* Common bytes in FP and INT D0 ROMS D17B 53 D1B3 54 D267 54 D273 54 D307 20 D32A 20 D337 20 D347 20 D51C 00 D57C F0 D665 20 D667 D6 D694 85 D69B FF D6DC B1 D6F7 84 D729 4C D72B D7 D747 F0 D74B D7 D768 85 D76E 65 * Links to things to test ** TODO [[https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.sys.apple2/RMnus8p6xp8/TDfD2HVtDwAJ][csa2: question on HGR behavior with enhanced 128K Apple //e]]