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2017-07-05 11:33:05 +00:00
GetMark LDX fcbPtr ;Get index to open file control block
LDY #c_mark ; & index to user's mark parameter
:loop LDA fcb+fcbMark,X
STA (parm),Y ;Transfer current position
INX ; to user's parameter list
CPY #c_mark+3 ;Have all three bytes been transferred?
BNE :loop ;Branch if not...
CLC ;No errors
ErrMrkEOF LDA #outOfRange ;Report invalid position.
SetMark LDY #c_mark+2 ;Get index to user's desired position
LDX fcbPtr ; & file's control block index
INX ;(bump by 2 for index to hi EOF)
SEC ;Indicate comparisons are necessary
:loop LDA (parm),Y ;Move it to 'tPos'
STA tPosll-c_mark,Y
BCC :1 ;Branch if we already know mark<EOF
CMP fcb+fcbEOF,X ;Carry or Z flag must be clear to qualify
BCC :1 ;Branch if mark qualifies for sure
BNE ErrMrkEOF ;Branch if mark>EOF
:1 DEY dey ;Prepare to move/compare next lower byte of mark
TYA ;Test for all bytes moved/tested
EOR #c_mark-1 ;To preserve carry status
BNE :loop ;Branch if more
* Still in same data block
RdPosn LDY fcbPtr ;First test to see if new position is
LDA fcb+fcbMark+1,Y ; within the same (current) data block
AND #%11111110
STA scrtch ;(At a block boundary)
LDA tPoslh ;Get middle byte of new position
SBC scrtch
STA scrtch
BCC TypMark ;Branch if possibly l.t. current position
CMP #$02 ;Must be within 512 bytes of beginning of current
BCS TypMark ;No
LDA tPosHi ;Now make sure we're talking
CMP fcb+fcbMark+2,Y ; about the same 64K chunk!
BNE TypMark ;Branch if we aren't
JMP SavMark ;If we are, adjust FCB, posPtr and return
TypMark EQU * ;Now find out which type
LDA fcb+fcbStorTyp,Y; of file we're positioning on
BEQ :11 ;There is no such type as zero, branch never!
CMP #tree+1 ;Is it a tree class file?
BCC TreePos ;Yes, go position
JMP DirMark ;No, test for directory type
:11 LDY #fcbPtr ;Clear illegally typed FCB entry
STA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y
LDA #invalidRefNum ;Tell 'em there is no such file
* Need different data blk
TreePos EQU * ;Use storage type as number of index levels
LDA fcb+fcbStorTyp,Y; (since 1=seed, 2=sapling, and 3=tree)
STA levels
LDA fcb+fcbStatus,Y ;Must not forget previous data
AND #dataMod ;Therefore, see if previous data was modified
BEQ :21 ; then disk must be updated
JSR WrFCBData ;Yes, so go write current data block
BCS PosErr ;Return any error encountered
:21 LDY fcbPtr ;Test to see if current
LDA fcb+fcbMark+2,Y ; index block is going to be usable...
AND #%11111110 ; or in other words - is new position
STA scrtch ; within 128K of the beginning
LDA tPosHi ; of current sapling level chunk?
SBC scrtch
BCC PosNew2 ;Branch if a new index block is also needed
CMP #$02 ;New position is > begining of old. Is it within 128K?
BCS PosNew2 ;Branch if not
LDX levels ;Is the file we're dealing with a seed?
BNE DataLevel ;No, use current indexes
TestTiny LDA tPoslh ;Is new position under 512?
ORA tPosHi
BNE NoIdxData ;No, mark both data and index block as un-allocated
LDA fcb+fcbFirst,Y ;First block is only block and it's data!
STA blockNum
LDA fcb+fcbFirst+1,Y;(high block address)
JMP RdNewPos
PosNew2 EQU * ;Gota check to see if previous
LDA fcb+fcbStatus,Y ; index block was modified
AND #idxMod
BEQ PosnIdx ;Read in over it if current is up to date
JSR WrFCBIdx ;Go update index on disk (block addr in fcb)
BCS PosErr
PosnIdx LDX levels ;Before reading in top index, check
CPX #tree ; to be sure that there is a top index...
BEQ PosIndex ;Branch if file is full blown tree
LDA tPosHi ;Is new position within range
LSR ; of a sapling file (l.t. 128k)?
PHP ;Anticipate no good
LDA #topAloc+idxAloc+dataAloc;(to indicate no level is allocated for new posn)
PLP ;Z flag tells all...
BNE NoData ;Go mark 'em all dummy
JSR ClrStats ;Go clear status bits 0,1,2 (index/data alloc status)
DEX ;(unaffected since loaded above) Check for seed
BEQ TestTiny ;If seed, check for position l.t. 512...
JSR RdFCBFst ;Go get only index block
BCS PosErr ;Branch if error
LDY fcbPtr ;Save newly loaded index block's address
LDA blockNum
STA fcb+fcbIdxBlk,Y
LDA blockNum+1
STA fcb+fcbIdxBlk+1,Y
BCC DataLevel ;Branch always...
PosErr RTS ;Carry always set when branched to
PosIndex JSR ClrStats ;Clear all allocation requirements for prev posn
JSR RdFCBFst ;Get highest level index block
BCS PosErr
LDA tPosHi ;Then test for a sap level index block
LDA (tIndex),Y
INC tIndex+1
CMP (tIndex),Y ;(both hi and lo will be zero if no index exists)
BNE SapLevel
TAX ;Are both bytes zero?
BNE SapLevel ;No
DEC tIndex+1 ;Don't leave wrong pointers laying around!
NoIdxData LDA #idxAloc+dataAloc
BRA NoData
SapLevel STA blockNum ;Read in next lower index block
LDA (tIndex),Y ;(hi address)
STA blockNum+1
DEC tIndex+1
JSR RdFCBIdx ;Read in sapling level
BCS PosErr
DataLevel LDA tPosHi ;Now get block address of data block
LDA tPoslh ;( if there is one )
LDA (tIndex),Y ;Data block address low
INC tIndex+1
CMP (tIndex),Y
BNE PosNew3
TAX ;Are both bytes zero?
BNE PosNew3 ;No
LDA #dataAloc ;Show data block has never been allocated
DEC tIndex+1
NoData LDY fcbPtr ;Set status to show what's missing
ORA fcb+fcbStatus,Y
STA fcb+fcbStatus,Y
LSR ;Throw away bit that says data block un-allocated
LSR ; cuz we know that. Carry now indicates if index block
JSR ZipData ; also is invalid and needs to be zeroed (Carry undisturbed)
BCC SavMark ;Branch if index block doesn't need zipping
JSR ZeroIndex ;Go zero index block in user's i/o buffer
BRA SavMark
ZeroIndex LDA #$00
:loop1 STA (tIndex),Y ;Zero out the index half
BNE :loop1 ; of the user's i/o buffer
INC tIndex+1
:loop2 STA (tIndex),Y
BNE :loop2 ;Restore proper address
DEC tIndex+1
RTS ;That's all
ZipData LDA #$00 ;Also is invalid and needs to be zeroed
:loop1 STA (dataPtr),Y ;Zero out data area
BNE :loop1
INC dataPtr+1
:loop2 STA (dataPtr),Y
BNE :loop2
DEC dataPtr+1
* Read file data blk
PosNew3 STA blockNum ;Get data block of new position
LDA (tIndex),Y ;(hi address)
DEC tIndex+1
RdNewPos STA blockNum+1
BCS pritz ;Return any error
JSR ClrStats ;Show whole chain is allocated
* Got data blk wanted
SavMark LDY fcbPtr ;Update position in file control block
LDX #$02
:loop LDA fcb+fcbMark,Y ;Remember oldmark in case
STA oldMark,X ; calling routine fails later
LDA tPosll,X ;Set new mark
STA fcb+fcbMark,Y ; in FCB
DEX ;Move 3-byte position marker
BPL :loop
CLC ;Last, but not least, set up
LDA dataPtr ; indirect address to buffer page pointed
STA posPtr ; to by the current position marker
LDA tPoslh
AND #$01 ;(A)=0/1
ADC dataPtr+1 ;(posPtr) = start of pg in
STA posPtr+1 ; data blk which contains the mark
pritz RTS ;Carry set indicates error!
* Reset block allocate flags
ClrStats LDY fcbPtr ;Clear allocation states for data block
LDA fcb+fcbStatus,Y ; and both levels of indexes
AND #$FF-topAloc-idxAloc-dataAloc
STA fcb+fcbStatus,Y ;This says that either they exist currently
RTS ; or that they're unnecessary for current position.
* Set dir file position
DirMark CMP #directoryFile ;Is it a directory?
BEQ DirPos ;Yes...
LDA #badFileFormat ;No, there is a compatiblity problem -
JSR SysErr ; the damn thing should never been opened!
DirPos LDA scrtch ;Recover results of previous subtraction
LSR ;Use difference as counter as to how many
STA cntEnt ; blocks must be read to get to new position
LDA fcb+fcbMark+1,Y ;Test for position direction
CMP tPoslh ;Carry indicates direction...
BCC DirFwrd ;If set, position forward
DirReverse LDY #$00 ;Otherwise, read directory file in reverse order
JSR DirPos1 ;Read previous block
BCS DirPosErr ;Branch if anything goes wrong
INC cntEnt ;Count up to 128
BPL DirReverse ;Loop if there is more blocks to pass over
BMI SavMark ;Branch always
DirFwrd LDY #$02 ;Position is forward from current position
JSR DirPos1 ;Read next directory block
BCS DirPosErr
DEC cntEnt
BNE DirFwrd ;Loop if position not found in this bloc
BEQ SavMark ;Branch always
DirPos1 LDA (dataPtr),Y ;Get link address of previous
STA blockNum ; or next directory block
CMP #$01 ; but first be sure there is a link
LDA (dataPtr),Y
BNE DirPos2
BCS DirPos2 ;Branch if certain link exists
LDA #eofEncountered ;Something is wrong with this directory file!
DirPosErr SEC ;Indicate error
DirPos2 STA blockNum+1 ;(high order block address)
* Drop into rfcbdat (Read file's data block)
* Note: for directory positioning, no optimization has been done since
* since directory files will almost always be less than 6 blocks.
* If more speed is required or directory type files are to be used
* for other purposes requiring more blocks, then the recommended
* method is to call RdFCBData for the first block and go directly to
* device (via jmp (iounitl)) handler for subsequent accesses.
* Also note that no checking is done for read/write enable since a
* directory file can only be opened for read access.
RdFCBData LDA #rdCmd ;Set read command
STA dhpCmd
LDX #dataPtr ;Use X to point at address of data buffer
JSR FileIOZ ;Go do file input
BCS :Ret ;Return any error
LDY fcbPtr
LDA blockNum
STA fcb+fcbDataBlk,Y;Save block number just read in FCB
LDA blockNum+1
STA fcb+fcbDataBlk+1,Y
:Ret RTS ;Carry set indicates error
* Read sub index blk
RdFCBIdx LDA #rdCmd ;Prepare to read in index bloc
STA dhpCmd
LDX #tIndex ;Point at address of current index buffer
JSR FileIOZ ;Go read index block
BCS :Ret ;Report error
LDY fcbPtr
LDA blockNum
STA fcb+fcbIdxBlk,Y ;Save block address of this index in fcb
LDA blockNum+1
STA fcb+fcbIdxBlk+1,Y
:Ret RTS
* Write key index blk
WrFCBFst1 LDA #wrtCmd ;Set write mode for device
DB $2C ;Skip next 2 bytes for pseudo-branch always to RWFst
* Read key index blk
RdFCBFst LDA #rdCmd ;Set read mode for device
RWFst PHA ;Save command
LDA #fcbFirst
ORA fcbPtr ;Add offset to fcbPtr
LDX #tIndex ;Read block into index portion of file buffer
* Drop into DoFileIO
DoFileIO STA dhpCmd ;Save command
LDA fcb,Y ;Get disk block address from FCB
STA blockNum ;Block zero not legal
CMP fcb+1,Y
CMP #$00 ;Are both bytes zero?
BNE FileIO ;No, continue with request
LDA #badBlockErr ;Otherwise report allocation error
JSR SysDeath ;Never returns...
FileIO LDA fcb+1,Y ;Get high address of disk block
STA blockNum+1
* Set up and do file block I/O
* Entry
* (X) = buf ptr in page zero
FileIOZ PHP ;No interupts from here on out
LDA $00,X ;Get memory address of buffer from
STA bufPtr ; zero page pointed to by
LDA $01,X ; the X-register
STA bufPtr+1 ; & pass address to device handler
LDY fcbPtr
LDA fcb+fcbDevNum,Y ;Of course having the device number
STA DevNum ; would make the whole operation more meaningful...
LDA #$FF ;Also, set to
STA ioAccess ; indicate reg call made to dev handler
LDA DevNum ;xfer the device # for dispatcher to convert to unit #
STA unitNum
STZ SErr ;Clear global error value
JSR DMgr ;Call the driver
BCS :1 ;Branch if error
PLP ;Restore interupts
:1 PLP ;Restore interupts
* Check point bit map & write key blk
WrFCBFirst JSR UpdateBitMap ;First update the bitmap
BRA WrFCBFst1 ; and go write file's first block!
* Check point data blk buffer
WrFCBData LDX #dataPtr
LDA #fcbDataBlk ;Point at mem addr with X and disk addr with Y
ORA fcbPtr ;Add offset to fcbptr
TAY ; and put it in Y-reg
LDA #wrtCmd ;Write data block
BCS FileIOerr ;Report any errors
LDA #$FF-dataMod ;Mark data status as current
* Check point index blk buffer
WrFCBIdx JSR UpdateBitMap ;Go update bitmap
LDX #tIndex ;Point at address of index buffer
LDA #fcbIdxBlk ; & block address of that index block
ORA fcbPtr
LDA #wrtCmd
JSR DoFileIO ;Go write out index block
BCS FileIOerr ;Report any errors
LDA #$FF-idxMod ;Mark index status as current
FCBUpdate LDY fcbPtr ;Change status byte to
AND fcb+fcbStatus,Y ; reflect successful disk file update
STA fcb+fcbStatus,Y ;(carry is unaffected)
FileIOerr RTS
* ProDOS8 OPEN Call
Open JSR FindFile ;First of all look up the file...
BCC :1
CMP #badPathSyntax ;Is an attempt to open a root directory?
BNE ErrOpen ;No, pass back error
:1 JSR TestOpen ;Find out if any other files are writing
BCC Open1 ; to this same file. (branch if not)
ErrBusy LDA #fileBusy
ErrOpen SEC
WrgStorTyp LDA #badStoreType ;Report file is of wrong storage type!
Open1 LDY fcbPtr ;Get address of first free FCB found
LDA fcbFlg ;This byte indicates that a free FCB found
BNE AssignFCB ; if non-zero is available for use
LDA #fcbFullErr ;Report FCB full error
AssignFCB LDX #fcbSize-1 ;Assign fcb, but first
LDA #$00 ; clean out any old
ClrFCB STA fcb,Y ; rubbish left around...
LDA #fcbEntNum ;Now begin claim by moving in file info
TAX ;Use X as source index
ORA fcbPtr
TAY ; and Y as destination (FCB)
FCBOwner LDA d_dev-1,X ;Move ownership information
STA fcb,Y ;Note: this code depends upon the defined
DEY ; order of both the FCB and directory entry
BNE FCBOwner ; buffer (d.). beware of changes!!! *************
LDA d_file+d_stor ;Get storage type
LSR ;Strip off file name length
LSR ;(by dividing by 16)
TAX ;Save in X for later type comparison
STA fcb+fcbStorTyp,Y; and in FCB for future access
LDA d_file+d_attr ;Get files attributes & use
AND #readEnable+writeEnable; it as a default access request
CPX #directoryFile ;If directory, don't allow write enable
BNE SavAttr1
AND #readEnable ;(Read-only)
SavAttr1 STA fcb+fcbAttr,Y
AND #writeEnable ;Check for write enabled requested
BEQ :1 ;Branch if read only open
LDA totEnt ;Otherwise, be sure no one else is reading
BNE ErrBusy ; same file (set up by TestOpen)
:1 CPX #tree+1 ;Is it a tree type file?
BCC :2 ;Test for further compatiblity. It must
CPX #directoryFile ; be either a tree or a directory
BNE WrgStorTyp ;Report file is of wrong storage type
:2 LDX #$06 ;Move address of first block of file,
:loop1 STA blockNum+1 ; end of file, and current usage count
LDA fcbPtr
ORA oFCBTbl,X ;This is done via a translation
TAY ; table between directory info and FCB
LDA d_file+d_first,X
STA fcb,Y
DEX ;Has all info been moved?
BPL :loop1
STA blockNum ;Last loop stored hi addr of first block
LDY fcbPtr
LDA cntEnt ;This was set up by 'TestOpen'...
STA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ;Claim fcb for this file
JSR AllocBuf ;Go allocate buffer in memtables
BCS ErrOpen2 ;Give up if any errors occurred
JSR FndFCBuf ;Returns addrs of bufs in data & index pointers
LDA Level ;Mark level at which
STA fcb+fcbLevel,Y ; file was opened
LDA fcb+fcbStorTyp,Y;File must be positioned to beginning
CMP #tree+1 ;Is it a tree file?
BCS OpenDir ;No, assume it's a directory
LDA #$FF ;Fool the position routine into giving a
STA fcb+fcbMark+2,Y ; valid position with preloaded data, etc
LDY #$02 ;Set desired position to zero
LDA #$00
:loop2 STA tPosll,Y
BPL :loop2
JSR RdPosn ;Let tree position routine do the rest
BCC OpenDone ;Branch if successful
ErrOpen2 PHA ;Save error code
LDY fcbPtr ;Return buffer to free space
LDA fcb+fcbFileBuf,Y
BEQ :1 ;Branch if no buf #
JSR ReleaseBuf ;Doesn't matter if it was never allocated
LDY fcbPtr ; since error was encountered before file
:1 LDA #$00 ; was successfully opened, then
STA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ; it's necessary to release FCB
OpenDir JSR RdFCBData ;Read in first block of directory file
BCS ErrOpen2 ;Return any error after freeing buffer & FCB
OpenDone LDX vcbPtr ;Index to volume control block
INC vcb+vcbOpenCnt,X;Add 1 to the number of files currently open
LDA vcb+vcbStatus,X ; & indicate that this volume has
ORA #$80 ; at least 1 file active
STA vcb+vcbStatus,X
LDY fcbPtr ;Index to file control block
LDA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ;Return reference number to user
LDY #c_outRef
STA (parm),Y
CLC ;Indicate successful open!
RTS ;All done...
* Test if file can be opened
* C=1
* Already opened with write access
* NB. Multiple write access is not allowed
* C=0
* File may be opened/already opened
* If fcbFlag <> 0, got a free FCB &
* (fcbPtr) = index into FCB table
* NB. Multiple read access is allowed
TestOpen LDA #$00
STA cntEnt ;This temp returns the refnum of a free FCB
STA totEnt ;This is used as a flag to indicate file is already open
STA fcbFlg ;This is a flag to indicate a free FCB is available
TestOpen1 TAY ;Index to next FCB
LDX fcbFlg ;Test for free FCB found
BNE :1 ;Branch if already found
INC cntEnt
:1 LDA fcb+fcbRefNum,Y ;Is this FCB in use?
BNE ChkActive ;Branch if it is
TXA ;If not, should we claim it?
BNE TestNxtFCB ;Branch if free FCB already found
STY fcbPtr ;Save index to free FCB
LDA #-1 ;Set fcb flag to indicate free FCB found
STA fcbFlg
BNE TestNxtFCB ;Branch always to test next FCB
ChkActive TYA ;Add offset to index to ownership info
ORA #fcbEntNum
TAY ;Put it back in Y-reg
LDX #fcbEntNum ;Index to directory entry owner info
WhoOwns LDA fcb,Y
CMP d_dev-1,X ;All bytes must match to say that its
BNE TestNxtFCB ; the same file again
DEY ;Index to next lower bytes
BNE WhoOwns ;Loop to check all owner info
INC totEnt ;File is already open,
LDA fcb+fcbAttr,Y ;Now see if it's already opened for write
AND #writeEnable
BEQ TestNxtFCB ;Branch if this file is read access only
SEC ;Multiple write access not allowed
TestNxtFCB TYA ;Calc position of next FCB
AND #%11100000 ;First strip any possible index offsets
ADC #fcbSize ;Bump to next FCB
BNE TestOpen1 ;Branch if more to compare
CLC ;Report no conflicts