; ; painting.s ; General rendering routines for 80 column text elements ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14. ; Copyright (c) 2014 One Girl, One Laptop Productions. All rights reserved. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGClearScreen ; Clears the text screen (assumes 80 cols) ; Side effects: Clobbers BASL,BASH ; WGClearScreen: SAVE_AXY SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF ldx #23 WGClearScreen_lineLoop: lda TEXTLINES_L,x ; Compute video memory address of line sta BASL lda TEXTLINES_H,x sta BASH ldy #39 lda #' ' + $80 WGClearScreen_charLoop: sta (BASL),y SETSWITCH PAGE2ON sta (BASL),y SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF dey bpl WGClearScreen_charLoop dex bpl WGClearScreen_lineLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGDesktop ; Paints the desktop pattern (assumes 80 cols) ; Side effects: Clobbers BASL,BASH ; WGDesktop: SAVE_AXY SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF ldx #23 WGDesktop_lineLoop: lda TEXTLINES_L,x ; Compute video memory address of line sta BASL lda TEXTLINES_H,x sta BASH ldy #39 WGDesktop_charLoop: lda #'W' sta (BASL),y SETSWITCH PAGE2ON lda #'V' sta (BASL),y SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF dey bpl WGDesktop_charLoop dex bpl WGDesktop_lineLoop RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGPlot ; Plots a character at global cursor position (assumes 80 cols) ; A: Character to plot (Apple format) ; Side effects: Clobbers BASL,BASH ; WGPlot: SAVE_XY pha ldx WG_CURSORY lda TEXTLINES_L,x ; Compute video memory address of point sta BASL lda TEXTLINES_H,x sta BASH lda WG_CURSORX lsr clc adc BASL sta BASL lda #$0 adc BASH sta BASH lda WG_CURSORX ; X even? and #$01 bne WGPlot_xOdd SETSWITCH PAGE2ON ; Plot the character pla sta (BASL) jmp WGPlot_done WGPlot_xOdd: SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF ; Plot the character pla sta (BASL) WGPlot_done: SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF RESTORE_XY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGPrint ; Prints a null-terminated ASCII string at the current view's ; cursor position. Clips to current view. ; PARAM0: String pointer, LSB ; PARAM1: String pointer, MSB ; Side effects: Clobbers SA,BASL,BASH ; WGPrint: SAVE_AXY SAVE_ZPS lda WG_LOCALCURSORY cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+3 bcs WGPrint_leapDone ; Entire string is below the clip box jsr WGStrLen ; We'll need the length of the string sta SCRATCH1 LDX_ACTIVEVIEW ; Cache view width for later lda WG_VIEWRECORDS+7,x sta WG_SCRATCHA ldy #0 WGPrint_lineLoopFirst: ; Calculating start of first line is slightly different lda WG_LOCALCURSORY cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+1 bcc WGPrint_skipToEndFirst ; This line is above the clip box lda WG_LOCALCURSORX ; Find start of line within clip box cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+0 bcs WGPrint_visibleChars lda WG_VIEWCLIP+0 ; Line begins before left clip plane sec ; Advance string index and advance cursor into clip box sbc WG_LOCALCURSORX tay lda WG_VIEWCLIP+0 sta WG_LOCALCURSORX bra WGPrint_visibleChars WGPrint_leapDone: bra WGPrint_done WGPrint_skipToEndFirst: lda WG_SCRATCHA ; Skip string index ahead by distance to EOL sec sbc WG_LOCALCURSORX cmp SCRATCH1 bcs WGPrint_done ; EOL is past the end of the string, so we're done tay lda WG_SCRATCHA ; Skip cursor ahead to EOL sta WG_LOCALCURSORX bra WGPrint_nextLine WGPrint_skipToEnd: tya ; Skip string index ahead by distance to EOL clc adc WG_SCRATCHA cmp SCRATCH1 bcs WGPrint_done ; EOL is past the end of the string, so we're done tay lda WG_SCRATCHA ; Skip cursor ahead to EOL sta WG_LOCALCURSORX bra WGPrint_nextLine WGPrint_lineLoop: lda WG_LOCALCURSORY cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+1 bcc WGPrint_skipToEnd ; This line is above the clip box lda WG_LOCALCURSORX ; Find start of line within clip box cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+0 bcs WGPrint_visibleChars tya clc adc WG_VIEWCLIP+0 ; Jump ahead by left span tay lda WG_VIEWCLIP+0 ; Set cursor to left edge of visible area sta WG_LOCALCURSORX WGPrint_visibleChars: jsr WGSyncGlobalCursor lda INVERSE cmp #CHAR_INVERSE beq WGPrint_charLoopInverse WGPrint_charLoopNormal: lda (PARAM0),y ; Draw current character beq WGPrint_done ora #%10000000 jsr WGPlot iny inc WG_CURSORX ; Advance cursors inc WG_LOCALCURSORX lda WG_LOCALCURSORX cmp WG_SCRATCHA ; Check for wrap boundary beq WGPrint_nextLine cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+2 ; Check for right clip plane beq WGPrint_endVisible bra WGPrint_charLoopNormal WGPrint_done: ; This is in the middle here to keep local branches in range RESTORE_ZPS RESTORE_AXY rts WGPrint_endVisible: tya clc adc WG_VIEWCLIP+4 ; Advance string index by right span cmp SCRATCH1 bcs WGPrint_done tay WGPrint_nextLine: inc WG_LOCALCURSORY ; Advance cursor lda WG_LOCALCURSORY cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+3 ; Check for bottom clip plane beq WGPrint_done cmp WG_VIEWRECORDS+8,x ; Check for bottom of view beq WGPrint_done lda (PARAM0),y ; Check for end string landing exactly at line end beq WGPrint_done lda #0 ; Wrap to next line sta WG_LOCALCURSORX bra WGPrint_lineLoop WGPrint_charLoopInverse: lda (PARAM0),y ; Draw current character beq WGPrint_done cmp #$60 bcc WGPrint_charLoopInverseLow and #%01111111 ; Inverse lowercase is in alternate character set bra WGPrint_charLoopInversePlot WGPrint_charLoopInverseLow: and #%00111111 ; Normal inverse WGPrint_charLoopInversePlot: jsr WGPlot iny inc WG_CURSORX ; Advance cursors inc WG_LOCALCURSORX lda WG_LOCALCURSORX cmp WG_SCRATCHA ; Check for wrap boundary beq WGPrint_nextLine cmp WG_VIEWCLIP+2 ; Check for right clip plane beq WGPrint_endVisible bra WGPrint_charLoopInverse