455 lines
13 KiB

* Reconfigure modem
cr = $D
point0 = $11
point1 = $14
point3 = $FD
lnbuf = $200
mdmdrv = $B00
initbuf = $1800
ansbuf = $1830
cdbyte = $10BF ; carrier detect byte
ansstr = $10C0 ; modem answer string
initstr = $10D0 ; modem init string
TopBox EXT ; routines external to this file
print EXT
cls EXT
start EXT
escape EXT
inpnum EXT
chinit EXT
wrtchg EXT
init EXT
do_init EXT
maxlen EXT
inpmode EXT
cout EXT
inpln EXT
nullmdm EXT ;null modem driver
cat103 EXT ;300 baud cat driver
cat212 EXT ;1200 baud cat driver
mm2 EXT ;micromodem II driver
ssc EXT ;super serial driver
gsport1 EXT ;location for gs port driver
gsport2 EXT ;loc for gs port slot #2
singlespd EXT ;single speed driver
multispd EXT ;multi-speed <return> driver
nocar EXT ;no carrier driver
* init strings
usr2400 EXT ;init string for usr 2400
usr9600 EXT ;init string for usr 9600
cts EXT ;init string for cts 2424
apl1200 EXT
hayes1200 EXT
hayes2400 EXT
pro2400 EXT
generic EXT
epic EXT
re_mdm ENT
BIT init
BMI :re_mdmx
LDX #<start ; setup esc handler
LDA #>start
JSR escape
JMP :re_mdm0
:re_mdmx LDX #<do_init
LDA #>do_init ; setup aux esc handler
JSR escape
:re_mdm0 LDA #1 ; set input length at 1
STA maxlen
LDA #%10010000
STA inpmode
:re_mdm3 JSR TopBox
JSR print
DB 1,2,26
ASC '- Reconfigure Modem Driver -'
DB 1,4,5
ASC 'Please refer to Appendix A of your user'
ASC ' manual for more information.'00
JSR cls
JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC ' 1 - No Modem/Local mode '
ASC ' External Modem Drivers'0D0D
ASC ' Internal Modem Drivers '
ASC ' 8 - Super Serial Card driver'0D
ASC ' '
ASC ' 9 - Apple IIgs Serial Port driver'0D
ASC ' 2 - Apple-Cat 103 - 300 baud '
ASC '10 - Single Speed SSC driver'0D
ASC ' 3 - Apple-Cat 212 - 300/1200 baud '
ASC '11 - Multiple Speed SSC driver'0D
ASC ' 4 - DC Hayes Micromodem II '
ASC '12 - No Carrier SSC driver'0D
ASC ' 5 - SSM Modemcard 300'0D
ASC ' 6 - Zoom Modem IIe'0D
ASC ' 7 - Epic 2400 Classic II'0D0D
ASC 'Which? [1-12] '00
LDX #12 ; get serial device
JSR inpnum
STA serialtype ;save the device type
ASL ;point0 points to the
TAX ;serial device driver
LDA devtable,X
STA point0
LDA devtable,X
STA point0+1
LDA #<mdmdrv ;tell it to move the modem
STA point1 ;driver
LDA #>mdmdrv
STA point1+1
LDA #12 ;default is generic
ASL ;point init string to the
TAX ;right place
LDA strtable,X
STA point3
LDA strtable,X
STA point3+1
LDA serialtype ;is it internal?
CMP #8
BCS getinit ;nope, get an init string
CMP #7 ;was it the Epic internal?
BEQ :epic24 ;yes, set for epic string
CMP #1 ;nullmodem?
BNE :internal ;nope, just internal
PHA ;push garbage data
JMP movepage ;move & fix into place
:internal JMP getslot ;must have been internal, skip next
:epic24 LDA #1 ;default for epic is &s1&d2
ASL ;point init string to the
TAX ;right place
LDA strtable,X
STA point3
LDA strtable,X
STA point3+1
JMP setinit
* get the init string for the modem
getinit JSR cls
JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC 'Choose Modem:'0D0D
ASC ' 1 - Epic 2400 Plus'0D
ASC ' 2 - USRobotics Courier 2400'0D
ASC ' 3 - USRobotics Courier HST'0D
ASC ' 4 - CTS 2424'0D
ASC ' 5 - Apple Modem 1200'0D
ASC ' 6 - Prometheus Promodem 1200'0D
ASC ' 7 - Prometheus Promodem 2400'0D
ASC ' 8 - Novation SmartCat'0D
ASC ' 9 - Novation Professional 2400'0D
ASC '10 - Hayes 1200'0D
ASC '11 - Hayes 2400'0D
ASC !12 -
ASC 'Which? [1-12] '00
LDX #12
JSR inpnum
STA modemtype
ASL ;point init string to the
TAX ;right place
LDA strtable,X
STA point3
LDA strtable,X
STA point3+1
setinit JSR cls
JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC 'The initialization string for this modem is: '0D0D00
LDY #0
:loop LDA (point3),Y
STA initbuf,Y
BEQ :done
JSR cout
BNE :loop
:done JSR print
ASC 'Press [RETURN] to accept this as'
ASC ' default, or enter a new init string.'0D
ASC ':'00
LDA #39 ; only allow 39 chars
STA maxlen
LDA #%10100000
STA inpmode ;ascii
JSR inpln ; get the input
LDY lnbuf
CPY #cr
BEQ getans ; use default
LDY #-1
:loop2 INY ;move the typed init string
LDA lnbuf,Y
STA initbuf,Y
CMP #cr
BNE :loop2
LDA #0
STA initbuf,Y
* get the answer string
getans JSR cls
JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC 'The default answer string for this modem is: '0D0D00
LDY #0
:loop LDA atastr,Y
STA ansbuf,Y
BEQ :done
JSR cout
BNE :loop
:done JSR print
ASC 'Press [RETURN] to accept this,'
ASC ' or enter a new answer string.'0D
ASC ':'00
LDA #15 ; only allow 15 chars
STA maxlen
JSR inpln ; get the input
LDY lnbuf
CPY #cr
BEQ getdcd ; use default
LDY #-1
:loop2 INY ;move the typed answer string
LDA lnbuf,Y
STA ansbuf,Y
CMP #cr
BNE :loop2
LDA #0
STA ansbuf,Y
* get the dcd drop type
getdcd JSR print
ASC 'What type of carrier detect should the'
ASC ' driver use?'0D0D
ASC ' 1 - DSR Carrier Detect [Normal]'0D
ASC ' 2 - DCD Carrier Detect'0D0D
ASC 'Which? [1-2] '00
LDX #2
JSR inpnum
STA cdtype
* get the proper slot
getslot JSR cls
LDA serialtype
CMP #9
BEQ :gsport
JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC 'Which slot should the modem driver use? [1-7] '00
LDX #7
JMP :over
:gsport JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC 'Which Serial Port? [1-2] '00
LDX #2
:over JSR inpnum
LDX serialtype
cpx #9 ;was it the IIgs serial port?
BNE :notgsport ;nope
CMP #1 ;was it port #1?
BNE :port2 ;nope, must be port 2
LDA #<gsport1 ;move gs port, slot 1
STA point0
LDA #>gsport1
STA point0+1
JMP :notgsport
:port2 LDA #<gsport2 ;move gs port slot 2
STA point0
LDA #>gsport2
STA point0+1
:notgsport LDA serialtype ;was it an internal?
CMP #7
BCS :external ;no, init baud needed
JMP :internal ;yes, init spd not needed
:external JSR print
DB 1,10,0
ASC 'At what baud rate should the port/card be initialized?'0D
ASC '(Choose the maximum baud rate of your modem)'0D0D
ASC ' 1 - 300 baud'0D
ASC ' 2 - 1200 baud'0D
ASC ' 3 - 2400 baud'0D
ASC ' 4 - 4800 baud'0D
ASC ' 5 - 9600 baud'0D
ASC ' 6 - 19200 baud'0D0D
ASC 'Which? [1-6] '00
LDX #6
JSR inpnum
:internal PHA
movepage LDX #3 ;move 3 illustrious pages
:loop2 LDY #0
:loop LDA (point0),Y ;source
STA (point1),Y ;destination
BNE :loop
INC point0+1
INC point1+1
BNE :loop2
LDA mdmdrv
STA point1+1
LDY #1
PLX ;get init speed
DEX ;one less
STA (point1),Y ;save it
PLA ;get the slot
ASL ;a := a*16
STA (point1) ;store the slot
DEC cdtype
LDA serialtype
CMP #9 ;was it the gs?
BNE :notgs ;nope, go there, SSC
LDA cdtype ;get drop type
BNE :notgsdsr ;dcd wanted, so stick it
LDA #$20 ;else use dsr drop
STA cdbyte
BNE copyans
:notgsdsr LDA #$08 ;setup for dcd drop
STA cdbyte
BNE copyans
:notgs LDA cdtype ;ssc
BNE :notdsr ;dcd drop wanted, go there
LDA #%01000000 ;check only dsr (normal)
STA cdbyte
BNE copyans
:notdsr LDA #%00100000 ;otherwise check DCD
STA cdbyte
copyans LDY #0
:loop LDA ansbuf,Y ;copy the answer string
STA ansstr,Y
BEQ copyinit
BNE :loop
copyinit LDY #0 ;copy the init string
:loop LDA initbuf,Y
STA initstr,Y
BEQ :writeit
BNE :loop
:writeit JSR chinit ; check for init
JMP wrtchg ; write the changes
cdtype DB 0
modemtype DB 0
serialtype DB 0
* modem drivers
devtable DA 0 ;extra for offset 0
DA nullmdm ;null modem driver
DA cat103 ;300 baud cat driver
DA cat212 ;1200 baud cat driver
DA mm2 ;micromodem II driver
DA mm2 ;SSM modemcard
DA mm2 ;networker
DA ssc ;epic 2400 classic
DA ssc ;super serial driver
DA gsport2 ;location for gs port driver
DA singlespd ;single speed driver
DA multispd ;multi-speed <return> driver
DA nocar ;no carrier 300 baud driver
strtable DA 0
DA epic
DA usr2400
DA usr9600
DA cts
DA apl1200
DA usr2400
DA usr2400
DA usr2400
DA pro2400
DA hayes1200
DA hayes2400
DA generic
atastr ASC 'ATA'0D00