mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 08:29:10 +00:00
da param ids
This commit is contained in:
@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ which_area:.byte 0
window_id: .byte 0
window_id := 100
da_window_id := 100
.proc screentowindow_params
id: .byte window_id
window_id: .byte da_window_id
screenx:.word 0
screeny:.word 0
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ windowy:.word 0
.proc closewindow_params
id: .byte window_id
window_id: .byte da_window_id
.byte $00,$01 ; ???
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ penmode: .byte $02 ; this should be normal, but we do inverts ??
.byte $06 ; ???
.proc winfo
id: .byte window_id
window_id: .byte da_window_id
options:.byte MGTK::option_dialog_box
title: .addr 0
hscroll:.byte MGTK::scroll_option_none
@ -267,23 +267,17 @@ vthumbpos: .byte 0
status: .byte 0
reserved: .byte 0
mincontwidth: .word 100
mincontlength: .word 100
maxcontwidth: .word $1F4
maxcontwidth: .word 100
mincontlength: .word $1F4
maxcontlength: .word $1F4
.proc port
left: .word 180
top: .word 50
viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 180, 50
mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits
mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth
hoff: .word 0
voff: .word 0
width: .word $C7
height: .word $40
cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, $C7, $40
pattern:.res 8,$00
colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or
xpos: .word 0
ypos: .word 0
penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0
penwidth: .byte 4
penheight: .byte 2
penmode: .byte 0
@ -407,7 +401,7 @@ update_selection:
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penmode_params
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, white_pattern
lda findwindow_params::window_id
cmp #window_id
cmp #da_window_id
bne miss
lda findwindow_params::which_area
bne hit
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ stash_stack: .byte 0
jmp create_window
window_id := 51
da_window_id := 51
;;; ==================================================
;;; Redraw the screen (all windows) after a drag
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ loop: lda routine,x
jsr dest
;; now check the window pos
lda #window_id
lda #da_window_id
jsr check_window_pos
bit window_pos_flag
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ window_pos_flag:
;; called with window_id in A
sta query_state_params_id
lda openwindow_params_top ; is top on screen?
sta getwinport_params_window_id
lda winfo_viewloc_ycoord ; is top on screen?
cmp #screen_height-1
bcc :+ ; yes
lda #$80 ; no, so ... ???
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ check_window_pos:
: MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetWinPort, getwinport_params
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, setport_params
lda query_state_params_id
cmp #window_id
lda getwinport_params_window_id
cmp #da_window_id
bne :+
jmp draw_window
@ -148,19 +148,19 @@ check_window_pos:
;;; Param Blocks
;; following memory space is re-used so x/y overlap
.proc drag_window_params
id := * + 0
xcoord := * + 1 ; x overlap
ycoord := * + 3 ; y overlap
moved := * + 5 ; ignored
.proc dragwindow_params
window_id := * + 0
dragx := * + 1 ; x overlap
dragy := * + 3 ; y overlap
it_moved := * + 5 ; ignored
.proc screentowindow_params
id := * + 0
window_id := * + 0
screenx := * + 1 ; x overlap
screeny := * + 3 ; y overlap
clientx := * + 5
clienty := * + 7
windowx := * + 5
windowy := * + 7
.proc event_params
@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ ycoord := *+2 ; y overlap
.proc findwindow_params
queryx := * ; x overlap
queryy := *+2 ; y overlap
element := *+4
id := *+5
mousex := * ; x overlap
mousey := *+2 ; y overlap
which_area := *+4
window_id := *+5
.res 8, 0 ; storage for above
@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ id := *+5
.byte 0,0 ; ???
.proc trackgoaway_params
clicked:.byte 0
goaway:.byte 0
.proc getwinport_params
id: .byte 0
addr: .addr setport_params
window_id: .byte 0
a_grafport: .addr setport_params
query_state_params_id := getwinport_params::id
getwinport_params_window_id := getwinport_params::window_id
;; Puzzle piece row/columns
cw := 28
@ -234,16 +234,13 @@ space_positions: ; left, top for all 16 holes
.res 16, 0
.proc draw_bitmap_params
.proc paintbits_params
left: .word 0
top: .word 0
mapbits: .addr 0
mapwidth: .byte 4
.byte 0 ; ???
hoff: .word 0
voff: .word 0
width: .word 27
height: .word 15
.byte 0 ; reserved
DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 27, 15
@ -521,17 +518,31 @@ piece16:
.proc fill_rect_params
.word 1, 0, default_width, default_height
DEFINE_RECT 1, 0, default_width, default_height
.proc pattern_speckles
.byte $77,$DD,$77,$DD,$77,$DD,$77,$DD
.byte %01110111
.byte %11011101
.byte %01110111
.byte %11011101
.byte %01110111
.byte %11011101
.byte %01110111
.byte %11011101
.byte $00 ; ???
.proc pattern_black
.res 8, 0
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
.byte %00000000
;; ???
@ -565,7 +576,7 @@ draw_end: .byte $00
draw_inc: .byte $00
.proc closewindow_params
id: .byte window_id
window_id: .byte da_window_id
.byte $73,$00,$F7,$FF
@ -592,7 +603,7 @@ setport_params:
default_height := $44
.proc winfo
id: .byte window_id
window_id: .byte da_window_id
options: .byte MGTK::option_go_away_box
title: .addr name
hscroll:.byte MGTK::scroll_option_none
@ -607,20 +618,14 @@ mincontwidth: .word default_width
mincontlength: .word default_height
maxcontwidth: .word default_width
maxcontlength: .word default_height
left: .word default_left
top: .word default_top
DEFINE_POINT default_left, default_top, viewloc
mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits
mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth
hoff: .word 0
voff: .word 0
width: .word default_width
height: .word default_height
cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, default_width, default_height
pattern:.res 8, $FF
colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or
xpos: .word 0
ypos: .word 0
penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0
penwidth: .byte 1
penheight: .byte 1
penmode: .byte 0
@ -628,32 +633,28 @@ textback: .byte $7F
textfont: .addr DEFAULT_FONT
nextwinfo: .addr 0
winfo_viewloc_ycoord := winfo::viewloc::ycoord
;; This is QUERY_STATE/SET_BOX cruft only below
.proc box_cruft ; Unknown usage
left: .word default_left
top: .word default_top
;; This is grafport cruft only below
.proc port_cruft ; Unknown usage
viewloc: DEFINE_POINT default_left, default_top
mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits
mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth
hoff: .word 0
voff: .word 0
width: .word default_width
height: .word default_height
cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, default_width, default_height
pattern:.res 8, $FF
colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or
xpos: .word 0
ypos: .word 0
penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0
penwidth: .byte 1
penheight: .byte 1
penmode: .byte 0
textback: .byte $7F
textfont: .addr DEFAULT_FONT
.byte 0,0 ; ???
.byte 0,0 ; ???
name: PASCAL_STRING "Puzzle"
openwindow_params_top := winfo::top
;;; ==================================================
;;; Create the window
@ -669,7 +670,7 @@ loop: tya
bpl loop
lda #window_id
lda #da_window_id
jsr check_window_pos
@ -727,10 +728,10 @@ ploop: lda position_table+1,y
;; click - where?
MGTK_CALL MGTK::FindWindow, findwindow_params
lda findwindow_params::id
cmp #window_id
lda findwindow_params::window_id
cmp #da_window_id
bne bail
lda findwindow_params::element
lda findwindow_params::which_area
bne :+
bail: rts
@ -745,7 +746,7 @@ bail: rts
: cmp #MGTK::area_close_box
bne check_title
MGTK_CALL MGTK::TrackGoAway, trackgoaway_params
lda trackgoaway_params::clicked
lda trackgoaway_params::goaway
beq bail
MGTK_CALL MGTK::CloseWindow, closewindow_params
@ -770,9 +771,9 @@ loop: lda routine,x
cmp #MGTK::area_dragbar
bne bail
lda #window_id
sta drag_window_params::id
MGTK_CALL MGTK::DragWindow, drag_window_params
lda #da_window_id
sta dragwindow_params::window_id
MGTK_CALL MGTK::DragWindow, dragwindow_params
ldx #$23
jsr redraw_screen
@ -791,15 +792,15 @@ check_key:
;;; Map click to piece x/y
.proc find_click_piece
lda #window_id
sta screentowindow_params::id
lda #da_window_id
sta screentowindow_params::window_id
MGTK_CALL MGTK::ScreenToWindow, screentowindow_params
lda screentowindow_params::clientx+1
ora screentowindow_params::clienty+1
lda screentowindow_params::windowx+1
ora screentowindow_params::windowy+1
bne nope ; ensure high bytes are 0
lda screentowindow_params::clienty
ldx screentowindow_params::clientx
lda screentowindow_params::windowy
ldx screentowindow_params::windowx
cmp #r1
bcc nope
@ -996,8 +997,8 @@ draw_window:
jsr draw_all
lda #window_id
sta getwinport_params::id
lda #da_window_id
sta getwinport_params::window_id
MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetWinPort, getwinport_params
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, setport_params
@ -1062,8 +1063,8 @@ saved_zp:
lda #window_id
sta getwinport_params::id
lda #da_window_id
sta getwinport_params::window_id
MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetWinPort, getwinport_params
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, setport_params
@ -1075,21 +1076,21 @@ loop: tya
asl a
lda space_positions,x
sta draw_bitmap_params::left
sta paintbits_params::left
lda space_positions+1,x
sta draw_bitmap_params::left+1
sta paintbits_params::left+1
lda space_positions+2,x
sta draw_bitmap_params::top
sta paintbits_params::top
lda space_positions+3,x
sta draw_bitmap_params::top+1
sta paintbits_params::top+1
lda position_table,y
asl a
lda bitmap_table,x
sta draw_bitmap_params::mapbits
sta paintbits_params::mapbits
lda bitmap_table+1,x
sta draw_bitmap_params::mapbits+1
MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintBits, draw_bitmap_params
sta paintbits_params::mapbits+1
MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintBits, paintbits_params
adc draw_inc
@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ end: rts
MGTK_CALL MGTK::ObscureCursor
;; fall through
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ black_pattern:
.res $8, $FF
window_id := 100
da_window_id := 100
L095A: .byte $00
L095B: .byte $FA
@ -244,57 +244,59 @@ fixed_mode_flag:
.proc event_params
kind: .byte 0
coords: ; spills into target query
xcoord: .word 0
ycoord: .word 0
mousex: .word 0
mousey: .word 0
.proc findwindow_params
elem: .byte 0
win: .byte 0
which_area: .byte 0
window_id: .byte 0
.proc growwindow_params
id: .byte window_id
xcoord: .word 0
ycoord: .word 0
.byte 0 ; ???
window_id: .byte da_window_id
mousex: .word 0
mousey: .word 0
it_grew: .byte 0
.proc trackgoaway_params ; queried after close clicked to see if aborted/finished
goaway: .byte 0 ; 0 = aborted, 1 = clicked
.byte 0,0 ; ???
.byte 0,0 ; ???
.proc findcontrol_params ; queried after a client click to identify target
xcoord: .word 0
ycoord: .word 0
part: .byte 0 ; 0 = client, 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll
scroll: .byte 0 ; 1 = up, 2 = down, 3 = above, 4 = below, 5 = thumb
mousex: .word 0
mousey: .word 0
which_ctl: .byte 0 ; 0 = client, 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll
which_part: .byte 0 ; 1 = up, 2 = down, 3 = above, 4 = below, 5 = thumb
;; param block used in dead code (resize?)
.proc resize_window_params
part: .byte 0
L0987: .byte 0
.proc setctlmax_params
which_ctl: .byte 0
ctlmax: .byte 0
;; needs one more byte?
.proc updatethumb_params ; called to update scroll bar position
type: .byte 0 ; 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll
pos: .byte 0 ; new position
which_ctl: .byte 0 ; 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll
thumbpos: .byte 0 ; new position
;;; Used when dragging vscroll thumb
.proc thumb_drag_params
type: .byte 0 ; 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll
xcoord: .word 0
ycoord: .word 0
pos: .byte 0 ; position
moved: .byte 0 ; 0 if not moved, 1 if moved
.proc trackthumb_params
which_ctl: .byte 0 ; 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll
mousex: .word 0
mousey: .word 0
thumbpos: .byte 0 ; position
thumbmoved: .byte 0 ; 0 if not moved, 1 if moved
.proc text_string
addr: .addr 0 ; address
len: .byte 0 ; length
.proc drawtext_params
textptr: .addr 0 ; address
textlen: .byte 0 ; length
default_width := 512
@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ len: .byte 0 ; length
default_top := 28
.proc winfo
id: .byte window_id ; window identifier
window_id: .byte da_window_id ; window identifier
options: .byte MGTK::option_go_away_box; window flags (2=include close port)
title: .addr $1000 ; overwritten to point at filename
hscroll:.byte MGTK::scroll_option_none
@ -319,39 +321,30 @@ mincontlength: .word 51
maxcontwidth: .word default_width
maxcontlength: .word default_height
.proc port
left: .word default_left
top: .word default_top
DEFINE_POINT default_left, default_top, viewloc
mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits
mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth
hoff: .word 0 ; Also used for MGTK::PaintRect
voff: .word 0
width: .word default_width
height: .word default_height
DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, default_width, default_height, maprect
pattern:.res 8, $00
colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or
xpos: .word 0
ypos: .word 0
penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0
penwidth: .byte 1
penheight: .byte 1
penmode: .byte 0
textback: .byte $7F
textfont: .addr DEFAULT_FONT
nextwinfo: .addr 0
;; gets copied over winfo::port after mode is drawn
.proc default_box
left: .word default_left
top: .word default_top
.proc default_port
viewloc: DEFINE_POINT default_left, default_top
mapbits: .word MGTK::screen_mapbits
mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth
hoff: .word 0
voff: .word 0
width: .word default_width
height: .word default_height
maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, default_width, default_height
.proc init
@ -516,25 +509,25 @@ input_loop:
bne input_loop ; nope, keep waiting
MGTK_CALL MGTK::FindWindow, event_params::coords
lda findwindow_params::win ; in our window?
cmp #window_id
lda findwindow_params::window_id ; in our window?
cmp #da_window_id
bne input_loop
;; which part of the window?
lda findwindow_params::elem
lda findwindow_params::which_area
cmp #MGTK::area_close_box
beq on_close_click
;; title and resize clicks need mouse location
ldx event_params::xcoord
stx growwindow_params::xcoord
stx findcontrol_params::xcoord
ldx event_params::xcoord+1
stx growwindow_params::xcoord+1
stx findcontrol_params::xcoord+1
ldx event_params::ycoord
stx growwindow_params::ycoord
stx findcontrol_params::ycoord
ldx event_params::mousex
stx growwindow_params::mousex
stx findcontrol_params::mousex
ldx event_params::mousex+1
stx growwindow_params::mousex+1
stx findcontrol_params::mousex+1
ldx event_params::mousey
stx growwindow_params::mousey
stx findcontrol_params::mousey
cmp #MGTK::area_dragbar
beq title
@ -570,23 +563,23 @@ title: jsr on_title_bar_click
max_width := default_width
lda #>max_width
cmp winfo::port::width+1
cmp winfo::maprect::x2+1
bne :+
lda #<max_width
cmp winfo::port::width
cmp winfo::maprect::x2
: bcs wider
lda #<max_width
sta winfo::port::width
sta winfo::maprect::x2
lda #>max_width
sta winfo::port::width+1
sta winfo::maprect::x2+1
lda winfo::port::width
lda winfo::maprect::x2
sbc window_width
sta winfo::port::hoff
lda winfo::port::width+1
sta winfo::maprect::x1
lda winfo::maprect::x2+1
sbc window_width+1
sta winfo::port::hoff+1
sta winfo::maprect::x1+1
wider: lda winfo::hscroll
ldx window_width
cpx #<max_width
@ -608,10 +601,10 @@ enable: ora #MGTK::scroll_option_active ; enable scroll
sbc window_width+1
sta $07
jsr div_by_16
sta resize_window_params::L0987
sta setctlmax_params::ctlmax
lda #MGTK::ctl_horizontal_scroll_bar
sta resize_window_params::part
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetCtlMax, resize_window_params ; change to clamped size ???
sta setctlmax_params::which_ctl
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetCtlMax, setctlmax_params ; change to clamped size ???
jsr calc_and_draw_mode
jmp finish_resize
@ -623,7 +616,7 @@ enable: ora #MGTK::scroll_option_active ; enable scroll
.proc on_client_click
;; On one of the scroll bars?
MGTK_CALL MGTK::FindControl, findcontrol_params
lda findcontrol_params::part
lda findcontrol_params::which_ctl
cmp #MGTK::ctl_vertical_scroll_bar
beq on_vscroll_click
cmp #MGTK::ctl_horizontal_scroll_bar
@ -637,9 +630,9 @@ end: rts
.proc on_vscroll_click
lda #MGTK::ctl_vertical_scroll_bar
sta thumb_drag_params::type
sta updatethumb_params::type
lda findcontrol_params::scroll
sta trackthumb_params::which_ctl
sta updatethumb_params::which_ctl
lda findcontrol_params::which_part
cmp #MGTK::part_thumb
beq on_vscroll_thumb_click
cmp #MGTK::part_page_down
@ -655,11 +648,11 @@ end: rts
.proc on_vscroll_thumb_click
jsr do_thumb_drag
lda thumb_drag_params::moved
jsr do_trackthumb
lda trackthumb_params::thumbmoved
beq end
lda thumb_drag_params::pos
sta updatethumb_params::pos
lda trackthumb_params::thumbpos
sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
jsr update_voffset
jsr update_vscroll
jsr draw_content
@ -680,7 +673,7 @@ loop: lda winfo::vthumbpos
sbc track_scroll_delta
bcs store
lda #0 ; underflow
store: sta updatethumb_params::pos
store: sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
jsr update_scroll_pos
bcc loop ; repeat while button down
end: rts
@ -691,7 +684,7 @@ loop : lda winfo::vthumbpos
beq end
sbc #1
sta updatethumb_params::pos
sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
jsr update_scroll_pos
bcc loop ; repeat while button down
end: rts
@ -712,7 +705,7 @@ loop: lda winfo::vthumbpos
bcc store ; nope, it's good
lda #vscroll_max ; set to max
store: sta updatethumb_params::pos
store: sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
jsr update_scroll_pos
bcc loop ; repeat while button down
end: rts
@ -724,7 +717,7 @@ loop: lda winfo::vthumbpos
beq end
adc #1
sta updatethumb_params::pos
sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
jsr update_scroll_pos
bcc loop ; repeat while button down
end: rts
@ -759,9 +752,9 @@ loop: inx
.proc on_hscroll_click
lda #MGTK::ctl_horizontal_scroll_bar
sta thumb_drag_params::type
sta updatethumb_params::type
lda findcontrol_params::scroll
sta trackthumb_params::which_ctl
sta updatethumb_params::which_ctl
lda findcontrol_params::which_part
cmp #MGTK::part_thumb
beq on_hscroll_thumb_click
cmp #MGTK::part_page_right
@ -776,22 +769,22 @@ loop: inx
.proc on_hscroll_thumb_click
jsr do_thumb_drag
lda thumb_drag_params::moved
jsr do_trackthumb
lda trackthumb_params::thumbmoved
beq end
lda thumb_drag_params::pos
lda trackthumb_params::thumbpos
jsr mul_by_16
lda $06
sta winfo::port::hoff
sta winfo::maprect::x1
lda $07
sta winfo::port::hoff+1
sta winfo::maprect::x1+1
lda winfo::port::hoff
lda winfo::maprect::x1
adc window_width
sta winfo::port::width
lda winfo::port::hoff+1
sta winfo::maprect::x2
lda winfo::maprect::x1+1
adc window_width+1
sta winfo::port::width+1
sta winfo::maprect::x2+1
jsr update_hscroll
jsr draw_content
end: rts
@ -853,14 +846,14 @@ store: sta winfo::hthumbpos
;;; UI Helpers
;; Used at start of thumb drag
.proc do_thumb_drag
lda event_params::xcoord
sta thumb_drag_params::xcoord
lda event_params::xcoord+1
sta thumb_drag_params::xcoord+1
lda event_params::ycoord
sta thumb_drag_params::ycoord
MGTK_CALL MGTK::TrackThumb, thumb_drag_params
.proc do_trackthumb
lda event_params::mousex
sta trackthumb_params::mousex
lda event_params::mousex+1
sta trackthumb_params::mousex+1
lda event_params::mousey
sta trackthumb_params::mousey
MGTK_CALL MGTK::TrackThumb, trackthumb_params
@ -878,45 +871,45 @@ store: sta winfo::hthumbpos
jsr mul_by_16
lda $06
sta winfo::port::hoff
sta winfo::maprect::x1
adc window_width
sta winfo::port::width
sta winfo::maprect::x2
lda $07
sta winfo::port::hoff+1
sta winfo::maprect::x1+1
adc window_width+1
sta winfo::port::width+1
sta winfo::maprect::x2+1
.proc update_voffset
lda #0
sta winfo::port::voff
sta winfo::port::voff+1
ldx updatethumb_params::pos
sta winfo::maprect::y1
sta winfo::maprect::y1+1
ldx updatethumb_params::thumbpos
loop: beq adjust_box_height
lda winfo::port::voff
lda winfo::maprect::y1
adc #50
sta winfo::port::voff
sta winfo::maprect::y1
bcc :+
inc winfo::port::voff+1
inc winfo::maprect::y1+1
: dex
jmp loop
.proc adjust_box_height
lda winfo::port::voff
lda winfo::maprect::y1
adc window_height
sta winfo::port::height
lda winfo::port::voff+1
sta winfo::maprect::y2
lda winfo::maprect::y1+1
adc window_height+1
sta winfo::port::height+1
sta winfo::maprect::y2+1
jsr calc_line_position
lda #0
sta L096A
sta L096B
ldx updatethumb_params::pos
ldx updatethumb_params::thumbpos
loop: beq end
lda L096A
@ -931,20 +924,20 @@ end: rts
.proc update_hscroll
lda #2
sta updatethumb_params::type
lda winfo::port::hoff
sta updatethumb_params::which_ctl
lda winfo::maprect::x1
sta $06
lda winfo::port::hoff+1
lda winfo::maprect::x1+1
sta $07
jsr div_by_16
sta updatethumb_params::pos
sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
MGTK_CALL MGTK::UpdateThumb, updatethumb_params
.proc update_vscroll ; updatethumb_params::pos set by caller
.proc update_vscroll ; updatethumb_params::thumbpos set by caller
lda #1
sta updatethumb_params::type
sta updatethumb_params::which_ctl
MGTK_CALL MGTK::UpdateThumb, updatethumb_params
@ -957,7 +950,7 @@ end: rts
bcc :+
jsr update_hscroll
: lda winfo::vthumbpos
sta updatethumb_params::pos
sta updatethumb_params::thumbpos
jsr update_vscroll
jsr draw_content
jmp input_loop
@ -965,7 +958,7 @@ end: rts
.proc clear_window
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, white_pattern
MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, winfo::port::hoff
MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, winfo::maprect::x1
MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, black_pattern
@ -1016,7 +1009,7 @@ do_line:
jsr find_text_run
bcs L0ED7
lda text_string::len
lda drawtext_params::textlen
adc $06
sta $06
bcc :+
@ -1069,11 +1062,11 @@ L0ED7: jsr restore_proportional_font_table_if_needed
sta run_width
sta run_width+1
sta L095A
sta text_string::len
sta drawtext_params::textlen
lda $06
sta text_string::addr
sta drawtext_params::textptr
lda $07
sta text_string::addr+1
sta drawtext_params::textptr+1
loop: lda L0945
bne more
@ -1084,7 +1077,7 @@ loop: lda L0945
: jsr ensure_page_buffered
more: ldy text_string::len
more: ldy drawtext_params::textlen
lda ($06),y
and #$7F ; clear high bit
sta ($06),y
@ -1115,7 +1108,7 @@ more: ldy text_string::len
lda L095B
cmp run_width
: bcc :+
inc text_string::len
inc drawtext_params::textlen
jmp loop
: lda #0
@ -1123,21 +1116,21 @@ more: ldy text_string::len
lda L0F9B
cmp #$FF
beq :+
sta text_string::len
sta drawtext_params::textlen
lda L0946
sta L0945
: inc text_string::len
: inc drawtext_params::textlen
;; fall through
finish_text_run: jsr draw_text_run
ldy text_string::len
ldy drawtext_params::textlen
lda ($06),y
beq tab
bne :+
tab: inc text_string::len
tab: inc drawtext_params::textlen
: clc
@ -1192,9 +1185,9 @@ times70:.word 70
.proc draw_text_run
lda L0948
beq end
lda text_string::len
lda drawtext_params::textlen
beq end
MGTK_CALL MGTK::DrawText, text_string
MGTK_CALL MGTK::DrawText, drawtext_params
lda #1
sta L0949
end: rts
@ -1203,7 +1196,7 @@ end: rts
;;; ==================================================
.proc ensure_page_buffered
lda text_string::addr+1
lda drawtext_params::textptr+1
cmp #>default_buffer
beq read
@ -1214,10 +1207,10 @@ loop: lda $1300,y
bne loop
dec text_string::addr+1
lda text_string::addr
dec drawtext_params::textptr+1
lda drawtext_params::textptr
sta $06
lda text_string::addr+1
lda drawtext_params::textptr+1
sta $07
read: lda #0
@ -1275,16 +1268,16 @@ end: rts
.proc calc_window_size
lda winfo::port::width
sbc winfo::port::hoff
lda winfo::maprect::x2
sbc winfo::maprect::x1
sta window_width
lda winfo::port::width+1
sbc winfo::port::hoff+1
lda winfo::maprect::x2+1
sbc winfo::maprect::x1+1
sta window_width+1
lda winfo::port::height
sbc winfo::port::voff
lda winfo::maprect::y2
sbc winfo::maprect::y1
sta window_height
;; fall through
@ -1292,9 +1285,9 @@ end: rts
;;; ==================================================
.proc calc_line_position
lda winfo::port::height
lda winfo::maprect::y2
sta L0965
lda winfo::port::height+1
lda winfo::maprect::y2+1
sta L0966
lda #0
@ -1401,10 +1394,10 @@ end: rts
;;; Title Bar (Proportional/Fixed mode button)
.proc on_title_bar_click
lda event_params::xcoord+1 ; mouse x high byte?
lda event_params::mousex+1 ; mouse x high byte?
cmp mode_box_left+1
bne :+
lda event_params::xcoord
lda event_params::mousex
cmp mode_box_left
: bcc ignore
@ -1450,14 +1443,14 @@ base: .word 10 ; vertical text offset (to baseline)
.proc calc_and_draw_mode
lda winfo::port::top
lda winfo::viewloc::ycoord
sbc #title_bar_height
sta mode_box::top
lda winfo::port::left
lda winfo::viewloc::xcoord
adc window_width
lda winfo::port::left+1
lda winfo::viewloc::xcoord+1
adc window_width+1
@ -1480,7 +1473,7 @@ base: .word 10 ; vertical text offset (to baseline)
else: MGTK_CALL MGTK::DrawText, prop_str
endif: ldx #$0F
loop: lda default_box,x
loop: lda default_port,x
sta winfo::port,x
bpl loop
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