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2017-07-05 11:33:05 +00:00
* Get directory data
PrepRoot JSR FindVol ;Search VCB's and devices for specified volume
BCS NoVolume ;Branch if not found
LDA #$00 ;Zero out directory temps
LDY #$42
ClrDsp STA ownersBlock,Y ; & owner info
BPL ClrDsp
LDA DevNum ;Set up device number for this directory
STA d_dev
JSR MoveHeadZ ;Set up other header info from directory
LDY #$01 ; in genBuf & clean up misc
LDX vcbPtr
RootMisc LDA vcb+vcbTotBlks,X;Misc info includes
STA h_totBlk,Y ; total # of blocks,
LDA vcb+vcbBitMap,X ; the disk addr of the first bitmap,
STA h_bitMap,Y
LDA |blockNum,Y ; directory's disk address,
STA d_head,Y
LDA h_fileCnt,Y ; & lastly, setting up a counter for
STA entCnt,Y ; the # of files in this directory
DEX ;Move low order bytes too
BPL RootMisc
NxtPName JSR NxtPNameZ ;Get new pnPtr in Y & next namlen in A
STY pnPtr ;Save new pathname pointer
RTS ;(status reg according to ACC)
* Advance to next dir name
NxtPNameZ LDY pnPtr ;Bump pathname pointer to
LDA pathBuf,Y ; next name in the path...
ADC pnPtr ;If this addition results in zero
TAY ; then prefixed directory has been moved
BNE :1 ; to another device. Branch if not
LDA DevNum ;Revise devnum for prefixed directory
STA pathDev
:1 LDA pathBuf,Y ;Test for end of name (Z=1)
CLC ;Indicate no errors
NoVolume RTS
* Find base dir
FindVol LDA #$00
LDY PfixPtr ;Use prefix volume name to look up VCB
BIT prfxFlg ;Is this a prefixed path?
BPL :1 ;Branch if it is
TAY ;Set ptr to volume name
:1 STY vnPtr ;Save pointer
STA DevNum ;Zero out device number until VCB located
Adv2NxtVCB PHA ;Acc now used as VCB lookup index
TAX ;Move pointer to X-reg for index
LDA vcb+vcbNamLen,X ;Get volume name length
BNE MatchVol ;Branch if claimed VCB to be tested
NxtVCB LDY vnPtr ;Restore ptr to requested volume name
PLA ;Now adjust VCB index to next vcb entry
ADC #vcbSize
BCC Adv2NxtVCB ;Branch if more VCB's to check
BCS LookVol ;Otherwise go look for unlogged volumes
MatchVol STA namCnt ;Save length of vol name to be compared
:loop1 CMP pathBuf,Y ;Is it the same as requested vol name?
BNE NxtVCB ;branch if not
LDA vcb+vcbName-1,X ;Bump to next character
DEC namCnt ;Was that the last character?
BPL :loop1 ;Branch if not
PLX ;Restore pointer to VCB that matches
STX vcbPtr ;Save it for future reference
LDA vcb+vcbDevice,X ;Get its device number
STA DevNum ;Save it
STZ blockNum+1 ;Assume prefix is not used and
LDA #$02 ; that root directory is to be used
STA blockNum
LDA vnPtr ;= 0 if no prefix
PfxDir TAY ;If prefix, then find ptr to prefixed dir name
STA pnPtr ;Save path ptr
BEQ ChkVolName ;Branch if no prefix
SEC ;Bump to next dir in prefix path
ADC pathBuf,Y
BCC PfxDir ;Branch if there is another dir in prefix
LDA pathBlok ;Volume verification will occur
STA blockNum ; at sub directory level
LDA pathBlok+1
STA blockNum+1
******verify volume name******
ChkVolName JSR RdGBuf ;Read in directory (or prefix directory)
BCS WrgVol ;If error then look on other devices
JSR CmpPName ;Compare directory name with pathname
BCC WrgVolErr ;If they match, don't look elsewhere
WrgVol LDX vcbPtr ;Find out if current (matched) vcb is active
LDA vcb+vcbStatus,X ; i.e. does it have open files?
BMI LookVolErr ;Report not found if active
LookVol LDA vnPtr ;Make path pointer same as volume ptr
STA pnPtr
JSR MovDevNums ;Copy all device numbers to be examined
LDA DevNum ;Log current device first, before searching others
BNE WrgVol3
TryNxtUnit LDX DevCnt ;Scan look list for devices we need
:loop LDA lookList,X ; to search for the requested volume
BNE WrgVol4 ;Branch if we've a device to look at
BPL :loop ;Look at next guy
LookVolErr LDA #volNotFound ;Report that no mounted volume
SEC ; matches the requested
WrgVolErr RTS
WrgVol3 LDX DevCnt ;Now remove the device from the list
WrgVol4 CMP lookList,X ; of prospective devices (so we don't look twice)
BEQ :1 ;Branch if match
DEX ;Look until found
BPL WrgVol4 ;Branch always taken! (usually!) * * *
BMI LookVolErr ;Never unless device was manually removed from devlst (/ram)
:1 STA DevNum ;Preserve device we're about to investigate
STZ lookList,X ;Mark this one as tested
JSR ScanVCB ;Find VCB that claims this device, if any
BCS FndVolErr ;Branch if VCB full
LDX vcbPtr ;Did 'fnddvcb' find it or did it return free vcb?
LDA vcb,X
BEQ :2 ;Branch if free VCB
LDA vcb+vcbStatus,X ;Is this volume active?
BMI TryNxtUnit ;If so, no need to re-log
:2 LDA #$02 ;Go read root directory into genBuf
LDX #$00
BCS TryNxtUnit ;Ignore if unable to read
JSR LogVCB ;Go log in this volume's proper name
BCS TryNxtUnit ;Look at next if non xdos disk was mounted
JSR CmpPName ;Is this the volume we're looking for?
BCS TryNxtUnit ;Branch if not
FndVolErr RTS ;return to caller
MovDevNums LDX DevCnt ;Copy all device numbers to be examined
:loop LDA DevLst,X
AND #$F0 ;Strip device type info
STA lookList,X ;Copy them to a temporary workspace
BPL :loop
LDX DevCnt
* Scan VCBs' for device #
* Input
* (DevNum) - Look for vcb with this device number
* Output
* C = - Got a match/Got a free slot
ScanVCB LDA #$00
ScanNxtVCB TAX ;New index to next VCB
LDA vcb+vcbDevice,X ;Check all devnums
CMP DevNum ;Is this the VCB were looking for?
BNE NotThisVCB ;Branch if not
STX vcbPtr
CLC ;Indicate found
NotThisVCB LDA vcb,X ;Is this a free VCB?
BNE :1 ;Branch if not
STX vcbPtr
:1 TXA ;now...
CLC ; bump index to next VCB
ADC #vcbSize
TYA ;Were any free VCB's available?
BPL :3 ;Yes
LDA #$00
:loop TAX ;Save index
LDA vcb+vcbStatus,X ;Any files opened?
BPL :2 ;No
ADC #vcbSize
BNE :loop
BEQ :ErrExit ;Always
:2 STX vcbPtr ;This slot can be used
STZ vcb,X ;Prepare it for use
STZ vcb+vcbDevice,X
:3 CLC ;Indicate no errors
:ErrExit LDA #vcbFullErr
* Compare dir name with path level
CmpPName LDX #$00 ;Index to directory name
LDY pnPtr ;Index to pathname
LDA genBuf+4+hNamLen;Get directory name length (and type)
CMP #$E0 ;Also make sure it's a directory
BCC :1 ;Branch if not a directory
AND #$0F ;Isolate name length
STA namCnt ;Save as counter
BNE :2 ;Branch if valid length
:1 SEC ;Indicate not what were looking for
:loop LDA genBuf+4+hName-1,X;Get next char
:2 CMP pathBuf,Y
BNE :1 ;Branch if not the same
INX ;Check nxt char
DEC namCnt
BPL :loop ;Branch if more to compare
CLC ;Otherwise we got a match!!!
* Mount new volume
LogVCB LDX vcbPtr ;Is this a previously logged in volume
LDA vcb,X ;(A=0?)
BEQ LogVCBZ ;No, go ahead and prepare vcb
JSR CmpVCB ;Does VCB match volume read?
BCC VCBLogged ;Yes, don't disturb it
LogVCBZ LDY #vcbSize-1
ZeroVCB STZ vcb,X ;Zero out VCB entry
JSR TestSOS ;Make sure it's an xdos diskette
BCS VCBLogged ;If not, return carry set
JSR TestDupVol ;find out if a duplicate with open files already exists
BCS NotLog0
LDA genBuf+4+hNamLen;Move volume name to VCB
AND #$0F ;Strip root marker
TAY ;len byte to Y-reg
ORA vcbPtr ;Add in offset to VCB record
MovVolNam LDA genBuf+4+hNamLen,Y
STA vcb+hNamLen,X
BNE MovVolNam
PLA ;Get length again
STA vcb+hNamLen,X ;Save that too.
LDA DevNum
STA vcb+vcbDevice,X ;Save device number also
LDA genBuf+4+vTotBlk; & totol # of blocks on this unit,
STA vcb+vcbTotBlks,X
LDA genBuf+4+vTotBlk+1
STA vcb+vcbTotBlks+1,X
LDA blockNum ; & address of root directory
STA vcb+vcbRoot,X
LDA blockNum+1
STA vcb+vcbRoot+1,X
LDA genBuf+4+vBitMap; & lastly, the address
STA vcb+vcbBitMap,X ; of the first bitmap
LDA genBuf+4+vBitMap+1
STA vcb+vcbBitMap+1,X
NotLog0 CLC ;Indicate that it was logged if possible
* Compare vol names to make sure they match
CmpVCB LDA genBuf+4+hNamLen;Compare volume name in VCB
AND #$0F ; with name in directory
CMP vcb+hNamLen,X ;Are they same length?
STX xvcbPtr
BNE :1
ORA xvcbPtr
:CmpLoop LDA genBuf+4+hNamLen,Y
CMP vcb+hNamLen,X
:1 SEC ;Anticipate different names
BNE NotSame
BNE :CmpLoop
CLC ;Indicate match
NotSame LDX xvcbPtr ;Get back offset to start of vcb
* Look for duplicate vol
TestDupVol LDA #$00 ;Look for other logged in volumes with same name
:loop TAX
BCS :1 ;Branch if no match
LDA vcb+vcbStatus,X ;Test for any open files
BMI FoundDupVol ;Tell the sucker he can't look at this volume!
LDA #$00 ;Take duplicate off line if no open file
STA vcb,X
STA vcb+vcbDevice,X
BEQ NoDupVol ;Return that all is ok to log in new
:1 TXA ;Index to next VCB
AND #$E0 ;Strip odd stuff
ADC #vcbSize ;Bump to next entry
BCC :loop ;Branch if more to look at
NoDupVol CLC
FoundDupVol STA duplFlag ;A duplicate has been detected
STX vcbEntry ;Save pointer to conflicting vcb
SEC ;Indicate error
* See if a quantity of free blks is available on volume
* Input
* (reqL,H) = # of blks required
TestFreeBlk LDX vcbPtr ;Find out if enough free blocks
LDA vcb+vcbFreeBlks+1,X; available to accomodate the request
ORA vcb+vcbFreeBlks,X; but first find out if we got a proper cnt for this vol
BNE CmpFreeBlk ;Branch if count is non-zero
* Compute VCB free blk count
TakeFreeCnt JSR CntBMs ;Get # of bitmaps
STA bmCnt ;Save it
STZ scrtch ;Start count at zero
STZ scrtch+1
LDA #$FF ;Mark 'first free' temp as unknown
STA noFree
JSR UpdateBitMap ;(nothing happens if it don't hafta.)
BCS TFBErr ;Branch if we got trouble
LDX vcbPtr ;Get address of first bit map
LDA vcb+vcbBitMap,X
STA blockNum
LDA vcb+vcbBitMap+1,X
STA blockNum+1
BitMapRd JSR RdGBuf ;Use g(eneral)buff(er) for temporary
BCS TFBErr ; space to count free blocks (bits)
JSR FreeCount ;Go count 'em
DEC bmCnt ;Was that the last bit map?
BMI ChgVCB ;If so, go change VCB to avoid doing this again!
INC blockNum ;Note: the organization of the bit maps
BNE BitMapRd ; are contiguous for sos version 0
INC blockNum+1 ;If some other organization is implemented,
BRA BitMapRd ; this code must be changed!
ChgVCB LDX vcbPtr ;Mark which block had first free space
LDA noFree
BMI DskFull ;Branch if no free space was found
STA vcb+vcbCurrBitMap,X;Update the free count
LDA scrtch+1 ;Get high count byte
STA vcb+vcbFreeBlks+1,X;Update volume control block
LDA scrtch
STA vcb+vcbFreeBlks,X; & low byte too...
CmpFreeBlk LDA vcb+vcbFreeBlks,X;Compare total available
SBC reqL ; free blocks on this volume
LDA vcb+vcbFreeBlks+1,X
SBC reqH
BCC DskFull
DskFull LDA #volumeFull
* Scan and count bitMap blks
FreeCount LDY #$00 ;Begin at the beginning
:loop LDA genBuf,Y ;Get bit pattern
BEQ :1 ;Don't bother counting nothin'
JSR CntFree
:1 LDA genBuf+$100,Y ;Do both pages with same loop
BEQ :2
JSR CntFree
:2 INY
BNE :loop ;Loop till all 512 bytes counted
BIT noFree ;Has first block with free space been found yet?
BPL :3 ;Branch if it has
LDA scrtch ;Test to see if any blocks were counted
ORA scrtch+1
BEQ :3 ;Branch if none counted
JSR CntBMs ;Get total # of maps
SEC ;Subtract countdown from total bit maps
SBC bmCnt
STA noFree
:3 RTS
* Count # of 1 bits in a byte
CntFree ASL
BCC :1 ;Not a 1-bit
INC scrtch
BNE :1
INC scrtch+1
:1 ORA #$00 ;Loop until all bits counted
BNE CntFree
* Compute # of bit map blks-1
CntBMs LDX vcbPtr
LDY vcb+vcbTotBlks+1,X;Return the # of bit maps
LDA vcb+vcbTotBlks,X; posible with the total count
BNE :1 ; found in the vcb...
DEY ;Adjust for bitmap block boundary
:1 TYA
LSR ;Divide by 16. The result is
LSR ; the number of bit maps