259 lines
11 KiB

* "DeTree" deallocates blocks from tree files.
* It is assumed that the device preselected and the 'genBuf' may be used.
* On entry the following values must be set:
* storType = storage type in upper nibble, lower nibble is undisturbed.
* firstBlkL & firstBlkH = first block of file (index or data)
* deBlock = 0 (see below)
* dTree = ptr to 1st block with stuff to be deallocated at tree level.
* dSap = ptr to 1st block at sapling level
* dSeed = byte (0-511) position to be zeroed from (inclusive).
* NB. There is 2 special cases when dSeed = 512
* Case 1) when EOF is set at a block boundary
* Case 2) when file is destroyed
* On exit:
* storType = modified result of storage type (if applicable)
* firstBlkL & H = modified if storage type changed.
* deBlock = total number of blocks freed at all levels.
* dTree, dSap, dSeed unchanged.
* To trim a tree to a seed file, both dTree and dSap must be zero.
* To go from tree to sapling, dTree alone must be zero.
DeTree LDA storType ;Which flavor of tree?
CMP #sapling*16 ;Is it a 'seed' (<=$1F)
BCC SeedDeAlloc ;Yes
CMP #tree*16 ;Maybe a 'sapling'?
BCC SapDeAlloc
CMP #{tree+1}*16 ;Well, at least be certain it's a 'tree'
BCC TreeDeAlloc ;Branch if it is
LDA #badBlockErr ;Block allocation error
JSR SysDeath ;Should never have been called
SeedDeAlloc LDA dSap
ORA dTree
BNE BummErr
JMP SeedDeAlloc0 ;Trim to a seed
SapDeAlloc LDA dTree
BNE BummErr
JMP SapDeAlloc0 ;Trim to a sapling
TreeDeAlloc LDA #128
STA topDest ;For tree top, start at end, work backwards
:loop1 JSR RdKeyBlk ;Read specified first block into genBuf
BCS BummErr ;Return all errors
LDY topDest ;Get current pointer to top indexes
CPY dTree ;Have enough sapling indexes been deallocated?
BEQ TreeDel17 ;Yes, now deallocate top guys!
LDX #$07 ;Buffer up to 8 sapling index block addrs
:loop2 LDA genBuf,Y ;Fetch low block address
STA deAlocBufL,X ; and save it
ORA genBuf+$100,Y ;Is it a real block that is allocated?
BEQ :1 ;It's a phantom block
LDA genBuf+$100,Y ;Fetch hi block addr
STA deAlocBufH,X ; and save it
DEX ;Decrement and test for dealoc buf filled
BMI :2 ;Branch if we've fetched 8 addresses
:1 DEY ;Look now for end of deallocation limit
CPY dTree ;Is this the last position on tree level?
BNE :loop2 ;No
LDA #$00 ;Fill rest of deAloc buffer with NULL addresses
:loop3 STA deAlocBufL,X
STA deAlocBufH,X
BPL :loop3 ;Loop until filled
:2 DEY ;Decrement to prepare for next time
STY topDest ;save index
LDX #$07
:loop4 STX dTempX ;Save index to deAloc buf
LDA deAlocBufL,X
STA blockNum
ORA deAlocBufH,X ;Are we finished?
BEQ :loop1 ;Branch if done with this level
LDA deAlocBufH,X ;Complete address with hi byte
STA blockNum+1
JSR RdGBuf ;Read sapling level into genBuf
BCS BummErr ;Return any errors
JSR DeAllocBlk ;Go free all data indexes in this block
BCS BummErr
BCS BummErr
LDX dTempX ;Restore index to dealloc buff
DEX ;Are there more to free?
BPL :loop4 ;Branch if there are
BMI :loop1 ;Branch always to do next bunch
deAlocTreeDone EQU *
deAlocSapDone EQU *
BummErr RTS
TreeDel17 LDY dTree ;Now deallocate all tree level
INY ; blocks greater than specified block
JSR DeAlocBlkZ ;(tree top in genBuf)
BCS BummErr ;Report any errors
JSR WrtGBuf ;Write updated top back to disk
BCS BummErr
LDY dTree ;Now figure out if tree can become sapling
BEQ :11 ;Branch if it can!
LDA genBuf,Y ;Otherwise, continue with partial
STA blockNum ; deallocation of last sapling index
ORA genBuf+$100,Y ;Is there such a sapling index block?
BEQ deAlocTreeDone ;All done if not!
LDA genBuf+$100,Y ;Read in sapling level to be modified
STA blockNum+1
JSR RdGBuf ;Read 'highest' sapling index into genBuf
BCC SapDeAllocZ
:11 JSR Shrink ;Shrink tree to sapling
BCS BummErr
* Deallocate a sapling file
SapDeAlloc0 JSR RdKeyBlk ;Read specified only sapling level index into gbuf
BCS BummErr
SapDeAllocZ LDY dSap ;fetch pointer to last of desirable indexes
INY ;Bump to the first undesirable
BEQ :21 ;branch if all are desirable
JSR DeAlocBlkZ ;Deallocate all indexes above appointed
BCS BummErr
JSR WrtGBuf ;Update disk with remaining indexes
BCS BummErr
:21 LDY dSap ;Now prepare to cleanup last data block
BEQ :22 ;Branch if there is a posiblity of making it a seed
:loop LDA genBuf,Y ;Fetch low order data block addr
STA blockNum
ORA genBuf+$100,Y ;Is it a real block?
BEQ deAlocSapDone ;We're done if not
LDA genBuf+$100,Y
STA blockNum+1
JSR RdGBuf ;Go read data block into gbuf
BCC SeedDeAllocZ ;Branch if good read
RTS ;Otherwise return error
:22 LDA dTree ;Are both tree and sap levels zero?
BNE :loop ;Branch if not.
JSR Shrink ;Reduce this sap to a seed
BCS BumErr1
* If no error, drop into SeedDeAlloc0
SeedDeAlloc0 JSR RdKeyBlk ;Go read only data block
BCS BumErr1 ;Report any errors
SeedDeAllocZ LDY dSeed+1 ;Check hi byte for no deletion
BEQ :31 ;Branch if all of second page is to be deleted
DEY ;If dseed>$200 then were all done!
BNE BumErr1 ;Branch if that's the case
LDY dSeed ;Clear only bytes >= dseed
:31 LDA #$00
:loop1 STA genBuf+$100,Y ;Zero out unwanted data
BNE :loop1
LDY dSeed+1 ;Was that all?
BNE :32 ;Branch if it was
LDY dSeed
:loop2 STA genBuf,Y
BNE :loop2
:32 JMP WrtGBuf ;Update data block to disk
BumErr1 RTS
RdKeyBlk LDA firstBlkL ;Read specified first
LDX firstBlkH ; block into genBbuf
JMP RdBlkAX ;Go do it!
* Beware that dealloc may bring in a new bitmap block
* and may destroy locations 46 and 47 which use to
* point to the current index block.
Shrink LDX firstBlkH ;First deallocate top block
LDA firstBlkL
PHA ;Save block address of this index block
JSR Dealloc ;Go do it
STA blockNum ;Set master of sapling index block address
STA blockNum+1
BCS :Ret ;report any errors
LDA genBuf ;Get first block at lower level
STA firstBlkL
LDA genBuf+$100
STA firstBlkH
LDY #$00
JSR SwapMe
SEC ;Now change file type, from
LDA storType ; tree to sapling,
SBC #$10 ; or from sapling to seed!
STA storType
:Ret RTS
* Free master index/index block entries
* If DeAlockBlkZ is used, (Y) must be set correctly
DeAllocBlk LDY #$00 ;Start at the beginning
DeAlocBlkZ LDA blockNum ;Save disk address
PHA ; of genBuf's data
LDA blockNum+1
:loop STY sapPtr ;Save current index
LDA genBuf,Y ;Get address (low) of block to be deallocated
CMP #$01 ;Test for NULL block
LDX genBuf+$100,Y ;Get the rest of the block address
BNE :1 ;Branch if not NULL
BCC :2 ;Skip it if NULL
:1 JSR Dealloc ;Free it up on volume bitMap
BCS :3 ;Return any error
LDY sapPtr ;Get index to sapling level index block again
JSR SwapMe
:2 INY ;Point at next block address
BNE :loop ;Branch if more to deallocate (or test)
CLC ;Indicate no error
:3 TAX ;Save error code, if any
STA blockNum+1
STA blockNum
TXA ;Restore return code
* delFlag = 0 - Not called by Destroy
* delFlag = 1 - Called Destroy ie swapping
* Swap the Lo & Hi indices making up a disk addr
* so that disk recovery programs may be able
* to undelete a destroyed file
SwapMe LDA delFlag ;Are we swapping or zeroing ?
BNE :1 ;Skip if swapping
TAX ;Make X a 0
BEQ :2 ;0 the index (always taken)
:1 LDX genBuf+$100,Y ;Get index, hi
LDA genBuf,Y ;Get index, lo
:2 STA genBuf+$100,Y ;Save index, hi
STA genBuf,Y ;Save index, lo
RTS ;We're done