Quinn Dunki 7207675b35 - Fixed parameter-less AppleSoft commands
- Added support for struct parameters in AppleSoft
- Added &HOME
- Renamed &VIEW to &WINDOW
- Separated style and ID bytes in view creation
- View state, callbacks, and title pointers are now initialized
- NULL pointers are handled in window titles
- Added function to restore a valid cursor state for AppleSoft upon API exit
2014-09-16 14:04:05 -07:00

25 lines
520 B

; zeropage.s
; Zero page information
; Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14.
; Copyright (c) 2014 One Girl, One Laptop Productions. All rights reserved.
; Reserved locations
INVERSE = $32 ; Text output state
CH = $24 ; Cursor X pos
CV = $25 ; Cursor Y pos
BASL = $28 ; Current video memory line
BASH = $29 ; Current video memory line
; Zero page locations we use (unused by Monitor, Applesoft, or ProDOS)
PARAM0 = $06
PARAM1 = $07
PARAM2 = $08
PARAM3 = $09
SCRATCH0 = $19