mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 04:30:55 +00:00
Divide by 7.
This commit is contained in:
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Lcn14: ldx #$c0 + slotnum
jmp shared_rom_entry
; shared ROM space jumps here
; continuation of Sc960 subroutine (in shared ROM)
Lcn21: ldy #$00
lda Z4b
@ -319,16 +319,25 @@ Lcnf8: sec
Sc800: jsr Scaee
jsr Scaee
jsr smartport_bus_enable
ldy #$07
jsr Scba9
ldy #$07 ; bit 0 = 1: latch mode
; bit 1 = 1: asynchronous
; bit 2 = 1: timer disable
; bit 3 = 0: slow mode (4 us bit cell)
; bit 4 = 0: 7 MHz
; bit 5 = 0: normal mode (not test)
; bit 6 = 0: not reset
jsr iwm_write_mode_reg
lda iwm_sel_drive_2,x
lda iwm_motor_on,x
ldy #$32
Lc813: lda iwm_q7l,x
bmi Lc81f
ldy #50
Lc813: lda iwm_q7l,x ; read status reg
bmi Lc81f ; wait for ACK/ deasserted (high)
bne Lc813
@ -336,7 +345,7 @@ Lc813: lda iwm_q7l,x
; send packet sync sequence
Lc81f: lda iwm_ph_0_on,x ; turn on REQ
Lc81f: lda iwm_ph_0_on,x ; assert REQ
ldy #packet_sync_sequence_len - 1
lda #$ff
@ -518,11 +527,11 @@ Sc93d: jsr get_slot_x
bcs Lc949 ; always taken
Lc943: lda iwm_q7l,x ; read status
bmi Lc938 ; ACK (write protect)? no, keep waiting
bmi Lc938 ; ACK asserted (low)? if not, keep waiting
clc ; yes, so no error
Lc949: lda iwm_ph_0_off,x ; turn off REQ
Lc949: lda iwm_ph_0_off,x ; deassert REQ
lda iwm_q6l,x
@ -541,6 +550,7 @@ Sc95b: nop
Lc95d: jmp Sc93d
Sc960: lda #$00
sta checksum
lda Z54
@ -558,19 +568,21 @@ Sc960: lda #$00
jsr smartport_bus_enable
lda iwm_q6h,x
Lc97d: lda iwm_q7l,x
Lc97d: lda iwm_q7l,x ; read status
bpl Lc97d
lda iwm_ph_0_on,x
ldy #$1e
Lc987: lda iwm_q6l,x
bpl Lc987
bmi Lc95d
cmp #$c3
bne Lc987
ldy #30 ; need a $c3 sync byte in first 30 nibbles
Lc987: lda iwm_q6l,x ; read a nibble
bpl Lc987 ; loop if don't have a nibble yet
dey ; too many attempts?
bmi Lc95d ; yes, report error
cmp #$c3 ; is it the sync byte?
bne Lc987 ; loop if not
ldy #$06
Lc995: lda iwm_q6l,x
bpl Lc995
Lc995: lda iwm_q6l,x ; read a nibble
bpl Lc995 ; loop if don't have a nibble yet
and #$7f
sta Z4b,y
eor #$80
@ -578,6 +590,7 @@ Lc995: lda iwm_q6l,x
sta checksum
bpl Lc995
lda Z4c
beq Lc9d3
@ -586,6 +599,7 @@ Lc995: lda iwm_q6l,x
lda Z55
adc #$00
sta Z57
ldy #$00
Lc9b9: lda iwm_q6l,x
bpl Lc9b9
@ -709,7 +723,7 @@ Lca97: lda Z4d
lda Z4e
sta gh_0778
jsr Sc800
jsr smartport_bus_write_packet
lda gh_06f8
sta Z4d
@ -743,14 +757,26 @@ Lcac4: jsr Sc960
Lcad8: rts
Dcad9: fcb $00,$24,$49
Dcadc: fcb $00,$04,$01
Dcadf: fcb $00,$01,$02,$04,$09,$12
Dcae5: fcb $00,$01,$02,$04,$01,$02
; Tables of quotients and remainders from dividing multiples of 256 (page size)
; by 7, from 0 to 2.
fcb $0000/7, $0100/7, $0200/7
fcb $0000#7, $0100#7, $0200#7
; Tables of quotients and remainders from dividing powers of 2, from 3 to 7,
; by 7. Entry 0 not used
fcb $00/7, $08/7, $10/7, $20/7, $40/7, $80/7 ; quotients
fcb $00#7, $08#7, $10#7, $20#7, $40#7, $80#7 ; remainder
Dcaeb: fcb $00,$7f,$ff
Scaee: ldx Z4e
; prepare for transmitting a packet, including computing the
; number of 7-byte groups and the number of "odd bytes"
Scaee: ldx Z4e ; high byte of length
beq Lcb05
lda Z55
sta Z57
@ -762,32 +788,43 @@ Scaee: ldx Z4e
Lcb00: clc
adc Z54
sta Z56
Lcb05: lda Dcad9,x
; divide high byte of length by 7 using table lookup
Lcb05: lda page_div_7_tab,x
sta Z4b
lda Dcadc,x
lda page_rem_7_tab,x
sta Z4c
ldx #$05
lda Z4d
sta Z59
ldx #$05 ; start table lookup at entry for 2^7
lda Z4d ; copy low byte of length
sta Z59 ; to temp
; convert and add low byte of lenght divided by 7, using table
; lookup for each bit position from 2^7 down to 2^3
and #$07
Lcb18: asl Z59
bcc Lcb31
lda Dcae5,x
lda pow2_rem_7,x
Lcb1f: clc
adc Z4c
cmp #$07
bcc Lcb28
sbc #$07
Lcb28: sta Z4c
lda Dcadf,x
lda pow2_div_7,x
adc Z4b
sta Z4b
Lcb31: dex
bmi Lcb3a
bne Lcb18
jmp Lcb1f
Lcb3a: lda Z55
lda #$00
@ -851,17 +888,23 @@ Lcb95: ror Z41
inc Z57
Lcba8: rts
Scba9: lda iwm_motor_off,x
; returns with q6h, q7l
lda iwm_motor_off,x
lda iwm_q6h,x
jmp Lcbb6
Lcbb2: tya
sta iwm_q7h,x
sta iwm_q7h,x ; write mode reg
Lcbb6: tya
eor iwm_q7l,x
eor iwm_q7l,x ; compare to low 5 bits of status reg
and #$1f
bne Lcbb2
Scbbf: lda Z4b
ldx #$00
@ -1238,7 +1281,7 @@ Lce19: inc Z5a
sta Z4d
lda #$00
sta Z4e
jsr Sc800 ; send init command
jsr smartport_bus_write_packet ; send init command
bcc Lce2d
dec Z5a
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