Updated the joystick code

Updated inputReadJoystick and am trying some other dead-zone values.
This commit is contained in:
StewBC 2020-01-30 21:43:04 -08:00
parent 9fe9017755
commit f2db0ca89a

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
; Stefan Wessels, 2019
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
.segment "CODE"
@ -12,89 +13,64 @@
joyMask = tempBlock + 21
lda #0 ; assume no buttons
sta joyMask ; init the mask
ldx #$0 ; start the x counter at 0
ldy #$0 ; start the y counter at 0
lda PTRIG ; trigger the fact that the joystick will be read
lda BUTN0 ; check RDBTN0
cmp #$80 ; fully active
bne :+ ; no, ignore
lda PADDL0 ; get the value for X axis
bpl :+ ; if MSB is zero, done with X
inx ; increment the counter
bne :+ ; while x <> 0 go check y
dex ; if x reaches 0 it's overflow, set to 255
lda PADDL0 + 1 ; read the value for the Y axis
bpl readX ; if MSB is zero Y is done
iny ; increment the Y counter
bne readBoth ; branch to the start to check both axis
dey ; if Y reaches 0 it's overflow, set to 255 and drop through to check x only
lda #KEY_FIRE ; RDBTN0 maps to fire
sta joyMask ; init the mask
lda PADDL0 ; get the value for X axis
bmi upX ; Y is done but X is not so go increment x
lda #$ff ; Done analog. Start the digital mask with all On
cpx #$20 ; compare to the low end dead zone
bcs :+ ; if greater than, then not left
eor #KEY_LEFT ; the joystick is left (bit is off)
bne chkY ; JuMP as acc is now non-zero
cpx #$60 ; check the upper bound of the dead-zone
bcc chkY ; if less than, then not right
eor #KEY_RIGHT ; gt high end of dead zone so joystick is right
cpy #$20 ; do the same for the Y axis as for the X axis
bcs :+
eor #KEY_UP
bne buttons
cpy #$60
bcc buttons
ldx BUTN0 ; read the button 0 state
cpx #$80 ; if ge 128 the button is fully depressed
bcc :+
eor #KEY_FIRE ; mark the button as down
lda BUTN1 ; check BUTN1
cmp #$80 ; fully active
bne :+ ; no, ignore
ldx BUTN1 ; do the same for button 1 as for button 0
cpx #$80
bcc :+
lda joyMask
ora #KEY_BOMB ; BUTN1 maps to Bomb
sta joyMask ; update the mask
lda PTRIG ; Reset the input
sta joyMask ; save the mask
ldy #0 ; zero the direction counters
ldx #0
xchk: ; get bit 8 clear in c064 and c065
lda PADDL0 ; load left/right
bpl goY ; bit 8 not set?
nop ; wast time
inx ; count the ticks
bne :+ ; overflow?
dex ; keep $ff
lda PADDL0 + 1 ; load up/down
bmi ychk ;
bpl xchk ;
iny ; inc y counter
bne :+ ; overflow?
dey ; keep $ff
jmp xchk ; goX
lda PADDL0 + 1 ; load up/down
bmi ychk ; bit 8 set?
tya ; y is the direction analog
cmp #$60 ; >= $60 is down
bcs down
cmp #$20 ; < $20 is up, rest is deadzone
bcs doX
lda #KEY_UP ; < $20 is KEY_UP digital
bne :+
lda #KEY_DOWN ; >= $60 is KEY_DOWN digital
ora joyMask ; update the mask
sta joyMask ; for the Y direction
txa ; turn x into digital
cmp #$60 ; >= $60 is right
bcs right
cmp #$20 ; < $20 is left, rest is deadzone
bcs leave
lda #KEY_LEFT ; < $20 is KEY_LEFT digital
bne :+
lda #KEY_RIGHT ; > $60 is KEY_RIGHT
ora joyMask
eor #$ff
sta joyMask ; update the joy Mask with X digital
rts ; return with joyMask in accumulator
lda joyMask ; return with joyMask in accumulator
eor #$ff
sta joyMask ; update the joy Mask with X digital