2019-07-18 12:47:39 -07:00

804 lines
21 KiB

* config/init
* Date: 3/11/88
cr = $D
temp = 0
temp2 = 2
temp3 = 4
temp4 = 6
confbuf = $800
devnam = $815
copybuf = $6000
copymax = $5800
mli = $BF00
begin EXT
escape EXT
cls EXT
print EXT
maxlen EXT
inpmode EXT
inpln EXT
copyinp EXT
ucopyinp EXT
prstr EXT
inpyn EXT
re_mdm EXT
re_pr EXT
re_clk EXT
TopBox EXT
inpnum EXT
get_cr EXT
chkspc EXT
bindec8 EXT
setspec EXT
get_ok EXT
setdrv EXT
setsys EXT
settac EXT
makesys EXT
maketac1 EXT
maketac2 EXT
dstpfx EXT
do_quit EXT
verify EXT
p_crpth EXT
copy EXT
movname EXT
logdst EXT
open EXT
wrblk EXT
close EXT
create EXT
logcon EXT
cout EXT
do_init ENT
LDX #<begin ; setup esc handler
LDA #>begin
JSR escape
JSR cls
LDA #30
STA maxlen
LDA #%00000000
STA inpmode
JSR print
ASC 'What are you going to call your system?'0D
ASC ':'00
JSR inpln
LDX #<datadef
LDA #>datadef
LDY #cr
JSR copyinp ; copy name into file
STX temp4
STA temp4+1
LDA #20 ; limit length
STA maxlen
JSR print
ASC 'Enter your FULL name (20 characters max)'0D
ASC ':'00
JSR inpln ; get name
LDX #<user ; copy line uppercase
LDA #>user
LDY #cr
JSR ucopyinp
LDY #cr
JSR copyinp ; copy the line
STX temp3
STA temp3+1
LDX temp4
LDA temp4+1
LDY #cr
JSR copyinp
STX temp4
STA temp4+1
LDY #0
init1d LDA user,Y
CMP #$20
BNE init1d
LDA #','
STA user,Y
init2 LDA #%11000000
STA inpmode
JSR print
ASC 'Enter your telephone number'0D
JSR inpln ; get tele number
CPY #12
BNE init2
LDX #<usrtele
LDA #>usrtele
LDY #0
JSR copyinp ; copy the line
LDA #16
STA maxlen ; set length for city
JSR print
ASC 'What city do you call from (16 char)'0D
ASC ':'00
JSR inpln ; get where from
LDX temp3
LDA temp3+1
LDY #','
JSR copyinp ; copy the input
STX temp2
STA temp2+1
LDA #2
STA maxlen ;set length for state
init2a JSR print
ASC 'What state do you call from (XX):'00
JSR inpln ;get state
CPY #2
BNE init2a
LDX temp2
LDA temp2+1
LDY #cr
JSR copyinp ;copy to date area
LDA #8
STA maxlen
init3 JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Enter a 4-8 char password:'00
JSR inpln
CPY #4
BCC init3
LDX #<usrpass
LDA #>usrpass
LDY #0
JSR copyinp ; copy the line
LDA #20
STA maxlen
JSR print
ASC 'Enter a second password for remote logon (1-20 chars)'0D
ASC ':'00
JSR inpln ; get second password
LDX temp4
LDA temp4+1
LDY #cr
JSR copyinp ; copy password into data file
STX temp4
STA temp4+1 ; save new pointers
LDY #0
init3a LDA xdata,Y ; copy rest of the data file
STA (temp4),Y
CMP #0
BNE init3a
JSR cls ; clear screen
JSR print
DB 1,7,30
ASC '- System Information -'0D0D
ASC 'System Name: '00
LDX #<datadef
LDA #>datadef
LDY #cr+128
JSR prstr ; show system name
STX temp4
STA temp4+1
JSR print
ASC 'Sysop Name: '00
LDX temp4
LDA temp4+1
LDY #cr+128
JSR prstr ; show sysop name
STX temp4
STA temp4+1
JSR print
ASC 'Sysop Phone Number: '00
LDX #<usrtele
LDA #>usrtele
LDY #13
JSR prstr ; show tele number
JSR print
ASC 'Sysop is From: '00
LDX temp3
LDA temp3+1
LDY #cr+128
JSR prstr ; show where from
JSR print
ASC 'Logon Password: '00
LDX #<usrpass
LDA #>usrpass
LDY #9
JSR prstr ; show main password
JSR print
ASC 'Remote Password: '00
LDX temp4
LDA temp4+1
LDY #cr+128
JSR prstr ; show remote password
JSR print
ASC 'Is this information correct? [Y/N] '00
JSR inpyn
BCC init4
JMP do_init
init4 LDA #-1
STA init ; set init mode
einit1 JSR re_mdm
einit2 LDX #<einit1
LDA #>einit1 ; if esc, go back 1 level
JSR escape
JSR re_pr
einit3 LDX #<einit2
LDA #>einit2
JSR escape
JSR re_clk
LDY #<devnam
LDA #0
:loop STA confbuf,Y ; zero out pathname buffer
BNE :loop
* start the hardware config
hard1 LDX #<einit3
LDA #>einit3 ; backup 1 level
JSR escape
JSR TopBox
JSR print
DB 1,2,22
ASC '- Copy Files to Mass Storage Device -'
DB 1,4,13
ASC 'Please refer to your user manual for more information.'00
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Please enter the slot and drive of your '
ASC 'mass storage device. If your media is'0D0D
ASC 'removable, then please make sure there '
ASC 'is formatted media in place.'0D0D0D
ASC ' Slot? [1-7] '00
LDX #7
JSR inpnum
STA slot ; save the slot
JSR print
ASC ' Drive? [1-2] '00
LDX #2
JSR inpnum
STA drive ; save the drive
DEC drive ; make into [0-1] range
JSR print
ASC 'Is the above correct [Y/N] ? '00
JSR inpyn
BCC *+5
JMP hard1 ;nope
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'If you continue, 2 subdirectories will'
ASC ' be created on your mass storage'0D0D
ASC 'device. (MPRO.SEGS and MPRO.SYS) All'
ASC ' needed files will be copied into'0D0D
ASC 'these subdirectories. No existing files will be destroyed.'00
JSR get_cr
LDA #0 ; no more turning away..
JSR escape ; [p. floyd]
JSR chkspc ; check drive space
CMP #3 ; are there are at least 768 blocks free?
BCC *+5 ; not enough room
JMP hard2
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'The storage device checked does not '
ASC 'contain enough storage space to run'0D0D
ASC 'the system. You need to make some '
ASC 'more room on the device, or'0D0D
ASC 'choose another device.'00
JSR get_cr
JMP hard1 ; goto hard/floppy question
hard2 JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Should the MultiPro transfer system be installed'
ASC 'onto this device? [Y/N] '00
JSR inpyn
BCC :trans
LDA #0
STA settrans
STA superlist ;mark the end of the supertac list as such
JMP :notrans
:trans LDA #1
STA settrans
JSR print
ASC 'Please enter the number of volumes that '
ASC 'should be allocated to the MultiPro'0D0D
ASC 'file transfer system.'0D0D0D
ASC 'Number of volumes? [1-99] '00
LDX #99 ;max is 99
JSR inpnum
STA volumes
JSR bindec8
STA stacacc+2 ;sysop high (10's)
STX stacacc+3 ;sysop high (1's)
STA stacacc+7 ;user high
STX stacacc+8 ;user high
STA stacacc+12
STX stacacc+13 ;elite high
STA stacacc+17
STX stacacc+18 ;priv high
STA stacacc+22
STX stacacc+23 ;board manager high
:notrans JSR setspec
JSR chkspc ;reset
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'The configuration program is now going to '
ASC 'copy over all the files needed'0D0D
ASC 'to run MultiPro onto your mass storage device.'00
JSR get_ok ; get permission
JSR cls
JSR setdrv ;create & log xxx/mpro.segs
JSR make1 ;do copy in 3 parts
JSR make2
JSR chkspc ;reset path to original drive
JSR setsys ;create & log xxx/mpro.sys
JSR make3
LDA settrans ;did they want a transfer system?
BNE :doit ;yes, set it up
JMP noxfer ;nope, skip the next step
:doit JSR settac ;create & log xxx/mpro.sys/transfer/vol.
JSR make4
* setup supertac volumes
JSR chkspc ;reset path to /xxx/
JSR makesys ;add /xxx/mpro.sys/
JSR maketac1 ;add /xxx/mpro.sys/stac
JSR maketac2 ;add /xxx/mpro.sys/stac/vol.
LDA #0
STA curvol ;start at volume 1
INC dstpfx ;add one to length of destination prefix
:loop INC curvol ;++current volume
LDA curvol ;which volume are we at?
CMP #10 ;did we do 10 yet?
BCC :less10 ;nope, we have less than 10
CMP #11 ;more than 9, but how much more?
BCS :over10 ;>= 11, so we not right on 10
INC dstpfx ;smack dab on 10, so length is one greater
:over10 JSR bindec8 ;convert volume we're on to decimal
LDY dstpfx ;get current length
DEY ;character before the end
STA dstpfx,Y ;store 10's
TXA ;get 1's
INY ;next character forward
STA dstpfx,Y ;store 1's
JSR mli ; create /xxx/mpro.sys/stac/vol.XX
DB $C0 ; create new path
DA p_crpth
JMP :over
:less10 LDX dstpfx ;add single number to end of prefix
ADC #'0' ;make it ascii
STA dstpfx,X
JSR mli ; create /xxx/mpro.sys/stac/vol.X
DB $C0 ; create new path
DA p_crpth
:over LDA curvol ;how many volumes done
CMP volumes ;done 'em all yet?
BNE :loop ;nope, do some more
noxfer JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Your system is now configured and is '
ASC 'ready to run. To bring up your system'0D0D
ASC 'for operation, do the following:'0D0D0D
ASC 'Boot up your mass storage device and '
ASC 'Type "-ACOS" to start your system running.'00
JSR get_cr
JMP do_quit
volumes DB 0
curvol DB 0
* copy boot stuff over
make1 LDX #<disk1 ; is first disk online?
LDA #>disk1
JSR verify
BCC :online ; yes, it is
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Please place MultiPro Disk #1, /CONFIG, online.'00
JSR get_ok ; wait for ok
JMP make1 ;check it to make sure
:online JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Copying MultiPro...'00
LDX #<list1 ; copy acos & acos.obj
LDA #>list1
JSR copy
JSR logdst ; log to destination
LDX #<gname2
LDA #>gname2 ; open file
JSR movname
JSR open
LDX #<confbuf
LDA #>confbuf ; write configured system out
LDY #18 ; write 9 pages (16.5 blocks)
JSR wrblk
JSR close ; close file
LDX #<program
LDA #>program ; create file named "PROGRAM"
JSR movname
LDY #$F5 ; make into special type
JMP create
* copy second set of files into XXX/MPRO.SEGS
make2 LDX #<disk2 ; is second disk in place?
LDA #>disk2
JSR verify
BCC :online ; yes, it is
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Please place MultiPro Disk #2, /SEGS, online.'00
JSR get_ok ; wait for ok
JMP make2
:online JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Copying MultiPro program segments...'00
LDX #<list2 ; copy segments to xxx/mpro.segs
LDA #>list2
JMP copy
* make main part of disk in XXX/MPRO.SYS
make3 LDX #<disk3 ; is third disk in place?
LDA #>disk3
JSR verify
BCC :online ; yes, it is
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Please place MultiPro Disk #3, /FILE, online.'00
JSR get_ok ; wait for ok
JMP make3
:online JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Copying MultiPro system files...'00
LDX #<list3 ; copy last 4 files
LDA #>list3
JSR copy
JSR logdst ; log to seg sub
LDX #<usrname ; open user file
LDA #>usrname
JSR movname
JSR open
LDX #<user-128 ; write out sysop data
LDA #>user-128
LDY #2 ; write 1 page (2 blocks)
JSR wrblk
JSR close ; finish up
LDX #<dtanam1
LDA #>dtanam1 ; open data1 file
JSR movname
JSR open
LDX #<datadef
LDA #>datadef
LDY #4 ; write 2 pages (4 blocks)
JSR wrblk
JSR close
JMP logcon ; log back
* make supertac segments
make4 LDX #<list4 ;copy protocol up/down
LDA #>list4 ;and xdos
JSR copy
:loop LDX #<disk4 ; is fourth disk in place?
LDA #>disk4
JSR verify
BCC :online ; yes, it is
JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Please place MultiPro Disk #4, /STAC, online.'00
JSR get_ok ; wait for ok
JMP :loop
:online JSR cls
JSR print
ASC 'Copying MultiPro transfer system files...'00
LDX #<list5 ;copy supertac files
LDA #>list5
JSR copy
* copy the access file to the supertac stuff
JSR logdst ;log to supertac seg parts
LDX #<access ;open user file
LDA #>access
JSR movname
JSR open
LDX #<stacacc ;write out sysop data
LDA #>stacacc
LDY #1 ;write 128 bytes
JSR wrblk
JSR close ;finish up
JSR logcon ;log back to config
RTS ;oi, we be done!
* print the slot or drive
prslot LDA slot
ADC #'0' ; print slot
JMP cout
prdriv LDA drive
CLC ; print drive
ADC #'1'
JMP cout
* variables
init ENT
DB 0
diskid DB $A2,$20,$A0,0
gname2 STR 'ACOS.OBJ'
program STR 'PROGRAM'
access STR 'ACCESS'
slot ENT
DB 0
drive ENT
DB 0
dtanam1 STR 'DATA1'
user DS 70
usrpass ASC ' '
usrtele ASC 'xxx-xxx-xxxx'
DA 0 ;when$
DB %11111110,%11111111,%11111111
DB %11111111,%00000111
DB $50,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
DS 20 ;bytes
datadef ASC 'System Name'0D
ASC 'Sysop Name'0D
ASC 'Second Password'0D
DS 120
xdata ASC '---------------------------------------'0D
ASC 'Ctrl-S Stop/Start Spacebar to Exit'0D
ASC 'Press N for Next Bulletin'0D
ASC '1,0'0D
DB 0
condata ASC ' '
DB 2
DB 32,40,64,80
stacacc ASC '1'0D ;sysop low access
ASC '50'0D ;sysop high access
ASC '1'0D ;user low access
ASC '50'0D ;user high access
ASC '1'0D ;elite low access
ASC '50'0D ;elite high access
ASC '1'0D ;priv low access
ASC '50'0D ;priv high access
ASC '1'0D ;board manager low access
ASC '50'0D ;board manager high access
* lists for identifying files
disk1 STR '/CONFIG'00
disk2 STR '/SEGS'00
disk3 STR '/FILE'00
disk4 STR '/STAC'00
usrname ASC 'system/sys.users'00
list1 ASC 'lluce.system'00
ASC 'lluce.druvers'00
DB 00
list2 ASC 'logon.seg.s'00
ASC 'main.seg.s'00
ASC 'msg.seg.s'00
ASC 'system.seg.s'00
ASC 'maint.seg.s'00
ASC 'mail.seg.s'00
* supertac segments
* a 00 is placed here if they don't want to include the
* transfer system's segments
settrans DB 0
superlist ASC 'supertac.s'00
ASC 'supertac.sys.s'00
ASC 'supertac.aux.s'00
ASC 'purge.seg.s'00
DB 00
list3 ASC 'bbs'00
ASC 'data'00
ASC 'data1'00
ASC 'data2'00
ASC 'g1'00
ASC 'g1.1'00
ASC 'g1.2'00
ASC 'g1.3'00
ASC 'hlp.edit'00
ASC 'hlp.main'00
ASC 'hlp.msg'00
ASC 'hlp.user'00
ASC 'mnu.val.40'00
ASC 'mnu.val.80'00
ASC 'mnu.new'00
ASC 'sys.newinfo'00
ASC 'sys.news'00
ASC 'sys.info'00
ASC 'sys.questions'00
ASC 'users'00
ASC 'v1.1'00
ASC 'v1.2'00
ASC 'v1.3'00
ASC 'v1.4'00
ASC 'b1'00
list4 ASC 'protocol.up'00
ASC 'protocol.down'00
ASC 'xdos'00
DB 00
list5 ASC 'access'00
ASC 'xshow'00
ASC 'xcat'00
ASC 'menu.supertac'00
ASC 'menu.sysop'00
ASC 'menu.aux'00
ASC 'menu.batch'00
DB 00