Oliver Schmidt fb98d44b9e
Fixed joystick read routine.
Depending on the actual joystick used on a real machine the timeout in question may be much longer than expected. Therefore a potential counter overflow must be taken into account.
The added overflow check made of course slowed down the timing loop so adjustments to the thresholds became necessary. Independently from that the deadzone was significantly increased as usual joysticks have quite some backlash around the center position.
2019-12-27 16:53:41 +01:00

392 lines
13 KiB

; Part of penetrator, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2019
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
.segment "CODE"
.proc inputReadJoystick
joyMask = tempBlock + 21
lda #0 ; assume no buttons
sta joyMask ; init the mask
lda $c061 ; check RDBTN0
cmp #$80 ; fully active
bne :+ ; no, ignore
lda #KEY_FIRE ; RDBTN0 maps to fire
sta joyMask ; init the mask
lda $c062 ; check BUTN1
cmp #$80 ; fully active
bne :+ ; no, ignore
lda joyMask
ora #KEY_BOMB ; BUTN1 maps to Bomb
sta joyMask ; update the mask
lda $c070 ; Reset the input
ldy #0 ; zero the direction counters
ldx #0
xchk: ; get bit 8 clear in c064 and c065
lda $c064 ; load left/right
bpl goY ; bit 8 not set?
nop ; wast time
inx ; count the ticks
bne :+ ; overflow?
dex ; keep $ff
: lda $c065 ; load up/down
bmi ychk ;
bpl xchk ;
iny ; inc y counter
bne :+ ; overflow?
dey ; keep $ff
: jmp xchk ; goX
lda $c065 ; load up/down
bmi ychk ; bit 8 set?
tya ; y is the direction analog
cmp #$60 ; >= $60 is down
bcs down
cmp #$10 ; < $10 is up, rest is deadzone
bcs doX
lda #KEY_UP ; < $10 is KEY_UP digital
bne :+
lda #KEY_DOWN ; >= $60 is KEY_DOWN digital
ora joyMask ; update the mask
sta joyMask ; for the Y direction
txa ; turn x into digital
cmp #$60 ; >= $60 is right
bcs right
cmp #$10 ; < $10 is left, rest is deadzone
bcs leave
lda #KEY_LEFT ; < $10 is KEY_LEFT digital
bne :+
lda #KEY_RIGHT ; > $60 is KEY_RIGHT
ora joyMask
eor #$ff
sta joyMask ; update the joy Mask with X digital
ldx #$00
rts ; return with joyMask in accumulator
lda joyMask ; return with joyMask in accumulator
eor #$ff
sta joyMask ; update the joy Mask with X digital
; Reads the joystick and moves the player.
.proc inputGame
zaRawInput = tempBlock + 1
zaRawEor = tempBlock + 2
lda fireCoolDown
beq :+
dec fireCoolDown
jsr inputReadJoystick
sta zaRawInput ; save the input
eor #$ff ; invert the bits
sta zaRawEor ; save this state too
lda zaRawInput ; no vertical move so process vertical joystick
bit Bit4Mask ; set when moving up
bne down
lda playerShipY ; and move the ship up 2 rows
sbc #3
cmp #(SHIP_HEIGHT+WORLD_START) ; limit at the top
bcc preLeft ; if too high, just ignore saving the move
sta playerShipY ; save the new position
bcs preLeft ; up, so skip down and check horizontal
bit Bit3Mask ; ser for joystick down
bne left
lda playerShipY ; move the ship 2 rows down
adc #3
cmp #(WORLD_END+1) ; limit at the bottom
bcs preBomb ; skip saving the new position if too low
sta playerShipY ; new position okay so save it
lda zaRawInput ; no horizontal movement so process horiz joystick
bit Bit2Mask ; left sets this bit
bne right ; not set see if right is set
ldx playerShipX ; the ship should move left
dex ; move left one column
bmi preBomb ; if off-screen to the left, ignore
stx playerShipX ; save the movement
bpl preBomb
bit Bit1Mask ; bit set when right joystick active
bne bomb ; if nothing, go process player movement
ldx playerShipX ; get the ship position
inx ; move one column to the right
cpx #(((XSIZE/3)*2) - SHIP_WIDTH - 1) ; limit to two-thirds toward the right
bcs preBomb ; if over limit, ignore
stx playerShipX ; save movement
lda zaRawInput
bit Bit8Mask ; Button_A = bomb
bne fire
lda lastInput ; debounce the key for single shot
and zaRawEor
and Bit8Mask
beq nobomb ; bomb key not down
lda playerShipY ; bomb requested but can't
cmp #(WORLD_END-BOMB_HEIGHT) ; drop it when there's no room
bcs nobomb ; before the world end (else it draws out of bounds)
ldx #NUM_BOMBS-1 ; iterate over all bombs
lda bombY, x
beq drop ; find one that's available
bpl :-
bmi nobomb ; none available
lda playerShipX ; bomb is relative to player
adc #2
sta bombX, x
lda playerShipY
adc #6
sta bombY, x
lda #BOMB_FRWRD_FRMS ; set it to fly forward
sta bombDir, x
lda zaRawInput
bit Bit7Mask ; Button_B = fire
bne joyDone
lda fireCoolDown
bne joyDone
lda lastInput ; debounce the key for single shot
and zaRawEor
and Bit7Mask
beq joyDone
lda playerShipX ; Put even/odd into carry
lda playerShipX ; bullets start relative to ship
adc #4 ; 4 for even, 5 for odd
adc bulletIndex
lda playerShipY
sbc #4
sta bulletsBuffer, x ; put height into 3 columns
lda #3
sta fireCoolDown
lda zaRawInput ; remember the key-state for next time
sta lastInput ; so that fire and bombs can be debounced
lda KBD ; leave with a key in the accumulator
bit KBDSTRB ; reset the key
clc ; keep carry clear between routines
.proc inputEdit
rawInput = tempBlock + 17
rawEor = tempBlock + 18
brushType = tempBlock + 16
lda KBD
bit Bit8Mask
beq :+
and #$7f
bne :++
lda #0
jsr inputReadJoystick
sta rawInput ; save the input state
cmp #' '
bne :+
lda rawInput
sta rawInput
cmp #'B'
bne :+
lda rawInput
sta rawInput
lda rawInput
eor #$ff ; invert the bits so 1 means button down
sta rawEor ; save the inverted bits
bit Bit6Mask ; see if select button is held
bne Button_B ; if it is down, key processing done
and lastInput ; otherwise debounce the keys
sta rawEor ; and save this state as the key state
bit Bit7Mask ; Button_B
beq Button_A
lda brushType
bne radar
ora #KEY_RIGHT ; when pressed, move right as well
sta rawEor
jsr editSetTerrainBottom
jmp :+
jsr editSetRadar
lda rawEor ; no horizontal movement so process horiz joystick
bit Bit8Mask ; Button_A
beq up
lda brushType
bne missile
sta rawEor
jsr editSetTerrainTop
jmp :+
jsr editSetMissile
lda rawEor ; no horizontal movement so process horiz joystick
bit Bit4Mask ; set when moving up
beq down
ldx playerShipY
cpx #9
bcc :+
stx playerShipY
lda rawEor ; no horizontal movement so process horiz joystick
bit Bit3Mask ; ser for joystick down
beq left
ldx playerShipY
bcs :+
stx playerShipY
lda rawEor ; no horizontal movement so process horiz joystick
bit Bit2Mask ; left sets this bit
beq right ; not set see if right is set
jsr editGameWorldLeft
lda rawEor ; no horizontal movement so process horiz joystick
bit Bit1Mask ; bit set when right joystick active
beq Button_Start
jsr editGameWorldRight
lda rawInput ; This is a toggle so never auto-repeat
eor #$ff ; start from source
and lastInput ; and debounce
bit Bit5Mask ; test if Start button down
beq joyDone
lda brushType ; if down, toggle the brush type between terrain and enemies
eor #1
sta brushType
jsr uiShowEditLabels ; update the HUD
lda rawInput ; preserve this input for next frame as last input
sta lastInput ; so that fire and bombs can be debounced
pla ; get the keyboard in accumulator
clc ; keep carry clear between routines
; Checks for a user input on keyboard or joystick
; upon exit - acc 0 means nothing, <> 0 means user input detected
.proc inputCheckForInput
rawInput = tempBlock + 20 ; internal
lda KBD
bit Bit8Mask
bne done ; if there's a key then done here
jsr inputReadJoystick ; check the joystick
sta rawInput ; keep the raw bits
eor #$ff ; invert
and lastInput ; debounce
pha ; save this
lda rawInput ; back up the raw to the last
sta lastInput
pla ; and get back the debounced bits
beq done
ldx #1
bcs :+
bne :-
and #$7f
rts ; upon return 0 means no interaction, anything else is a user input