mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 02:30:53 +00:00
Format/Erase Overlay: disasm
This commit is contained in:
@ -3006,18 +3006,18 @@ LB239: DEFINE_POINT 185,59
LB241: DEFINE_POINT 195,59
LB245: PASCAL_STRING "Format a Disk ..."
LB257: PASCAL_STRING "Select the location where the disk is to be formatted"
LB28D: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the name of the new volume:"
LB2AF: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to format "
LB2C6: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting the disk...."
LB2DE: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting error. Check drive, then click OK to try again."
str_format_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Format a Disk ..."
str_select_format: PASCAL_STRING "Select the location where the disk is to be formatted"
str_new_volume: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the name of the new volume:"
str_confirm_format: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to format "
str_formatting: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting the disk...."
str_formatting_error: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting error. Check drive, then click OK to try again."
LB319: PASCAL_STRING "Erase a Disk ..."
LB32A: PASCAL_STRING "Select the location where the disk is to be erased"
LB35D: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase "
LB373: PASCAL_STRING "Erasing the disk...."
LB388: PASCAL_STRING "Erasing error. Check drive, then click OK to try again."
str_erase_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Erase a Disk ..."
str_select_erase: PASCAL_STRING "Select the location where the disk is to be erased"
str_confirm_erase: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase "
str_erasing: PASCAL_STRING "Erasing the disk...."
str_erasing_error: PASCAL_STRING "Erasing error. Check drive, then click OK to try again."
;; "Unlock File" dialog strings
@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ L0800: pha
beq L080C
jmp L09D9
L080C: lda #$00
sta has_input_field_flag
;;; ============================================================
;;; Format Disk
L080C: copy #$00, has_input_field_flag
jsr desktop_main::LB509
lda winfo_alert_dialog
jsr desktop_main::set_port_from_window_id
addr_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::LB245
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $01, desktop_aux::LB257
addr_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_format_disk
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 1, desktop_aux::str_select_format
jsr L0D31
lda #$FF
sta LD887
copy #$FF, LD887
L0832: copy16 #L0B48, desktop_main::jump_relay+1
lda #$80
sta use_ovl2_handler_flag
copy #$80, use_ovl2_handler_flag
L0841: jsr desktop_main::prompt_input_loop
bmi L0841
@ -47,12 +47,10 @@ L085F: bit LD887
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, name_input_rect
jsr desktop_main::clear_path_buf1
lda #$80
sta has_input_field_flag
lda #$00
sta use_ovl2_handler_flag
copy #$80, has_input_field_flag
copy #$00, use_ovl2_handler_flag
jsr desktop_main::clear_path_buf2
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $03, desktop_aux::LB28D
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 3, desktop_aux::str_new_volume
L08A7: jsr desktop_main::prompt_input_loop
bmi L08A7
beq L08B7
@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ L08B7: lda path_buf1
sta L09D7
lda #$00
sta has_input_field_flag
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $03, desktop_aux::LB2AF
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 3, desktop_aux::str_confirm_format
lda L09D7
jsr L1A2D
addr_call desktop_main::draw_text1, ovl2_path_buf
@ -89,9 +87,7 @@ L090C: lda winfo_alert_dialog
jsr desktop_main::set_port_from_window_id
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, desktop_aux::press_ok_to_rect
ldax #desktop_aux::LB2C6
ldy #$01
jsr desktop_main::draw_dialog_label
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 1, desktop_aux::str_formatting
lda L09D7
jsr L12C1
and #$FF
@ -104,10 +100,9 @@ L0942: lda winfo_alert_dialog
jsr desktop_main::set_port_from_window_id
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, desktop_aux::press_ok_to_rect
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $01, desktop_aux::LB373
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 1, desktop_aux::str_erasing
addr_call L1900, path_buf1
ldx #$43
ldy #$D4
ldxy #path_buf1
lda L09D7
jsr L1307
@ -124,9 +119,7 @@ L0980: cmp #$2B
jmp L090C
L098C: jsr L191B
ldax #desktop_aux::LB388
ldy #$06
jsr desktop_main::draw_dialog_label
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 6, desktop_aux::str_erasing_error
jmp L09B8
L099B: pha
@ -139,7 +132,7 @@ L099B: pha
jmp L090C
L09AC: jsr L191B
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $06, desktop_aux::LB2DE
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 6, desktop_aux::str_formatting_error
L09B8: jsr desktop_main::prompt_input_loop
bmi L09B8
bne L09C2
@ -155,21 +148,21 @@ L09C2: pha
L09D7: .byte 0
L09D8: .byte 0
;;; ============================================================
;;; Erase Disk
L09D9: lda #$00
sta has_input_field_flag
jsr desktop_main::LB509
lda winfo_alert_dialog
jsr desktop_main::set_port_from_window_id
addr_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::LB319
ldax #desktop_aux::LB32A
ldy #$01
jsr desktop_main::draw_dialog_label
addr_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_title, desktop_aux::str_erase_disk
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 1, desktop_aux::str_select_erase
jsr L0D31
lda #$FF
sta LD887
copy #$FF, LD887
copy16 #L0B48, desktop_main::jump_relay+1
lda #$80
sta use_ovl2_handler_flag
copy #$80, use_ovl2_handler_flag
L0A0E: jsr desktop_main::prompt_input_loop
bmi L0A0E
beq L0A18
@ -185,12 +178,10 @@ L0A18: bit LD887
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, name_input_rect
jsr desktop_main::clear_path_buf1
lda #$80
sta has_input_field_flag
lda #$00
sta use_ovl2_handler_flag
copy #$80, has_input_field_flag
copy #$00, use_ovl2_handler_flag
jsr desktop_main::clear_path_buf2
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $03, desktop_aux::LB28D
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 3, desktop_aux::str_new_volume
L0A6A: jsr desktop_main::prompt_input_loop
bmi L0A6A
beq L0A7A
@ -208,13 +199,12 @@ L0A7A: lda path_buf1
jsr desktop_main::set_port_from_window_id
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, desktop_aux::press_ok_to_rect
lda #$00
sta has_input_field_flag
copy #$00, has_input_field_flag
ldx LD887
lda DEVLST,x
sta L0B47
sta L0B46
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $03, desktop_aux::LB35D
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 3, desktop_aux::str_confirm_erase
lda L0B46
and #$F0
jsr L1A2D
@ -228,11 +218,10 @@ L0AD1: lda winfo_alert_dialog
jsr desktop_main::set_port_from_window_id
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy
MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, desktop_aux::press_ok_to_rect
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $01, desktop_aux::LB373
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 1, desktop_aux::str_erasing
addr_call L1900, path_buf1
jsr desktop_main::set_cursor_watch
ldx #$43
ldy #$D4
ldxy #path_buf1
lda L0B46
jsr L1307
@ -249,7 +238,7 @@ L0B12: cmp #$2B
jmp L0AD1
L0B1E: jsr L191B
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, $06, desktop_aux::LB388
axy_call desktop_main::draw_dialog_label, 6, desktop_aux::str_erasing_error
L0B2A: jsr desktop_main::prompt_input_loop
bmi L0B2A
beq L0AD1
@ -281,16 +270,15 @@ L0B48: cmp16 screentowindow_windowx, #40
bpl :+
return #$FF
: sta screentowindow_windowy+1
lsr16 screentowindow_windowy
lsr16 screentowindow_windowy
lsr16 screentowindow_windowy
lsr16 screentowindow_windowy
lsr16 screentowindow_windowy
lsr16 screentowindow_windowy
lda screentowindow_windowy
cmp #$04
bcc L0B98
return #$FF
L0B98: lda #$02
sta L0C1F
L0B98: copy #$02, L0C1F
cmp16 screentowindow_windowx, #280
bcs L0BBB
dec L0C1F
@ -372,8 +360,7 @@ L0CA9: .byte 0
L0CAA: lda LD887
bmi L0CB7
jsr L0C20
lda #$FF
sta LD887
copy #$FF, LD887
L0CB7: rts
lda LD887
@ -541,21 +528,17 @@ L0E3A: tax
L0E50: lda LCBANK1,x
L0E53: lda ENABLE,x
lda #$D7
sta $DA
lda #$50
sta L1224
lda #$00
copy #$D7, $DA
copy #$50, L1224
lda #0
jsr L0E23
L0E64: lda $DA
beq L0E6E
jsr L113A
jmp L0E64
L0E6E: lda #$01
sta $D3
lda #$AA
sta $D0
L0E6E: copy #$01, $D3
copy #$AA, $D0
lda L1220
adc #$02
@ -918,6 +901,7 @@ L114B: ora ($30,x)
.byte $1C
.byte $1C
.byte $1C
L1157: bvs L1185
rol $22
.byte $1F
@ -926,6 +910,7 @@ L1157: bvs L1185
.byte $1C
.byte $1C
.byte $1C
L1163: lda L1221
sta $D6
L1168: ldy #$80
@ -1258,22 +1243,21 @@ L13ED: lda L14DC,y
bpl L13ED
jsr write_block_and_zero
lda #$02
sta block_buffer
lda #$04
sta block_buffer+$02
copy #$02, block_buffer
copy #$04, block_buffer+$02
jsr write_block_and_zero
lda #$03
sta block_buffer
lda #$05
sta block_buffer+$02
copy #$03, block_buffer
copy #$05, block_buffer+$02
jsr write_block_and_zero
lda #$04
sta block_buffer
copy #$04, block_buffer
jsr write_block_and_zero
lsr16 L14E3
lsr16 L14E3
lsr16 L14E3
lsr16 L14E3 ; / 8
lsr16 L14E3
lsr16 L14E3
lda L14E3
bne :+
dec L14E4
@ -1284,13 +1268,11 @@ L1438: jsr L1485
lda write_block_params::block_num
cmp #$06
bne L146A
lda #$01
sta block_buffer
copy #$01, block_buffer
lda L14E4
cmp #$02
bcc L146A
lda #$00
sta block_buffer
copy #$00, block_buffer
lda L14E4
lsr a
Reference in New Issue
Block a user