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2019-12-17 08:23:52 +00:00
; Part of penetrator, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2019
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
.segment "CODE"
.proc editLoop
jsr drawClearScreen ; make sure the screen is clear before adjusting the
jsr editInit
jsr editLoadStage
lda #2
sta updateHUD
jsr inputEdit
beq :+
jsr editHandleKeys
lda pause ; pause is quit flag in endit
beq :+
jsr terrainShow ; show terrain 1st because it collides with nothing
jsr drawEnemies ; enemies collide with nothing in edit mode
jsr editDrawCursor
lda updateHUD
beq :+
jsr uiShowEditLabels
jsr drawPresent ; flip layers 0/1 (bring backLayer to visible)
jmp loop
.proc editHandleKeys
cmp #'6' ; 6 or bigger - not a stage command
bcs notnum
cmp #'1' ; less than 1 - not a stage command
bcc notnum
sbc #'1' ; stages are 0 based
sta stage
lda #0 ; reset where the buffers will start
sta bufferInsert
jsr drawClearScreen
jsr editLoadStage ; get the right stage at the right place
jmp uiShowEditLabels ; update the HUD
cmp #$1b ; ESC key
bne notQuit
lda #1
sta pause ; abuse pause to signal quit
cmp #'c' ; c or C for help
beq help
cmp #'C'
bne notHelp
jmp uiShowEditHelp
cmp #'s' ; s or S for save
beq save
cmp #'S'
bne notSave
lda #0 ; a 0 is save
jsr uiFileLoadSave
jmp editLoop
cmp #'l' ; l or L for load
beq load
cmp #'L'
bne done
lda #1 ; a 1 is load
jsr uiFileLoadSave
jmp editLoop
; Move the world left (feels like YOU are moving right)
; will update the stage when a stage boundary is crossed and will then
; update the HUD
.proc editGameWorldRight
zaWorldPtr = tempBlock + 14 ; 2 bytes for a ptr
lda stage ; only scroll right while the stage
cmp #4 ; isn't 5 (0 based so 4). Stage 5
bcc :+ ; cannot be edited
jsr gameWorldMove ; use the game move code
lda zWorldPtr + 1 ; but then calculate a point where the stage marker might be
sta zaWorldPtr + 1
lda zWorldPtr
sbc #((XSIZE+3)*3)
sta zaWorldPtr
bcs :+
dec zaWorldPtr + 1
ldy #2 ; and read the enemy byte
lda (zaWorldPtr), y
bit Bit7Mask ; and see if this is a stage change
beq :+
inc stage ; bit was set so change stage
lda #2 ; and update the HUD
sta updateHUD
inc bufferDraw ; the bufferDraw (col 0) is also one more to the right
; Scroll to the left, updating the stage boundary and adding enemies as needed.
.proc editGameWorldLeft
leftWorldPtr = tempBlock + 14
lda zWorldPtr + 1 ; get the left edge insert point by subtracting
sta leftWorldPtr + 1 ; XSIZE+3 from the right edge. XSIZE-1 is the current
lda zWorldPtr ; left screen col. +3 is 4 past, which is the width
sec ; of a radar that could now scroll on-screen
sbc #((XSIZE+3)*3) ; the buffer will have proper height data for at least
sta leftWorldPtr ; 2 of these 3 cols to the left - see editLoadStage
bcs :+
dec leftWorldPtr + 1
lda leftWorldPtr + 1 ; see if this new dest is <= the world start.
cmp #>worldDataStart ; if it is then don't scroll any further left, just exit
beq :+ ; hi equal to worldStart hi, so test low
bcs leftOk ; hi > worldStart hi so good to go
lda leftWorldPtr
cmp #<worldDataStart
bcc done ; lo < lo - too small, no go
beq done ; lo equal so also no go
lda zWorldPtr ; there's room to go left so move the right edge left
sec ; by 1 col, or one triplet of data, so 3 bytes
sbc #3
sta zWorldPtr
bcs :+
dec zWorldPtr + 1
dec bufferDraw ; adjust the draw and insert buffer "counters"
dec bufferInsert ; now points at the "new" screen locations
ldx bufferDraw ; the bufferDraw is the left edge
dex ; back up 4 bytes (so 1 past where a radar
dex ; could be added) and write a 0 in there
dex ; to stomp any old circular buffer data
lda #0
sta enemyBuffer, x
inx ; now move to the col where the heights will be added
ldy #0 ; get the world bottom
lda (leftWorldPtr), y
sta worldBBuffer, x ; and put it in the buffer
iny ; and get the world top
lda (leftWorldPtr), y
sta worldTBuffer, x ; and put it in the buffer
ldy #2 ; see if there's a radar to go with this height data
lda (leftWorldPtr), y ; get the enemy flag
bit Bit7Mask ; see if this is a stage change
beq radar ; no - check for radar
pha ; stage is changing so save a
dec stage ; dec the stage
lda #2 ; mark the HUD for update
sta updateHUD
pla ; restore a - could also hold a missile or radar
bit Bit2Mask ; is it a radar
beq missile ; no - go check for a missile
jmp gameWorldFlag ; add the radar - can't also be a missile so all done
inx ; the missile will start 2 cols later
ldy #8 ; and is also 2 (past height)+(2*3) bytes later in the world
lda (leftWorldPtr), y ; get the enemy flag
bit Bit1Mask ; see if it's a missile
beq done ; if not a missile then done
jmp gameWorldFlag ; add the missile and finish
; Prepare for editing by initializing the needed variables
.proc editInit
brushType = tempBlock + 16
sta gameMode
lda #0
sta brushType ; BRUSH_TERRAIN is also 0
sta direction ; go to the right
sta terrainOrigin ; don't scroll in, just be all there
sta zCollision
sta stopScrolling
sta bufferInsert
sta pause
sta terrainOrigin
tax ; start at 0 for the buffers
sta worldBBuffer, x ; and init all 256 bytes of each buffer to 0
sta worldTBuffer, x
sta enemyBuffer, x
sta enemyHgtBuffer, x
sta explosionBuffer, x
sta bulletsBuffer, x
bne :-
ldx #NUM_STAGES-1 ; mark all stages as all rockets, no monsters
sta makeMonster, x
bpl :-
lda #$ff
sta lastInput ; set no keys down - all 1's
lda #(XSIZE/2) ; middle of the screen in X
sta playerShipX ; is where the cursor is
sta playerShipY ; and in Y also in the middle
; Show a custom character as a cursor. Also redraw the down arrow
; since the cursor draws into the top 8 likes that don't get cleaned/updated
; with every frame. Drawing the arrow fixes up the out of bounds areas
.proc editDrawCursor
yPos = tempBlock + 14
xPos = tempBlock + 15
zaStrL = tempBlock + 1 ; parameter - string lo
zaStrH = tempBlock + 2 ; parameter - string hi
zaFontL = tempBlock + 4 ; internal - point at the character memory Lo
zaFontH = tempBlock + 5 ; internal - point at the character memory Hi
zaFontOffset = tempBlock + 6 ; 0-15 - index from zaFont
lda playerShipX
sta xPos
print textEditDnArrow, xPos, 0 ; redraw arrow to fix out of top cursor overwrite
lda #$87 ; cursor symbol
ldy #0
jsr setFont
lda playerShipY ; get the screen Y for cursor
sec ; but raise it so the horz bar is at the "ship" level
sbc #2
sta yPos ; init the row working buffer
ldx backLayer ; write to back layer
ldy yPos ; at the working row offset
lda rowL, y ; get the memory address
adc xPos ; add in column
sta write + 1 ; point lo at memory
lda rowH, y
adc layersH, x
sta write + 2
ldy zaFontOffset ; get the offset into the character
lda (zaFontL), y
write: ; get the actual left character byte
sta PLACEHOLDER ; plot the left hand side
cpy #$05 ; cursor character is 5 rows high
bcs done ; if 10 then done with the cursor
inc zaFontOffset ; move 2 bytes for last row plotted
inc zaFontOffset
inc yPos ; move down a row on screen
bne plotLoop ; always take this branch
; Will set the terrain to the cursor, and will move enemies to be back
; on the terrain when needed. Will set both the draw buffers and the
; actual world data stream (the triplets)
.proc editSetTerrainBottom
zaColumn = tempBlock + 3
zaMidScreen = tempBlock + 4
lda zWorldPtr + 1 ; make a copy of the world pointer
sta zaMidScreen + 1 ; that corresponds with the position of the cursor
lda zWorldPtr
sbc #((XSIZE/2)*3) ; 1/2 way in screen, 3 bytes per column
sta zaMidScreen
bcs :+
dec zaMidScreen + 1
ldy #3 ; index from ptr
lda playerShipY ; cursor height in playerShipY
sta (zaMidScreen), y ; store in the terrain bottom
lda bufferDraw ; now update the draw buffer
adc playerShipX ; get to the correct column offset
tax ; save in x
lda playerShipY ; get the height
sta worldBBuffer, x ; update the buffer
lda enemyBuffer, x ; get the enemy flag
beq done ; no enemy - all done
bit Bit12Mask ; see if it's a radar or missile
beq done ; if bits 12 not set then not an enemy
ldy #2 ; assume a missile - 2 columns
and #%00001110 ; column and way to id enemy (10 is radar)
lsr ; move col to 1's position
bcc :+ ; if carry clear then this is a missile
ldy #4 ; a radar is 4 columns
sta zaColumn ; save the enemy column
txa ; get the screen column under the cursor (in the buffer)
sbc zaColumn ; subtract the enemy column, giving the buffer column of the 1st enemy column
tax ; get the index into a
lda worldBBuffer, x ; get the world height
sbc #1 ; and go 1 row higher (on top of ground)
sta enemyHgtBuffer, x ; write the world height to all
inx ; the columns of the enemy
bne :-
; Set the terrain top in the world data stream as well as the draw buffers
.proc editSetTerrainTop
zaMidScreen = tempBlock + 4
lda zWorldPtr + 1 ; make a ptr to the cursor
sta zaMidScreen + 1
lda zWorldPtr
sbc #((XSIZE/2)*3)
sta zaMidScreen
bcs :+
dec zaMidScreen + 1
ldy #4 ; index from ptr
lda playerShipY
sta (zaMidScreen), y ; save the top in the world data
lda bufferDraw ; also update the draw buffer
adc playerShipX
lda playerShipY
sta worldTBuffer, x
; This routine will "kill" enemies that overlap with the cursor column.
; the zaDrawSprWidth is 4 (radar) or 2 (missile) for the type of enemy
; for which room needs to be created
; Enemies are removed from the world stream and the draw buffers
.proc editPreSetEnemy
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3 ; Parameter
zaMidScreenL = tempBlock + 5
zaMidScreenH = tempBlock + 6
lda zWorldPtr + 1 ; calculate an offset for the cursor
sta zaMidScreenH
lda zWorldPtr
sbc #(((XSIZE/2)+2)*3)
sta zaMidScreenL
bcs :+
dec zaMidScreenH
lda #3 ; check 3 columns before the cursor as a 4 col
clc ; radar could start 3 col earlier and still overlap
adc zaDrawSprWidth ; and add the length of the enemy (4 for radar, 2 for missile)
tax ; put the number of cols to check in x
ldy #2 ; index off of ptr to point at enemy bytes
lda (zaMidScreenL), y ; get the enemy byte
bit Bit2Mask ; see if it's a radar
beq :+
and #%11111100 ; mask off the enemy bits (making it blank but keeping stage data)
sta (zaMidScreenL), y ; and save the "deleted" enemy
iny ; advance the offset by 3 to the next enemy byte
dex ; and one less column to do
bne krl ; repeat till all cols checked
lda #1 ; now do the exact same but for missiles
clc ; but start only 1 column before the cursor as
adc zaDrawSprWidth ; a missile that overlaps can only overlap from 1 col earlier
ldy #8
lda (zaMidScreenL), y
bit Bit1Mask
beq :+
and #%11111100
sta (zaMidScreenL), y
bne kml
lda #(XSIZE/2) ; get the offset of the cursor into the buffers
adc bufferDraw
sta zEnemyCol ; and put it in the "enemy column"
jsr gameKillEnemy ; and call the game kill to see if there's an enemy to destroy
.proc editSetRadar
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3 ; Parameter
zaMidScreenL = tempBlock + 5
lda #4 ; need room for a radar so 4 cols
sta zaDrawSprWidth
jsr editPreSetEnemy ; delete any overlapping enemies
lda enemyHitType ; if set, then an enemy was deleted. Just exit
bmi :+
ldy #11 ; no overlapping enemies. The offset in the world stream from the ptr
lda #2 ; and the radar type
ora (zaMidScreenL), y ; add it to whatever is there (stage marker)
sta (zaMidScreenL), y ; and save it
lda bufferDraw ; and also insert it into the draw buffers
adc #(XSIZE/2)
lda #2
jsr gameWorldFlag
.proc editSetMissile
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3 ; Parameter
zaMidScreenL = tempBlock + 5
lda #2 ; need room for a missile (so 2 cols)
sta zaDrawSprWidth
jsr editPreSetEnemy ; delete overlapping enemies from the world and draw buffers
lda enemyHitType ; if set, enemies were deleted so exit
bmi :+
ldy #11 ; no overlapping enemies. The offset in the world stream from the ptr
lda #1 ; and the missile type
ora (zaMidScreenL), y ; add it to whatever is there (stage marker)
sta (zaMidScreenL), y ; and save it
lda bufferDraw ; also add the missile to the draw buffers
adc #(XSIZE/2)
lda #1
jsr gameWorldFlag
.proc editLoadStage
jsr gameFindStage ; find the stage
lda #(XSIZE+2) ; scroll it on-screen but make sure there are
sta tempBlock + 1 ; extra cols of data in the buffers
jsr gameWorldMove ; populate the buffers
dec tempBlock + 1
bpl :-
lda #4 ; start the screen draw 2 cols more to the right than
sta bufferDraw ; there's buffer data for so a left scroll will work