mirror of https://github.com/mi57730/a2d.git synced 2025-03-28 08:32:03 +00:00

STF: Glyph widths

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2017-09-15 20:04:56 -07:00
parent 3b22aa7dbd
commit 97efeaf44d
2 changed files with 36 additions and 26 deletions

@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ A2D_QUERY_SCREEN := $03 ; Get screen state
;; .byte vthick vertical pen thickness
;; .byte 0,$7F,0,$88 ??? (note: one byte shorter than SET_STATE)
;; $8800 is possibly font (glyph metrics starts thereabouts)
A2D_SET_STATE := $04 ; Set full drawing state
;; (input length 36 bytes)
;; .word left pixels from screen edge
@ -441,3 +443,8 @@ end:
;; .byte ??
;; .byte ??
;; .byte len, name (length-prefixed, spaces before/after; 17 byte buffer)
font_size_count := $8801 ; num glyphs + 1 (for height) ??
font_height := $8802
font_width_table := $8803 ; width in pixels, indexed by ASCII code

@ -464,15 +464,16 @@ end: rts
font_width_backup := $1100
.proc open_file_and_init_window
lda #0
sta fixed_mode_flag
;; copy bytes (length at $8801) from $8802 to $10FF ???
;; length is $7f in tests
ldx $8801
;; make backup of font width table; overwritten if fixed
ldx font_size_count
loop: lda $8802,x
loop: lda font_width_table - 1,x
sta call_jt15+2,x
bne loop
@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ end: rts
beq end
lda L0949
bne end
jsr L0E1D
jsr clear_window
end: rts
@ -960,11 +961,12 @@ end: rts
jmp input_loop
;; called on scroll
L0E1D: A2D_CALL A2D_SET_PATTERN, white_pattern
.proc clear_window
A2D_CALL A2D_SET_PATTERN, white_pattern
A2D_CALL A2D_FILL_RECT, window_params::box::hoffset
A2D_CALL A2D_SET_PATTERN, black_pattern
;;; ==================================================
;;; Content Rendering
@ -972,7 +974,7 @@ L0E1D: A2D_CALL A2D_SET_PATTERN, white_pattern
.proc draw_content
lda #0
sta L0949
jsr L1129
jsr overwrite_font_width_table
jsr set_file_mark
lda #<default_buffer
sta read_params::buffer
@ -997,7 +999,7 @@ L0E68: lda L096D
lda L096C
cmp L096A
bne L0E7E
jsr L0E1D
jsr clear_window
inc L0948
L0E7E: A2D_CALL A2D_SET_POS, line_pos
@ -1035,7 +1037,7 @@ L0E7E: A2D_CALL A2D_SET_POS, line_pos
inc L096D
: jmp L0E68
L0ED7: jsr L1109
L0ED7: jsr restore_font_table
@ -1067,7 +1069,7 @@ L0F10: lda L0945
bne L0F22
lda L0947
beq L0F1F
jsr L0FF6
jsr draw_text_line
@ -1091,7 +1093,7 @@ L0F22: ldy text_string::len
jmp L0F9E
L0F48: tay
lda $8803,y
lda font_width_table,y
adc L0F9C
sta L0F9C
@ -1115,7 +1117,7 @@ L0F6E: lda #0
lda L0946
sta L0945
: inc text_string::len
L0F86: jsr L0FF6
L0F86: jsr draw_text_line
ldy text_string::len
lda ($06),y
cmp #$09 ; tab character?
@ -1170,14 +1172,16 @@ times70:.word 70
;;; Draws a line of content
L0FF6: lda L0948
beq L100B
.proc draw_text_line
lda L0948
beq end
lda text_string::len
beq L100B
beq end
A2D_CALL A2D_DRAW_TEXT, text_string
lda #1
sta L0949
L100B: rts
end: rts
L100C: lda text_string::addr+1
cmp #$12 ; #>default_buffer?
@ -1318,14 +1322,13 @@ loop: clc
;;; if fixed mode, do a main->aux copy of a code block ???
.proc L1109
.proc restore_font_table
lda fixed_mode_flag ; if not fixed (i.e. proportional)
beq done ; then exit
start := $1100
end := $117E
dest := $8803
start := font_width_backup
end := font_width_backup + $7E
dest := font_width_table
lda #<start
@ -1344,12 +1347,12 @@ loop: clc
done: rts
.proc L1129 ; ???
.proc overwrite_font_width_table
lda fixed_mode_flag ; if not fixed (i.e. proportional)
beq end ; then exit
ldx $8801
ldx font_size_count
lda #7 ; 7 pixels/character
loop: sta $8802,x
loop: sta font_width_table - 1,x
bne loop
end: rts
@ -1370,7 +1373,7 @@ end: rts
lda fixed_mode_flag
beq set_flag
dec fixed_mode_flag ; clear flag (mode = proportional)
jsr L1109
jsr restore_font_table
jmp redraw