; ; gui.s ; Top level management routines ; ; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14. ; Copyright (c) 2014 One Girl, One Laptop Productions. All rights reserved. ; .org $7800 ; Common definitions .include "zeropage.s" .include "switches.s" .include "macros.s" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Main entry point. BRUN will land here. main: jsr WGInit rts ; Don't add any bytes here! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGDispatch ; The dispatcher for calling the assembly-language API from assembly programs ; X: API call number ; P0-3,Y: Parameters to call, as needed WGDispatch: jmp (WGEntryPointTable,x) ; Entry point jump table WGEntryPointTable: .addr WGClearScreen .addr WGDesktop .addr WGSetCursor .addr WGSetGlobalCursor .addr WGSyncGlobalCursor .addr WGPlot .addr WGPrint .addr WGFillRect .addr WGStrokeRect .addr WGFancyRect .addr WGPaintView .addr WGViewPaintAll .addr WGEraseViewContents .addr WGCreateView .addr WGCreateCheckbox .addr WGCreateButton .addr WGViewSetTitle .addr WGViewSetAction .addr WGSelectView .addr WGViewFromPoint .addr WGViewFocus .addr WGViewUnfocus .addr WGViewFocusNext .addr WGViewFocusPrev .addr WGViewFocusAction .addr WGPendingViewAction .addr WGPendingClick .addr WGScrollX .addr WGScrollXBy .addr WGScrollY .addr WGScrollYBy .addr WGEnableMouse .addr WGDisableMouse .addr WGDeleteView .addr WGEraseView .addr WGExit .addr WGCreateProgress .addr WGSetState .addr WGViewSetRawTitle ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGInit ; Initialization. Should be called once at app startup WGInit: SAVE_AXY ; Reserve our memory in the ProDOS allocator bitmap ; ; See section 5.1.4 in the ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual ; for an explanation of these values. We're reserving memory ; pages $78-$94 so that ProDOS won't use our memory for file ; buffers, or allow Applesoft to step on us ; ; Byte in System Bitmap : Bit within byte ; 0f:100 ; 0f:011 ; 0f:010 ; 0f:001 ; 0f:000 ; 10:111 .. 10:000 ; 11:111 .. 11:000 ; 12:111 ; 12:110 ; 12:101 ; 12:100 ; 12:011 ; 12:010 ; lda #%00001111 ; tsb MEMBITMAP + $0f ; lda #%11111111 ; tsb MEMBITMAP + $10 ; tsb MEMBITMAP + $11 ; lda #%11111100 ; tsb MEMBITMAP + $12 ; Protect us from Applesoft by setting up HIMEM ; lda #$77 ; 7800 (really 77ff) ; sta LINNUMH ; lda #$ff ; sta LINNUML ; jsr SETHI jsr WG80 ; Enter 80-col text mode jsr WGInitApplesoft ; Set up Applesoft API ldy #15 ; Clear our block allocators WGInit_clearMemLoop: tya asl asl asl asl tax lda #0 sta WG_STRINGS,x dey bpl WGInit_clearMemLoop lda #$ff sta WG_PENDINGACTIONVIEW sta WG_FOCUSVIEW RESTORE_AXY rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WGExit ; Cleanup Should be called once at app shutdown WGExit: pha lda #CHAR_NORMAL sta INVERSE ; Restore HIMEM to ProDOS default ; lda #$96 ; sta LINNUMH ; stz LINNUML ; jsr SETHI ; Remove ourselves from ProDOS memory map ; lda #%00001111 ; trb MEMBITMAP + $0f ; lda #$ff ; trb MEMBITMAP + $10 ; trb MEMBITMAP + $11 ; lda #%11111100 ; trb MEMBITMAP + $12 pla rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WG80 ; Enables 80 column mode (and enhanced video firmware) WG80: pha lda #$a0 jsr $c300 SETSWITCH TEXTON SETSWITCH PAGE2OFF SETSWITCH COL80ON SETSWITCH STORE80ON pla rts ; Code modules .include "utility.s" .include "painting.s" .include "rects.s" .include "views.s" .include "mouse.s" .include "applesoft.s" .include "memory.s" ; Suppress some linker warnings - Must be the last thing in the file .SEGMENT "ZPSAVE" .SEGMENT "EXEHDR" .SEGMENT "STARTUP" .SEGMENT "INIT" .SEGMENT "LOWCODE"