mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 02:29:11 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/disasm'
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,13 +10,6 @@
.proc desktop_main
.scope format_erase_overlay
L0CB8 := $0CB8
L0CD7 := $0CD7
L0CF9 := $0CF9
L0D14 := $0D14
dst_path_buf := $1FC0
dynamic_routine_800 := $0800
@ -12750,47 +12743,50 @@ LA6F7: jsr LB9B8
.proc prompt_key_handler
lda event_modifiers
cmp #MGTK::event_modifier_solid_apple
bne LA71A
bne no_mods
;; Modifier key down.
lda event_key
bne LA710
jmp LA815
bne :+
jmp left_with_mod
LA710: cmp #CHAR_RIGHT
bne LA717
jmp LA820
bne done
jmp right_with_mod
LA717: return #$FF
done: return #$FF
LA71A: lda event_key
;; No modifier key down.
lda event_key
bne LA72E
bit format_erase_overlay_flag
bpl :+
jmp format_erase_overlay::L0CB8
: jmp LA82B
jmp format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_left
: jmp handle_key_left
bne LA73D
bit format_erase_overlay_flag
bpl :+
jmp format_erase_overlay::L0CD7
: jmp LA83E
jmp format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_right
: jmp handle_key_right
bne LA749
bit LD8E7
bvs LA717
bvs done
jmp LA851
bne LA755
bit LD8E7
bmi LA717
bmi done
jmp LA86F
@ -12800,18 +12796,16 @@ LA755: cmp #CHAR_DELETE
LA75C: cmp #CHAR_UP
bne LA76B
bit format_erase_overlay_flag
bmi LA768
jmp LA717
LA768: jmp format_erase_overlay::L0D14
bmi :+
jmp done
: jmp format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_up
bne LA77A
bit format_erase_overlay_flag
bmi LA777
jmp LA717
LA777: jmp format_erase_overlay::L0CF9
bmi :+
jmp done
: jmp format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_down
LA77A: bit LD8E7
bvc LA79B
@ -12836,32 +12830,32 @@ LA79B: bit LD8F5
beq LA7D8
cmp #'0'
bcs LA7AB
jmp LA717
jmp done
LA7AB: cmp #'z'+1
bcc LA7B2
jmp LA717
jmp done
LA7B2: cmp #'9'+1
bcc LA7D8
cmp #'A'
bcs LA7BD
jmp LA717
jmp done
LA7BD: cmp #'Z'+1
bcc LA7DD
cmp #'a'
bcs LA7DD
jmp LA717
jmp done
LA7C8: cmp #' '
bcs LA7CF
jmp LA717
jmp done
LA7CF: cmp #'~'
beq LA7DD
bcc LA7DD
jmp LA717
jmp done
LA7D8: ldx path_buf1
beq LA7E5
@ -12882,33 +12876,41 @@ do_all: jsr set_penmode_xor2
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, desktop_aux::all_button_rect
return #PromptResult::all
LA815: lda has_input_field_flag
beq LA81D
jsr LBC5E
LA81D: return #$FF
.proc left_with_mod
lda has_input_field_flag
beq :+
jsr input_field_ip_start
: return #$FF
LA820: lda has_input_field_flag
beq LA828
jsr LBCC9
LA828: return #$FF
.proc right_with_mod
lda has_input_field_flag
beq :+
jsr input_field_ip_end
: return #$FF
LA82B: lda has_input_field_flag
beq LA83B
bit format_erase_overlay_flag
bpl LA838
jmp format_erase_overlay::L0CD7
.proc handle_key_left
lda has_input_field_flag
beq done
bit format_erase_overlay_flag ; BUG? Should never be set here based on caller test.
bpl :+
jmp format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_right
LA838: jsr LBBA4
LA83B: return #$FF
: jsr input_field_ip_left
done: return #$FF
LA83E: lda has_input_field_flag
beq LA84E
bit format_erase_overlay_flag
bpl LA84B
jmp format_erase_overlay::L0CB8
.proc handle_key_right
lda has_input_field_flag
beq done
bit format_erase_overlay_flag ; BUG? Should never be set here based on caller test.
bpl :+
jmp format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_left
LA84B: jsr LBC03
LA84E: return #$FF
: jsr input_field_ip_right
done: return #$FF
LA851: lda winfo_alert_dialog
jsr set_port_from_window_id
@ -13793,7 +13795,7 @@ LB2FD: jsr prompt_input_loop
bne LB313
lda path_buf1
beq LB2FD
jsr LBCC9
jsr input_field_ip_end
ldy #<path_buf1
ldx #>path_buf1
return #0
@ -14677,7 +14679,7 @@ LBA42:
cmp path_buf2
bcc LBA4F
dec path_buf2
jmp LBCC9
jmp input_field_ip_end
LBA4F: ldx #2
ldy path_buf1
@ -14724,7 +14726,7 @@ LBA7C: dey
lda textlen
cmp #1
bcs :-
jmp LBC5E
jmp input_field_ip_start
;; Copy the text to the right of the click to split_buf
: inc textlen
@ -14833,8 +14835,10 @@ param: .byte 0
;;; ============================================================
;;; Move IP one character left.
.proc LBBA4
.proc input_field_ip_left
;; Any characters to left of IP?
lda path_buf1
bne :+
@ -14845,17 +14849,23 @@ param: .byte 0
: ldx path_buf2
cpx #1
LBBB1: lda path_buf2,x
beq finish
;; Shift right up by a character.
loop: lda path_buf2,x
sta path_buf2+1,x
cpx #1
bne LBBB1
LBBBC: ldx path_buf1
bne loop
;; Copy character left to right and adjust lengths.
finish: ldx path_buf1
lda path_buf1,x
sta path_buf2+2
dec path_buf1
inc path_buf2
;; Redraw (just the right part)
jsr measure_path_buf1
stax xcoord
copy16 name_input_textpos::ycoord, ycoord
@ -14869,28 +14879,36 @@ LBBBC: ldx path_buf1
;;; ============================================================
;;; Move IP one character right.
.proc LBC03
.proc input_field_ip_right
;; Any characters to right of IP?
lda path_buf2
cmp #$02
bcs LBC0B
cmp #2
bcs :+
LBC0B: ldx path_buf1
;; Copy char from right to left and adjust lengths.
: ldx path_buf1
lda path_buf2+2
sta path_buf1,x
inc path_buf1
ldx path_buf2
cpx #$03
bcc LBC2D
ldx #$02
LBC21: lda path_buf2+1,x
cpx #3
bcc finish
;; Shift right string down.
ldx #2
loop: lda path_buf2+1,x
sta path_buf2,x
cpx path_buf2
bne LBC21
LBC2D: dec path_buf2
bne loop
;; Redraw (the whole thing)
finish: dec path_buf2
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, name_input_textpos
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::SetPortBits, name_input_mapinfo
addr_call draw_text1, path_buf1
@ -14902,28 +14920,38 @@ LBC2D: dec path_buf2
;;; ============================================================
;;; Move IP to start of input field.
.proc LBC5E
.proc input_field_ip_start
;; Any characters to left of IP?
lda path_buf1
bne LBC64
bne :+
LBC64: ldx path_buf2
cpx #$01
beq LBC79
LBC6B: lda path_buf2,x
;; Any characters to right of IP?
: ldx path_buf2
cpx #1
beq move
;; Preserve right characters up to make room.
;; TODO: Why not just shift them up???
loop1: lda path_buf2,x
sta split_buf-1,x
cpx #$01
bne LBC6B
cpx #1
bne loop1
ldx path_buf2
LBC79: dex
;; Move characters left to right
move: dex
stx split_buf
ldx path_buf1
LBC80: lda path_buf1,x
loop2: lda path_buf1,x
sta path_buf2+1,x
bne LBC80
bne loop2
;; Adjust lengths.
lda str_insertion_point+1
sta path_buf2+1
inc path_buf1
@ -14934,18 +14962,21 @@ LBC80: lda path_buf1,x
adc split_buf
;; Append right right characters again if needed.
ldx split_buf
beq LBCB3
LBCA6: lda split_buf,x
beq finish
loop3: lda split_buf,x
sta path_buf2,y
cpy path_buf2
bne LBCA6
LBCB3: pla
bne loop3
finish: pla
sta path_buf2
copy #0, path_buf1
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, name_input_textpos
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, name_input_textpos ; Seems unnecessary???
jsr draw_filename_prompt
@ -14984,10 +15015,11 @@ done: rts
;;; ============================================================
;;; Move IP to end of input field.
.proc LBCC9
.proc input_field_ip_end
jsr merge_path_buf1_path_buf2
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, name_input_textpos
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, name_input_textpos ; Seems unnecessary???
jsr draw_filename_prompt
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ L0BBB: lda L0C1F
lda LD887
bmi L0BD9
lda LD887
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
lda #$FF
sta LD887
L0BD9: return #$FF
@ -318,10 +318,10 @@ L0C03: rts
L0C04: sta L0C1E
lda LD887
bmi L0C0F
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
L0C0F: lda L0C1E
sta LD887
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
jsr desktop_main::detect_double_click
beq L0BE6
@ -335,7 +335,8 @@ L0C1F: .byte 0
label_width = 120
L0C20: ldy #39
.proc hilight_volume_label
ldy #39
sty select_volume_rect::x1
ldy #0
sty select_volume_rect::x1+1
@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ L0C20: ldy #39
lsr a
sta L0CA9 ; column (0, 1, or 2)
beq :+
add16 select_volume_rect::x1, #label_width, select_volume_rect::x1
add16 select_volume_rect::x1, #120, select_volume_rect::x1
lda L0CA9
cmp #1
beq :+
@ -368,14 +369,23 @@ L0C20: ldy #39
L0CA9: .byte 0
L0CAA: lda LD887
bmi L0CB7
jsr L0C20
;;; ============================================================
.proc L0CAA
lda LD887
bmi :+
jsr hilight_volume_label
copy #$FF, LD887
L0CB7: rts
: rts
;;; ============================================================
;; Called from desktop_main
L0CB8: lda LD887
.proc prompt_handle_key_left
lda LD887
bpl L0CC1
lda #0
beq L0CCE
@ -387,9 +397,14 @@ L0CC1: clc
jsr L0CAA
L0CCE: sta LD887
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
L0CD4: return #$FF
;;; ============================================================
;; Called from desktop_main
.proc prompt_handle_key_right
lda LD887
bpl L0CE6
lda LD890
@ -400,28 +415,38 @@ L0CD4: return #$FF
jmp L0CF0
L0CE6: sec
sbc #$04
sbc #4
bmi L0CF6
jsr L0CAA
L0CF0: sta LD887
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
L0CF6: return #$FF
;;; ============================================================
;; Called from desktop_main
.proc prompt_handle_key_down
lda LD887
adc #$01
adc #1
cmp LD890
bcc L0D06
lda #$00
lda #0
L0D06: pha
jsr L0CAA
sta LD887
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
return #$FF
;;; ============================================================
;; Called from desktop_main
.proc prompt_handle_key_up
lda LD887
bmi L0D1E
@ -434,8 +459,11 @@ L0D23: pha
jsr L0CAA
sta LD887
jsr L0C20
jsr hilight_volume_label
return #$FF
;;; ============================================================
L0D31: ldx DEVCNT
@ -1529,3 +1557,8 @@ L1A6D: lda on_line_params::unit_num
PAD_TO $1C00
.endproc ; format_erase_overlay
format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_left := format_erase_overlay::prompt_handle_key_left
format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_right := format_erase_overlay::prompt_handle_key_right
format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_down := format_erase_overlay::prompt_handle_key_down
format_erase_overlay_prompt_handle_key_up := format_erase_overlay::prompt_handle_key_up
Reference in New Issue
Block a user