// // GNOConsole.mm // 2Term // // Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 7/9/2010. // Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // #include #include #import "GNOConsole.h" #include "OutputChannel.h" #include "Screen.h" /* * The GNO Console Driver. * this was gleaned from the source code. * * 0x00 n/a * 0x01 ^A - enable overstrike mode (IODP_gInsertFlag = 0) * 0x02 ^B - enable insert mode (IODP_gInsertFlag = 1) * 0x03 ^C - setport (IODP_GotoFlag = 3) * 0x04 n/a * 0x05 ^E - turn on cursor * 0x06 ^F - turn off cursor * 0x07 ^G - beep * 0x08 ^H - left arrow * 0x09 ^I - tab * 0x0a ^J - Line Feed (checks IODP_Scroll) * 0x0b ^K - clear EOP ???? up arrow??? * 0x0c ^L - form feed - clear screen * 0x0d ^M - carriage return cursor = left margin * 0x0e ^N - inverse off - invert flag &= 0x7fff * 0x0f ^O - inverse on - invert flag |= 0x8000 * 0x10 n/a * 0x11 ^Q - insert line * 0x12 ^R - Delete Line * 0x13 n/a * 0x14 n/a * 0x15 ^U - right arrow * 0x16 ^V - scroll down 1 line * 0x17 ^W - scroll up 1 line * 0x18 ^X - mouse text off. * 0x19 ^Y - cursor home. * 0x1a ^Z - clear line * 0x1b ^[ - mouse text on (inv flag | 0x4000) * 0x1c ^\ - increment IODP_CH (kill?) * 0x1d ^] -clear EOL * 0x1e ^^ - goto xy (IODP_GotoFlag = 1) * 0x1f ^_ - up arrow * * mouse text only applies if mouse text and inverse are on. * set port - 0x03 '[' left-margin right-margin top-margin bottom-margin [any printable character] */ /* this was gleaned from the kernel reference manual. The new console driver supports all the features of the old 80-column Pascal firmware, and adds a few extensions, with one exception - the codes that switched between 40 and 80 columns modes are not supported. It is not compatible with the GS/OS '.console' driver. The control codes supported are as follows: Hex ASCII Action 01 CTRL-A set cursor to flashing block 02 CTRL-B set cursor to flashing underscore 03 CTRL-C Begin "Set Text Window" sequence 05 CTRL-E Cursor on 06 CTRL-F Cursor off 07 CTRL-G Perform FlexBeep 08 CTRL-H Move left one character 09 CTRL-I Tab 0A CTRL-J Move down a line 0B CTRL-K Clear to EOP (end of screen) 0C CTRL-L Clear screen, home cursor 0D CTRL-M Move cursor to left edge of line 0E CTRL-N Normal text 0F CTRL-O Inverse text 11 CTRL-Q Insert a blank line at the current cursor position 12 CTRL-R Delete the line at the current cursor position. 15 CTRL-U Move cursor right one character 16 CTRL-V Scroll display down one line 17 CTRL-W Scroll display up one line 18 CTRL-X Normal text, mousetext off 19 CTRL-Y Home cursor 1A CTRL-Z Clear entire line 1B CTRL-[ MouseText on 1C CTRL-\ Move cursor one character to the right 1D CTRL-] Clear to end of line 1E CTRL-^ Goto XY 1F CTRL-_ Move up one line (Note: the Apple IIgs Firmware Reference incorrectly has codes 05 and 06 reversed. The codes listed here are correct for both GNO/ME and the Apple IIgs 80-column firmware) The Set Text Window sequence (begun by a $03 code) works as follows: CTRL-C '[' LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM CTRL-C is of course hex $03, and '[' is the open bracket character ($5B). TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, and RIGHT are single-byte ASCII values that represent the margin settings. Values for TOP and BOTTOM range from 0 to 23; LEFT and RIGHT range from 0 to 79. TOP must be numerically less than BOTTOM; LEFT must be less than RIGHT. Any impossible settings are ignored, and defaults are used instead. The extra '[' in the sequence helps prevent the screen from becoming confused in the event that random data is printed to the screen. After a successful Set Text Window sequence, only the portion of the screen inside the 'window' will be accessible, and only the window will scroll; any text outside the window is not affected. */ @implementation GNOConsole +(void)load { [EmulatorManager registerClass: self]; } +(NSString *)name { return @"GNO Console"; } -(NSString *)name { return @"GNO Console"; } -(const char *)termName { return "gno-console"; } enum { StateText, StateDCAX, StateDCAY, StateWindow1, StateWindow2, StateWindow3, StateWindow4, StateWindow5, }; -(void)reset { cs = StateText; _context.flags = 0; _context.window = iRect(0, 0, 80, 24); _context.cursor = iPoint(0,0); _cursorType = Screen::CursorTypeUnderscore; // set flags to plain text. } -(BOOL)resizable { return NO; } -(struct winsize)defaultSize { struct winsize ws = { 24, 80, 0, 0 }; return ws; } -(void)initTerm: (struct termios *)term { // Control-U is used by the up-arrow key. term->c_cc[VKILL] = CTRL('X'); } -(id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { [self reset]; } return self; } static void forward(context &ctx, Screen *screen) { if (ctx.cursor.x > ctx.window.maxX()-1) { ctx.cursor.x = ctx.window.minX(); if (ctx.cursor.y >= ctx.window.maxY()-1) { screen->scrollUp(ctx.window); } else ctx.cursor.y++; } } static void bs(context &ctx, Screen *screen) { if (ctx.cursor.x == ctx.window.minX()) { ctx.cursor.x = ctx.window.maxX()-1; if (ctx.cursor.y != ctx.window.minY()) ctx.cursor.y--; } else ctx.cursor.x--; } static void lf(context &ctx, Screen *screen) { if (ctx.cursor.y >= ctx.window.maxY()-1) { screen->scrollUp(ctx.window); } else ctx.cursor.y++; } -(void)processData: (uint8_t *)data length: (size_t)length screen:(Screen *)screen output:(OutputChannel *)output { cs = std::accumulate(data, data + length, cs, [&](unsigned state, uint8_t c) -> unsigned { iPoint &cursor = _context.cursor; iRect &window = _context.window; c &= 0x7f; if (c < 0x20) { switch (c) { case CTRL('^'): return StateDCAX; case CTRL('C'): return StateWindow1; // case CTRL('A'): screen->setCursorType(_cursorType = Screen::CursorTypeBlock); break; case CTRL('B'): screen->setCursorType(_cursorType = Screen::CursorTypeUnderscore); break; case CTRL('E'): screen->setCursorType(_cursorType); break; case CTRL('F'): screen->setCursorType(Screen::CursorTypeNone); break; case CTRL('G'): NSBeep(); break; case CTRL('H'): bs(_context, screen); break; case CTRL('I'): cursor.x = (cursor.x + 8) & ~0x07; forward(_context, screen); break; case CTRL('J'): lf(_context, screen); break; case CTRL('K'): { // CTRL('K'): // clear to end of screen iRect tmp; tmp.origin = cursor; tmp.size = iSize(window.size.width - cursor.x, 1); screen->eraseRect(tmp); tmp = window; tmp.origin.y = cursor.y+1; tmp.size.height -= cursor.y+1; screen->eraseRect(tmp); break; } case CTRL('L'): { // CTRL('L'): // clear screen, go home. screen->eraseRect(window); cursor = window.origin; break; } case CTRL('M'): cursor.x = window.minX(); break; case CTRL('N'): _context.clearFlagBit(Screen::FlagInverse); break; case CTRL('O'): _context.setFlagBit(Screen::FlagInverse); break; case CTRL('Q'): { // CTRL('Q'): // insert line. iRect tmp(iPoint(window.minX(), cursor.y), window.bottomRight()); screen->scrollDown(tmp); break; } case CTRL('R'): { // CTRL('R'): // delete line iRect tmp(iPoint(window.minX(), cursor.y), window.bottomRight()); screen->scrollUp(tmp); break; } case CTRL('U'): { forward(_context, screen); cursor.x++; forward(_context, screen); break; } case CTRL('V'): { // CTRL('V'): // scroll down 1 line. screen->scrollDown(window); break; } case CTRL('W'): { // CTRL('W'): // scroll up 1 line. screen->scrollUp(window); break; } case CTRL('X'): _context.clearFlagBit(Screen::FlagMouseText); break; case CTRL('Y'): cursor = iPoint(0,0); break; case CTRL('Z'): { // CTRL('Z'): // clear entire line iRect tmp; tmp.origin = iPoint(window.origin.x, cursor.y); tmp.size = iSize(window.size.width, 1); screen->eraseRect(tmp); break; } case CTRL('['): _context.setFlagBit(Screen::FlagMouseText); break; case CTRL('\\'): cursor.x++; break; case CTRL(']'): { // CTRL(']'): // clear to end of line. iRect tmp; tmp.origin = cursor; tmp.size = iSize(window.size.width - cursor.x, 1); screen->eraseRect(tmp); break; } case CTRL('_'): if (cursor.y != window.minY()) { cursor.y--; } break; } return state; } switch (state) { case StateText: forward(_context, screen); screen->putc(c, _context); cursor.x++; return state; case StateDCAX: _scratch[0] = c - 32; return state+1; case StateDCAY: _scratch[1] = c - 32; if (_scratch[0] <= window.maxX()-1) cursor.x = _scratch[0]; cursor.y = std::min(_scratch[1], window.maxY() -1); return StateText; case StateWindow1: if (c!= '[') return StateText; return state+1; case StateWindow2: case StateWindow3: case StateWindow4: case StateWindow5: _scratch[state-StateWindow2] = c - 32; if (state != StateWindow5) return state+1; // 1. _scratch[1] = std::min(80-1, _scratch[1])+1; _scratch[3] = std::min(24-1, _scratch[3])+1; // n.b. GNO does check 1 -after- check 2, so left could be > right // (eg 90, 100 : gets clamped to 90, 80. // 2 if (_scratch[0] <= _scratch[1]) { _scratch[0] = 0; _scratch[1] = 80; } if (_scratch[2] <= _scratch[3]) { _scratch[2] = 0; _scratch[3] = 24; } window = iRect( iPoint(_scratch[0], _scratch[2]), iPoint(_scratch[1], _scratch[3]) ); // move the cursor to the top left // gnome clamps the horizontal, doesn't adjust the vertical. //screen->setCursor(&_textPort, iPoint(0,0)); if (cursor.x < _scratch[0]) cursor.x = _scratch[0]; if (cursor.x >= _scratch[1]) cursor.x = _scratch[1] - 1; return StateText; } return StateText; }); screen->setCursor(_context.cursor); } -(void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event screen:(Screen *)screen output:(OutputChannel *)output { NSEventModifierFlags flags = [event modifierFlags]; NSString *chars = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; NSUInteger length = [chars length]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { unichar uc = [chars characterAtIndex: i]; switch (uc) { case NSEnterCharacter: output->write(CTRL('M')); break; /* case NSDeleteCharacter: output->write(0x7f); break; */ case NSBackspaceCharacter: output->write(0x7f); break; case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: output->write(CTRL('H')); break; case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: output->write(CTRL('U')); break; case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: output->write(CTRL('K')); break; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: output->write(CTRL('J')); break; default: if (uc <= 0x7f) { char c = uc; if (flags & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)) { c = toupper(c); } if (flags & NSControlKeyMask) c = CTRL(c); output->write(c); } break; } } } @end