StewBC d34e0fabfc Added Audio
Added UI, engine and sfx audio
2020-01-15 14:33:49 -08:00

1131 lines
35 KiB

; Part of penetrator, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2019
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
.segment "CODE"
; turns layers on and off so that the backLayer is hidden and the other
; layer is visible to the user
.proc drawPresent
lda backLayer
eor #1
sta backLayer
beq :+
lda #>ram_layer1
sta zVramH
bit HISCR ; Page 2
lda #>ram_layer0
sta zVramH
; Clears the world area
.proc drawClearRows
lda #$00
ldx #(XSIZE/2)
ldy backLayer
beq layer0
jmp layer1
.repeat $B0, Row
sta XINSET + $100 * ($20 + (Row + 8) & $07 << 2 | (Row + 8) & $30 >> 4) | (Row + 8) & $08 << 4 | (Row + 8) & $C0 >> 1 | (Row + 8) & $C0 >> 3, x
bmi done0
jmp layer0
.repeat $B0, Row
sta XINSET + $100 * ($40 + (Row + 8) & $07 << 2 | (Row + 8) & $30 >> 4) | (Row + 8) & $08 << 4 | (Row + 8) & $C0 >> 1 | (Row + 8) & $C0 >> 3, x
bmi done1
jmp layer1
.proc drawClearScreen
lda #0
.repeat $20, B
sta ram_layer0+(B*256), x
sta ram_layer1+(B*256), x
beq done
jmp :-
; Invert the visible screen (the user facing layer)
.proc drawInvertVisibleScreen
scrnPtrL = tempBlock + 7 ; past uiWinScreen
scrnPtrH = tempBlock + 8
lda #0
sta scrnPtrL
lda backLayer
eor #1
lda layersH, x
sta scrnPtrH
ldy #0
ldx #$20
lda (scrnPtrL), y
eor #%01111111
sta (scrnPtrL), y
bne loop
inc scrnPtrH
bne loop
; Plot a square pixel
; Coords in x and y registers
; width and height in 1's but min "pixel" plot size is 4x4 pixels
.proc drawPlotXY
width = tempBlock + 14 ; Param (local variables come after uiWriteName locals)
height = tempBlock + 15 ; Param
side = tempBlock + 16 ; Param
rows = tempBlock + 17 ; internal
x0 = tempBlock + 18 ; internal
iWidth = tempBlock + 19 ; internal
txa ; x pos in a
lsr ; go from 80 to 40, odd in carry
sta x0 ; save the x
lda #0
rol ; get carry into a
sta side ; stor this as which "side" of the byte is active
tya ; y * 4 since min width is 4 pixels wide, height must be min 4 as well
tay ; put the draw height in Y
lda height ; Adjust the height up by 4x as well
sta rows ; save as count for how many rows
lda rowL, y
adc x0 ; get the x y address set up
sta write + 1
sta write + 4
lda rowH, y
adc zVramH
sta write + 2
sta write + 5
ldx width ; Write 0 to (width-1)
stx iWidth ; save as the offset index
txa ; take the index
adc side ; add the side
and #1 ; and with 1 to see what byte to use
tax ; x now 0 ot 1
lda plotPix, x ; and load the byte to use
pha ; save for later
lda iWidth ; index to write tp
adc side ; add side to that as well
lsr ; turn into a column
tax ; and put the index offset into x
pla ; and get back the value to write to the column
ora PLACEHOLDER, x ; merge with the other half of the column
sta PLACEHOLDER, x ; and write that into the column
dec iWidth ; step back 1 column
ldx iWidth ; and load that into x
bpl store ; and if x < 0 then 0 to (width-1) was written
iny ; fo to next row down
dec rows ; all rows were written
bne loop
; Generic routine to draw a sprite rect to the screen. Sets zCollision <> 0
; when the pixels from this sprite overlapped with pixels already drawn
; Parameters - see zaDraw* below
.proc drawSprite
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; parameter - where on screen
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5 ; parameter - # of rows in sprite
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3 ; parameter - # of columns in sprite
zaScreenColLocal = tempBlock + 4 ; not a parameter - internal for drawing
zaDrawByte = tempBlock + 6 ; not a parameter - internal for collisions
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8 ; not a parameter - internal for collisions
lda zScreenCol ; make a copy since it needs to be modified
lsr ; 80 to 40
sta zaScreenColLocal
ldy zaDrawWorldHeight
bcc done
ldx zaDrawSprWidth
lda rowL, y ; get the screen row start address, low byte
adc zaScreenColLocal ; add the column to the address
sta write + 1 ; set eor low address
sta write + 4 ; set sta low address
lda rowH, y ; get the high byte of the screen row start
adc zVramH ; add the VRAM high byte (for which layer)
sta write + 2 ; set the eor hi
sta write + 5 ; set the sta hi
lda PLACEHOLDER, x ; this address is modified by the caller
sta zaDrawByte ; save the byte
eor PLACEHOLDER,x ; get what's on screen xor'd with what's being added
sta PLACEHOLDER,x ; save that to the screen
and zaDrawByte ; mask off any bits that the sprite isn't setting
cmp zaDrawByte ; see if the sprite overlapped something there already
clc ; cmp can set carry. keep it clear
beq :+ ; if 0 then no overlap / collision
inc zCollision ; there's a collision, count it
bpl offset
dec zaDrawSprHeight
beq done
dey ; go up a row on screen
bcc done
lda zaDataWidth
adc offset + 1
sta offset + 1
bcc rows
inc offset + 2
bne rows
; Draws the player's ship using drawSprite
; Takes no parameters
.proc drawPlayer
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
explFrame = tempBlock + 9 ; Persistent across a death animation - explosion explFrame
lda playerShipY
sta zaDrawWorldHeight
sta zaDrawSprHeight
lda playerShipX ; mark where on screen to draw
sta zScreenCol
adc bufferDraw ; make enemyBuffer relative to screen col 0
sta zEnemyCol ; mark where enemies would start that intersect with the ship
lda playerDead ; if playerDead <> 0 then the player
bne explode ; is dead and should explode
lda zScreenCol
and #1
beq evenScreen
lda #3 ; set the dimensions of the ship to draw
sta zaDrawSprWidth
lda #4
sta zaDataWidth
lda #<shipU ; point at the ship sprite data
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda #>shipU
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
bne draw
lda #2 ; set the dimensions of the ship
sta zaDrawSprWidth
lda #3
sta zaDataWidth
lda #<shipA ; point at the ship sprite data
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda #>shipA
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
jsr drawSprite ; draw the sprite
lda zCollision ; if there's a collision, kill the player
beq done
ldx zEnemyCol ; player collided - see if it was with an enemy
lda playerShipY ; if p ship top < then no collision
cmp enemyHgtBuffer, x
bcs notHit
lda enemyHgtBuffer, x ; if enemy top < p ship bot then no collision
cmp playerShipY
bcs notHit
lda #1 ; they intersect so kill the enemy (assume just 1 enemy hit)
sta zaDrawSprWidth
jsr gameKillEnemy ; kill the enemy that collided with the player
jmp gamePlayerCollision ; and kill the player if it collided with an enemy
inc zEnemyCol ; advance the column where the enemy may be that collided with the player
dey ; check all columns for the player ship
bne colLoop
jmp gamePlayerCollision ; and if no enemy collision, just kill the player
inc explFrame ; advance the local explFrame counter
lda explFrame
lsr ; Slow it down
tax ; and see if it is .ge. 4
cpx #4
bcc :+
ldx #0 ; if so, wrap back to zero
stx explFrame
stx audioExplFrame
lda audioFrame
sta audioFrame
lda #3 ; set a nonsense width to make the explosion
sta zaDataWidth ; not so recognizable
lda #3 ; set the dimensions of the explosion
sta zaDrawSprWidth
lda explosionAL,x ; point at the explosion sprite data
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda explosionAH,x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
jmp drawSprite ; draw the explosion sprite instead of the ship
; Draws a single column of a radar sprite (because of clipping)
; Takes the enemy flags as a parameter
; Radar is either 2 byte AB (A being col 0 & 1 and B being 2 & 3) or
; 3 byte CDE where C is blank & 0, D is 1 & 2 and E is 3 and blank)
; On odd, the column can only be 00 because odd 1 is drawn by even A,
; odd 2 is drawn by even 1 (D) and odd 3 is drawn by even B.
; Even can be 0 (A), 1(D), 2(B) or 3(E)
.proc drawRadar
zaFrame = tempBlock + 6 ; internal
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; setup for drawSprite
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
zaSkipLength = tempBlock + 7
and #%01111100 ; frame and column
lsr ; column to 1s
sta zaFrame ; save
lda enemyHgtBuffer, x ; get the height - 1 pixel above the terrain
sta zaDrawWorldHeight
sta zaDrawSprHeight
lda zScreenCol ; see if it's an even or odd sceeen sub-column
and #$01
beq evenScreen
lda #3 ; odd radar is 3 bytes
sta zaDataWidth ; that's how many bytes between sprite rows
lda #(XSIZE-1) ; check the right edge
sec ; for clipping
sbc zScreenCol
cmp #3
bcc :+
lda #2 ; maximum 3 (0-2) bytes to write
sta zaDrawSprWidth
lda zaFrame ; ignore column - will/must be 00
lda radarUL, x ; get the frame
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda radarUH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda #4 ; snd set the step size
sta zaSkipLength
bne draw
ldx zaFrame ; frame + col is offset in table
lda radarAL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda radarAH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
and #%00000011 ; extract just the column
lda radarAS, x ; and see how many bytes to skip based on column
sta zaSkipLength
lda radarAD, x ; see how wide this sprite is
sta zaDataWidth
lda radarAR, x ; see how many bytes to render
sta zaDrawSprWidth
lda zScreenCol
cmp #(XSIZE - 2) ; last column only draw 1 byte
bcc draw
lda #0
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
jmp drawSprite
; Draws a missile on-screen
; Takes the flags as a parameter
.proc drawMissile
zaFrame = tempBlock + 6 ; internal
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; setup for drawSprite
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
zaSkipLength = tempBlock + 7
lda enemyHgtBuffer, x ; get the height - 1 pixel above the terrain
sta zaDrawWorldHeight ; while x is still good
and #%11000100 ; launch mask, frame and column
lsr ; column to 2s
bit Bit76Mask ; check if in the air
beq :+
ora #%00000001 ; yes - force frame 1
and #%00000011
sta zaDrawSprHeight
lda zScreenCol ; see if it's an even or odd sceeen sub-column
and #$01
beq evenScreen
lda #2 ; odd missile is 2 bytes
sta zaDataWidth ; that's how many bytes between sprite rows
lda zScreenCol
cmp #(XSIZE-1)
bne :+
lda #0
beq :++
lda #1
sta zaDrawSprWidth
lda missileUL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda missileUH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda #2
sta zaSkipLength
bne draw
lda missileAL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda missileAH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda #1 ; and see how many bytes to skip based on column
sta zaSkipLength
lda missileAD, x ; see how wide this sprite is
sta zaDataWidth
lda #0
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
jmp drawSprite
; Draws a nuke on-screen
; Takes the flags as a parameter
.proc drawNuke
zaFrame = tempBlock + 6 ; internal
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; setup for drawSprite
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
zaSkipLength = tempBlock + 7
lda enemyHgtBuffer, x ; get the height - 1 pixel above the terrain
sta zaDrawWorldHeight ; while x is still good
ldx #0
bit Bit3Mask
beq :+
sta zaDrawSprHeight
lda zScreenCol ; see if it's an even or odd sceeen sub-column
and #$01
beq evenScreen
lda #2 ; odd nuke is 2 bytes
sta zaDataWidth ; that's how many bytes between sprite rows
lda zScreenCol ; see if clipping to right hand side is needed
cmp #(XSIZE-1)
bne :+
lda #0
beq :++
lda #1
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save how many bytes to render
lda nukeUL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda nukeUH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda #2 ; odd screen nuke is 2 bytes (col can't be 1)
sta zaSkipLength
bne draw
lda nukeAD, x ; see how wide this sprite is
sta zaDataWidth
lda #0
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
lda nukeAL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda nukeAH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda #1 ; even screen nuke is 1 byte (col 0 or 1)
sta zaSkipLength
jmp drawSprite
; Takes the flags as a parameter
.proc drawMonster
zaFrame = tempBlock + 6 ; internal
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; setup for drawSprite
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
zaSkipLength = tempBlock + 7
lda enemyHgtBuffer, x ; get the height - 1 pixel above the terrain
sta zaDrawWorldHeight ; while x is still good
lda #2 ; monster is always 2 bytes
sta zaDataWidth ; that's how many bytes between sprite rows
and #%00000011
sta zaDrawSprHeight
lda zScreenCol ; see if it's an even or odd sceeen sub-column
and #$01
beq evenScreen
lda zScreenCol ; see if clipping to right hand side is needed
cmp #(XSIZE-1)
bne :+
lda #0
beq :++
lda #1
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save how many bytes to render
lda #<monsterU ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda #>monsterU
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda #3 ; odd screen monster is 2 bytes (col can't be 1)
sta zaSkipLength
bne draw
lda monsterAR, x
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
lda monsterAL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda monsterAH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda monsterAS, x ; even screen monster is 1 byte (col 0 or 1)
sta zaSkipLength
jmp drawSprite
; Draws all the bombs on-screen
; Takes no parameters
.proc drawBombs
zaBombIndex = tempBlock + 1 ; internal - which of the bombs
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; for drawSprite
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
ldx #NUM_BOMBS - 1 ; 0 based index
lda bombY, x ; get the height of the bomb
bne doBomb ; 0 is not active, otherwise height
bpl loop
stx zaBombIndex
sta zaDrawWorldHeight ; save the height
lda bombX, x
sta zScreenCol
and #$01
beq evenScreen
lda #1
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
lda #2
sta zaDataWidth
lda bombDir, x ; select the sprite based on the state
beq :+ ; if .gt. 0 then it's bomb 1
ldx #1
lda bombUL, x ; forward travelling bomb
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda bombUH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda bombH, x
sta zaDrawSprHeight
bne draw
lda #0
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
lda #1
sta zaDataWidth
lda bombDir, x ; select the sprite based on the state
beq :+
ldx #1
lda bombAL, x ; forward travelling bomb
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda bombAH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda bombH, x
sta zaDrawSprHeight
jsr drawSprite
lda zCollision
beq nextBombX
lda zScreenCol
adc bufferDraw ; make enemyBuffer relative to screen col 0
ldy #2
stx zEnemyCol ; may be a collision with enemy
lda enemyHgtBuffer, x ; is there an enemy in this row?
beq noBombHit ; no - maybe next column?
sbc #RADAR_HEIGHT ; assume tallest enemy (favors the player)
cmp zaDrawWorldHeight ; compare to bombY
bcs noBombHit ; E top .le. b bot (carry clear) is maybe collision
lda zaDrawWorldHeight ; get the bombY
sbc #BOMB_HEIGHT ; calc bomb top
cmp enemyHgtBuffer, x ; B top .le. E bot (carry clear) is a collision
bcc bombHit
inx ; maybe bomb spans 2 cols - check next column
dey ; see if bomb is over 2 cols
beq bombDies ; if 0 done all columns
bne tryEnemy ; JuMP
lda #1 ; enemy is in this 1 column
sta zaDrawSprWidth
jsr gameKillEnemy ; see if the bomb killed an enemy
lda enemyHitType ; figure out if there's score
bmi bombDies
jsr gameAddScore
ldx zaBombIndex
lda #0 ; now kill the bomb itself
sta bombY, x ; by setting its height to 0
sta zCollision
ldx zaBombIndex
jmp nextBomb
.proc drawBullets
zaOffset = tempBlock + 1
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaBulletCol = tempBlock + 5
zaMask = tempBlock + 6
lda #0 ; work by screen columns
sta zScreenCol ; starting at 0
ldx bulletIndex ; x is the index for the bullet
lda bulletsBuffer, x ; get the column
bne bullet ; and if non-zero, there's a bullet in this column
inx ; next x
inc zScreenCol ; and next screen column
lda zScreenCol ; see if the screen column is
cmp #XSIZE ; past the end of the screen
bcc loop ; if not, keep going
lda #0
sta bulletsBuffer, x ; Kill any overflow bullets
sta bulletsBuffer, x ; Kill any overflow bullets
clc ; done - clear carry and end
stx zaBulletCol ; where the bullet starts
tay ; height now in Y
lda zScreenCol ; game column in a
tax ; save in x
lsr ; divide by 2 for byte position
clc ; lsr could set carry
adc rowL, y ; get the write locations set up
sta write + 1
sta write + 4
lda rowH, y
adc zVramH
sta write + 2
sta write + 5
txa ; restore game col
and #1 ; test for odd/even
beq evenScreen ; and go appropriate
txa ; restore game column
cmp #(XSIZE - 1) ; see if it's at the right edge
bne :+
ldx #1
stx zaOffset ; set how many columns to check
ldx #0 ; will only write 1 byte, the last right col
lda #%01111000
bne :++
ldx #3
stx zaOffset
ldx #1 ; write 2 bytes
lda #%01111111 ; the right col + the whole next byte (start there)
sta zaMask
bne write
txa ; restore game column
cmp #(XSIZE - 2) ; see if it's at the right edge even screen
bne :+
ldx #2
stx zaOffset
ldx #0 ; will only write 1 byte
lda #%01111111 ; the whole byte is a bullet
bne :++
ldx #3
stx zaOffset
ldx #1 ; write 2 bytes
lda #%00001111 ; the right col + the whole next byte (start there)
sta zaMask
write: ; bullet is a solid line
and zaMask
cmp zaMask
bne collision
bmi step
lda zaMask
cmp #%01111111
beq :+
lda #%01111111
bne :++
lda #%01111000
sta zaMask
bne write
step: ; setp past the bullet
inc zScreenCol ; and next screen column
ldx zaBulletCol
jmp next ; this will step past second part of the bullet
lda zScreenCol ; index into screem
adc bufferDraw ; and make relative to enemy buffer
lda enemyHgtBuffer, y
bne hasEnemy
dec zaOffset
bpl :-
bmi endBullet
ldx zaBulletCol ; load the bullet index in x
sbc bulletsBuffer, x ; see where it hit relative to enemy
bcc endBullet ; bullet hit lower
cmp #RADAR_HEIGHT ; since it hit anyway, use tallest enemy
bcs endBullet ; it hit higher
lda #1
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; gameKillEnemy looks at this to see how wide to look for a kill
sty zEnemyCol
jsr gameKillEnemy
lda enemyHitType ; figure out if there's score
bmi endBullet
jsr gameAddScore
ldx zaBulletCol ; load the bullet index in x
lda #0
sta bulletsBuffer, x
beq step ; JuMP
.proc drawExplosions
zaFrame = tempBlock + 6 ; internal
zaDrawWorldHeight = tempBlock + 2 ; setup for drawSprite
zaDrawSprHeight = tempBlock + 5
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaDataWidth = tempBlock + 8
zaExplodeCol = tempBlock + 10
lda #0 ; work by screen columns
sta zScreenCol ; starting at 0
ldx bufferDraw ; x is the index for the bullet
lda explosionBuffer, x ; get the column
bne explode ; and if non-zero, there's a bullet in this column
inx ; next x
inc zScreenCol ; and next screen column
lda zScreenCol ; see if the screen column is
cmp #XSIZE ; past the end of the screen
bcc loop ; if not, keep going
lda #0
sta zCollision
clc ; done - clear carry and end
stx zaExplodeCol
and #%00000011 ; frame
sta zaFrame ; save
and #%11111000 ; height
sta zaDrawWorldHeight
sta zaDrawSprHeight
lda zScreenCol ; see if it's an even or odd sceeen sub-column
and #$01
beq evenScreen
lda #3 ; odd explosion is 3 bytes
sta zaDataWidth ; that's how many bytes between sprite rows
lda #(XSIZE-1) ; check the right edge
sec ; for clipping
sbc zScreenCol
cmp #3
bcc :+
lda #2 ; maximum 3 (0-2) bytes to write
sta zaDrawSprWidth
ldx zaFrame ; frame + col is offset in table
lda explosionUL, x ; get the frame
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda explosionUH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
bne draw
lda #2 ; odd explosion is 3 bytes
sta zaDataWidth ; that's how many bytes between sprite rows
ldx zaFrame ; frame + col is offset in table
lda explosionAL, x ; point at data in table index x
sta drawSprite::offset + 1
lda explosionAH, x
sta drawSprite::offset + 2
lda zScreenCol
cmp #(XSIZE - 2) ; last column only draw 1 byte
bcc :+
lda #0
beq :++
lda #1
sta zaDrawSprWidth ; save as draw width
jsr drawSprite
ldx zaExplodeCol
jmp next
; Iterate over the enemies on screen and get them drawn to the back buffer
; Parameter - zCollision must be 0 when called
.proc drawEnemies
zaEnemyType = tempBlock + 1 ; parameter to the specific enemy draw call
zaDrawSprWidth = tempBlock + 3
zaSkipLength = tempBlock + 7
lda terrainOrigin ; will always be 0 since this isn't called till screen fully scrolled in
sta zScreenCol ; start drawing here on-screen
ldx bufferDraw ; make enemyBuffer relative to screen col 0
stx zEnemyCol ; start here processing enemies
lda enemyBuffer, x ; check this column for a (partial) enemy (just a strip)
beq continue ; skip non-enemy columns
sta zaEnemyType ; save the flags
bit Bit34Mask ; check the column
beq evalType ; col0 always evaluated
lda zScreenCol ; Get the column
bit Bit1Mask ; see if odd or even
bne continue ; if odd, ignore
lda zaEnemyType ; if even, need to draw type
bit Bit1Mask ; see if this is a missile (lsb set)
bne missileOrNuke ; bits match so it's a missile
bit Bit2Mask ; see if it's a radar
bne doRadar
jsr drawMonster ; lower 2 bits clear is a monster
bcc colchk ; drawSprite always exits with carry clear so this is a jmp
jsr drawRadar
bcc colchk ; will always be clear, so in effect jmp
bit Bit2Mask
beq missile
jsr drawNuke
bcc colchk ; JuMP
jsr drawMissile
lda gameMode ; in the edit mode, collision detection doesn't do anything
beq step
lda zCollision ; see if this enemy is in collision (for missiles with terrain)
beq step
inc zaDrawSprWidth
jsr gameKillEnemy
lda zaSkipLength
adc zScreenCol
cmp #XSIZE
bcs done
sta zScreenCol
lda zaSkipLength
adc zEnemyCol
sta zEnemyCol
jmp loop
inc zScreenCol
ldx zScreenCol
cpx #XSIZE
bcs done
inc zEnemyCol
ldx zEnemyCol
jmp loop