;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; ProDOS MLI ;;; ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Entry point / Global Page MLI := $BF00 ; Entry point DEVNUM := $BF30 ; Most recent accessed device DEVCNT := $BF31 ; Number of on-line devices minus 1 DEVLST := $BF32 ; Up to 14 units BITMAP := $BF58 ; System memory bitmap BITMAP_SIZE := $18 ; Bits for pages $00 to $BF DATELO := $BF90 ; Date lo DATEHI := $BF91 ; Date hi TIMELO := $BF92 ; Time lo TIMEHI := $BF93 ; Time hi LEVEL := $BF94 ; File level MACHID := $BF98 ; Machine ID ;;; Patch Locations SELECTOR := $D100 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; MLI Calls ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Housekeeping Calls CREATE := $C0 DESTROY := $C1 RENAME := $C2 SET_FILE_INFO := $C3 GET_FILE_INFO := $C4 ON_LINE := $C5 SET_PREFIX := $C6 GET_PREFIX := $C7 ;;; Filing Calls OPEN := $C8 NEWLINE := $C9 READ := $CA WRITE := $CB CLOSE := $CC FLUSH := $CD SET_MARK := $CE GET_MARK := $CF SET_EOF := $D0 GET_EOF := $D1 SET_BUF := $D2 GET_BUF := $D3 ;;; System Calls GET_TIME := $82 ALLOC_INTERRUPT := $40 DEALLOC_INTERRUPT := $41 QUIT := $65 ;;; Direct Disk Access Commands READ_BLOCK := $80 WRITE_BLOCK := $81 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Device Types (low nibble of unit number in DEVLST) ;;; ============================================================ DT_DISKII := $0 DT_PROFILE := $4 DT_RAM := $F ;;; See ProDOS Tech Note #21 - other than the above types, there ;;; is not an "ID nibble". The nibble is a copy of $CnFE's high ;;; nibble, with this meaning: ;;; bit 3 = removable ;;; bit 2 = interruptable ;;; bit 1-0 = number of volumes (0-1) ;;; "You should ignore the low nibble in the unit number..." ;;; ============================================================ ;;; File Types ;;; ============================================================ FT_TYPELESS := $00 FT_BAD := $01 FT_TEXT := $04 FT_BINARY := $06 FT_DIRECTORY := $0F FT_SRC := $B0 ; IIgs system type; re-used? FT_S16 := $B3 ; IIgs Application Program FT_BASIC := $FC FT_SYSTEM := $FF ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Storage Types ;;; ============================================================ ST_STANDARD_FILE := $01 ST_LINKED_DIRECTORY := $0D ST_VOLUME_DIRECTORY := $0F ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Errors ;;; ============================================================ ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND := $44 ERR_VOL_NOT_FOUND := $45 ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND := $46 ERR_DUPLICATE_FILENAME:= $47 ERR_OVERRUN_ERROR := $48 ERR_VOLUME_DIR_FULL := $49 ERR_END_OF_FILE := $4C ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Macros ;;; ============================================================ .macro MLI_CALL op, addr jsr MLI .byte op .addr addr .endmacro .macro PASCAL_STRING str,res ; Length-prefixed string .local data ; Can include control chars by using: .local end ; PASCAL_STRING {"abc",$0D,"def"} .byte end - data data: .byte str end: .if .paramcount > 1 .res res - (end - data), 0 .endif .endmacro .macro DEFINE_OPEN_PARAMS name, pn, io, rn .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte 3 pathname: .addr pn io_buffer: .addr io .ifnblank rn ref_num: .byte rn .else ref_num: .byte 0 .endif .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_READ_PARAMS name, db, rc .proc name param_count: .byte 4 ref_num: .byte 0 data_buffer: .addr db request_count: .word rc trans_count: .word 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_WRITE_PARAMS name, db, rc .proc name param_count: .byte 4 ref_num: .byte 0 data_buffer: .addr db request_count: .word rc trans_count: .word 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_CLOSE_PARAMS name .proc name param_count: .byte 1 ref_num: .byte 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_FLUSH_PARAMS name .proc name param_count: .byte 1 ref_num: .byte 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_GET_FILE_INFO_PARAMS name, pn .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte $A pathname: .addr pn access: .byte 0 file_type: .byte 0 aux_type: .word 0 storage_type: .byte 0 blocks_used: .word 0 mod_date: .word 0 mod_time: .word 0 create_date: .word 0 create_time: .word 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_SET_MARK_PARAMS name, pos .proc name param_count: .byte 2 ref_num: .byte 0 position: .faraddr pos .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_ON_LINE_PARAMS name, un, db .proc name param_count: .byte 2 .ifnblank un unit_num: .byte un .else unit_num: .byte 0 .endif data_buffer: .addr db .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_READ_BLOCK_PARAMS name, db, bn .proc name param_count: .byte 3 unit_num: .byte 0 data_buffer: .addr db block_num: .word bn .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_WRITE_BLOCK_PARAMS name, db, bn .proc name param_count: .byte 3 unit_num: .byte 0 data_buffer: .addr db block_num: .word bn .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_ALLOC_INTERRUPT_PARAMS name, ic .proc alloc_interrupt_params param_count: .byte 2 int_num: .byte 0 int_code: .addr ic .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_DEALLOC_INTERRUPT_PARAMS name .proc dealloc_interrupt_params param_count: .byte 1 int_num: .byte 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_QUIT_PARAMS name, arg1, arg2 .proc name param_count: .byte 4 .ifnblank arg1 .byte arg1 .else .byte 0 .endif .ifnblank arg2 .word arg2 .else .word 0 .endif .byte 0 .word 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_SET_PREFIX_PARAMS name, pn .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte 1 pathname: .addr pn .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_GET_PREFIX_PARAMS name, pn .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte 1 pathname: .addr pn .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_DESTROY_PARAMS name, pn .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte 1 pathname: .addr pn .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_CREATE_PARAMS name, pn, ac, ft, at, st .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte 7 pathname: .addr pn .ifnblank ac access: .byte ac .else access: .byte 0 .endif .ifnblank ft file_type: .byte ft .else file_type: .byte 0 .endif .ifnblank at aux_type: .word at .else aux_type: .word 0 .endif .ifnblank st storage_type: .byte st .else storage_type: .byte 0 .endif create_date: .word 0 create_time: .word 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_SET_EOF_PARAMS name, eo .proc name param_count: .byte 2 ref_num: .byte 0 eof: .faraddr eo .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_GET_EOF_PARAMS name .proc name param_count: .byte 2 ref_num: .byte 0 eof: .faraddr 0 .endproc .endmacro .macro DEFINE_RENAME_PARAMS name, pn, np .if .xmatch(.string(pn), "pathname") ;; If 'pathname' is passed then expansion yields a circular reference. .error "Can't pass 'pathname' label to DEFINE_*_PARAMS" .endif .proc name param_count: .byte 2 pathname: .addr pn new_pathname: .addr np .endproc .endmacro