SmartPort parameter list.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Smith 2018-02-21 13:36:36 -07:00
parent fb8176b872
commit be176b9ff9

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
; Apple UniDisk 3.5 (Liron, A2M2053) disk drive firmware
; includes support for unreleased DuoDisk 3.5
; Firmware P/N 341-????
; Copyright 2018 Eric Smith <>
; Copyright 1985 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Disassembly copyright 2018 Eric Smith <>
cpu 65c02
@ -16,6 +17,27 @@ size set 256
; error codes
err_noerr equ $00 ; no error
err_badcmd equ $01 ; bad command number
err_badpcnt equ $04 ; bad parameter count
err_buserr equ $06 ; communications error
err_badunit equ $11 ; invalid unit number
err_noint equ $1f ; interrupt devices are not supported
err_badctl equ $21 ; invalid control or status code
err_badctlparam equ $22 ; invalid parameter list
err_ioerror equ $27 ; I/O error
err_nodrive equ $28 ; no device connected
err_nowrite equ $2b ; disk write protected
err_badblock equ $2d ; invalid block number
err_disksw equ $2e ; media has been swapped (exended calls only)
err_offline equ $2f ; device offline or no disk in drive
; $30..$3f are device-specific errors
; $50..$5f are device-specific soft errors (considered successful)
; $60..$6f are equivalent to $20..$2f with soft error (considered successful)
cr equ $0d
@ -25,13 +47,13 @@ ga_shadow_wr_reg0 equ $09
ga_shadow_wr_reg1 equ $0a
spb_drive_address equ $0b ; indexed by current_drive_index
Z0d equ $0d ; indexed by current_drive_index
cur_cyl equ $0d ; indexed by current_drive_index
Z0f equ $0f ; indexed by current_drive_index
Z11 equ $11 ; indexed by current_drive_index
current_drive_index equ $13 ; 0 or 1
Z14 equ $14
cyl equ $14
Z15 equ $15
Z16 equ $16
Z17 equ $17
@ -74,11 +96,14 @@ Z4a equ $4a
Z4b equ $4b
; CmdTab $4c..$54: command from SmartPort
Z4c equ $4c ; command
Z4d equ $4d ; param count
Z50 equ $50 ; block number
Z51 equ $51
Z52 equ $52
sp_cmd equ $4c ; command
sp_param_count equ $4d ; param count
sp_param equ $4e ; up to 7 bytes of parameters
sp_ctl_code equ sp_param+2 ; control code
sp_stat_code equ sp_param+2 ; status code
sp_block equ sp_param+2 ; three-byte block number
spb_dest_id equ $55
@ -90,25 +115,25 @@ Z59 equ $59
Z5a equ $5a
Z5b equ $5b
Z5c equ $5c
Z5e equ $5e ; StatByte
Z5f equ $5f
Z60 equ $60
Z61 equ $61
Z62 equ $62
Z63 equ $63
Z64 equ $64
Z65 equ $65
Z66 equ $66
Z67 equ $67
Z68 equ $68
Z69 equ $69
Z6a equ $6a
Z6b equ $6b
Z6c equ $6c
Z6d equ $6d
Z6e equ $6e
Z6f equ $6f
Z5c equ $5c
Z5e equ $5e ; StatByte
Z5f equ $5f
Z60 equ $60
Z61 equ $61
Z62 equ $62
form_sides equ $63 ; $00 for single-sided, $80 for double-sided
Z64 equ $64
Z65 equ $65
Z66 equ $66
Z67 equ $67
Z68 equ $68
Z69 equ $69
Z6a equ $6a
Z6b equ $6b
Z6c equ $6c
Z6d equ $6d
Z6e equ $6e
Z6f equ $6f
vector_ram equ $70 ; first two bytes unused?
v_read_addr equ $72
@ -429,7 +454,7 @@ cmd_format_actual:
jsr Le4f7
bcs Le30c
stz Z16
stz Z14
stz cyl
Le2e1: lda #$0a
sta spb_packet_type
Le2e5: jsr write_trk
@ -439,14 +464,14 @@ Le2e5: jsr write_trk
dec spb_packet_type
bne Le2e5
jmp Le30c
Le2f6: bit Z63
Le2f6: bit form_sides
bpl Le302
lda #$80
eor Z16
sta Z16
bne Le2e1
Le302: inc Z14
lda Z14
Le302: inc cyl
lda cyl
cmp #$50
bcc Le2e1
@ -466,10 +491,10 @@ write_trk_actual:
jsr Se56a
lda Z16
bne Le337
lda Z14
lda cyl
and #$0f
bne Le337
lda Z14
lda cyl
@ -591,13 +616,13 @@ Le410: bit Z2d,x
bmi Le3fc
bra Le408
Le417: lda Z14
Le417: lda cyl
and #$3f
sta cksum
lda nib_tab,y
sta D04d3
lda Z14
lda cyl
lda #$00
@ -611,7 +636,7 @@ Le431: tay
lda nib_tab,y
sta D04d1
lda Z62
bit Z63
bit form_sides
bpl Le444
ora #$20
Le444: tay
@ -656,21 +681,21 @@ Le48b: sec
Le48d: sta Z14
Le48d: sta cyl
seek: jmp v_seek
ldx current_drive_index
bit Z0d,x
bit cur_cyl,x
bpl Le49d
jsr Le4f7
bcs Le4c8
Le49d: jsr Se614
ldx current_drive_index
lda Z0d,x
sbc Z14
lda cur_cyl,x
sbc cyl
beq Le4bb
ldy #$01
bcs Le4b3
@ -682,8 +707,8 @@ Le4b3: tax
jsr Se64a
jsr Se4cf
Le4bb: ldx current_drive_index
lda Z14
sta Z0d,x
lda cyl
sta cur_cyl,x
jsr Se6e6
sta Z1a
@ -738,7 +763,7 @@ Le503: lda #$07
bra Le516
Le515: clc
Le516: ldx current_drive_index
stz Z0d,x
stz cur_cyl,x
Se51b: lda #$02
@ -773,7 +798,7 @@ Le557: ldx current_drive_index
ror Z6f
ror Z0d,x
ror cur_cyl,x
lda #$fa
sta Z11,x
lda #$01
@ -960,12 +985,12 @@ Le684: pha
Le69b: lda Z50
Le69b: lda sp_param+2
and #$3f
sta Z15
lda Z50
lda sp_param+2
ldx #$06
Le6a5: lsr Z51
Le6a5: lsr sp_param+3
bne Le6a5
@ -991,11 +1016,11 @@ Le6c2: pha
sbc Z17
jmp Le6c2
Le6d3: sty Z14
Le6d3: sty cyl
sta Z15
bit Z0f,x
bpl Le6dd
lsr Z14
lsr cyl
Le6dd: ror Z16
@ -1034,11 +1059,11 @@ Le73e: lda #$00
bpl Le747
Le747: tax
lda Z50
lda sp_block+0
cmp block_count_low_tab,x
lda Z51
lda sp_block+1
sbc block_count_high_tab,x
lda Z52
lda sp_block+2
sbc #$00
bcc Le75c
lda #$ad
@ -1101,7 +1126,7 @@ Le7b1: jsr Sea1d
Se7bc: lda #$04
sta Z62
lda #$80
sta Z63
sta form_sides
@ -1176,7 +1201,7 @@ vector_actual:
Le832: stx current_drive_index
jsr Se9d0
Le837: lda Z4c
Le837: lda sp_cmd
beq Le844
ldx #$06
lda #$00
@ -1188,7 +1213,7 @@ Le844: stz Z3f
lda #$80
sta Z5e
lda Z4c ; get command
lda sp_cmd ; get command
cmp #$0a ; out of range
bcc Le857 ; no
@ -1200,7 +1225,7 @@ cmd_bad:
Le857: tax ; get expected arg count
lda expected_param_count_tab,x
and #$7f
cmp Z4d ; does it match what we've received from host?
cmp sp_param_count ; does it match what we've received from host?
beq Le872
; arg count different than expected
@ -1253,7 +1278,8 @@ expected_param_count_tab:
fcb $84 ; Write
cmd_read_block: clc
bra Le8b2
@ -1300,10 +1326,10 @@ Le8e7: jsr read_addr
lsr Z17
cmp Z14
cmp cyl
beq Le907
ldx current_drive_index
sta Z0d,x
sta cur_cyl,x
lda #$04
tsb Z57
jmp Le8d5
@ -1316,7 +1342,7 @@ Le907: lda Z17
lda Z2a
cmp Z15
bne Le8db
lda Z4c
lda sp_cmd
cmp #$01
bne Le942
jsr read_data
@ -1373,16 +1399,18 @@ Le96d: rts
; read command can be used to read entire block, i.e., including tag bytes
jsr Se998
lda #$01
sta Z4c
lda #$01 ; do a read block command
sta sp_cmd
jsr cmd_read_block
bcs Le986
lda #$00
sta Z25
lda #$02
sta Z26
lda #$0c
sta Z3f
Le986: rts
@ -1393,12 +1421,12 @@ cmd_write:
jsr Sed01
jsr Se998
lda #$02
sta Z4c
sta sp_cmd
jmp Le8ae
Se998: ldx #$00
Le99a: lda Z52,x
sta Z50,x
Le99a: lda sp_param+4,x
sta sp_param+2,x
cpx #$03
bcc Le99a
@ -1862,11 +1890,11 @@ Lecc4: rts
lda Z50
cmp #$08
lda sp_ctl_code
cmp #max_control
bcc Lecd0
Leccb: lda #$a1
Leccb: lda #$80 + err_badctl ; control code out of range
sta Z5e
@ -1889,6 +1917,7 @@ control_tab:
fdb control_execute-1 ; Execute
fdb control_set_address-1 ; SetAddress
fdb control_download-1 ; Download
max_control equ (*-control_tab)/2
@ -1955,27 +1984,30 @@ cmd_status:
sta Z25
lda #$02
sta Z26
lda Z50
cmp #$06
lda sp_stat_code
cmp #max_status
bcc Led57
jmp Leccb
Led57: asl
lda Ded62+1,x
lda status_tab+1,x
lda Ded62,x
lda status_tab,x
Ded62: fdb Leda3-1 ; device status
fdb Leda3-1 ; device status
fdb Leccb-1 ; device control block
fdb Leccb-1 ; newline status
fdb Led6e-1 ; device information block
fdb Leccb-1
fdb Led96-1 ; UniDiskStat
max_status equ (*-status_tab)/2
Led6e: jsr Leda3
@ -2361,15 +2393,15 @@ Lf143: lda #$7f
Lf148: jsr Se9ce
jsr Le4f7
stz Z16
stz Z14
stz cyl
Lf152: jsr seek
Lf155: jsr Sf169
lda #$80
eor Z16
sta Z16
bmi Lf155
inc Z14
lda Z14
inc cyl
lda cyl
cmp #$50
bcc Lf152
@ -2392,8 +2424,8 @@ Lf178: bit iwm_q6l
Lf18d: jsr Le4f7
lda #$4f
sta Z14
lda #79
sta cyl
jsr seek
jsr Se56a
jmp Lf18d