Dedupe another double-click detection procedure

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2018-12-16 20:01:10 -08:00
parent 06408b3d24
commit 1297bbed6b
2 changed files with 4 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ double_click_flag:
;; Set to specific machine type; used for double-click timing.
.assert * = machine_speed, error, "Entry point mismatch"
.byte $00 ; Set to: $96 = IIe, $FA = IIc, $FD = IIgs

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@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ L5341: lda winfo_entrydlg_file_picker
beq L5380
jmp L542F
L5380: jsr detect_double_click
L5380: jsr desktop_main::detect_double_click
beq L5386
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ L5446: lda screentowindow_windowy
L5457: lda LD920
jsr L6274
jsr jt_05
jsr detect_double_click
jsr desktop_main::detect_double_click
bmi L5468
jmp L5386
@ -1177,103 +1177,8 @@ L5C27: ldx $177F
;;; ============================================================
;;; Detect double-click in file list
.proc detect_double_click
double_click_deltax := 5
double_click_deltay := 4
COPY_STRUCT MGTK::Point, event_coords, coords
;; Initialize counter (varies based on machine type)
lda machine_type
sta counter
;; Decrement counter, bail if time delta exceeded
loop: dec counter
beq exit
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::PeekEvent, event_params
;; Check coords, bail if pixel delta exceeded
jsr check_delta
bmi exit
copy #$FF, unused ; unused ???
lda event_kind
sta kind ; unused ???
cmp #MGTK::EventKind::no_event
beq loop
cmp #MGTK::EventKind::drag
beq loop
cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up
bne :+
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::GetEvent, event_params
jmp loop
: cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_down
bne exit
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::GetEvent, event_params
return #0 ; double-click
exit: return #$FF ; not double-click
.proc check_delta
;; compute x delta
lda event_xcoord
sbc xcoord
sta delta
lda event_xcoord+1
sbc xcoord+1
bpl :+
;; is -delta < x < 0 ?
lda delta
cmp #($100 - double_click_deltax)
bcs check_y
fail: return #$FF
: lda delta
cmp #double_click_deltax
bcs fail
;; compute y delta
lda event_ycoord
sbc ycoord
sta delta
lda event_ycoord+1
sbc ycoord+1
bpl :+
;; is -delta < y < 0 ?
lda delta
cmp #($100 - double_click_deltay)
bcs ok
: lda delta
cmp #double_click_deltay
bcs fail
ok: return #0
.byte 0
xcoord: .word 0
ycoord: .word 0
delta: .byte 0
kind: .byte 0
unused: .byte 0
PAD_TO $5CF7 ; Maintain previous addresses
;;; ============================================================