; ; unit_test.s ; WeeGui ; ; Unit tests of various systems ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14. ; Copyright (c) 2014 One Girl, One Laptop Productions. All rights reserved. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; tortureTestPrint ; Prints strings in a range of positions and scrolling offsets ; ; Stack: ; Curr Scroll X ; Curr Scroll Y ; Delta X ; Delta Y tortureTestPrint: jsr WGClearScreen lda #0 ; Initialize jsr WGScrollX jsr WGScrollY tortureTestPrint_init: lda #testPrintView sta PARAM1 jsr WGCreateView lda #0 jsr WGSelectView jsr WGPaintView lda #0 pha pha lda #-1 pha pha tsx inx tortureTestPrint_loop: phx ldx #0 ; Initialize ldy #0 jsr WGSetCursor plx inx ; Grab current delta X lda $0100,x inx inx clc adc $0100,x ; Add Scroll X sta $0100,x beq tortureTestPrint_flipDeltaX ; Check for bounce cmp #-5 beq tortureTestPrint_flipDeltaX bra tortureTestPrint_continueX tortureTestPrint_flipDeltaX: dex dex lda $0100,x eor #$ff inc sta $0100,x inx inx tortureTestPrint_continueX: lda $0100,x jsr WGScrollX ; Apply current X scroll dex dex dex lda $0100,x ; Grab current delta Y inx inx clc adc $0100,x ; Add Scroll Y sta $0100,x beq tortureTestPrint_flipDeltaY ; Check for bounce cmp #-5 beq tortureTestPrint_flipDeltaY bra tortureTestPrint_continueY tortureTestPrint_flipDeltaY: dex dex lda $0100,x eor #$ff inc sta $0100,x inx inx tortureTestPrint_continueY: lda $0100,x jsr WGScrollY dex dex tortureTestPrint_print: VBL_SYNC jsr WGEraseViewContents lda #unitTestStr sta PARAM1 jsr WGPrint jsr WGPrint ; jmp tortureTestPrint_lock jsr delayShort jmp tortureTestPrint_loop tortureTestPrint_reset: pla pla jmp tortureTestPrint_init tortureTestPrint_lock: jmp tortureTestPrint_lock ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; tortureTestRects ; Strokes and paints rectangles of many different geometries ; ; Stack: ; Curr X ; Curr Y ; Curr Width ; Curr Height tortureTestRects: jsr WGClearScreen tortureTestRectsEven: lda #38 ; Initialize pha lda #11 pha lda #2 pha lda #2 pha tortureTestRectsEvenLoop: jsr WGClearScreen tsx inx lda $0100,x ; Load Height, then modify sta PARAM3 inc inc sta $0100,x cmp #25 bcs tortureTestRectsEvenDone inx ; Load Width, then modify lda $0100,x sta PARAM2 inc inc inc inc inc inc sta $0100,x inx ; Load Y, then modify lda $0100,x sta PARAM1 dec sta $0100,x inx ; Load X, then modify lda $0100,x sta PARAM0 dec dec dec sta $0100,x ldx #'Q'+$80 jsr WGFillRect jsr WGStrokeRect jsr delayShort jsr delayShort jsr delayShort jmp tortureTestRectsEvenLoop tortureTestRectsEvenDone: pla pla pla pla tortureTestRectsOdd: lda #37 ; Initialize pha lda #11 pha lda #2 pha lda #2 pha tortureTestRectsOddLoop: jsr WGClearScreen tsx inx lda $0100,x ; Load Height, then modify sta PARAM3 inc inc sta $0100,x cmp #25 bcs tortureTestRectsOddDone inx ; Load Width, then modify lda $0100,x sta PARAM2 inc inc inc inc inc inc sta $0100,x inx ; Load Y, then modify lda $0100,x sta PARAM1 dec sta $0100,x inx ; Load X, then modify lda $0100,x sta PARAM0 dec dec dec sta $0100,x ldx #'Q'+$80 jsr WGFillRect jsr WGStrokeRect jsr delayShort jsr delayShort jsr delayShort jmp tortureTestRectsOddLoop tortureTestRectsOddDone: pla pla pla pla jmp tortureTestRectsEven testPrintView: .byte "000F061E0A287E" ; 0, 7,3,62,19,75,126 unitTestStr: .byte "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this had been a real emergency, you would be dead now. Amusingly, it can be noted that if this had been a real emergency, and you were now a steaming pile of ash, there would of course be nobody.",0; to read this message. That begs any number",0; of extistential questions about this very text.",0