This commit is contained in:
Bobbi Webber-Manners 2021-05-29 19:54:26 -04:00
parent 351184841a
commit b0e77c2f7c
1 changed files with 865 additions and 0 deletions

nsc.s Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
; Fully disassembled and analyzed source to SMT
; NS.CLOCK.SYSTEM by M.G. - 04/20/2017
; Assembles to a binary match for SMT code if
; IncludeJunk is set, see the .if IncludeJunk for details.
; other notes:
; * uses direct block access to read volume directory,
; so won't launch from an AppleShare volume.
; Build instructions:
; ca65 ns.clock.system.s -l ns.clock.system.lst
; ld65 -t none -o ns.clock.system ns.clock.system.o
; put ns.clock.system as a SYS file on a ProDOS disk.
.setcpu "6502"
IncludeJunk = 0 ; original file had a bunch of garbage
; setting this to 1 includes it
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Zero page
POINTER := $A5 ; generic pointer used everywhere
ENTNUM := $A7 ; current file entry # in block (zero-based)
LENGTH := $A8 ; generic length byte used everywhere
; entry points
HOME := $FC58
; buffers & other spaces
INBUF := $0200 ; input buffer
PATHBUF := $0280 ; path buffer
RELOCT := $1000 ; relocation target
BLOCKBUF := $1800 ; block & I/O buffer
SYSEXEC := $2000 ; location of SYS executables
SOFTEV := $03F2 ; RESET vector
; global Page entries
CLKENTRY := $BF06 ; clock routine entry point
DEVNUM := $BF30 ; most recent accessed device
MEMTABL := $BF58 ; system bitmap
MACHID := $BF98 ; machine ID
; I/O and hardware
ROMIn2 := $C082 ; access to read ROM/no write LC RAM
LCBank1 := $C08B ; Access twice to write LC bank 1
KBD := $C000 ; keyboard
INTCXROMOFF := $C006 ; Disable internal $C100-$CFFF ROM
INTCXROMON := $C007 ; Enable interal $C100-$CFFF ROM
KBDSTR := $C010 ; keyboard strobe
INTCXROM := $C015 ; Read state of $C100-$CFFF soft switch
CLR80VID := $C00C ; Turn off 80-column mode
CLRALTCHAR := $C00E ; Turn off alt charset
SLOT3ROM := $C300 ; SLOT 3 ROM
C8OFF := $CFFF ; C8xx Slot ROM off
; Misc
; Macro to define ASCII string with high bit set.
.macro hasc Arg
.repeat .strlen(Arg), I
.byte .strat(Arg, I) | $80
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; relocate ourself from SYSEXEC to RELOCT
; note that we .org the whole thing, including this routine, at the target
; address and jump to it after the first page is relocated.
.org RELOCT ; note code initially runs at SYSEXEC
.proc Relocate
bcs :+ ; skip version info
.byte $04, $21, $91 ; version date in BCD
: ldx #$05 ; page counter, do $0500 bytes
ldy #$00 ; byte counter
from: lda SYSEXEC,y ; start location
to: sta RELOCT,y ; end location
iny ; next byte offset
bne from ; if not zero, copy byte
inc from+2 ; otherwise increment source address high byte
inc to+2 ; and destination address high byte
dex ; dec page counter
beq Main ; when done start main code
jmp from ; live jump... into relocated code after first page loop
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.proc Main
; figure out length of our name and stick in LENGTH
lda #$00
sta LENGTH ; zero length
ldx PATHBUF ; length pf path
beq Main1 ; skip if length = 0 (no path)
: inc LENGTH ; length += 1 for each non-/
dex ; previous char in path
beq CopyNm ; nothing left? Copy our name.
lda PATHBUF,x ; get character
; check for /... kinda wtf, as cmp #$2f would work...
eor #$2F ; roundabout check for '/'
asl a ; upper/lower case
bne :- ; keep examining if not '/'
; now save our name (assuming we weren't lied to)
CopyNm: ldy #$00 ; init destination offset
: iny ; increment destination offset
inx ; inc source offset
lda PATHBUF,x ; get source char
sta MyName,y ; write to save location
cpy LENGTH ; got it all?
bcc :- ; nope, copy more
sty MyName ; save length
; done moving stuff
Main1: cld
bit ROMIn2 ; make sure ROM enabled
; letter of the law with RESET vector
lda #<Main1
lda #>Main1
sta SOFTEV+1
eor #$A5
sta SOFTEV+2
lda #$95 ; control code
jsr COUT ; to quit 80-column firmware
ldx #$FF ; reset
txs ; stack pointer
; get video & keyboard I/O to known state
sta CLR80VID
jsr INIT
; initialize memory map
ldx #$17 ; there are $18 bytes total
lda #$01 ; last byte gets $01 (protect global page)
: sta MEMTABL,x
lda #$00 ; all but first byte get $00 (no protection)
bne :-
lda #$CF ; first byte protect ZP, stack, text page 1
and #$88 ; mask in bits indicating machine with lower case
bne :+ ; has lower case, skip over next few instructions
lda #$DF ; mask value
sta CaseCv ; to make print routine convert to upper case
: lda MACHID
and #$01 ; mask in clock bit
beq FindClock ; no clock yet, proceed
jsr HOME
jsr iprint
.byte $8D ; CR
hasc "Previous Clock Installed!"
.byte $87,$8D,$00 ; BELL, CR, done
jmp NextSys
; go hunting for clock
.proc FindClock
ldy #$03 ; save old date and time
: lda DATELO,y ; because we are going to overwrite
sta DTSave,y ; during our probes
bpl :-
; We are going to try slot ROMs first
lda #>C8OFF
ldy #<C8OFF
sta CDRdSwH
sty CDRdSwL
sta CDRsSwH
sty CDRsSwL
lda #$00
sta Count ; init counter
; check slot 3 in system default state first
lda #$03 ; initial check slot 3 for Count=0
CkSlot: ora #$C0 ; accumulator has current value of Count after first iteration
sta CDStRmH
CkOthr: sta CDRstA2
sta CDUnlck
sta CDRdClk
lda #$03 ; Try to read clock 3 times
sta ClkTry
GetDT: jsr ClockDrv ; read clock
lda DATEHI ; now see if ProDOS time and date
ror a ; values make sense
rol a
rol a
rol a
rol a
and #$0F
beq ClkNxt
cmp #$0D
bcs ClkNxt
and #$1F
beq ClkNxt
cmp #$20
bcs ClkNxt
cmp #$18
bcs ClkNxt
cmp #$3C
bcs ClkNxt
dec ClkTry
bne GetDT ; try again if successful this time
beq InstallDriver ; found clock!
ClkNxt: inc Count
lda Count
cmp #$08
bcc CkSlot ; if Count < 8
bne NoClock ; if Count != (thus >) 8
; try internal $C100-$CFFF ROM
; modify driver to save CX ROM status, enable it, and restore it
sta CDRdSwH
sty CDRdSwL
sta CDStRmH
sty CDStRmL
dey ; y = $06 now
sta CDRsSwH ; and refers to INTCXROMOFF
sty CDRsSwL
lda #$C8 ; now reference $C800 space
bne CkOthr ; and look for clock
.proc NoClock
ldy #$03 ; restore old date/time because
: lda DTSave,y ; we didn't find clock anywhere
sta DATELO,y
bpl :-
jsr HOME
jsr iprint
.byte $8D
hasc "No-SLot Clock Not Found." ; typo is original
.byte $8D, $8D
hasc "Clock Not Installed!"
.byte $87, $8D, $00
; launch next .system file
jmp NextSys
DTSave: .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 ; Saved ProDOS Date/Time values
ClkTry: .byte $03 ; Counter for clock read tries left
Count: .byte $00 ; Count of slots/locations checked
; install driver, this does it the right way and looks at the vector
; and puts the driver there
.proc InstallDriver
; this code corrects reference to DS121x unlock sequence
adc #(DSUnlk-ClockDrv)
adc #$00
; done correcting
lda LCBank1 ; make LC RAM writable
lda LCBank1
ldy #DrvSize ; copy driver
: lda ClockDrv,y
sta (POINTER),y
bpl :-
lda MACHID ; current MACHID
ora #$01 ; set clock installed bit
sta MACHID ; and put back
lda #$4C ; JMP
sta CLKENTRY ; into clock driver entry point
jsr CLKENTRY ; may as well give it a whirl
bit ROMIn2 ; LC write protect
jsr HOME
jsr iprint
.byte $8d
hasc "No-Slot Clock Installed "
.byte $00
; print today's date
ror a
rol a
rol a
rol a
rol a
and #$0F
jsr PrDec
lda #$AF
jsr COUT
and #$1F
jsr PrDec
lda #$AF
jsr COUT
jsr PrDec
; This starts the process of finding & launching next system file
; unfortunately it also uses block reads and can't be run from an AppleShare
; volume.
.proc NextSys
; set reset vector to DoQUit
lda #<DoQuit
lda #>DoQuit
sta SOFTEV+1
eor #$A5
sta SOFTEV+2
lda DEVNUM ; last unit number accessed
sta PL_READ_BLOCK+1 ; put in parameter list
jsr GetBlock ; get first volume directory block
lda BLOCKBUF+$23 ; get entry_length
sta SMENTL ; modify code
lda BLOCKBUF+$24 ; get entries_per_block
sta SMEPB ; modify code
lda #$01 ;
sta ENTNUM ; init current entry number as second (from 0)
lda #<(BLOCKBUF+$2B) ; set pointer to that entry
sta POINTER ; making assumptions as we go
lda #>(BLOCKBUF+$2B)
; loop to examine file entries...
FEntLp: ldy #$10 ; offset of file_type
lda (POINTER),y
cmp #$FF ; SYS?
bne NxtEnt ; nope..
ldy #$00 ; offset of storage_type & name_length
lda (POINTER),y
and #$30 ; mask interesting bits of storage_type
beq NxtEnt ; if not 1-3 (standard file organizations)
lda (POINTER),y ; get storage_type and name_length again
and #$0F ; mask in name_length
sta LENGTH ; save for later
tay ; and use as index for comparison
; comparison loop
ldx #$06 ; counter for size of ".SYSTEM"
: lda (POINTER),y ; get file name byte
cmp system,x ; compare to ".SYSTEM"
bne NxtEnt ; no match
bpl :-
; if we got here, have ".SYSTEM" file
ldy MyName ; length of our own file name
cpy LENGTH ; matches?
bne CkExec ; nope, see if we should exec
; loop to check if this is our own name
: lda (POINTER),y
cmp MyName,y
bne CkExec ; no match, see if we should exec
bne :-
; if we got here, we have found our own self
ror FdSelf ; flag it
; go to next entry
NxtEnt: lda POINTER ; low byte of entry pointer
clc ; ready for addition
adc #$27 ; add entry length that is
SMENTL = * - 1 ; self-modifed
sta POINTER ; save it
bcc :+ ; no need to do high byte if no carry
inc POINTER+1 ; only increment if carry
: inc ENTNUM ; next entry number
lda ENTNUM ; and get it
cmp #$0D ; check against number of entries that is
SMEPB = * - 1 ; self-modified
bcc FEntLp ; back to main search if not done with this block
lda BLOCKBUF+$02 ; update PL_BLOCK_READ for next directory block
lda BLOCKBUF+$03
ora PL_READ_BLOCK+4 ; see if pointer is $00
beq NoSys ; error if we hit the end and found nothing..
jsr GetBlock ; get next volume directory block
lda #$00
sta ENTNUM ; update current entry number
lda #<(BLOCKBUF+$04) ; and reset pointer
lda #>(BLOCKBUF+$04)
jmp FEntLp ; go back to main loop
CkExec: bit FdSelf ; did we find our own name yet?
bpl NxtEnt ; nope... go to next entry
ldx PATHBUF ; get length of path in path buffer
beq CpyNam ; skip looking for / if zero
: dex ;
beq CpyNam ; done if zero
lda PATHBUF,x ;
eor #$2F ; is '/'?
asl a ; in roundabout way
bne :- ; no slash
; copy file name onto path, x already has position
CpyNam: ldy #$00
: iny ; next source byte offset
inx ; next dest byte offset
lda (POINTER),y ; get filename char
sta PATHBUF,x ; put in path
cpy LENGTH ; copied all the chars?
bcc :- ; nope
stx PATHBUF ; update length of path
jmp LaunchSys ; try to launch it!
NoSys: jsr iprint
.byte $8D, $8D, $8D
hasc "* Unable to find next '.SYSTEM' file *"
.byte $8D, $00
; wait for keyboard then quit to ProDOS
: lda KBD
bpl :-
jmp DoQuit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; inline print routine
; print chars after JSR until $00 encountered
; converts case via CaseCv ($FF = no conversion, $DF = to upper)
.proc iprint
bne next
: cmp #$E1
bcc noconv
and CaseCv
noconv: jsr COUT
next: inc POINTER
bne nohi
nohi: ldy #$00
lda (POINTER),y
bne :-
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; print one or two decimal digits
.proc PrDec
ldx #$B0 ; tens digit
cmp #$0A
bcc onedig
: sbc #$0A ; repeated subtraction, carry is already set
cmp #$0A ; less than 10 yet?
bcs :- ; nope
onedig: pha
cpx #$B0
beq nozero ; skip printing leading zero
jsr COUT
nozero: pla
ora #$B0
jsr COUT
CaseCv: .byte $FF ; default case conversion byte = none
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.proc DoQuit
.byte $65 ; MLI QUIT
.word PL_QUIT
brk ; crash into monitor if QUIT fails
rts ; (!) if that doesn't work, go back to caller
.byte $04 ; param count
.byte $00 ; quit type - $00 is only type
.word $0000 ; reserved
.byte $00 ; reserved
.word $0000 ; reserved
.proc GetBlock
.byte $80 ; READ_BLOCK
bcs LaunchFail
.byte $03
.byte $60 ; unit number
.word $0002 ; first volume directory block
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; launch next .SYSTEM file
.proc LaunchSys
.byte $C8 ; OPEN
.word PL_OPEN
bcs LaunchFail
lda PL_OPEN+$05 ; copy ref number
sta PL_READ+$01 ; into READ parameter list
.byte $CA ; READ
.word PL_READ
bcs LaunchFail
; bug the first: Close should be done every time the OPEN call is successful
; but only done when the READ succeeds
; bug the second: Others may not consider this a bug, but we close all open
; files, even if we didn't open them. That's not very polite.
.byte $CC ; CLOSE
.word PL_CLOSE
bcs LaunchFail
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; failed to launch next .SYSTEM file
.proc LaunchFail
jsr iprint
.byte $8D, $8D, $8D
hasc "** Disk Error $"
.byte $00
jsr iprint
hasc " **"
.byte $8D, $00
; wait for keyboard, then quit to ProDOS
: lda KBD
bpl :-
jmp DoQuit
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.byte $03
.byte $01 ; ref num (default 1 wtf?)
.byte $04
.byte $01 ; ref num
.word SYSEXEC ; data buffer
.word $FFFF ; request count
.word $0000 ; transfer count
.byte $01
.byte $00 ; ref num $00 = all files
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FdSelf: .byte $00 ; bit 7 set if we found our name in volume dir
system: .byte ".SYSTEM"
MyName: .byte $0F,"NS.CLOCK.SYSTEM" ; overwritten in the usual case
; actual clock driver follows
lda C8OFF
CDRdSwL = * - 2 ; may modify to read INTCXROM state
CDRdSwH = * - 1
; we save the value in case we have been modified to read state
; of a soft switch
sta SLOT3ROM ; enable C8xx ROM for slot, default $C300 ROM
; seems to me that during probing, it might accidentally
; turn on a SoftCard-compatible CP/M card and crash...
CDStRmL = * - 2 ; may modify to set INTCXROMON
CDStRmH = * - 1
lda SLOT3ROM+$04 ; will be modified to correct loc
CDRstA2 = * - 1
ldx #$08
ubytlp: lda DSUnlk,X
CDULSqL = * - 2 ; to be patched later when relocated into ProDOS
CDULSqH = * - 1
sec ; bit 7 of a is going to be set
ror a ; first bit in byte of unlock seq in carry & b7 = 1
ubitlp: pha ; remaining bits are in a, so save it
lda #$00
rol a ; move unlock bit into low bit
tay ; put into y
lda SLOT3ROM,Y ; NSC looks for unlock on A0 line
CDUnlck = * - 1 ; may be patched to a different ROM loc
pla ; restore unlock seq in progress
lsr a ; next bit into cary
bne ubitlp ; do again until that 1 bit we set above rolls off
dex ; next byte of unlock sequence
bne ubytlp
ldx #$08 ; loop counter to read 8 bytes of clock data
rbytlp: ldy #$08 ; loop counter to read 8 bits of clock data
rbitlp: lda SLOT3ROM+$04 ; get data bit (NSC clocks reads off of A2)
CDRdClk = * - 1 ; may be patched for different loc
ror a ; put into carry
ror INBUF-1,x ; and then rotate into relative input buffer loc
bne rbitlp ; next bit
lda INBUF-1,x ; now BCD->Binary
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
beq notens ; no tens digit
lda INBUF-1,x
and #$0F
clc ; repeated addition for tens
: adc #$0A
bne :-
sta INBUF-1,X ; update value to binary equiv
notens: dex
bne rbytlp ; next byte
; put values into ProDOS time locations
lda INBUF+4
lda INBUF+5
lda INBUF+1
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
ora INBUF+2
rol a
pla ; Bit 7 clear if we need to hit soft switch
bmi :+
sta C8OFF ; safely default to release C8xx ROM space
CDRsSwL = * - 2 ; may be modified to set INTCXROMOFF
CDRsSwH = * - 1
: plp
; Dallas unlock sequence
DSUnlk = * - 1
.byte $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5, $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5
DrvSize = * - ClockDrv
.assert DrvSize < CLKCODEMAX, error, "NS CLOCK driver too big"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; the rest of this looks like junk that was accidentally saved with the file
; there are no references from the previous code. Didn't feel like disassembling.
.if IncludeJunk
.setcpu "6502"
BASWARM := $D43F ; warm start BASIC
FNDLIN := $D61A ; BASIC search for line
SETPTRS := $D665
L008D := $008D
L0EA1 := $0EA1
L161F := $161F
L2020 := $2020
L434F := $434F
L522F := $522F
L9A17 := $9A17
LAC08 := $AC08
LAC0D := $AC0D
LAC1F := $AC1F
LAC6B := $AC6B
LAD50 := $AD50
LAFD3 := $AFD3
LAFD7 := $AFD7
LB1D3 := $B1D3
LB531 := $B531
LBE70 := $BE70
.byte $00
stz $F5,x ; 147C 74 F5 t.
.byte $D3 ; 147E D3 .
adc $8DB3 ; 147F 6D B3 8D m..
lsr $BE,x ; 1482 56 BE V.
jmp L2020 ; 1484 4C 20 20 L
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bbr2 $43,L14DE ; 1487 2F 43 54 /CT
rol $2031 ; 148A 2E 31 20 .1
sta $AE00 ; 148D 8D 00 AE ...
lda $CABB,x ; 1490 BD BB CA ...
stx $74 ; 1493 86 74 .t
jsr LAC0D ; 1495 20 0D AC ..
ldx $20A9 ; 1498 AE A9 20 ..
bbr2 $48,L14DF ; 149B 2F 48 41 /HA
eor ($44) ; 149E 52 44 RD
and ($20),y ; 14A0 31 20 1
sta $A400 ; 14A2 8D 00 A4 ...
lda #$00 ; 14A5 A9 00 ..
beq L14BE ; 14A7 F0 15 ..
lda #$00 ; 14A9 A9 00 ..
sta $BE44 ; 14AB 8D 44 BE .D.
jsr L522F ; 14AE 20 2F 52 /R
eor ($4D,x) ; 14B1 41 4D AM
jsr L008D ; 14B3 20 8D 00 ..
jsr LAC08 ; 14B6 20 08 AC ..
bcs L150B ; 14B9 B0 50 .P
jsr SETPTRS ; 14BB 20 65 D6 e.
L14BE: sta $D8 ; 14BE 85 D8 ..
jsr L0EA1 ; 14C0 20 A1 0E ..
bbr2 $4E,L1515 ; 14C3 2F 4E 4F /NO
rol $4C53 ; 14C6 2E 53 4C .SL
bbr4 $54,L14FA ; 14C9 4F 54 2E OT.
.byte $43 ; 14CC 43 C
jmp L434F ; 14CD 4C 4F 43 LOC
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.byte $4B ; 14D0 4B K
jsr L008D ; 14D1 20 8D 00 ..
lda #$FF ; 14D4 A9 FF ..
jsr L522F ; 14D6 20 2F 52 /R
eor ($4D,x) ; 14D9 41 4D AM
jsr L008D ; 14DB 20 8D 00 ..
L14DE: .byte $76 ; 14DE 76 v
L14DF: bbs1 $4C,L1525 ; 14DF 9F 4C 43 .LC
tay ; 14E2 A8 .
jsr LAC08 ; 14E3 20 08 AC ..
bcs L150B ; 14E6 B0 23 .#
jsr SETPTRS ; 14E8 20 65 D6 e.
jsr L9A17 ; 14EB 20 17 9A ..
lda #$00 ; 14EE A9 00 ..
sta $24 ; 14F0 85 24 .$
jmp BASWARM ; 14F2 4C 3F D4 L?.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
jsr LB531 ; 14F5 20 31 B5 1.
bcs L150B ; 14F8 B0 11 ..
L14FA: jsr LAC1F ; 14FA 20 1F AC ..
bcs L150B ; 14FD B0 0C ..
sty $6B ; 14FF 84 6B .k
sty $69 ; 1501 84 69 .i
sty $6D ; 1503 84 6D .m
stx $6C ; 1505 86 6C .l
stx $6A ; 1507 86 6A .j
stx $6E ; 1509 86 6E .n
L150B: rts ; 150B 60 `
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lda #$01 ; 150C A9 01 ..
ldx #$FC ; 150E A2 FC ..
jsr LB1D3 ; 1510 20 D3 B1 ..
bcs L150B ; 1513 B0 F6 ..
L1515: lda #$D1 ; 1515 A9 D1 ..
jsr LBE70 ; 1517 20 70 BE p.
bcs L150B ; 151A B0 EF ..
lda $67 ; 151C A5 67 .g
sta $BED7 ; 151E 8D D7 BE ...
adc $BEC8 ; 1521 6D C8 BE m..
.byte $8D ; 1524 8D .
L1525: cli ; 1525 58 X
ldx $68A5,y ; 1526 BE A5 68 ..h
sta $BED8 ; 1529 8D D8 BE ...
adc $BEC9 ; 152C 6D C9 BE m..
sta $BE59 ; 152F 8D 59 BE .Y.
bcs L1536 ; 1532 B0 02 ..
cmp $74 ; 1534 C5 74 .t
L1536: lda #$0E ; 1536 A9 0E ..
bcs L150B ; 1538 B0 D1 ..
ldx $BEC8 ; 153A AE C8 BE ...
ldy $BEC9 ; 153D AC C9 BE ...
jsr LAFD7 ; 1540 20 D7 AF ..
bcs L150B ; 1543 B0 C6 ..
jsr LAFD3 ; 1545 20 D3 AF ..
bcs L150B ; 1548 B0 C1 ..
jsr LAC6B ; 154A 20 6B AC k.
ldx $BE59 ; 154D AE 59 BE .Y.
ldy $BE58 ; 1550 AC 58 BE .X.
stx $B0 ; 1553 86 B0 ..
sty $AF ; 1555 84 AF ..
rts ; 1557 60 `
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sec ; 1558 38 8
lda $67 ; 1559 A5 67 .g
sbc $BEB9 ; 155B ED B9 BE ...
sta $3C ; 155E 85 3C .<
lda $68 ; 1560 A5 68 .h
sbc $BEBA ; 1562 ED BA BE ...
sta $3D ; 1565 85 3D .=
ora $3C ; 1567 05 3C .<
clc ; 1569 18 .
beq L15B1 ; 156A F0 45 .E
ldx $67 ; 156C A6 67 .g
lda $68 ; 156E A5 68 .h
L1570: stx $3A ; 1570 86 3A .:
sta $3B ; 1572 85 3B .;
ldy #$01 ; 1574 A0 01 ..
lda ($3A),y ; 1576 B1 3A .:
dey ; 1578 88 .
ora ($3A),y ; 1579 11 3A .:
beq L15B1 ; 157B F0 34 .4
lda ($3A),y ; 157D B1 3A .:
adc $3C ; 157F 65 3C e<
tax ; 1581 AA .
sta ($3A),y ; 1582 91 3A .:
iny ; 1584 C8 .
lda ($3A),y ; 1585 B1 3A .:
adc $3D ; 1587 65 3D e=
sta ($3A),y ; 1589 91 3A .:
clc ; 158B 18 .
bcc L1570 ; 158C 90 E2 ..
lda $BE57 ; 158E AD 57 BE .W.
and #$08 ; 1591 29 08 ).
clc ; 1593 18 .
beq L15B1 ; 1594 F0 1B ..
lda $BE68 ; 1596 AD 68 BE .h.
sta $50 ; 1599 85 50 .P
lda $BE69 ; 159B AD 69 BE .i.
sta $51 ; 159E 85 51 .Q
jsr FNDLIN ; 15A0 20 1A D6 ..
clc ; 15A3 18 .
lda $9B ; 15A4 A5 9B ..
adc #$FF ; 15A6 69 FF i.
sta $B8 ; 15A8 85 B8 ..
lda $9C ; 15AA A5 9C ..
adc #$FF ; 15AC 69 FF i.
sta $B9 ; 15AE 85 B9 ..
clc ; 15B0 18 .
L15B1: rts ; 15B1 60 `
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bcc L15D6 ; 15B2 90 22 ."
lda #$FC ; 15B4 A9 FC ..
sta $BE6A ; 15B6 8D 6A BE .j.
sta $BEB8 ; 15B9 8D B8 BE ...
lda #$C3 ; 15BC A9 C3 ..
sta $BEB7 ; 15BE 8D B7 BE ...
lda $67 ; 15C1 A5 67 .g
sta $BEA5 ; 15C3 8D A5 BE ...
sta $BEB9 ; 15C6 8D B9 BE ...
lda $68 ; 15C9 A5 68 .h
sta $BEA6 ; 15CB 8D A6 BE ...
sta $BEBA ; 15CE 8D BA BE ...
jsr LAD50 ; 15D1 20 50 AD P.
bcs L161F ; 15D4 B0 49 .I
L15D6: lda #$02 ; 15D6 A9 02 ..
ldx #$FC ; 15D8 A2 FC ..
jsr LB1D3 ; 15DA 20 D3 B1 ..
bcs L161F ; 15DD B0 40 .@
lda $AF ; 15DF A5 AF ..
sec ; 15E1 38 8
sbc $67 ; 15E2 E5 67 .g
tax ; 15E4 AA .
sta $BEC8 ; 15E5 8D C8 BE ...
lda $B0 ; 15E8 A5 B0 ..
sbc $68 ; 15EA E5 68 .h
tay ; 15EC A8 .
sta $BEC9 ; 15ED 8D C9 BE ...
lda #$00 ; 15F0 A9 00 ..
sta $BECA ; 15F2 8D CA BE ...
lda $67 ; 15F5 A5 67 .g
sta $BED7 ; 15F7 8D D7 BE ...
lda $68 ; 15FA A5 68 .h
sta $BED8 ; 15FC 8D D8 BE ...
.byte $20 ; 15FF 20