2017-07-05 19:33:05 +08:00

237 lines
9.3 KiB

* Get File entry
FindFile JSR LookFile ;See if file exists
BCS NoFind ;Branch if an error was encountered
MovEntry LDY h_entLen ;Move entire entry info
:loop LDA (dirBufPtr),Y
STA d_file+d_stor,Y ; to a safe area
BPL :loop
LDA #$00 ;To indicate all is well
NoFind RTS ;Return condition codes
* Follow path to a file
LookFile JSR PrepRoot ;Find volume and set up other boring stuff
BCS FndErr ;Pass back any error encountered
BNE LookFile0 ;Branch if more than root
LDA #>genBuf ;Otherwise, report a badpath error
STA dirBufPtr+1 ;(but first create a phantom entry for open)
LDA #<genBuf+4 ;Skip 4-byte blk link ptrs
STA dirBufPtr
LDY #d_auxID ;First move in id, and date stuff
:loop1 LDA (dirBufPtr),Y
STA d_file,Y
CPY #d_creDate-1
BNE :loop1
:loop2 LDA rootStuff-d_fileID,Y
STA d_file,Y
CPY #d_fileID-1
BNE :loop2
LDA #directoryFile*16;Fake directory file
STA d_file+d_stor
LDA genBuf+2 ;A forward link?
ORA genBuf+3
BNE :1 ;Yes
LDA #$02
STA d_file+d_eof+1
LDA #$01 ;Allocate 1 blk
STA d_file+d_usage
:1 LDA #badPathSyntax
* Scan subdir for file
LookFile0 STZ noFree ;Reset free entry indicator
SEC ;Indicate that dir to be searched has header in this blk
ScanDirLoop STZ totEnt ;reset entry counter
JSR LookName ;Look for name pointed to by pnPtr
BCC NameFound ;Branch if name was found
LDA entCnt ;Have we looked at all of the
SBC totEnt ; entries in this directory?
BCC :11 ;Maybe, check hi count
BNE LookFile2 ;No, read next directory block
CMP entCnt+1 ;Has the last entry been looked at (A=0)
BEQ ErrFNF ;Yes, give 'file not found' error
BNE LookFile2 ;Branch always
:11 DEC entCnt+1 ;Should be at least 1
BPL LookFile2 ;(this should be branch always...)
ErrDir LDA #dirError ;Report directory messed up
FndErr SEC
LookFile2 STA entCnt ;Keep running count
LDA #>genBuf ;Reset indirect pointer
STA dirBufPtr+1
LDA genBuf+2 ;Get link to next directory block
BNE NxtDir0 ;(if there is one)
CMP genBuf+3 ;Are both zero, i.e. no link?
BEQ ErrDir ;If so, then not all entries were accounted for
NxtDir0 LDX genBuf+3 ;A has value for block # (low)
JSR RdBlkAX ;Go read the next linked directory in
BCC ScanDirLoop ;Branch if no error
RTS ;Return error (in A)
* No more file entries
ErrFNF LDA noFree ;Was any free entry found?
LDA genBuf+2 ;Test link
BNE TellFree
CMP genBuf+3 ;If both are zero, then give up
BEQ FNF0 ; simply report 'not found'
TellFree STA d_entBlk
LDA genBuf+3
STA d_entBlk+1 ;Assume first entry of next block
LDA #$01 ; is free for use
STA d_entNum
STA noFree ;Mark d_entNum as valid (for create)
FNF0 JSR NxtPNameZ ;Test for 'file not found' versus 'path not found'
ErrPath1 SEC ;If non-zero then 'path not found'
BEQ :21
LDA #pathNotFound ;Report no such path
:21 LDA #fileNotFound ;Report file not found
* File entry found
NameFound JSR NxtPName ;Adjust index to next name in path
BEQ FileFound ;Branch if that was last name
LDY #d_stor ;Be sure this is a directory entry
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y ;High nibble will tell
AND #$F0
CMP #directoryFile*16;Is it a sub-directory?
BNE ErrPath1 ;Report the user's mistake
LDY #d_first ;Get address of first sub-directory block
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y
STA blockNum ;(no checking is done here for a valid
INY ; block number... )
STA d_head ;Save as file's header block too
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y
STA blockNum+1
STA d_head+1
JSR RdGBuf ;Read sub-directory into gbuf
BCS FndErr1 ;Return immediately any error encountered
LDA genBuf+4+hFileCnt;Get the number of files
STA entCnt ; contained in this directory
LDA genBuf+4+hFileCnt+1
STA entCnt+1
LDA genBuf+4+hPassEnable;Make sure password disabled
LDX #$00
TestPass0 BCC :1
:1 ASL
BNE TestPass0
CPX #$05 ;Is password disabled?
BEQ MovHead
LDA #badFileFormat ;Tell them this directory is not compatible
FndErr1 SEC
MovHead JSR MoveHeadZ ;Move info about this directory
JMP LookFile0 ;Do next local pathname
* Copy directory (vol/sub) header
MoveHeadZ LDX #$0A ;move info about this directory
:loop1 LDA genBuf+4+hCreDate,X
STA h_creDate,X
BPL :loop1
LDA genBuf+4 ;If this is root, then nothing to do
AND #$F0
EOR #$F0 ;Test header type
BEQ :11 ;Branch if root
LDX #$03 ;Otherwise, save owner info about this header
:loop2 LDA genBuf+4+hOwnerBlk,X
STA ownersBlock,X
BPL :loop2
:11 RTS
* Save dir entry # & block
FileFound EQU *
EntAdr LDA h_maxEnt ;Figure out which is entry number this is
SBC cntEnt ;max entries - count entries + 1 = entry number
ADC #$00 ;(carry is/was set)
STA d_entNum
LDA blockNum
STA d_entBlk
LDA blockNum+1 ; & indicate blk # of this dir
STA d_entBlk+1
* Search one dir block for file
LookName LDA h_maxEnt ;reset count of files per block
STA cntEnt
LDA #>genBuf
STA dirBufPtr+1
LDA #$04
LookName1 STA dirBufPtr ;Reset indirect pointer to genBuf
BCS LookName2 ;Branch if this block contains a header
LDY #$00
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y ;Get length of name in dir
BNE IsName ;Branch if there is a name
LDA noFree ;Test to see if a free entry has been declared
BNE LookName2 ;Yes bump to next entry
JSR EntAdr ;Set address for current entry
INC noFree ;Indicate a free spot has been found
BNE LookName2 ;Branch always
IsName AND #$0F ;Strip type (this is checked by 'FileFound')
INC totEnt ;(bump count of valid files found)
STA namCnt ;Save name length as counter
LDX pnPtr ;Get index to current path
CMP pathBuf,X ;Are both names of the same length?
BNE LookName2 ;No, bump to next entry
CmpNames INX ;(first) next letter index
LDA (dirBufPtr),Y ;Compare names letter by letter
CMP pathBuf,X
BNE LookName2
DEC namCnt ;Have all letters been compared?
BNE CmpNames ;No, continue..
CLC ;By golly, we got us a match!
NoName RTS
LookName2 DEC cntEnt ;Have we checked all possible entries in this blk?
BEQ NoName ;Yes, give up
LDA h_entLen ;Add entry length to current pointer
ADC dirBufPtr
BCC LookName1 ;Branch if we're still in the first page
INC dirBufPtr+1 ;Look on second page
CLC ;Carry should always be clear before looking at next
BCC LookName1 ;Branch always...