------------------------------- PRHEX STA FILETYP PHA LDA #'$' JSR COUT PLA PHA LSR A LSR A LSR A LSR A JSR PRINTDIG PLA PRINTDIG AND #%00001111 ORA #'0' CMP #'9'+1 BCC DOCOUT ADC #6 DOCOUT JMP COUT * variables and stuff *------------------------------- COPYRIGHT ASC 'Copyright (c), 1987-1993 - L & L Productions' MONTH ASC 'Jan-' ASC 'Feb-' ASC 'Mar-' ASC 'Apr-' ASC 'May-' ASC 'Jun-' ASC 'Jul-' ASC 'Aug-' ASC 'Sep-' ASC 'Oct-' ASC 'Nov-' ASC 'Dec-' DEFDATE ASC '[No Date] ' *------------------------------- PARMLSTS = * ORG FREESPACE GFI_P DB 10 ;number of parms DA FNAME1 ;address of filename/path DB 00 ;access bits DB 00 ;filetype IAUXTYPE DA 0 ;aux filetype DB 0 ;storage type IBLOCKS_USED DA 0 ;prodos blocks DA 0 ;date of last modification DA 0 ;time of last mod DA 0 ;date of creation DA 0 ;time of creation * get end of file params.. *------------------------------- GETEOF_P DB 2 GET_REF DB 0 DS 3 P_ONLIN DB 2 DB 0 DA FNAME1+1 P_CPFX DB 1 DA FNAME1 P_COPEN DB 3 DA FNAME1 DA FBUF1 DB 0 P_CPOS DB 2 DB 0 DS 3 P_CRINF DB 4 DB 0 DA DIRINFO DA 64 DA 0 P_CRDIR DB 4 DB 0 DA DIRBLOK DA 512 DA 0 P_CLOSE DB 1 DB 0 P_INFO DB 10 DA FNAME1 DB 0 DB 0 DA 0 DB 0 DA 0 DA 0 DA 0 DA 0 BII_READ DB 4 DB 0 DA DIRBLOK DA 128 DA 0 BII_GMARK DB 2 DB 0 DS 3 BII_SMARK DB 2 DB 0 DS 3 ORG CODEEND = * TYPETBL DB $00 ASC 'UNK' DB $01 ASC 'BAD' DB $02 ASC 'PCD' DB $03 ASC 'PTX' DB $04 ASC 'TXT' DB $05 ASC 'PDA' DB $06 ASC 'BIN' DB $07 ASC 'FNT' DB $08 ASC 'FOT' DB $09 ASC 'BA3' DB $0A ASC 'DA3' DB $0B ASC 'WPF' DB $0C ASC 'SOS' DB $0D ASC '$0D' DB $0E ASC '$0E' DB $0F ASC 'DIR' DB $10 ASC 'RPD' DB $11 ASC 'RPI' DB $12 ASC 'AFD' DB $13 ASC 'AFM' DB $14 ASC 'AFR' DB $15 ASC 'SCL' DB $16 ASC 'PFS' DB $17 ASC '$17' DB $18 ASC '$18' DB $19 ASC 'ADB' DB $1A ASC 'AWP' DB $1B ASC 'ASP' DB $1C ASC '$1C' DB $1D ASC '$1D' DB $1E ASC '$1E' DB $1F ASC '$1F' DB $20 ASC 'TDM' DB $21 ASC '$21' DB $22 ASC '$22' DB $23 ASC '$23' DB $24 ASC '$24' DB $25 ASC '$25' DB $26 ASC '$26' DB $27 ASC '$27' DB $28 ASC '$28' DB $29 ASC '$29' DB $2A ASC '8SC' DB $2B ASC '8OB' DB $2C ASC '8IC' DB $2D ASC '8LD' DB $2E ASC '8PC' DB $2F ASC '$2F' DB $30 ASC '$30' DB $31 ASC '$31' DB $32 ASC '$32' DB $33 ASC '$33' DB $34 ASC '$34' DB $35 ASC '$35' DB $36 ASC '$36' DB $37 ASC '$37' DB $38 ASC '$38' DB $39 ASC '$39' DB $3A ASC '$3A' DB $3B ASC '$3B' DB $3C ASC '$3C' DB $3D ASC '$3D' DB $3E ASC '$3E' DB $3F ASC '$3F' DB $40 ASC '$40' DB $41 ASC '$41' DB $42 ASC 'FTD' DB $43 ASC '$43' DB $44 ASC '$44' DB $45 ASC '$45' DB $46 ASC '$46' DB $47 ASC '$47' DB $48 ASC '$48' DB $49 ASC '$49' DB $4A ASC '$4A' DB $4B ASC '$4B' DB $4C ASC '$4C' DB $4D ASC '$4D' DB $4E ASC '$4E' DB $4F ASC '$4F' DB $50 ASC 'GWP' DB $51 ASC 'GSS' DB $52 ASC 'GDB' DB $53 ASC 'DRW' DB $54 ASC 'GDP' DB $55 ASC 'HMD' DB $56 ASC 'EDU' DB $57 ASC 'STN' DB $58 ASC 'HLP' DB $59 ASC 'COM' DB $5A ASC 'CFG' DB $5B ASC 'ANM' DB $5C ASC 'MUM' DB $5D ASC 'ENT' DB $5E ASC 'DVU' DB $5F ASC '$5F' DB $60 ASC '$60' DB $61 ASC '$61' DB $62 ASC '$62' DB $63 ASC '$63' DB $64 ASC '$64' DB $65 ASC '$65' DB $66 ASC '$66' DB $67 ASC '$67' DB $68 ASC '$68' DB $69 ASC '$69' DB $6A ASC '$6A' DB $6B ASC 'BIO' DB $6D ASC 'TDR' DB $6E ASC 'PRE' DB $6F ASC 'HDV' DB $70 ASC '$70' DB $71 ASC '$71' DB $72 ASC '$72' DB $73 ASC '$73' DB $74 ASC '$74' DB $75 ASC '$75' DB $76 ASC '$76' DB $77 ASC '$77' DB $78 ASC '$78' DB $79 ASC '$79' DB $7A ASC '$7A' DB $7B ASC '$7B' DB $7C ASC '$7C' DB $7D ASC '$7D' DB $7E ASC '$7E' DB $7F ASC '$7F' DB $80 ASC '$80' DB $81 ASC '$81' DB $82 ASC '$82' DB $83 ASC '$83' DB $84 ASC '$84' DB $85 ASC '$85' DB $86 ASC '$86' DB $87 ASC '$87' DB $88 ASC '$88' DB $89 ASC '$89' DB $8A ASC '$8A' DB $8B ASC '$8B' DB 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