2018-03-01 18:25:42 -08:00
;;; ============================================================
;;; Re-used param space for events/queries
pencopy := $D200
penOR := $D201
penXOR := $D202
penBIC := $D203
notpencopy := $D204
notpenOR := $D205
notpenXOR := $D206
notpenBIC := $D207
event_params := $D208
event_kind := event_params + 0
;; if kind is key_down
event_key := event_params + 1
event_modifiers := event_params + 2
;; if kind is no_event, button_down/up, drag, or apple_key:
event_coords := event_params + 1
event_xcoord := event_params + 1
event_ycoord := event_params + 3
;; if kind is update:
event_window_id := event_params + 1
screentowindow_params := event_params
screentowindow_window_id := screentowindow_params + 0
screentowindow_screenx := screentowindow_params + 1
screentowindow_screeny := screentowindow_params + 3
screentowindow_windowx := screentowindow_params + 5
screentowindow_windowy := screentowindow_params + 7
.assert screentowindow_screenx = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch"
.assert screentowindow_screeny = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch"
findwindow_params := event_params + 1 ; offset to x/y overlap event_params x/y
findwindow_mousex := findwindow_params + 0
findwindow_mousey := findwindow_params + 2
findwindow_which_area := findwindow_params + 4
findwindow_window_id := findwindow_params + 5
.assert findwindow_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch"
.assert findwindow_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch"
findcontrol_params := event_params + 1 ; offset to x/y overlap event_params x/y
findcontrol_mousex := findcontrol_params + 0
findcontrol_mousey := findcontrol_params + 2
findcontrol_which_ctl := findcontrol_params + 4
findcontrol_which_part := findcontrol_params + 5
.assert findcontrol_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch"
.assert findcontrol_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch"
activatectl_params := event_params
activatectl_which_ctl := activatectl_params
activatectl_activate := activatectl_params + 1
trackthumb_params := event_params
trackthumb_which_ctl := trackthumb_params
trackthumb_mousex := trackthumb_params + 1
trackthumb_mousey := trackthumb_params + 3
trackthumb_thumbpos := trackthumb_params + 5
trackthumb_thumbmoved := trackthumb_params + 6
.assert trackthumb_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch"
.assert trackthumb_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch"
updatethumb_params := event_params
updatethumb_which_ctl := updatethumb_params
updatethumb_thumbpos := updatethumb_params + 1
updatethumb_stash := updatethumb_params + 5 ; not part of struct
2018-03-04 21:36:00 -08:00
;;; ============================================================
2018-03-01 18:25:42 -08:00
;;; Resources
winfo12 := $D5B7
winfo15 := $D5F1
path_buf0 := $D402
path_buf1 := $D443
path_buf2 := $D484
grafport3 := $D239
dialog_rect1 := $DA9E
dialog_rect2 := $DAAA