Start adding icon for REL files

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Bell 2019-01-03 16:07:59 -08:00
parent 2c6af218f5
commit c83d788b06
6 changed files with 98 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* Add Special > Check Drive command to refresh a single drive. (#97)
* Show Text File DA: Keyboard support. Escape quits, arrows scroll. (#4)
* Reorganized/renamed several menu items. (#13)
* New icons for graphics, AppleWorks, and IIgs-specific file types.
* New icons for graphics, AppleWorks, relocatable, and IIgs-specific file types. (#105)
* Improvements to several existing icon bitmaps. (#74)
* DAs with high bit in aux-type set are skipped. (#102)

View File

@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ icon_entry_open_mask = %10000000
icon_entry_type_mask = %01110000
icon_entry_winid_mask = %00001111
icon_entry_type_dir = %00000000
icon_entry_type_sys = %00010000
icon_entry_type_bin = %00100000
icon_entry_type_bas = %00110000
icon_entry_type_txt = %01010000
icon_entry_type_system = %00010000
icon_entry_type_binary = %00100000
icon_entry_type_basic = %00110000
icon_entry_type_generic = %01010000
icon_entry_type_trash = %01110000
;;; ============================================================

View File

@ -113,7 +113,22 @@ iigs_file_icon:
.byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0000110),px(%0110000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0001100),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100000)
.byte px(%0001100),px(%1111001),px(%1110100),px(%0011000)
.byte px(%0110000),px(%1000101),px(%0000100),px(%0000110)
.byte px(%1000000),px(%1111101),px(%1100100),px(%0000001)
.byte px(%0110000),px(%1001001),px(%0000100),px(%0000110)
.byte px(%0001100),px(%1000101),px(%1110111),px(%1011000)
.byte px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0001100),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0000110),px(%0110000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000)
PAD_TO $8800

View File

@ -3857,11 +3857,11 @@ handle_double_click:
ldy #IconEntry::win_type
lda ($06),y
and #icon_entry_type_mask
cmp #icon_entry_type_sys
cmp #icon_entry_type_system
beq L5E28
cmp #icon_entry_type_bin
cmp #icon_entry_type_binary
beq L5E28
cmp #icon_entry_type_bas
cmp #icon_entry_type_basic
beq L5E28
cmp #icon_entry_type_dir
bne :+
@ -6661,6 +6661,7 @@ found:
copy16 #type_deltay_table, ptr
lda (ptr),y
sta icon_deltay
;; TODO: compute y-offset from iconbits instead
asl a

View File

@ -319,41 +319,13 @@ path_buf0: .res 65, 0
path_buf1: .res 65, 0
path_buf2: .res 65, 0
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111100),px(%1111100),px(%0000001),px(%1110000),px(%0000111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111100),px(%1111100),px(%0000011),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000111),px(%1100111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0001111),px(%1100111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1110011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1100111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1001111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%0011111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111110),px(%0111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111100),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011111),px(%1111100),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111110),px(%0000000),px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%1111111),px(%1111100),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1100001),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111000),px(%0000011),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
.byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000)
DEFINE_POINT 40, 8 ; viewloc
.addr alert_bitmap2 ; mapbits
.addr desktop_aux::alert_bitmap ; mapbits
.byte 7 ; mapwidth
.byte 0 ; reserved
DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 36, 23 ; maprect
;; Looks like window param blocks starting here
.proc winfo_alert_dialog
window_id: .byte $0F
options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box
@ -860,8 +832,6 @@ delete_a_file_label:
PASCAL_STRING "File to delete:"
.assert * = $DAD8, error, "Segment length mismatch"
@ -1426,34 +1396,37 @@ icon_entries:
.org $FB00
num_file_types = 12
num_file_types = 13
.byte FT_BAD
;; Bit 4-6 in IconEntry::win_type:
;; 000 = directory
;; 001 = system
;; 010 = binary (maybe runnable)
;; 011 = basic
;; 100 = (unused)
;; 101 = data (text/generic/...)
;; 110 = (unused)
;; 111 = trash
.byte $50,$50,$50,$20
.byte $00,$10,$30,$50
.byte $50,$50,$50
.byte $10
.byte FT_TYPELESS ; typeless
.byte FT_SRC ; src
.byte FT_REL ; rel
.byte FT_TEXT ; text
.byte FT_BINARY ; binary
.byte FT_DIRECTORY ; directory
.byte FT_SYSTEM ; system
.byte FT_BASIC ; basic
.byte FT_GRAPHICS ; graphics
.byte FT_ADB ; appleworks db
.byte FT_AWP ; appleworks wp
.byte FT_ASP ; appleworks sp
.byte FT_BAD ; bad block
.byte " ???", " SRC", " TXT", " BIN"
.byte " DIR", " SYS", " BAS", " FOT"
.byte " ADB", " AWP", " ASP"
.byte " BAD"
.byte " ???" ; typeless
.byte " SRC" ; src
.byte " REL" ; rel
.byte " TXT" ; text
.byte " BIN" ; binary
.byte " DIR" ; directory
.byte " SYS" ; system
.byte " BAS" ; basic
.byte " FOT" ; graphics
.byte " ADB" ; appleworks db
.byte " AWP" ; appleworks wp
.byte " ASP" ; appleworks sp
.byte " BAD" ; bad block
;;; The icon-related tables (below) use a distinguishing icon
;;; for "apps" (SYS files with ".SYSTEM" name suffix, and IIgs
@ -1463,28 +1436,64 @@ type_names_table:
;;; Similarly, IIgs-specific types ($5x, $Ax-$Cx) are all
;;; mapped to $B0 (SRC).
.addr gen, src, txt, bin, dir, sys, bas, fot
.addr adb, awp, asp
.addr app
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; typeless
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; src
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; rel
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; text
.byte icon_entry_type_binary ; binary
.byte icon_entry_type_dir ; directory
.byte icon_entry_type_system ; system
.byte icon_entry_type_basic ; basic
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; graphics
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; appleworks db
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; appleworks wp
.byte icon_entry_type_generic ; appleworks sp
.byte icon_entry_type_system ; system (see below)
type_icons_table: ; map into definitions below
.addr gen ; typeless
.addr src ; src
.addr rel ; rel
.addr txt ; text
.addr bin ; binary
.addr dir ; directory
.addr sys ; system
.addr bas ; basic
.addr fot ; graphics
.addr adb ; appleworks db
.addr awp ; appleworks wp
.addr asp ; appleworks sp
.addr app ; system (see below)
.byte 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 0, 2, 6
.byte 2, 2, 2
.byte 0
.byte 2 ; typeless
.byte 2 ; src
.byte 2 ; rel
.byte 2 ; text
.byte 2 ; binary
.byte 6 ; directory
.byte 0 ; system
.byte 2 ; basic
.byte 6 ; graphics
.byte 2 ; appleworks db
.byte 2 ; appleworks wp
.byte 2 ; appleworks sp
.byte 0 ; system (see below)
.macro DEFICON mapbits, mapwidth, x1, y1, x2, y2, maskbits
;; First part is MGTK::MapInfo without leading viewloc
.addr mapbits
.byte mapwidth
.byte 0 ; reserved
.word x1, y1, x2, y2
.word x1, y1, x2, y2 ; maprect
;; Next part is link to mask
.addr maskbits
gen: DEFICON generic_icon, 4, 0, 0, 27, 15, generic_mask
src: DEFICON desktop_aux::iigs_file_icon, 4, 0, 0, 27, 15, generic_mask
rel: DEFICON desktop_aux::rel_file_icon, 4, 0, 0, 27, 14, binary_mask
txt: DEFICON text_icon, 4, 0, 0, 27, 15, generic_mask
bin: DEFICON binary_icon, 4, 0, 0, 27, 14, binary_mask
dir: DEFICON folder_icon, 4, 0, 0, 27, 11, folder_mask

View File

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ FT_ASP = $1B ; AppleWorks Spreadsheet
FT_SRC = $B0 ; IIgs system type; re-used?
FT_S16 = $B3 ; IIgs Application Program
;;; ============================================================