Bytes to code

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2017-10-02 20:25:53 -07:00
parent b84a451058
commit 8ca2b6ccf2
3 changed files with 276 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function asmseg {
#daseg s0_loader 2000 #daseg s0_loader 2000
#asmseg s0_loader 2000 #asmseg s0_loader 2000
# s1 has been disassembled by hand # s1 has been disassembled by hand ; daseg s1_aux1 4000
asmseg s1_aux1 4000 asmseg s1_aux1 4000
# s2 has been disassembled by hand # s2 has been disassembled by hand

View File

@ -249,7 +249,10 @@ RANGE { START $bff9; END $bffa; TYPE AddrTable; };
RANGE { START $403B; END $4041; TYPE Code; }; RANGE { START $403B; END $4041; TYPE Code; };
RANGE { START $407F; END $40E4; TYPE Code; }; RANGE { START $407F; END $40E4; TYPE Code; };
RANGE { START $40E5; END $4DAE; TYPE ByteTable; }; RANGE { START $40E5; END $4BA0; TYPE ByteTable; };
RANGE { START $4BA1; END $4D6C; TYPE Code; };
RANGE { START $4E09; END $4E16; TYPE Code; }; RANGE { START $4E09; END $4E16; TYPE Code; };
RANGE { START $4F31; END $4F4E; TYPE Code; }; RANGE { START $4F31; END $4F4E; TYPE Code; };
RANGE { START $5016; END $501D; TYPE ByteTable; }; RANGE { START $5016; END $501D; TYPE ByteTable; };

View File

@ -560,85 +560,278 @@ hires_table_hi:
.byte $03,$07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B,$1F .byte $03,$07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B,$1F
.byte $03,$07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B,$1F .byte $03,$07,$0B,$0F,$13,$17,$1B,$1F
;; TODO: This is code! L4BA1: lda ($84),y
L4BA1: eor ($8E),y
.byte $B1,$84,$51,$8E,$45,$F6,$25,$89 eor $F6
.byte $51,$84,$90,$04,$B1,$8E,$45,$F6 and $89
.byte $25,$E8,$05,$E9,$91,$84,$88,$D0 eor ($84),y
.byte $F3,$B1,$84,$51,$8E,$45,$F6,$25 bcc L4BB1
.byte $88,$51,$84,$25,$E8,$05,$E9,$91 L4BAD: lda ($8E),y
.byte $84,$60,$B1,$8E,$45,$F6,$25,$89 eor $F6
.byte $90,$04,$B1,$8E,$45,$F6,$11,$84 L4BB1: and $E8
.byte $25,$E8,$05,$E9,$91,$84,$88,$D0 ora $E9
.byte $F1,$B1,$8E,$45,$F6,$25,$88,$11 sta ($84),y
.byte $84,$25,$E8,$05,$E9,$91,$84,$60 dey
.byte $B1,$8E,$45,$F6,$25,$89,$90,$04 bne L4BAD
.byte $B1,$8E,$45,$F6,$51,$84,$25,$E8 lda ($84),y
.byte $05,$E9,$91,$84,$88,$D0,$F1,$B1 eor ($8E),y
.byte $8E,$45,$F6,$25,$88,$51,$84,$25 eor $F6
.byte $E8,$05,$E9,$91,$84,$60,$B1,$8E and L0088
.byte $45,$F6,$25,$89,$90,$04,$B1,$8E eor ($84),y
.byte $45,$F6,$49,$FF,$31,$84,$25,$E8 and $E8
.byte $05,$E9,$91,$84,$88,$D0,$EF,$B1 ora $E9
.byte $8E,$45,$F6,$25,$88,$49,$FF,$31 sta ($84),y
.byte $84,$25,$E8,$05,$E9,$91,$84,$60 rts
.byte $E4,$98,$F0,$04,$E8,$4C
L4C47: .byte $FB
L4C48: .byte $4C,$60,$AD,$5B,$4C,$65,$90,$8D lda ($8E),y
.byte $5B,$4C,$90,$03,$EE,$5C,$4C,$AC eor $F6
.byte $68,$51,$B9 and $89
L4C5B: .byte $FF bcc L4BD7
L4C5C: .byte $FF,$29,$7F,$99,$01,$06,$88,$10 L4BD3: lda ($8E),y
.byte $F5,$30,$38 eor $F6
L4C67: .byte $A4,$8C,$E6,$8C,$B9,$E1,$4A,$05 L4BD7: ora ($84),y
.byte $80,$85,$83,$B9,$21,$4A,$65,$8A and $E8
.byte $85,$82,$86,$81,$A0,$00,$A2,$00 ora $E9
.byte $8D,$55,$C0,$B1,$82,$29,$7F,$8D sta ($84),y
.byte $54,$C0,$9D dey
L4C8A: .byte $01,$06,$B1,$82,$29,$7F,$9D bne L4BD3
L4C91: .byte $02,$06,$C8,$E8,$E8,$EC,$68,$51 lda ($8E),y
.byte $90,$E4,$F0,$E2,$A6,$81,$18,$4C eor $F6
L4CA1: .byte $BE and L0088
L4CA2: .byte $4C,$86,$82,$AC,$68,$51,$A9,$00 ora ($84),y
.byte $BE,$01,$06,$1D and $E8
L4CAE: .byte $A1 ora $E9
L4CAF: .byte $42,$99 sta ($84),y
L4CB1: .byte $02,$06,$BD rts
L4CB4: .byte $21
L4CB5: .byte $42,$88,$10,$F1,$8D lda ($8E),y
L4CBA: .byte $01,$06,$A6,$82,$4C eor $F6
L4CBF: .byte $38 and $89
L4CC0: .byte $4D,$86,$82,$A2,$00,$A0,$00,$BD bcc L4BFD
L4CC8: .byte $01,$06,$8D,$55,$C0,$99,$01,$06 L4BF9: lda ($8E),y
.byte $8D,$54,$C0,$BD eor $F6
L4CD4: .byte $02,$06,$99,$01,$06,$E8,$E8,$C8 L4BFD: eor ($84),y
.byte $C4,$91,$90,$E7,$F0,$E5,$A6,$82 and $E8
.byte $4C,$38,$4D ora $E9
L4CE7: .byte $A6,$94,$18,$4C,$46,$4C sta ($84),y
L4CED: .byte $AE,$6A,$4D,$8E,$47,$4C,$AE,$6B dey
.byte $4D,$8E,$48,$4C,$A6,$94,$4C bne L4BF9
L4CFC: .byte $11 lda ($8E),y
L4CFD: .byte $4D,$8A,$6A,$6A,$6A,$29,$C0,$05 eor $F6
.byte $86,$85,$82,$A9,$04,$69,$00,$85 and L0088
.byte $83,$4C,$79,$4C eor ($84),y
L4D11: .byte $8A,$6A,$6A,$6A,$29,$C0,$05,$86 and $E8
.byte $85,$8E,$A9,$04,$69,$00,$85,$8F ora $E9
.byte $4C sta ($84),y
L4D22: .byte $38 rts
L4D23: .byte $4D
L4D24: .byte $A5,$84,$18,$65,$D6,$85,$84,$90 lda ($8E),y
.byte $03,$E6,$85,$18,$A4,$91,$20,$67 eor $F6
.byte $4D,$4C,$41,$4C,$BD,$E1,$4A,$05 and $89
.byte $D5,$85,$85,$BD,$21,$4A,$18,$65 bcc L4C23
.byte $86,$85,$84,$A0,$01,$20,$54,$4D L4C1F: lda ($8E),y
.byte $A0,$00,$20,$54,$4D,$4C,$41,$4C eor $F6
.byte $99,$54,$C0,$B9,$92,$00,$09,$80 L4C23: eor #$FF
.byte $85,$88,$B9,$96,$00,$09,$80,$85 and ($84),y
.byte $89,$A4,$91,$4C and $E8
L4D68: .byte $A1 ora $E9
L4D69: .byte $4B,$FB,$4C sta ($84),y
bne L4C1F
L4C30: lda ($8E),y
eor $F6
and L0088
eor #$FF
and ($84),y
and $E8
ora $E9
sta ($84),y
L4C41: cpx $98
beq L4C49
L4C47 := * + 1
L4C48 := * + 2
jmp L4CFB
L4C49: rts
lda L4C5B
adc $90
sta L4C5B
bcc L4C57
inc L4C5C
L4C57: ldy L5168
L4C5B := * + 1
L4C5C := * + 2
lda $FFFF,y
and #$7F
sta $0601,y
bpl L4C5A
bmi L4C9F
L4C67: ldy $8C
inc $8C
lda hires_table_hi,y
ora $80
sta L0083
lda hires_table_lo,y
adc $8A
sta L0082
L4C79: stx $81
ldy #$00
ldx #$00
L4C7F: sta $C055
lda (L0082),y
and #$7F
sta $C054
L4C8A := * + 1
sta $0601,x
lda (L0082),y
and #$7F
L4C91 := * + 1
sta $0602,x
cpx L5168
bcc L4C7F
beq L4C7F
ldx $81
L4C9F: clc
L4CA1 := * + 1
L4CA2 := * + 2
jmp L4CBE
stx L0082
ldy L5168
lda #$00
L4CAA: ldx $0601,y
L4CAE := * + 1
L4CAF := * + 2
ora $42A1,x
L4CB1 := * + 1
sta $0602,y
L4CB4 := * + 1
L4CB5 := * + 2
lda L4221,x
bpl L4CAA
L4CBA := * + 1
sta $0601
ldx L0082
L4CBF := * + 1
L4CC0 := * + 2
jmp L4D38
stx L0082
ldx #$00
ldy #$00
L4CC8 := * + 1
lda $0601,x
sta $C055
sta $0601,y
sta $C054
L4CD4 := * + 1
lda $0602,x
sta $0601,y
cpy $91
bcc L4CC7
beq L4CC7
ldx L0082
jmp L4D38
L4CE7: ldx $94
jmp L4C46
L4CED: ldx L4D6A
stx L4C47
ldx L4D6B
stx L4C48
ldx $94
L4CFC := * + 1
L4CFD := * + 2
jmp L4D11
ror a
ror a
ror a
and #$C0
ora $86
sta L0082
lda #$04
adc #$00
sta L0083
jmp L4C79
L4D11: txa
ror a
ror a
ror a
and #$C0
ora $86
sta $8E
lda #$04
adc #$00
sta $8F
L4D22 := * + 1
L4D23 := * + 2
jmp L4D38
L4D24: lda $84
adc $D6
sta $84
bcc L4D30
inc $85
L4D30: ldy $91
jsr L4D67
jmp L4C41
L4D38: lda hires_table_hi,x
ora $D5
sta $85
lda hires_table_lo,x
adc $86
sta $84
ldy #$01
jsr L4D54
ldy #$00
jsr L4D54
jmp L4C41
L4D54: sta $C054,y
lda $92,y
ora #$80
sta L0088
lda $96,y
ora #$80
sta $89
ldy $91
L4D68 := * + 1
L4D69 := * + 2
jmp L4BA1
L4D6A: .byte $FB
L4D6C := * + 1
jmp L0000
L4D6C: .byte $00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00
L4D73: .byte $01,$03,$07,$0F,$1F,$3F,$7F L4D73: .byte $01,$03,$07,$0F,$1F,$3F,$7F
L4D7A: .byte $7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F L4D7A: .byte $7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F