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This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2018-02-14 21:07:31 -08:00
parent 0f0c5c50d8
commit 473e2aaefa

View File

@ -11111,33 +11111,36 @@ flag: .byte 0
;;; ==================================================
L6F0D: jsr window_address_lookup
sta $06
sta L6F48
stx $06+1
stx L6F49
ldy #$00
lda ($06),y
sta L6F4A
L6F22: iny
lda ($06),y
cmp #$2F
beq L6F31
cpy L6F4A
beq L6F32
jmp L6F22
.proc L6F0D
ptr := $6
L6F31: dey
L6F32: sty L6F4A
addr_call_indirect L6FB7, $06
ldax L6F48
ldy L6F4A
jsr window_address_lookup
sta ptr
sta pathptr
stx ptr+1
stx pathptr+1
ldy #0 ; length offset
lda (ptr),y
sta pathlen
loop: iny ; start at 2nd character
lda (ptr),y
cmp #'/'
beq found
cpy pathlen
beq finish
jmp loop
found: dey
finish: sty pathlen
addr_call_indirect L6FB7, ptr ; ???
ldax pathptr
ldy pathlen
jmp L6F4B
L6F48: .byte 0
L6F49: .byte 0
L6F4A: .byte 0
pathptr: .addr 0
pathlen: .byte 0
;;; ==================================================
@ -11185,11 +11188,15 @@ L6FA9: cpy #$01
;;; ==================================================
L6FAF: stax $06
lda #$80
bne L6FBD
L6FB7: stax $06
lda #$00
L6FBD: sta L704A
bit L704A
bpl L6FCA
@ -12935,7 +12942,14 @@ L809E: inc $0805
sta $0806
jmp L8051
;;; ==================================================
.proc L80CA
;; ptr = $801/$802 + ($800 * 32)
ptr := $6
lda #0
sta $0804
lda L0800
@ -12951,13 +12965,15 @@ L809E: inc $0805
rol $0804
adc $0801
sta $06
lda $0802
sta ptr
lda $0801+1
adc $0804
sta $06+1
sta ptr+1
;;; ==================================================
L80F5: lda #$00
sta L0800
L80FA: lda L0800
@ -15282,7 +15298,7 @@ L9366: lda selected_window_index
beq L9381
inc L92E3
inc L92E3
L9381: jsr L953F
L9381: jsr launch_get_info_dialog
jmp L93DB
L9387: lda #$81
@ -15294,7 +15310,7 @@ L9387: lda #$81
beq L939D
inc L92E3
inc L92E3
L939D: jsr L953F
L939D: jsr launch_get_info_dialog
lda #$00
sta L942E
ldx L92E6
@ -15321,7 +15337,7 @@ L93DB: ldx L92E6
lda #$01
sta L92E3
copy16 $06, L92E4
jsr L953F
jsr launch_get_info_dialog
lda #$02
sta L92E3
lda selected_window_index
@ -15343,7 +15359,7 @@ L9413: lda get_file_info_params5::access
bne L9428
L9423: lda #$00
sta L92E4
L9428: jsr L953F
L9428: jsr launch_get_info_dialog
jmp L942F
L942E: .byte 0
@ -15406,19 +15422,19 @@ L94A9: lda $220,x
sta L92E4
lda #>LDFC9
sta L92E4+1
jsr L953F
jsr launch_get_info_dialog
lda #$04
sta L92E3
copy16 get_file_info_params5::create_date, date
copy16 #text_buffer2::length, L92E4
jsr L953F
jsr launch_get_info_dialog
lda #$05
sta L92E3
copy16 get_file_info_params5::mod_date, date
copy16 #text_buffer2::length, L92E4
jsr L953F
jsr launch_get_info_dialog
lda #$06
sta L92E3
lda selected_window_index
@ -15432,7 +15448,7 @@ L950E: lda L953A,x
L9519: lda get_file_info_params5::file_type
jsr L402D
L951F: copy16 #LDFC5, L92E4
jsr L953F
jsr launch_get_info_dialog
bne L9534
L952E: inc L92E6
jmp L92F5
@ -15444,8 +15460,10 @@ L9534: lda #$00
L953F: yax_call launch_dialog, index_get_info_dialog, L92E3
.proc launch_get_info_dialog
yax_call launch_dialog, index_get_info_dialog, L92E3
L9549: ldx #$00
L954B: lda $E6EC,x
@ -15906,12 +15924,12 @@ L98A2: lda LE05F
sta LE061
jsr L983F
jsr L97E5
jsr LA2FD
jsr append_to_path_220
jmp L9801
L98B4: jsr L983F
jsr L992A
jsr LA322
jsr remove_path_segment_220
jsr L97F3
jsr L9801
jsr L98C9
@ -16094,11 +16112,11 @@ L9A81: lda file_info_params2::storage_type
beq L9A90
lda #$00
beq L9A95
L9A90: jsr LA2F1
L9A90: jsr decrement_LA2ED
lda #$FF
L9A95: sta L9B30
jsr LA40A
lda LA2EE
lda LA2ED+1
bne L9AA8
lda LA2ED
bne L9AA8
@ -16179,7 +16197,7 @@ L9B36: jsr LA3D1
L9B3E: lda L97BD
cmp #$0F
bne L9B88
jsr LA2FD
jsr append_to_path_220
L9B48: yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params2
beq L9B59
jsr show_error_alert
@ -16187,8 +16205,8 @@ L9B48: yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params2
L9B59: jsr LA33B
jsr LA40A
jsr LA2F1
lda LA2EE
jsr decrement_LA2ED
lda LA2ED+1
bne L9B6F
lda LA2ED
bne L9B6F
@ -16196,17 +16214,17 @@ L9B59: jsr LA33B
L9B6F: jsr L9E19
bcs L9B7A
jsr LA322
jsr remove_path_segment_220
jmp L9BBE
L9B7A: jsr LA360
jsr LA322
jsr remove_path_segment_220
lda #$FF
sta L9923
jmp L9BBE
L9B88: jsr LA33B
jsr LA2FD
jsr append_to_path_220
jsr LA40A
L9B91: yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params2
beq L9BA2
@ -16217,12 +16235,12 @@ L9BA2: jsr L9C01
bcc L9BAA
jmp LA39F
L9BAA: jsr LA322
L9BAA: jsr remove_path_segment_220
jsr L9E19
bcs L9BBB
jsr LA2FD
jsr append_to_path_220
jsr L9CDA
jsr LA322
jsr remove_path_segment_220
L9BBB: jsr LA360
L9BBE: rts
@ -16315,7 +16333,7 @@ L9CD6: .byte 0
L9CD7: .byte 0
L9CD8: .byte 0
L9CD9: .byte 0
L9CDA: jsr LA2F1
L9CDA: jsr decrement_LA2ED
lda #$00
sta L9E17
sta L9E18
@ -16537,7 +16555,7 @@ L9F1D: .byte 0
L9F1E: bit LE05C
bmi L9F26
jsr LA3EF
L9F26: jsr LA2F1
L9F26: jsr decrement_LA2ED
L9F29: yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, DESTROY, destroy_params
beq L9F8D
cmp #$4E
@ -16584,11 +16602,11 @@ L9F8E: jsr show_error_alert
beq L9F9C
jmp LA39F
L9F9C: jsr LA2FD
L9F9C: jsr append_to_path_220
bit LE05C
bmi L9FA7
jsr LA3EF
L9FA7: jsr LA2F1
L9FA7: jsr decrement_LA2ED
L9FAA: yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params2
beq L9FBB
jsr show_error_alert
@ -16633,9 +16651,9 @@ LA001: lda #$C3
LA01C: jsr show_error_alert
jmp L9FC2
LA022: jmp LA322
LA022: jmp remove_path_segment_220
jsr LA322
jsr remove_path_segment_220
lda #$FF
sta L9923
@ -16762,11 +16780,11 @@ LA158: sta LA168
LA168: .byte 0
LA169: .byte 0
LA16A: jsr LA173
jmp LA2FD
jmp append_to_path_220
LA170: jsr LA2FD
LA170: jsr append_to_path_220
LA173: jsr LA1C3
jsr LA2F1
jsr decrement_LA2ED
LA179: yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params2
beq LA18A
jsr show_error_alert
@ -16794,7 +16812,7 @@ LA1A3: lda #7 ; param count for SET_FILE_INFO
jsr show_error_alert
jmp LA1A3
LA1C0: jmp LA322
LA1C0: jmp remove_path_segment_220
LA1C3: sub16 LA2ED, #$01, LA055
bit L918B
@ -16839,11 +16857,11 @@ LA24F: lda LA242,y
sta L97DD,y
bpl LA24F
lda #$00
lda #0
sta LA2ED
sta LA2EE
sta LA2ED+1
sta LA2EF
sta LA2F0
sta LA2EF+1
ldy #$17
lda #$00
LA26A: sta BITMAP,y
@ -16880,65 +16898,83 @@ LA2AB: jmp LA2AE
LA2AE: bit L9189
bvc LA2D4
jsr LA2FD
jsr append_to_path_220
yax_call JT_MLI_RELAY, GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params2
bne LA2D4
add16 LA2EF, file_info_params2::blocks_used, LA2EF
LA2D4: inc LA2ED
bne LA2DC
inc LA2EE
inc LA2ED+1
LA2DC: bit L9189
bvc LA2E4
jsr LA322
jsr remove_path_segment_220
LA2E4: ldax LA2ED
jmp L917C
LA2ED: .byte 0
LA2EE: .byte 0
LA2EF: .byte 0
LA2F0: .byte 0
LA2ED: .word 0
LA2EF: .word 0
LA2F1: lda LA2ED
bne LA2F9
dec LA2EE
LA2F9: dec LA2ED
;;; ==================================================
.proc decrement_LA2ED
lda LA2ED
bne :+
dec LA2ED+1
: dec LA2ED
;;; ==================================================
;;; Append name at L97AD to path at $220
.proc append_to_path_220
path := $220
lda L97AD
bne :+
LA2FD: lda L97AD
bne LA303
LA303: ldx #$00
ldy $220
: ldx #0
ldy path
lda #'/'
sta $0221,y
sta path+1,y
LA30E: cpx L97AD
bcs LA31E
lda L97AE,x
sta $0221,y
loop: cpx L97AD
bcs done
lda L97AD+1,x
sta path+1,y
jmp LA30E
jmp loop
LA31E: sty $220
done: sty $220
LA322: ldx $220
bne LA328
;;; ==================================================
;;; Remove segment from path at $220
.proc remove_path_segment_220
path := $220
ldx path ; length
bne :+
LA328: lda $220,x
cmp #$2F
beq LA336
: lda path,x
cmp #'/'
beq found
bne LA328
stx $220
bne :-
stx path
LA336: dex
stx $220
found: dex
stx path
;;; ==================================================
LA33B: lda L97AD
bne LA341
@ -17620,7 +17656,7 @@ LA97A: cmp #$05
LA981: lda #$00
sta LD8E8
jsr LB53A
jsr open_dialog_window
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_copy_title
axy_call draw_dialog_label, $01, desktop_aux::str_copy_copying
axy_call draw_dialog_label, $02, desktop_aux::str_copy_from
@ -17748,7 +17784,7 @@ LAAB1: jsr prompt_input_loop
else: lda #0
sta LD8E8
jsr LB53A
jsr open_dialog_window
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_download
axy_call draw_dialog_label, $01, desktop_aux::str_copy_copying
axy_call draw_dialog_label, $02, desktop_aux::str_copy_from
@ -17836,7 +17872,7 @@ do4: jsr bell
bne else
jmp do3
else: jsr LB53A
else: jsr open_dialog_window
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_size_title
axy_call draw_dialog_label, $01, desktop_aux::str_size_number
ldy #1
@ -17933,7 +17969,7 @@ LACF7: cmp #$05
lda #$00
sta LD8E8
jsr LB53A
jsr open_dialog_window
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_delete_title
lda LAD1F
beq LAD20
@ -18077,7 +18113,7 @@ LAE90: lda ($08),y
lda #$28
sta dialog_label_pos
yax_call draw_dialog_label, $04, desktop_aux::str_enter_folder_name
jsr LB961
jsr draw_filename_prompt
LAEC6: jsr prompt_input_loop
bmi LAEC6
bne LAF16
@ -18087,7 +18123,7 @@ LAEC6: jsr prompt_input_loop
bcc LAEE1
LAED6: lda #$FB
jsr LB961
jsr draw_filename_prompt
jmp LAEC6
LAEE1: lda path_buf0
@ -18247,7 +18283,7 @@ LB048: cmp #$04
LB04F: lda #$00
sta LD8E8
jsr LB53A
jsr open_dialog_window
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_lock_title
yax_call draw_dialog_label, $04, desktop_aux::str_lock_ok
@ -18339,7 +18375,7 @@ LB166: cmp #$04
LB16D: lda #$00
sta LD8E8
jsr LB53A
jsr open_dialog_window
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_unlock_title
yax_call draw_dialog_label, $04, desktop_aux::str_unlock_ok
@ -18454,7 +18490,7 @@ LB2CA: lda ($08),y
yax_call draw_dialog_label, $04, desktop_aux::str_rename_new
lda #$00
sta path_buf1
jsr LB961
jsr draw_filename_prompt
LB2ED: lda #$00
@ -18489,7 +18525,7 @@ LB313: jsr reset_state
;; Create window
jsr create_window_with_alert_bitmap
jsr open_alert_window
lda winfoF
jsr set_port_from_window_id
addr_call draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_warning
@ -18708,7 +18744,7 @@ LB506: .byte 0
LB507: .byte 0
LB508: .byte 0
LB509: sta LD8E7
jsr LB53A
jsr open_dialog_window
bit LD8E7
bvc LB51A
jsr draw_yes_no_all_cancel_buttons
@ -18722,15 +18758,17 @@ LB526: bit LD8E7
jsr draw_cancel_label
LB537: jmp reset_state
LB53A: MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::OpenWindow, winfoF
.proc open_dialog_window
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::OpenWindow, winfoF
lda winfoF
jsr set_port_from_window_id
jsr set_penmode_xor2
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, desktop_aux::confirm_dialog_outer_rect
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, desktop_aux::confirm_dialog_inner_rect
.proc open_alert_window
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::OpenWindow, winfoF
lda winfoF
jsr set_port_from_window_id
@ -18740,6 +18778,7 @@ create_window_with_alert_bitmap:
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, desktop_aux::confirm_dialog_outer_rect
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, desktop_aux::confirm_dialog_inner_rect
;;; ==================================================
@ -19112,7 +19151,7 @@ click_result:
xcoord := $6
ycoord := $8
jsr LBD3B
jsr measure_path_buf1
stax xcoord
copy16 point6::ycoord, ycoord
@ -19141,8 +19180,11 @@ LB93B: copy16 #LD8EF, textptr
LB961: lda path_buf1
beq LB9B7
;;; ==================================================
.proc draw_filename_prompt
lda path_buf1
beq done
lda winfoF
jsr set_port_from_window_id
jsr set_fill_white
@ -19156,7 +19198,10 @@ LB961: lda path_buf1
addr_call draw_text1, str_2_spaces
lda winfoF
jsr set_port_from_window_id
LB9B7: rts
done: rts
;;; ==================================================
LB9B8: MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::ScreenToWindow, event_params
@ -19165,7 +19210,7 @@ LB9B8: MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::ScreenToWindow, event_params
beq LB9D8
LB9D8: jsr LBD3B
LB9D8: jsr measure_path_buf1
stax $06
cmp16 $D20D, $06
bcs LB9EE
@ -19173,7 +19218,7 @@ LB9D8: jsr LBD3B
.proc LB9EE
ptr := $6
jsr LBD3B
jsr measure_path_buf1
stax LBB09
ldx path_buf2
@ -19281,7 +19326,7 @@ LBAF7: lda $D3C1,y
bpl LBAF7
lda $08
sta path_buf1
LBB05: jsr LB961
LBB05: jsr draw_filename_prompt
LBB09: .word 0
@ -19304,7 +19349,7 @@ LBB0B: sta LBB62
sta path_buf1,x
sta str_1_char+1
jsr LBD3B
jsr measure_path_buf1
inc path_buf1
stax xcoord
copy16 point6::ycoord, ycoord
@ -19328,7 +19373,7 @@ LBB63: lda path_buf1
ycoord := $8
dec path_buf1
jsr LBD3B
jsr measure_path_buf1
stax xcoord
copy16 point6::ycoord, ycoord
@ -19362,7 +19407,7 @@ LBBBC: ldx path_buf1
sta $D486
dec path_buf1
inc path_buf2
jsr LBD3B
jsr measure_path_buf1
stax xcoord
copy16 point6::ycoord, ycoord
@ -19446,7 +19491,7 @@ LBCB3: pla
lda #$00
sta path_buf1
jsr LB961
jsr draw_filename_prompt
LBCC9: lda path_buf2
@ -19473,7 +19518,7 @@ LBCDF: lda path_buf2,x
lda #$01
sta path_buf2
jsr LB961
jsr draw_filename_prompt
stax $06
@ -19504,22 +19549,26 @@ LBD22: ldx path_buf1
LBD33: rts
jsr LBD22
jsr LB961
jsr draw_filename_prompt
.proc LBD3B
params := $6
;;; ==================================================
;;; Compute width of path_buf1, offset point6, return x coord in (A,X)
.proc measure_path_buf1
textwidth_params := $6
textptr := $6
textlen := $8
result := $9
result := $9
copy16 #$D444, textptr
copy16 #path_buf1+1, textptr
lda path_buf1
sta textlen
bne :+
ldax point6::xcoord
: MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::TextWidth, params
: MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::TextWidth, textwidth_params
lda result
adc point6::xcoord
@ -19531,6 +19580,8 @@ LBD33: rts
;;; ==================================================
LBD69: lda #$01
sta path_buf2
lda LD8EF