mirror of https://github.com/mi57730/a2d.git synced 2025-03-28 08:32:03 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2018-02-18 12:49:59 -08:00
parent ed5ede1eff
commit 7e0eb9b254
4 changed files with 115 additions and 158 deletions

@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ end: rts
sta fixed_mode_flag
;; make backup of font width table; overwritten if fixed
ldx font_size_count
ldx font_last_char
loop: lda font_width_table - 1,x
sta font_width_backup - 1,x
@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ done: rts
.proc assign_fixed_font_width_table_if_needed
lda fixed_mode_flag ; if not fixed (i.e. proportional)
beq end ; then exit
ldx font_size_count
ldx font_last_char
lda #7 ; 7 pixels/character
loop: sta font_width_table - 1,x

@ -147,19 +147,13 @@ icon_entry_type_trash := %01110000
;;; Modified by Show Text File DA to toggle fixed width
font_flag := $8800 ; = $00 - if high bit set, glyphs are 2 bytes wide (???)
font_size_count := $8801 ; = $7F - max glyph number (count is this + 1)
font_flag := $8800 ; = $00 - if high bit set, glyphs are 2 bytes wide
font_last_char := $8801 ; = $7F - max glyph number (count is this + 1)
font_height := $8802 ; 9 pixels
font_width_table := $8803 ; width in pixels, indexed by ASCII code
font_glyphs := $8883 ; $80 glyphs, organized by row, 9 bytes per
;;; So glyph for A $41
;;; width is at $8803 + $41 = $8844 which is 7
;;; row0 is at $8883 + $41 + (0 * $80) = $88C4 ~ $1E = %00011110
;;; row1 is at $8883 + $41 + (1 * $80) = $8944 ~ $33 = %00110011
;;; etc
;;; Control Character Glyphs
;;; Glyphs $00-$1F are useful symbols; some overlap with MouseText

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
.assert * = font_flag, error, "Entry point mismatch"
.byte $00
.byte $00 ; type: 0=regular, $80=double-width
.assert * = font_size_count, error, "Entry point mismatch"
.byte $7F
.assert * = font_last_char, error, "Entry point mismatch"
.byte $7F ; lastchar
.assert * = font_height, error, "Entry point mismatch"
.byte 9
.byte 9 ; height
.assert * = font_width_table, error, "Entry point mismatch"
.byte $01,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$01,$07
@ -30,7 +30,18 @@ font_definition:
.byte $06,$06,$06,$04,$02,$04,$05,$07
.assert * = font_glyphs, error, "Entry point mismatch"
;; Format is: glyph0-row0, glyph1-row0, ...
;; For single-width fonts:
;; glyph0-row0, glyph1-row0, ...
;; glyph0-row1, glyph1-row1, ...
;; ...
;; For double-width fonts (col A, B)
;; glyph0-row0a, glyph1-row0a, ...
;; glyph0-row0b, glyph1-row0b, ...
;; glyph0-row1a, glyph1-row1a, ...
;; glyph0-row1b, glyph1-row1b, ...
;; ...
.byte $00,$00,$00,$3F,$77,$01,$01,$00
.byte $00,$7F,$00,$00,$7F,$20,$3E,$3E
.byte $00,$00,$3C,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00


@ -12,6 +12,47 @@ MLI := $4000
;;; Graphics Primitives
;;; ==================================================
;;; Point record:
;;; .word xcoord
;;; .word ycoord
;;; Rect record:
;;; .word x1
;;; .word y1
;;; .word x2
;;; .word y3
;;; MapInfo record:
;;; Point viewloc
;;; .addr mapbits screen_mapbits
;;; .byte mapwidth screen_mapwidth
;;; .byte reserved
;;; Rect maprect
;;; GrafPort record:
;;; MapInfo mapinfo
;;; .res 8 penpattern
;;; .byte colormask_and
;;; .byte colormask_or
;;; Point penloc
;;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness
;;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness
;;; .byte penmode
;;; .byte textback text background
;;; .addr textfont
;;; Polygon record:
;;; (array of polys)
;;; .byte count number of vertices in this polygon
;;; .byte last high bit set if there are more polygons
;;; Point vertex1
;;; Point vertex2
;;; ...
NoOp := $00 ; No-op
;; (input length 0 bytes)
@ -20,174 +61,82 @@ NoOp := $00 ; No-op
InitGraf := $01
SetSwitches := $02 ; Configure display switches
;; (input length 1 byte)
;; Turns on 80 col/DHR, and then:
;; bit 0: LoRes if clear, HiRes if set
;; bit 1: Page 1 if clear, Page 2 if set
;; bit 2: Full screen if clear, split screen if set
;; bit 3: Graphics if clear, text if set
SetSwitches := $02 ; Configure display switches
;; .byte flags bit 0=hires, 1=page2, 2=mixed, 3=text
;;; --------------------------------------------------
;;; GrafPort Commands
InitPort := $03 ; Get screen state
;; (input length 0 bytes)
;; (output length 36 bytes)
;; .word viewloc x
;; .word viewloc y
;; .addr mapbits screen_mapbits
;; .word mapwidth screen_mapwidth
;; .word maprect_x1
;; .word maprect_y1
;; .word maprect_x2 560-1
;; .word maprect_y2 192-1
;; .res 8 pattern
;; .byte mskand AND mask, default $FF
;; .byte mskor ORA mask, default $00
;; .word xpos
;; .word ypos
;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness
;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness
;; .byte penmode
;; .byte textback text background
;; .addr textfont
InitPort := $03 ; Initialize GrafPort to standard values
;; (input is address of GrafPort record)
SetPort := $04 ; Set full drawing state
;; (input length 36 bytes)
;; .word left pixels from screen edge
;; .word top
;; .addr mapbits screen_mapbits
;; .word mapwidth screen_mapwidth
;; .word maprect_x1 pixels scrolled
;; .word maprect_y1
;; .word maprect_x2 pixels
;; .word maprect_y2
;; .res 8 pattern
;; .byte mskand AND mask, default $FF
;; .byte mskor ORA mask, default $00
;; .word xpos
;; .word ypos
;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness
;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness
;; .byte penmode
;; .byte textback text background
;; .addr textfont
SetPort := $04 ; Set current port as specified
;; (input is address of GrafPort record)
GetPort := $05 ; Get pointer to current grafport
;; (input length 0 bytes)
;; (output length 2 bytes)
;; .addr port (out)
GetPort := $05 ; Get pointer to current port
;; .addr port (out)
SetPortBits := $06 ; Set just the drawing port, subset of full state
;; (input length 16 bytes)
;; .word left pixels from screen edge
;; .word top
;; .addr mapbits screen_mapbits ($2000)
;; .word mapwidth screen_mapwidth ($80)
;; .word maprect_x1
;; .word maprect_y1
;; .word maprect_x2
;; .word maprect_y2
SetPortBits := $06 ; Set just the mapinfo (viewloc, mapbits)
;; (input is address of MapInfo record)
SetPenMode := $07 ; Set the current pen mode
;; (input length 1 byte)
;; .byte mode (>=4 also sets eor mask to $7f)
;; 0 = white (???)
;; 2 = black (???)
;; .byte mode pen*/notpen*
SetPattern := $08 ; Set the current pattern
;; (input length 8 bytes)
;; .res 8 pattern 8x8 pixel pattern for PaintRect calls
;; .res 8 pattern 8x8 pixel pattern for PaintRect calls
SetColorMasks := $09 ; Set the current color masks
;; (input length 2 bytes)
;; .byte mskand
;; .byte mskor
;; .byte and_mask
;; .byte or_mask
SetPenSize := $0A ; Set the current pen size
;; (input length 2 bytes)
;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness
;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness
;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness
;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness
SetFont := $0B ; Set the current font
;; (input length 2 bytes)
;; .addr textfont font definition (see below)
;; .addr textfont font definition
SetTextBG := $0C ; Set the current text background
;; (input length 1 byte)
;; .byte mask
;; .byte backcolor 0=black, $7F=white
;;; --------------------------------------------------
;;; Drawing Commands
Move := $0D ; Adjust start of subsequent DRAW_TEXT, DRAW_LINE
;; (input length 4 bytes)
Move := $0D ; Set current pen location (relative)
;; .word xdelta
;; .word ydelta
MoveTo := $0E ; Start of subsequent DRAW_TEXT, DRAW_LINE
;; (input length 4 bytes)
;; .word xcoord
;; .word ycoord
MoveTo := $0E ; Set current pen location (absolute)
;; Point pos
Line := $0F ; Draw line (from SET_POS)
;; (input length 4 bytes)
;; .word xdelta signed, delta in pixels
Line := $0F ; Draw line from current pen location (relative)
;; .word xdelta
;; .word ydelta
LineTo := $10 ; Draw line (from SET_POS)
;; (input length 4 bytes)
;; .word xcoord end coords in pixels
;; .word ycoord
LineTo := $10 ; Draw line from current pen location (absolute)
;; Point pos
PaintRect := $11 ; Fill rectangle with selected simple pattern/thickness
;; (input length 8 bytes)
;; .word left (includes scroll pos)
;; .word top
;; .word right pixels
;; .word bottom
;; Rect rect
FrameRect := $12 ; Draw rectangle with selected simple pattern/thickness
;; (input length 8 bytes)
;; .word left pixels
;; .word top
;; .word right
;; .word bottom
;; Rect rect
InRect := $13 ; Is pos (via SET_POS) in bounds? Returns true/false in A
;; (input length 8 bytes)
;; .word left
;; .word top
;; .word right
;; .word bottom
InRect := $13 ; Is current position in bounds? A=$80 true, 0 false
;; Rect rect
PaintBits := $14 ; Draw pattern
;; (input length 16 bytes)
;; .word left
;; .word top
;; .addr bitmap bitmap is 7 bits per byte, 0 = black, 1 = white
;; .byte stride bitmap width in bytes
;; .byte 0 ???
;; .word x1 offset within bitmap definition (pixels)
;; .word y1
;; .word x2
;; .word y2
;; (input is address of MapInfo record)
PaintPoly := $15
;; (input length 0 bytes)
;; (input is address of Polygon record)
FramePoly := $16 ; Draw multiple closed polygons
;; (input length 0 bytes)
;; Address points at struct:
;; .byte points count
;; .byte flag high bit clear if this is last polygon, set if not
;; .word x1, y1
;; .word x2, y2
;; ...
FramePoly := $16 ; Draw multiple closed polygons
;; (input is address of Polygon record)
InPoly := $17 ; Is current position in bounds? A=$80 true, 0 false
;; (input is address of Polygon record)
InPoly := $17
;; (input length 0 bytes)
;;; --------------------------------------------------
;;; Text Commands
@ -204,15 +153,16 @@ DrawText := $19 ; Drawn at last SET_POS as left, baseline
;;; --------------------------------------------------
;;; Utility Commands
SetZP1 := $1A ; Configure ZP usage by API (speed vs. convenience)
;; (input length 1 byte)
;; .byte flag (AWS_CZP_*; high bit set = preserve ZP during calls)
SetZP1 := $1A ; Configure lower half of ZP usage by API (speed vs. convenience)
SetZP2 := $1B ; Configure upper half ZP usage by API (speed vs. convenience)
;; .byte preserve 0=stash/no auto restore; 1=restore now and onward
SetZP2 := $1B ; Stash or restore lower 128 bytes of ZP; calls are idempotent
;; (input length 1 byte)
;; .byte flag (high bit set = stash ZP, clear = unstash ZP)
Version := $1C ; ???
Version := $1C ; Get toolkit version
;; .byte (out) major
;; .byte (out) minor
;; .byte (out) patch
;; .byte (out) status
;; .word (out) number
;;; ==================================================
;;; Mouse Graphics Tool Kit Calls
@ -230,7 +180,6 @@ StartDeskTop := $1D ; Inits state, registers interrupt handler, draws deskto
;; .addr sysfontptr
;; .addr savearea buffer for saving screen data (e.g. behind menus)
;; .word savesize bytes
;; .byte ???
StopDeskTop := $1E ; Deallocates interrupt, hides cursor
;; (no parameters)
@ -249,7 +198,6 @@ ScaleMouse := $21 ; Set mouse/screen scaling
KeyboardMouse := $22 ; Next operation will be performed by keyboard
;; (no parameters)
;; .byte ???
GetIntHandler := $23 ; Get address of interrupt handler
;; .addr handler (out) Address of interrupt handler (after cld)
@ -485,10 +433,9 @@ FindControl := $48
;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*
;; .byte which_part part_*
SetCtlMax := $49 ; ???
SetCtlMax := $49
;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar
;; .byte ctlmax maximum value
;; .byte ???
TrackThumb := $4A
;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar
@ -500,7 +447,6 @@ TrackThumb := $4A
UpdateThumb := $4B
;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar
;; .byte thumbpos new position 0...250
;; .byte ???
ActivateCtl := $4C ; Activate/deactivate scroll bar
;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar
@ -520,8 +466,14 @@ screen_mapbits := $2000 ; Screen address
screen_mapwidth := $80 ; Stride in bytes
;;; Used in SetPenMode
pencopy := 0
notpenXOR := 6
pencopy := 0
penOR := 1
penXOR := 2
penBIC := 3
notpencopy := 4
notpenOR := 5
notpenXOR := 6
notpenBIC := 7
;;; Used in SetZP1
zp_overwrite := 0