Disassembly of the desk accessories: * Calculator - _not started_ * Date - _not started_ * Puzzle - _not started_ * [Show Text File](show_text_file.s) - in progress! * Sort Directory - _not started_ New desk accessories: * [Show DHR File](show_dhr_file.s) - in progress! ## Desk Accessory Details * Loaded at $800 through (at least) $14FF * Copy themselves from Main into Aux memory (same location) * Can call into ProDOS MLI and A2D entry points ($4000, etc) ## Files * `Makefile` - cleans/builds targets * `go.sh` - bash script to build, verify, and copy files * `*.bin` - original binary (type $F1, start $800) * `*.info` - da65 "info" file - used to inform disassembly * `*.s` - source (originally generated using da65, now modified)