549 lines
13 KiB

* GS Port Driver Bios - Slot #2
* written by Andy Nicholas on July 26, 1987
dsk rel/gsport2.vsm
cr equ $0d
lf equ $0a
initstr equ $10d0
ansstr equ $10c0
cdbyte equ $10bf
Buffer equ $10b0
gsport2 ent
* Jump Table
org $b00
hex 20 ;serial card slot * 16
initspd hex 00
callspd dfb 0 ;speed of call
bytcnt dfb 0,0,0
jmp init
jmp ringset
jmp ring
jmp answerRing
jmp hangup
jmp inp
jmp out
jmp getcarr
jmp setspeed
jmp setirq
jmp raisedtr
doinit jmp $c200
doread jmp $c200
dowrite jmp $c200
dostatus jmp $c200
doext jmp $c200
* init the serial port pascal locations
init lda $c20d ;get init address
sta doinit+1
lda $c20e ;get read address
sta doread+1
lda $c20f ;get write address
sta dowrite+1
lda $c210 ;get status address
sta dostatus+1
lda $c212
sta doext+1
* input data
inp phx save ;x
ldx #$c2 ;are we ready?
ldy #$20
lda #1
jsr dostatus
bcc inp2 ;nope, exit
ldx #$c2 ;yes, read
ldy #$20
jsr doread
plx ;restore & return
inp2 lda #0
* output data
out phx ;save x
phy ;save y
pha ;save a
out1 ldx #$c2 ;ready for send?
ldy #$20
lda #$00
jsr dostatus
bcc out1 ;nope
pla get ;a
ldx #$c2
ldy #$20
jsr dowrite ;send it
ply get ;y
plx get ;x
* setup for call
ringset jsr hangup
lda #0 ;let modem reset
jsr wait
jsr wait
lda #$00
jsr gsdtr
ldy initspd ;set init speed
jsr setspeed
lda #0 ;slight delay (let modem do init)
jsr wait
ldx #$FF
rset2 inx do ;pre-inc
lda initstr,x ;get modem init string
beq rset3 ;we are done
jsr out ;output
bra rset2 ;loop (Z-bit set after wait)
rset3 lda #6
sta countlo
sta counthi
rset4 ldy #$FF
rset5 dey
beq decount
jsr inp
bcc rset5
and #$7f
cmp #'0' ;check for "0" result
beq leave
jmp rset5
decount dec countlo
bne rset4
dec counthi
bne rset4
jmp ringset
leave jsr inp ;grab the <cr> off the tail end of the "0"
bcc leave
jsr clearBuffer
lda #0
sta bytcnt ;reset byte counter
sta bytcnt+1
sta bytcnt+2
noRing clc
rts ;return
* test for a ring and handle it
ring jsr inp ;check for a char
bcc noRing ;nope...
and #$7f ;strip high
cmp #'2' ;is it a 'ring'? (numeric)
bne notRing ;nope, check for connect messages
grabCR jsr inp ;grab the <cr> off the tail end of the "2"
bcc grabCR
answerRing jsr answer ;the phone rang, so send 'ATA'
notRing cmp #'4' ; is it a '40','46','47' or '48'?
beq :gotCode
cmp #'5' ; is it a '50'?
beq :gotCode ; Yes, check for carrier speed
jmp noRing
:gotCode sta code1
:nxtchar jsr inp ; get next character
bcc :nxtchar ; it MUST be there
and #$7f
cmp #cr
beq :startck
sta code1+1
bra :nxtchar
:startck ldy #32 ;def = 9600 baud carrier
ldx #5
lda code1 ;get the first code char
cmp #'5' ;is it a '50'?
bne :not9600 ;if not, then check for other carrier speeds
lda code1+1
cmp #'0'
beq :setcspd
:not9600 ldy #1
ldx #0
lda code1+1 ;is it a 300 baud carrier?
cmp #'0'
beq :setcspd ;yes
ldy #4
cmp #'6' ;is it a 1200 baud carrier?
beq :setcspd ;yes
ldy #8
cmp #'7' ;is it a 2400 baud carrier?
beq :setcspd
ldy #16
cmp #'8' ;is it a 4800 baud carrier?
beq :setcspd
jmp noRing
:setcspd sty carrspd
stx portspd
; check for protocol connections
ckptrocl ldy #0
:nxtchar jsr inp ; get next character
bcc :nxtchar ; it MUST be there
and #$7f
cmp #cr
beq :startck
sta code2,y ; save it...
bra :nxtchar
:startck lda code2 ; get first char of protocol
cmp #'7' ; is it '70'?
bne :ring3
lda code2+1 ; get last character of protocol
cmp #'0' ; is it '70'?
bne :ring3
ldx #5
stx portspd
:ring3 ldy portspd ;get the speed to open port at
jsr setspeed ;set the correct speed
ldy #5
ring4 lda #0 ;let carrier's settle
jsr wait
bne ring4
jsr clearBuffer ;remove any garbage
sec ;we have a connection!
* clear the input buffer
lda #Flush_List
ldx #>Flush_List
ldy #0
jmp doext
* set DTR on GS Serial Port, and hangup if needed
hangup lda #$80 ;blow 'em off (hangup)
gsdtr sta DTRstate
lda #DTR_List
ldx #>DTR_List
ldy #0
jmp doext
* wait routine
wait sec ;from apple ][+ ref man - pg 147
wait2 pha
wait3 sbc #1
bne wait3
sbc #1
bne wait2
* Check for carrier using Get_Port_Stat routine
getcarr phx
lda #carrlist
ldx #>carrlist
ldy #0
jsr doext
lda carrbits
and cdbyte
beq nocarr
nocarr clc
* send ata to phone
answer lda #$80
jsr wait
ldx #$ff
answer2 inx
lda ansstr,x ;get text
beq answer3 ;we are done
jsr out ;send it
bra answer2
answer3 rts
* set the rs-232 speed [speed offset in Y]
* 0 = 300 baud
* 1 = 1200 baud
* 2 = 2400 baud
* 3 = 4800 baud
* 4 = 9600 baud
* 5 = 19200 baud
setspeed phx
ldx carrspd ;find caller speed (x300)
stx callspd
tya ;get y-reg into a-reg
bne Try1200
lda #<Baud300
sta Baudread+1
lda #>Baud300
sta Baudread+2
bra SetBaud
Try1200 cmp #1
bne Try2400
lda #<Baud1200
sta Baudread+1
lda #>Baud1200
sta Baudread+2
bra SetBaud
Try2400 cmp #2
bne Try4800
lda #<Baud2400
sta Baudread+1
lda #>Baud2400
sta Baudread+2
bra SetBaud
Try4800 cmp #3
bne Try9600
lda #<Baud4800
sta Baudread+1
lda #>Baud4800
sta Baudread+2
bra SetBaud
Try9600 cmp #4
bne Try19200
lda #<Baud9600
sta Baudread+1
lda #>Baud9600
sta Baudread+2
bra SetBaud
Try19200 lda #<Baud19200
sta Baudread+1
lda #>Baud19200
sta Baudread+2
SetBaud ldx #$c2
ldy #$20
jsr doinit
ldx #0
Baudread lda $ffff,x
beq Fin_Init
jsr out
bra Baudread
Fin_Init ldx #0
Init_Loop lda Port_Init,x
beq donebaud
jsr out
bra Init_Loop
donebaud lda #Out_Buf
ldx #>Out_Buf
ldy #0
jsr doext
* setup interupt routine
setirq rts
* raise dtr
raisedtr lda #0
jsr gsdtr
* globals
counthi db 0
countlo db 0
Baud300 hex 01
asc '6B'
hex 00 ;accept 300 Baud
Baud1200 hex 01
asc '8B'
hex 00 ;accept 1200 Baud
Baud2400 hex 01
asc '10B'
hex 00 ;accept 2400 Baud
Baud4800 hex 01
asc '12B'
hex 00 ;accept 4800 Baud
Baud9600 hex 01
asc '14B'
hex 00 ;accept 9600 Baud
Baud19200 hex 01
asc '15B'
hex 00 ;accept 19200 baud
hex 01
asc '0D' ;8 bits
hex 01
asc '2P' ;no parity
hex 01
asc 'AD' ;auto-tabbing
hex 01
asc 'XD' ;no xoff recognition
hex 01
asc 'FD' ;no find keyboard
hex 01
asc 'CD' ;no column overflow
hex 01
asc 'ED' ;echo disabled
hex 01
asc 'MD' ;no lf masking
hex 01
asc 'BE' ;buffering enabled
hex 01
asc 'Z'
hex 00 ;no more control characters
Out_Buf hex 04 ;Parameters to set the
hex 13 ;Output buffer
da 0
adrl Buffer ;Buffer it where
da 2 buffer
carrlist hex 03 ;Parameter list for
hex 06 ;detecting carrier drop
da 0
carrbits da 0 Carrier
DTR_List hex 03 ;Parameter list for
hex 0b ;setting DTR
da 0
DTRstate da 0 bit
Flush_List hex 02 ;parameter list for flushing input queue
hex 14
da 0
code1 ds 2 ;2 byte code returned by modem
code2 ds 2
portspd ds 1
carrspd ds 1
asc 'GSPort2 Hayes VSM'