; ; views.s ; Management routines for GUI views ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14. ; Copyright (c) 2014 One Girl, One Laptop Productions. All rights reserved. ; WG_FEATURE_UP = %00010000 WG_FEATURE_DN = %00100000 WG_FEATURE_LF = %00110000 WG_FEATURE_RT = %01000000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGCreateView ; Creates and selects a new view ; PARAM0: Pointer to configuration struct (LSB) ; PARAM1: Pointer to configuration struct (MSB) ; ; Configuration struct: ; ID: View ID (0-f) ; ST: Style ; XX: Screen X origin ; YY: Screen Y origin ; SW: Screen width ; SH: Screen height ; VW: View Width ; VH: View Height ; WGCreateView: SAVE_AXY ldy #0 lda (PARAM0),y ; Find our new view record pha ; Cache view ID so we can select when we're done asl asl asl asl ; Records are 8 bytes wide tax iny lda (PARAM0),y pha ; Cache style byte for later iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,x ; Screen X iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,x ; Screen Y iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,x ; Screen Width iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,x ; Screen Height pla sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,x ; Style stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,x ; Initialize scrolling stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,x iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,x ; View Width iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+8,x ; View Height stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,x ; Initialize state stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,x ; Initialize callback stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,x stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,x ; Initialize title stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,x pla jsr WGSelectView ; Leave this as the active view WGCreateView_done: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGCreateCheckbox ; Creates a new checkbox ; PARAM0: Pointer to configuration struct (LSB) ; PARAM1: Pointer to configuration struct (MSB) ; ; Configuration struct: ; ID: View ID (0-f) ; XX: Screen X origin ; YY: Screen Y origin ; SL: String pointer (LSB) ; SH: String pointer (MSB) ; WGCreateCheckbox: SAVE_AXY ldy #0 lda (PARAM0),y ; Find our new view record pha ; Cache view ID so we can select when we're done asl asl asl asl ; Records are 16 bytes wide tax iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,x ; Screen X iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,x ; Screen Y lda #1 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,x ; Initialize screen width sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,x ; Initialize screen height sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,x ; Initialize view width sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+8,x ; Initialize view height lda #VIEW_STYLE_CHECK sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,x ; Style stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,x ; Initialize scrolling stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,x stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,x ; Initialize state stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,x ; Initialize callback stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,x iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,x ; Title iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,x pla jsr WGSelectView ; Leave this as the active view WGCreateCheckbox_done: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGCreateProgress ; Creates a new progress bar ; PARAM0: Pointer to configuration struct (LSB) ; PARAM1: Pointer to configuration struct (MSB) ; ; Configuration struct: ; ID: View ID (0-f) ; XX: Screen X origin ; YY: Screen Y origin ; PW: Progress width ; WGCreateProgress: SAVE_AXY ldy #0 lda (PARAM0),y ; Find our new view record pha ; Cache view ID so we can select when we're done asl asl asl asl ; Records are 16 bytes wide tax iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,x ; Screen X iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,x ; Screen Y iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,x ; Screen width sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,x ; View width lda #1 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,x ; Screen height sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+8,x ; View height lda #VIEW_STYLE_PROGRESS sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,x ; Style stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,x ; Initialize scrolling stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,x stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,x ; Initialize state stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,x ; Initialize callback stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,x iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,x ; Title iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,x pla jsr WGSelectView ; Leave this as the active view WGCreateProgress_done: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGSetState ; Sets state field in view record ; PARAM0: Value ; WGSetState: SAVE_AXY LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y and #$80 sta SCRATCH0 lda PARAM0 and #$7F ora SCRATCH0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; State (preserving bit 7) WGSetState_done: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGCreateButton ; Creates a new button ; PARAM0: Pointer to configuration struct (LSB) ; PARAM1: Pointer to configuration struct (MSB) ; ; Configuration struct: ; ID: View ID (0-f) ; XX: Screen X origin ; YY: Screen Y origin ; BW: Button width ; PL: Action callback (LSB) ; PH: Action callback (MSB) ; SL: Title string pointer (LSB) ; SH: Title string pointer (MSB) WGCreateButton: SAVE_AXY ldy #0 lda (PARAM0),y ; Find our new view record pha ; Cache view ID so we can select when we're done asl asl asl asl ; Records are 16 bytes wide tax iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,x ; Screen X iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,x ; Screen Y iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,x ; Screen width sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,x ; View width lda #1 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,x ; Initialize screen height sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+8,x ; Initialize view height lda #VIEW_STYLE_BUTTON sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,x ; Style stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,x ; Initialize scrolling stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,x stz WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,x ; Initialize state iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,x ; Callback iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,x iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,x ; Title iny lda (PARAM0),y sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,x pla jsr WGSelectView ; Leave this as the active view WGCreateButton_done: RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGDeleteView ; Deletes the current view and removes it from the screen ; WGDeleteView: SAVE_AY jsr WGEraseView LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda #0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y ; 0 width indicates unused view jsr WGViewPaintAll RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGPaintView ; Paints the current view ; WGPaintView: SAVE_AXY SAVE_ZPP LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y ; Cache style information and #$f ; Mask off flag bits beq WGPaintView_done ; If it's a stealth view, we're done pha lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; Fetch the geometry sta PARAM0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y sta PARAM1 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y sta PARAM2 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,y sta PARAM3 pla ; Draw outline cmp #VIEW_STYLE_FANCY beq WGPaintView_decorated jsr WGStrokeRect cmp #VIEW_STYLE_CHECK beq WGPaintView_check cmp #VIEW_STYLE_BUTTON beq WGPaintView_button cmp #VIEW_STYLE_PROGRESS beq WGPaintView_progress bra WGPaintView_done WGPaintView_decorated: jsr WGFancyRect jsr paintWindowTitle bra WGPaintView_done WGPaintView_check: jsr paintCheck bra WGPaintView_done WGPaintView_progress: jsr paintProgress bra WGPaintView_done WGPaintView_button: jsr paintButton WGPaintView_done: jsr WGPointerDirty ; The pointer BG may now be stale RESTORE_ZPP RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; paintCheck ; Paints the contents of a checkbox ; Y: Index into view records of checkbox to paint ; Side effects: Clobbers all registers,P0,P1 paintCheck: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; Position cursor sta WG_CURSORX lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y sta WG_CURSORY lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; Determine our visual state and #$80 bne paintCheck_selected lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ror bcc paintCheck_unselectedUnchecked lda #'D' bra paintCheck_plot paintCheck_unselectedUnchecked: lda #' '+$80 bra paintCheck_plot paintCheck_selected: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ror bcc paintCheck_selectedUnchecked lda #'E' bra paintCheck_plot paintCheck_selectedUnchecked: lda #' ' paintCheck_plot: ; Paint our state jsr WGPlot inc WG_CURSORX ; Prepare for title inc WG_CURSORX lda #CHAR_NORMAL sta INVERSE lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,y sta PARAM0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,y sta PARAM1 ldy #0 paintCheck_titleLoop: lda (PARAM0),y beq paintCheck_done ora #$80 jsr WGPlot inc WG_CURSORX iny bra paintCheck_titleLoop paintCheck_done: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; paintProgress ; Paints the contents of a progress bar ; Y: Index into view records of progress bar to paint ; Side effects: Clobbers all registers,P0,P1 paintProgress: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y ; Top edge sta PARAM1 lda #1 sta PARAM3 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; Progress value as width sta PARAM2 beq paintProgress_noFill ; skip if nothing to draw lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; Left edge sta PARAM0 phy ldy #$20 ; inverse space jsr WGFillRect ply paintProgress_noFill: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y ; full width sec sbc WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; Progress value beq paintProgress_done ; skip if nothing to draw sta PARAM2 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; left edge clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; Progress value sta PARAM0 ldy #$A0 ; space jsr WGFillRect paintProgress_done: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; paintButton ; Paints the contents of a button ; Y: Index into view records of button to paint ; Side effects: Clobbers all registers,P0,P1,S1 paintButton: lda INVERSE ; Preserve INVERSE state during this pha lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,y ; Prep the title string sta PARAM0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,y sta PARAM1 jsr WGStrLen ; Compute centering offset for title lsr sta SCRATCH1 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y lsr sec sbc SCRATCH1 sta SCRATCH1 ; Cache this for left margin rendering lda #0 ; Position and print title sta WG_LOCALCURSORX lda #0 sta WG_LOCALCURSORY jsr WGSyncGlobalCursor lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; Is button highlighted? and #$80 bne paintButton_titleSelected lda #CHAR_NORMAL sta INVERSE lda #' '+$80 bra paintButton_titleMarginLeft paintButton_titleSelected: lda #CHAR_INVERSE sta INVERSE lda #' ' paintButton_titleMarginLeft: ldx #0 paintButton_titleMarginLeftLoop: cpx SCRATCH1 bcs paintButton_title ; Left margin finished jsr WGPlot inc WG_CURSORX inc WG_LOCALCURSORX inx jmp paintButton_titleMarginLeftLoop paintButton_title: jsr WGPrint ldx WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y stx SCRATCH1 ; Loop until right edge of button is reached ldx WG_LOCALCURSORX paintButton_titleMarginRightLoop: cpx SCRATCH1 bcs paintButton_done ; Right margin finished jsr WGPlot inc WG_CURSORX inc WG_LOCALCURSORX inx jmp paintButton_titleMarginRightLoop paintButton_done: pla ; Restore inverse state sta INVERSE rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; paintWindowTitle ; Paints the title of a fancy window ; Y: Index into view records of view title to paint ; Side effects: Clobbers all registers,P0,P1,S1 paintWindowTitle: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,y ; Prep the title string sta PARAM0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,y sta PARAM1 bne paintWindowTitle_compute paintWindowTitle_checkNull: lda PARAM0 beq paintWindowTitle_done paintWindowTitle_compute: jsr WGStrLen ; Compute centering offset for title lsr sta SCRATCH1 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y lsr sec sbc SCRATCH1 clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y sta WG_CURSORX ; Position cursor lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y dec sta WG_CURSORY ldy #0 paintWindowTitleLoop: lda (PARAM0),y beq paintWindowTitle_done ora #%10000000 jsr WGPlot ; Draw the character iny inc WG_CURSORX ; Advance cursors bra paintWindowTitleLoop paintWindowTitle_done: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGEraseView ; Erases the current view (including decoration) ; WGEraseView: SAVE_AXY SAVE_ZPP LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y dec sta PARAM0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y dec sta PARAM1 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y inc inc sta PARAM2 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,y inc inc sta PARAM3 ldy #' '+$80 jsr WGFillRect WGEraseView_done: RESTORE_ZPP RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGEraseViewContents ; Erases the contents of the current view (interior contents only) ; WGEraseViewContents: SAVE_AY SAVE_ZPP LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS,y ; Fetch the record sta PARAM0 iny lda WG_VIEWRECORDS,y sta PARAM1 iny lda WG_VIEWRECORDS,y sta PARAM2 iny lda WG_VIEWRECORDS,y sta PARAM3 ldy #' '+$80 jsr WGFillRect WGEraseViewContents_done: RESTORE_ZPP RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGSelectView ; Selects the active view ; A: ID ; WGSelectView: sta WG_ACTIVEVIEW ; Initialize cursor to local origin stz WG_LOCALCURSORX stz WG_LOCALCURSORY jsr cacheClipPlanes ; View changed, so clipping cache is stale WGSelectView_done: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewFocus ; Shifts focus to the selected view ; Side effects: Changes selected view, repaints some views ; WGViewFocus: SAVE_AY lda WG_ACTIVEVIEW ; Stash current selection pha jsr unfocusCurrent pla sta WG_FOCUSVIEW ; Focus on our current selection jsr focusCurrent RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewFocusQuiet ; Shifts focus to the selected view without redrawing anything ; Side effects: Changes selected view, repaints some views ; WGViewFocusQuiet: pha lda WG_ACTIVEVIEW ; Stash current selection sta WG_FOCUSVIEW ; Focus on our current selection pla rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewUnfocus ; Unfocuses all views ; Side effects: Changes selected view, repaints some views ; WGViewUnfocus: pha jsr unfocusCurrent lda #$ff sta WG_FOCUSVIEW WGViewUnfocus_done: pla rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewFocusNext ; Shifts focus to the next view ; Side effects: Changes selected view, repaints some views ; WGViewFocusNext: SAVE_AY jsr unfocusCurrent WGViewFocusNext_loop: lda WG_FOCUSVIEW ; Increment and wrap inc cmp #16 beq WGViewFocusNext_wrap sta WG_FOCUSVIEW LDY_FOCUSVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y beq WGViewFocusNext_loop WGViewFocusNext_wantFocus: ; Does this view accept focus? LDY_FOCUSVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y and #$f ; Mask off flag bits cmp #VIEW_STYLE_TAKESFOCUS bcc WGViewFocusNext_loop WGViewFocusNext_focus: jsr focusCurrent RESTORE_AY rts WGViewFocusNext_wrap: stz WG_FOCUSVIEW bra WGViewFocusNext_loop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewFocusPrev ; Shifts focus to the prev view ; Side effects: Changes selected view, repaints some views ; WGViewFocusPrev: SAVE_AXY jsr unfocusCurrent WGViewFocusPrev_loop: ldx WG_FOCUSVIEW ; Decrement and wrap dex bmi WGViewFocusPrev_wrap WGViewFocusPrev_findLoop: stx WG_FOCUSVIEW LDY_FOCUSVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y beq WGViewFocusPrev_loop WGViewFocusPrev_wantFocus: ; Does this view accept focus? LDY_FOCUSVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y and #$f ; Mask off flag bits cmp #VIEW_STYLE_TAKESFOCUS bcc WGViewFocusPrev_loop WGViewFocusPrev_focus: jsr focusCurrent RESTORE_AXY rts WGViewFocusPrev_wrap: ldx #$f bra WGViewFocusPrev_findLoop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; unfocusCurrent ; Unfocuses current view, if any ; Side effects: Clobbers A, ; Leaves Y pointed at current focus view record ; Changes active view selection unfocusCurrent: lda WG_FOCUSVIEW bmi unfocusCurrentDone ; No current focus LDY_FOCUSVIEW ; Unfocus current view lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y and #%01111111 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y lda WG_FOCUSVIEW jsr WGSelectView jsr WGPaintView unfocusCurrentDone: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; focusCurrent ; Sets focus to desired view, and repaints ; Side effects: Clobbers A focusCurrent: lda WG_FOCUSVIEW jsr WGSelectView LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y and #$f ; Mask off flag bits cmp #VIEW_STYLE_TAKESFOCUS bcc focusCurrent_done lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ora #%10000000 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y jsr WGPaintView focusCurrent_done: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewFocusAction ; Performs the action of the focused view ; WG_GOSUB : Set if the caller should perform an Applesoft GOSUB ; Side effects: Changes selected view, Repaints some views ; WGViewFocusAction: SAVE_AXY lda WG_FOCUSVIEW bmi WGViewFocusAction_done LDY_FOCUSVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y ; What kind of view is it? and #$f ; Mask off flag bits cmp #VIEW_STYLE_CHECK beq WGViewFocusAction_toggleCheckbox bra WGViewFocusAction_buttonClick ; Everything else treated like a button WGViewFocusAction_toggleCheckbox: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y ; Change the checkbox's state and redraw eor #%00000001 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+9,y lda WG_FOCUSVIEW jsr WGSelectView jsr WGPaintView ; Fall through so checkboxes can have callbacks too ; NOTE: Self-modifying code ahead! WGViewFocusAction_buttonClick: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y ; Are we an Applesoft button? and #VIEW_STYLE_APPLESOFT bne WGViewFocusAction_buttonClickApplesoft lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,y ; Do we have a callback? beq WGViewFocusAction_done sta WGViewFocusAction_userJSR+2 ; Modify code below so we can JSR to user's code lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,y sta WGViewFocusAction_userJSR+1 WGViewFocusAction_userJSR: jsr WGViewFocusAction_done ; Overwritten with user's function pointer bra WGViewFocusAction_done WGViewFocusAction_buttonClickApplesoft: lda #0 sta WG_GOSUB lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,y ; Do we have a callback? beq WGViewFocusAction_mightBeZero WGViewFocusAction_buttonClickApplesoftNotZero: sta WG_GOSUBLINE lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,y sta WG_GOSUBLINE+1 WGViewFocusAction_buttonClickApplesoftGosub: ; Caller needs to handle Applesoft Gosub, so signal with a flag and return lda #1 sta WG_GOSUB bra WGViewFocusAction_done WGViewFocusAction_mightBeZero: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,y beq WGViewFocusAction_done lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,y bra WGViewFocusAction_buttonClickApplesoftNotZero WGViewFocusAction_done: RESTORE_AXY WGViewFocusAction_knownRTS: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGPendingViewAction ; Performs the action of the pending view, if any ; Global flag set if the caller should perform an Applesoft GOSUB ; Side effects: Changes selected view, Repaints some views ; WGPendingViewAction: SAVE_AY lda WG_MOUSECLICK_X bmi WGPendingViewAction_done sta PARAM0 lda WG_MOUSECLICK_Y sta PARAM1 jsr WGViewFromPoint sta WG_PENDINGACTIONVIEW cmp #$ff beq WGPendingViewAction_done and #$f ; Select view in question jsr WGSelectView LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y and #$f cmp #VIEW_STYLE_FANCY ; Filter out fancy views with high-nybble of 0 bne WGPendingViewAction_chkCallback ; This prevents unnecessary redraws when clicking lda WG_PENDINGACTIONVIEW ; in the content area and #$f0 beq WGPendingViewAction_done WGPendingViewAction_chkCallback: ; lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,y ; Optimization- only process things that can be clicked ; bne WGPendingViewAction_hasCallback ; lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,y ; beq WGPendingViewAction_done WGPendingViewAction_hasCallback: lda WG_PENDINGACTIONVIEW and #$f0 ; Check for window features beq WGPendingViewAction_content cmp #WG_FEATURE_UP beq WGPendingViewAction_up cmp #WG_FEATURE_DN beq WGPendingViewAction_down cmp #WG_FEATURE_LF beq WGPendingViewAction_left cmp #WG_FEATURE_RT bne WGPendingViewAction_done lda #-1 ; Right arrow jsr WGScrollXBy jsr WGViewFocus jsr WGViewFocusAction ; Trigger application to redraw contents WGPendingViewAction_done: ; Located here for branch range lda #$ff sta WG_PENDINGACTIONVIEW sta WG_MOUSECLICK_X RESTORE_AY rts WGPendingViewAction_up: lda #1 ; Up arrow jsr WGScrollYBy jsr WGViewFocusQuiet jsr WGViewFocusAction ; Trigger application to redraw contents bra WGPendingViewAction_done WGPendingViewAction_down: lda #-1 ; Down arrow jsr WGScrollYBy jsr WGViewFocusQuiet jsr WGViewFocusAction ; Trigger application to redraw contents bra WGPendingViewAction_done WGPendingViewAction_left: lda #1 ; Left arrow jsr WGScrollXBy jsr WGViewFocusQuiet jsr WGViewFocusAction ; Trigger application to redraw contents bra WGPendingViewAction_done WGPendingViewAction_content: jsr WGViewFocus jsr WGViewFocusAction jsr delayShort jsr WGViewUnfocus jsr WGPointerDirty ; If we redrew anything, the pointer BG will be stale bra WGPendingViewAction_done ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGPendingClick ; Returns the mouse click that is currently pending ; OUT X,Y : Mouse coordinates, or $ff in X if none ; WGPendingClick: ldx WG_MOUSECLICK_X bmi WGPendingClick_done ldy WG_MOUSECLICK_Y WGPendingClick_done: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewSetTitle ; Sets the title of the active view ; PARAM0: Null-terminated string pointer (LSB) ; PARAM1: Null-terminated string pointer (MSB) WGViewSetTitle: SAVE_AY LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda PARAM0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+12,y lda PARAM1 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+13,y WGViewSetTitle_done: RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewSetAction ; Sets the callback action of the active view ; PARAM0: Null-terminated function pointer (LSB) ; PARAM1: Null-terminated function pointer (MSB) WGViewSetAction: SAVE_AY LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda PARAM0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+10,y lda PARAM1 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+11,y WGViewSetAction_done: RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGSetCursor ; Sets the current local view cursor ; PARAM0: X ; PARAM1: Y ; WGSetCursor: pha lda PARAM0 bpl WGSetCursor_StoreX lda #0 ; Prevent negatives WGSetCursor_StoreX: sta WG_LOCALCURSORX lda PARAM1 bpl WGSetCursor_StoreY lda #0 ; Prevent negatives WGSetCursor_StoreY: sta WG_LOCALCURSORY pla rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGSetGlobalCursor ; Sets the current global cursor ; PARAM0: X ; PARAM1: Y ; WGSetGlobalCursor: pha lda PARAM0 sta WG_CURSORX lda PARAM1 sta WG_CURSORY pla rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGSyncGlobalCursor ; Synchronizes the global cursor with the current local view's ; cursor ; WGSyncGlobalCursor: SAVE_AY LDY_ACTIVEVIEW ; Sync X clc ; Transform to viewspace lda WG_LOCALCURSORX adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y ; Transform to scrollspace sta WG_CURSORX ; Sync Y clc ; Transform to viewspace lda WG_LOCALCURSORY adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y ; Transform to scrollspace sta WG_CURSORY WGSyncGlobalCursor_done: RESTORE_AY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGScrollX ; Scrolls the current view horizontally ; A: New scroll amount ; Side effects: Clobbers A ; WGScrollX: phy pha LDY_ACTIVEVIEW pla bmi WGScrollX_Store lda #0 ; Prevent positive scroll values WGScrollX_Store: sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y jsr cacheClipPlanes ; Scroll offset changed, so clipping cache is stale WGScrollX_done: ply rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGScrollXBy ; Scrolls the current view horizontally by a delta ; A: Scroll delta ; Side effects: Clobbers A,S0 ; WGScrollXBy: SAVE_XY tax LDY_ACTIVEVIEW txa bpl WGScrollXBy_contentRight lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y ; Compute left limit sec sbc WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,y sta SCRATCH0 txa ; Compute new scroll value clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y cmp SCRATCH0 ; Clamp if needed bmi WGScrollXBy_clampLeft sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y bra WGScrollXBy_done WGScrollXBy_clampLeft: lda SCRATCH0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y bra WGScrollXBy_done WGScrollXBy_contentRight: clc ; Compute new scroll value adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y beq @0 ; Clamp if needed bpl WGScrollXBy_clampRight @0: sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y bra WGScrollXBy_done WGScrollXBy_clampRight: lda #0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y WGScrollXBy_done: RESTORE_XY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGScrollY ; Scrolls the current view vertically ; A: New scroll amount ; Side effects: Clobbers A ; WGScrollY: phy pha LDY_ACTIVEVIEW pla bmi WGScrollY_Store lda #0 ; Prevent positive scroll values WGScrollY_Store: sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y jsr cacheClipPlanes ; Scroll offset changed, so clipping cache is stale WGScrollY_done: ply rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGScrollYBy ; Scrolls the current view horizontally by a delta ; A: Scroll delta ; Side effects: Clobbers A,S0 ; WGScrollYBy: SAVE_XY tax LDY_ACTIVEVIEW txa bpl WGScrollYBy_contentDown lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,y ; Compute bottom limit sec sbc WG_VIEWRECORDS+8,y sta SCRATCH0 txa ; Compute new scroll value clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y cmp SCRATCH0 ; Clamp if needed bmi WGScrollYBy_clampTop sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y bra WGScrollYBy_done WGScrollYBy_clampTop: lda SCRATCH0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y bra WGScrollYBy_done WGScrollYBy_contentDown: clc ; Compute new scroll value adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y beq @0 ; Clamp if needed bpl WGScrollYBy_clampBottom @0: sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y bra WGScrollYBy_done WGScrollYBy_clampBottom: lda #0 sta WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y WGScrollYBy_done: RESTORE_XY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewPaintAll ; Repaints all views ; Side effects: Changes selected view ; WGViewPaintAll: SAVE_AXY ldx #0 WGViewPaintAll_loop: txa sta WG_ACTIVEVIEW LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y ; Valid view? beq WGViewPaintAll_next jsr WGEraseViewContents jsr WGPaintView WGViewPaintAll_next: inx cpx #16 bne WGViewPaintAll_loop WGViewPaintAll_done: lda #-1 jsr WGSelectView RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGViewFromPoint ; Finds a view containing the given point ; PARAM0:X ; PARAM1:Y ; OUT A: View ID (or high bit set if no match) ; For Fancy Views, Upper nibble returned indicates feature hit: ; 0000 : Content region ; 0001 : Scroll arrow up ; 0010 : Scroll arrow down ; 0011 : Scroll arrow left ; 0100 : Scroll arrow right WGViewFromPoint: SAVE_XY SAVE_ZPS ldx #$f ; Scan views backwards, because controls are usually at the end WGViewFromPoint_loop: txa LDY_AVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y beq WGViewFromPoint_loopNext ; Not an allocated view lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y ; Fancy views are handled differently and #$f cmp #VIEW_STYLE_FANCY beq WGViewFromPoint_loopFancy lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y sta SCRATCH0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,y sta SCRATCH1 bra WGViewFromPoint_loopCheckBounds WGViewFromPoint_loopFancy: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y ; Include scrollbars inc sta SCRATCH0 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,y inc sta SCRATCH1 WGViewFromPoint_loopCheckBounds: lda PARAM0 ; Check left edge cmp WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y bcc WGViewFromPoint_loopNext lda PARAM1 ; Check top edge cmp WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y bcc WGViewFromPoint_loopNext lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; Check right edge clc adc SCRATCH0 cmp PARAM0 bcc WGViewFromPoint_loopNext beq WGViewFromPoint_loopNext lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y ; Check bottom edge clc adc SCRATCH1 cmp PARAM1 bcc WGViewFromPoint_loopNext beq WGViewFromPoint_loopNext ; Found a match (in X) lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+4,y and #$f ; Mask off flag bits cmp #VIEW_STYLE_FANCY bne WGViewFromPoint_matchDone ; For fancy views, check scrollbars as well lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; Right scroll bar? clc adc SCRATCH0 dec cmp PARAM0 bne WGViewFromPoint_checkBottomScroll lda PARAM1 ; Up arrow? cmp WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y bne WGViewFromPoint_checkDownArrow txa ora #WG_FEATURE_UP bra WGViewFromPoint_matchFancyDone WGViewFromPoint_loopNext: ; Inserted here for branch range dex bmi WGViewFromPoint_noMatch bra WGViewFromPoint_loop WGViewFromPoint_checkDownArrow: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y ; Down arrow? clc adc SCRATCH1 dec dec cmp PARAM1 bne WGViewFromPoint_matchDone txa ora #WG_FEATURE_DN bra WGViewFromPoint_matchFancyDone WGViewFromPoint_checkBottomScroll: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+1,y ; Bottom scroll bar? clc adc SCRATCH1 dec cmp PARAM1 bne WGViewFromPoint_matchDone lda PARAM0 ; Left arrow? cmp WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y bne WGViewFromPoint_checkRightArrow txa ora #WG_FEATURE_LF bra WGViewFromPoint_matchFancyDone WGViewFromPoint_checkRightArrow: lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+0,y ; Right arrow? clc adc SCRATCH0 dec dec cmp PARAM0 bne WGViewFromPoint_matchDone txa ora #WG_FEATURE_RT WGViewFromPoint_matchFancyDone: tax WGViewFromPoint_matchDone: RESTORE_ZPS txa RESTORE_XY rts WGViewFromPoint_noMatch: RESTORE_ZPS lda #$ff RESTORE_XY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; cacheClipPlanes ; Internal routine to cache the clipping planes for the view ; cacheClipPlanes: SAVE_AY ; Compute clip planes in view space LDY_ACTIVEVIEW lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+5,y ; Left edge eor #$ff inc sta WG_VIEWCLIP+0 clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+2,y ; Right edge sta WG_VIEWCLIP+2 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,y ; Right span (distance from window edge to view edge, in viewspace sec sbc WG_VIEWCLIP+2 sta WG_VIEWCLIP+4 lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+6,y ; Top edge eor #$ff inc sta WG_VIEWCLIP+1 clc adc WG_VIEWRECORDS+3,y ; Bottom edge sta WG_VIEWCLIP+3 RESTORE_AY rts