;;; ============================================================ ;;; DeskTop - Resources ;;; ;;; Compiled as part of desktop.s ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Segment loaded into AUX $D200-$ECFF ;;; ============================================================ .assert * = $D200, error, "Addr mismatch" pencopy: .byte 0 penOR: .byte 1 penXOR: .byte 2 penBIC: .byte 3 notpencopy: .byte 4 notpenOR: .byte 5 notpenXOR: .byte 6 notpenBIC: .byte 7 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Re-used param space for events/queries (10 bytes) event_params := * event_kind := event_params + 0 ;; if kind is key_down event_key := event_params + 1 event_modifiers := event_params + 2 ;; if kind is no_event, button_down/up, drag, or apple_key: event_coords := event_params + 1 event_xcoord := event_params + 1 event_ycoord := event_params + 3 ;; if kind is update: event_window_id := event_params + 1 activatectl_params := * activatectl_which_ctl := activatectl_params + 0 activatectl_activate := activatectl_params + 1 trackthumb_params := * trackthumb_which_ctl := trackthumb_params + 0 trackthumb_mousex := trackthumb_params + 1 trackthumb_mousey := trackthumb_params + 3 trackthumb_thumbpos := trackthumb_params + 5 trackthumb_thumbmoved := trackthumb_params + 6 .assert trackthumb_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch" .assert trackthumb_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch" updatethumb_params := * updatethumb_which_ctl := updatethumb_params updatethumb_thumbpos := updatethumb_params + 1 updatethumb_stash := updatethumb_params + 5 ; not part of struct screentowindow_params := * screentowindow_window_id := screentowindow_params + 0 screentowindow_screenx := screentowindow_params + 1 screentowindow_screeny := screentowindow_params + 3 screentowindow_windowx := screentowindow_params + 5 screentowindow_windowy := screentowindow_params + 7 .assert screentowindow_screenx = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch" .assert screentowindow_screeny = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch" findwindow_params := * + 1 ; offset to x/y overlap event_params x/y findwindow_mousex := findwindow_params + 0 findwindow_mousey := findwindow_params + 2 findwindow_which_area := findwindow_params + 4 findwindow_window_id := findwindow_params + 5 .assert findwindow_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch" .assert findwindow_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch" findcontrol_params := * + 1 ; offset to x/y overlap event_params x/y findcontrol_mousex := findcontrol_params + 0 findcontrol_mousey := findcontrol_params + 2 findcontrol_which_ctl := findcontrol_params + 4 findcontrol_which_part := findcontrol_params + 5 .assert findcontrol_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch" .assert findcontrol_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch" findicon_params := * + 1 ; offset to x/y overlap event_params x/y findicon_mousex := findicon_params + 0 findicon_mousey := findicon_params + 2 findicon_which_icon := findicon_params + 4 findicon_window_id := findicon_params + 5 .assert findicon_mousex = event_xcoord, error, "param mismatch" .assert findicon_mousey = event_ycoord, error, "param mismatch" ;; Enough space for all the param types, and then some .res 10, 0 ;;; ============================================================ .proc getwinport_params2 window_id: .byte 0 a_grafport: .addr grafport2 .endproc .proc grafport2 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr 0 mapwidth: .word 0 cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 0, 0, cliprect penpattern: .res 8, 0 colormasks: .byte 0, 0 penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 0 penheight: .byte 0 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_black fontptr: .addr 0 .endproc .proc grafport3 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr 0 mapwidth: .word 0 cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 0, 0, cliprect penpattern: .res 8, 0 colormasks: .byte 0, 0 penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 0 penheight: .byte 0 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_black fontptr: .addr 0 .endproc grafport3_viewloc_xcoord := grafport3::viewloc::xcoord grafport3_cliprect_x1 := grafport3::cliprect::x1 grafport3_cliprect_x2 := grafport3::cliprect::x2 grafport3_cliprect_y2 := grafport3::cliprect::y2 .proc grafport5 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 10, 10, cliprect penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_black fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT .endproc ;;; ============================================================ save_area_buffer := $800 save_area_size = $1300 ;; Copies of ROM bytes used for machine identification .proc startdesktop_params machine: .byte $06 ; ROM FBB3 ($06 = IIe or later) subid: .byte $EA ; ROM FBC0 ($EA = IIe, $E0 = IIe enh/IIgs, $00 = IIc/IIc+) op_sys: .byte 0 ; 0=ProDOS slot_num: .byte 0 ; Mouse slot, 0 = search use_interrupts: .byte 0 ; 0=passive sysfontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT savearea: .addr save_area_buffer savesize: .word save_area_size .endproc zp_use_flag0: .byte 0 .proc trackgoaway_params ; next 3 bytes??? goaway:.byte 0 .endproc LD2A9: .byte 0 double_click_flag: .byte 0 ; high bit clear if double-clicked, set otherwise ;; Set to specific machine type; used for double-click timing. machine_type: .byte $00 ; Set to: $96 = IIe, $FA = IIc, $FD = IIgs warning_dialog_num: .byte $00 ;;; Cursors (bitmap - 2x12 bytes, mask - 2x12 bytes, hotspot - 2 bytes) ;;; Pointer pointer_cursor: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0101100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1000000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000111),px(%1000000) .byte px(%0000111),px(%1000000) .byte 1,1 ;;; Insertion Point insertion_point_cursor: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0110001),px(%1000000) .byte px(%0001010),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001010),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0110001),px(%1000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0110001),px(%1000000) .byte px(%1111011),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1000000) .byte px(%0001110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1000000) .byte px(%1111011),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0110001),px(%1000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte 4, 5 ;;; Watch watch_cursor: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0100001),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0100110),px(%0011000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte 5, 5 num_selector_list_items: .byte 0 LD344: .byte 0 buf_filename2: .res 16, 0 buf_win_path: .res 43, 0 temp_string_buf: .res 65, 0 ;; used when splitting string for text field split_buf: .res 65, 0 ;;; In common dialog (copy/edit file, add/edit selector entry): ;;; * path_buf0 has the contents of the top input field ;;; * path_buf1 has the contents of the bottom input field ;;; * path_buf2 has the contents of the focused field after insertion point ;;; (May have leading caret glyph $06) path_buf0: .res 65, 0 path_buf1: .res 65, 0 path_buf2: .res 65, 0 alert_bitmap2_params: DEFINE_POINT 40, 8 ; viewloc .addr desktop_aux::alert_bitmap ; mapbits .byte 7 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 36, 23 ; maprect .proc winfo_alert_dialog width = 400 height = 107 window_id: .byte $0F options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 0 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 150 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 500 maxcontlength: .word 140 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT (screen_width - width) / 2, (screen_height - height) / 2 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, width, height penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc ;;; Dialog used for Selector > Add/Edit an Entry... .proc winfo_entrydlg window_id: .byte $12 options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 0 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 150 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 500 maxcontlength: .word 140 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 25, 20 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 500, 153 penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc ;;; File picker within Add/Edit an Entry dialog .proc winfo_entrydlg_file_picker window_id: .byte $15 options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_normal hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 3 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 100 mincontlength: .word 70 maxcontwidth: .word 100 maxcontlength: .word 70 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 53, 50 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 125, 70 penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc ;;; "About Apple II Desktop" Dialog .proc winfo_about_dialog width = 400 height = 120 window_id: .byte $18 options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 0 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 150 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 500 maxcontlength: .word 140 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT (screen_width - width) / 2, (screen_height - height) / 2 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, width, height penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc winfo_about_dialog_port := winfo_about_dialog::port ;;; Dialog used for Edit/Delete/Run an Entry ... .proc winfo_entry_picker width = 350 height = 118 window_id: .byte $1B options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 0 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 150 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 500 maxcontlength: .word 140 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT (screen_width - width) / 2, (screen_height - height) / 2 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, width, height penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc ;; Unused rect/pos? .word 40,37,360,47 .word 45,46 name_input_rect: DEFINE_RECT 40,61+6,360,71+6, name_input_rect name_input_textpos: DEFINE_POINT 45,70+6, name_input_textpos pos_dialog_title: DEFINE_POINT 0, 18, pos_dialog_title point7: DEFINE_POINT 40,18, point7 dialog_label_base_pos: DEFINE_POINT 40,35-5, dialog_label_base_pos dialog_label_default_x = 40 dialog_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT dialog_label_default_x,0, dialog_label_pos .proc name_input_mapinfo DEFINE_POINT 80, 35+7 .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits .byte MGTK::screen_mapwidth .byte 0 DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 358, 100 .endproc entry_picker_item_height = 9 ; default font height entry_picker_outer_rect: DEFINE_RECT 4,2,winfo_entry_picker::width-4,winfo_entry_picker::height-2 entry_picker_inner_rect: DEFINE_RECT 5,3,winfo_entry_picker::width-5,winfo_entry_picker::height-3 ;; Line endpoints entry_picker_line1_start: DEFINE_POINT 6,22 entry_picker_line1_end: DEFINE_POINT 344,22 ;; Line endpoints entry_picker_line2_start: DEFINE_POINT 6,winfo_entry_picker::height-21 entry_picker_line2_end: DEFINE_POINT 344,winfo_entry_picker::height-21 entry_picker_ok_rect: DEFINE_RECT 210,winfo_entry_picker::height-18,310,winfo_entry_picker::height-7 entry_picker_cancel_rect: DEFINE_RECT 40,winfo_entry_picker::height-18,140,winfo_entry_picker::height-7 entry_picker_ok_pos: DEFINE_POINT 215,winfo_entry_picker::height-8 entry_picker_cancel_pos: DEFINE_POINT 45,winfo_entry_picker::height-8 ;; ??? .word 130,7,220,19 add_an_entry_label: PASCAL_STRING "Add an Entry ..." edit_an_entry_label: PASCAL_STRING "Edit an Entry ..." delete_an_entry_label: PASCAL_STRING "Delete an Entry ..." run_an_entry_label: PASCAL_STRING "Run an Entry ..." LD760: PASCAL_STRING "Run list" enter_the_full_pathname_label1: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the full pathname of the run list file:" enter_the_name_to_appear_label: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the name (14 characters max) you wish to appear in the run list" add_a_new_entry_to_label: PASCAL_STRING "Add a new entry to the:" run_list_label: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_OAPPLE,"1 Run list"} other_run_list_label: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_OAPPLE,"2 Other Run list"} down_load_label: PASCAL_STRING "Copy to RAMCard:" at_first_boot_label: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_OAPPLE,"3 at first boot"} at_first_use_label: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_OAPPLE,"4 at first use"} never_label: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_OAPPLE,"5 never"} enter_the_full_pathname_label2: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the full pathname of the run list file:" entry_picker_item_rect: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0,entry_picker_item_rect entry_picker_all_items_rect: DEFINE_RECT 6,23,344,winfo_entry_picker::height-23 LD887: .byte 0 select_volume_rect: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0,select_volume_rect LD890: .byte 0 the_dos_33_disk_label: PASCAL_STRING "the DOS 3.3 disk in slot drive ?" the_dos_33_disk_slot_char_offset: .byte 26 the_dos_33_disk_drive_char_offset: .byte 34 the_disk_in_slot_label: PASCAL_STRING "the disk in slot drive ?" the_disk_in_slot_slot_char_offset: .byte 18 the_disk_in_slot_drive_char_offset: .byte 26 buf_filename: .res 16, 0 LD8E7: .byte 0 has_input_field_flag: .byte 0 prompt_insertion_point_blink_count = $14 prompt_ip_counter: .byte prompt_insertion_point_blink_count prompt_ip_flag: .byte 0 LD8EC: .byte 0 format_erase_overlay_flag: .byte 0 str_insertion_point: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_INSPT} LD8F0: .byte 0 LD8F1: .byte 0 LD8F2: .byte 0 LD8F3: .byte 0 LD8F4: .byte 0 LD8F5: .byte 0 ;; Used to draw/clear insertion point; overwritten with char ;; to right of insertion point as needed. str_1_char: PASCAL_STRING {0} ;; Used as suffix for text being edited to account for insertion ;; point adding extra width. str_2_spaces: PASCAL_STRING " " str_files: PASCAL_STRING "Files" str_file_count: ; populated with number of files PASCAL_STRING " " ;; This location also used as path buffer by ovl2 ovl2_path_buf: file_count: .word 0 pos_D90B: DEFINE_POINT 0,13 rect_D90F: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,125,0 picker_entry_pos: DEFINE_POINT 2,0 .byte $00,$00 str_folder: PASCAL_STRING {GLYPH_FOLDERL,GLYPH_FOLDERR} LD920: .byte 0 LD921: .byte 0 pos_D922: DEFINE_POINT 343,40 pos_D926: DEFINE_POINT 363,48 pos_D92A: DEFINE_POINT 363,56 pos_D92E: DEFINE_POINT 343,75 pos_D932: DEFINE_POINT 363,83 pos_D936: DEFINE_POINT 363,91 pos_D93A: DEFINE_POINT 363,99 rect_D93E: DEFINE_RECT 346,41,356,47 rect_D946: DEFINE_RECT 346,49,356,55 rect_D94E: DEFINE_RECT 346,76,356,82 rect_D956: DEFINE_RECT 346,84,356,90 rect_D95E: DEFINE_RECT 346,92,356,98 rect_D966: DEFINE_RECT 346,41,480,48 rect_D96E: DEFINE_RECT 346,49,480,55 rect_D976: DEFINE_RECT 346,76,480,83 rect_D97E: DEFINE_RECT 346,84,480,91 rect_D986: DEFINE_RECT 346,92,480,99 rect_scratch: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0, rect_scratch ;;; ============================================================ common_dialog_frame_rect: DEFINE_RECT 4,2,496,151 rect_D9C8: DEFINE_RECT 27,16,174,26 common_close_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 193,58,293,69 common_ok_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 193,89,293,100 common_open_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 193,44,293,55 common_cancel_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 193,73,293,84 common_change_drive_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 193,30,293,41 common_dialog_sep_start: DEFINE_POINT 323,30 common_dialog_sep_end: DEFINE_POINT 323,100 .byte $81,$D3,$00 ok_button_pos: .word 198,99 ok_button_label: PASCAL_STRING {"OK ",GLYPH_RETURN} close_button_pos: .word 198,68 close_button_label: PASCAL_STRING "Close" open_button_pos: .word 198,54 open_button_label: PASCAL_STRING "Open" cancel_button_pos: .word 198,83 cancel_button_label: PASCAL_STRING "Cancel Esc" change_drive_button_pos: .word 198,40 change_drive_button_label: PASCAL_STRING "Change Drive" disk_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 28,25 common_input1_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 28,112 common_input2_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 28,135 textbg1: .byte $00 textbg2: .byte $7F disk_label: PASCAL_STRING " Disk: " copy_a_file_label: PASCAL_STRING "Copy a File ..." source_filename_label: PASCAL_STRING "Source filename:" destination_filename_label: PASCAL_STRING "Destination filename:" common_input1_rect: DEFINE_RECT 28, 113, 463, 124 common_input1_textpos: DEFINE_POINT 30,123 common_input2_rect: DEFINE_RECT 28, 136, 463, 147 common_input2_textpos: DEFINE_POINT 30,146 delete_a_file_label: PASCAL_STRING "Delete a File ..." file_to_delete_label: PASCAL_STRING "File to delete:" ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Resources for clock on menu bar pos_clock: DEFINE_POINT 475, 10 str_colon: PASCAL_STRING ":" str_zero: PASCAL_STRING "0" str_am: PASCAL_STRING " AM" str_pm: PASCAL_STRING " PM" dow_strings: .byte "Sun ", "Mon ", "Tue ", "Wed ", "Thu ", "Fri ", "Sat " .proc dow_str_params addr: .addr 0 length: .byte 4 ; includes trailing space .endproc month_offset_table: .byte 1,5,6,3,1,5,3,0,4,2,6,4 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; 5.25" Floppy Disk floppy140_icon: DEFICON desktop_aux::floppy140_pixels, 4, 26, 14, desktop_aux::floppy140_mask ;;; RAM Disk ramdisk_icon: DEFICON desktop_aux::ramdisk_pixels, 6, 39, 11, desktop_aux::ramdisk_mask ;;; 3.5" Floppy Disk floppy800_icon: DEFICON desktop_aux::floppy800_pixels, 3, 20, 11, desktop_aux::floppy800_mask ;;; Hard Disk profile_icon: DEFICON desktop_aux::profile_pixels, 8, 52, 9, desktop_aux::profile_mask ;;; File Share fileshare_icon: DEFICON desktop_aux::fileshare_pixels, 5, 34, 14, desktop_aux::fileshare_mask ;;; Trash Can trash_icon: DEFICON desktop_aux::trash_pixels, 3, 20, 17, desktop_aux::trash_mask ;;; ============================================================ PAD_TO $DB00 ;;; ============================================================ device_name_table: .addr dev0s, dev1s, dev2s, dev3s, dev4s, dev5s, dev6s .addr dev7s, dev8s, dev9s, dev10s, dev11s, dev12s, dev13s selector_menu_addr: .addr selector_menu ;; Buffer for Run List entries max_run_list_entries = 8 ;; Names run_list_entries: .res max_run_list_entries * 16, 0 ;; Paths run_list_paths: .res max_run_list_entries * 64, 0 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Window & Icon State ;;; ============================================================ ;; Total number of icons icon_count: .byte 0 ;; Pointers into icon_entries buffer icon_entry_address_table: .assert * = file_table, error, "Entry point mismatch" .res 256, 0 ;;; Copy from aux memory of icon list for active window (0=desktop) ;; which window buffer (see window_icon_count_table, window_icon_list_table) is copied cached_window_id: .byte 0 ;; number of icons in copied window cached_window_icon_count:.byte 0 ;; list of icons in copied window cached_window_icon_list: .res 127, 0 selected_window_index: ; index of selected window (used to get prefix) .assert * = path_index, error, "Entry point mismatch" .byte 0 selected_icon_count: ; number of selected icons .assert * = selected_file_count, error, "Entry point mismatch" .byte 0 selected_icon_list: ; index of selected icon (global, not w/in window) .assert * = selected_file_list, error, "Entry point mismatch" .res 127, 0 ;; Buffer for desktop windows win_table: .addr 0,winfo1,winfo2,winfo3,winfo4,winfo5,winfo6,winfo7,winfo8 ;; Window to Path mapping table window_path_addr_table: .assert * = path_table, error, "Entry point mismatch" .addr $0000 .repeat 8,i .addr window_path_table+i*65 .endrepeat ;;; ============================================================ str_file_type: PASCAL_STRING " $00" ;;; ============================================================ path_buf4: .res 65, 0 path_buf3: .res 65, 0 filename_buf: .res 16, 0 ;; Set to $80 for Copy, $FF for Run LE05B: .byte 0 delete_skip_decrement_flag: ; always set to 0 ??? .byte 0 process_depth: .byte 0 ; tracks recursion depth ;;; Number of file entries per directory block num_entries_per_block: .byte 13 entries_read: .byte 0 op_ref_num: .byte 0 entries_to_skip: .byte 0 ;;; During directory traversal, the number of file entries processed ;;; at the current level is pushed here, so that following a descent ;;; the previous entries can be skipped. entry_count_stack: .res 170, 0 entry_count_stack_index: .byte 0 entries_read_this_block: .byte 0 PAD_TO $E196 ; why ??? ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Backup copy of DEVLST made before detaching ramdisk devlst_backup: .res 14, 0 ;; index is device number (in DEVLST), value is icon number device_to_icon_map: .res 16, 0 ;;; Path buffer for open_directory logic open_dir_path_buf: .res 65, 0 ;;; Icon to window file record mapping list. First byte is number of ;;; entries, then each entry is an icon number. Position in the list ;;; is the same as position in the subsequent file record list. window_icon_to_filerecord_list: .res 9, 0 ; 8 entries + length .res 6 ; Unused ??? LE200: .word 0 ; Unused ??? ;;; Mapping from position in above table to FileRecord entry window_filerecord_table: .res 8*2 .res 8, 0 ; Unused ??? .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$7F,$64,$00,$1C .byte $00,$1E,$00,$32,$00,$1E,$00,$40 .byte $00 ;; DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON params icon_param2: .byte 0 LE22C: .byte 0 ;; DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON params icon_param3: .byte 0 redraw_icon_param: .byte 0 ;; DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON params ;; DT_UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON params icon_param: .byte 0 ;; Used for all sorts of temporary work tmp_rect: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0, tmp_rect saved_stack: .byte 0 .assert * = last_menu_click_params, error, "Entry point mismatch" .proc menu_click_params menu_id:.byte 0 item_num:.byte 0 .endproc LE25C: .byte 0 LE25D: .byte 0 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$04,$00,$00,$00 .proc checkitem_params menu_id: .byte 4 menu_item: .byte 0 check: .byte 0 .endproc .proc disablemenu_params menu_id: .byte 4 disable: .byte 0 .endproc .proc disableitem_params menu_id: .byte 0 menu_item: .byte 0 disable: .byte 0 .endproc LE26F: .byte $00 startup_menu: DEFINE_MENU 7 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_1 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_2 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_3 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_4 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_5 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_6 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM startup_menu_item_7 str_all:PASCAL_STRING "All" ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Device Names (populated at startup using templates below) dev0: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev0s dev1: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev1s dev2: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev2s dev3: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev3s dev4: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev4s dev5: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev5s dev6: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev6s dev7: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev7s dev8: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev8s dev9: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev9s dev10: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev10s dev11: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev11s dev12: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev12s dev13: DEFINE_STRING "Slot drive ", dev13s startup_menu_item_1: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " startup_menu_item_2: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " startup_menu_item_3: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " startup_menu_item_4: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " startup_menu_item_5: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " startup_menu_item_6: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " startup_menu_item_7: PASCAL_STRING "Slot 0 " device_type_disk_ii = 0 device_type_ramdisk = 1 device_type_profile = 2 device_type_removable = 3 device_type_fileshare = 4 device_type_unknown = 5 ;;; Templates used for device names device_template_table: .addr str_disk_ii_sd .addr str_ramcard_slot_x .addr str_profile_slot_x .addr str_unidisk_xy .addr str_fileshare_x .addr str_slot_drive device_template_slot_offset_table: .byte 15, 15, 15, 15, 18, 6 device_template_drive_offset_table: .byte 19, 0, 0, 19, 0, 15 ; 0 = no drive # for this type ;;; Disk II str_disk_ii_sd: PASCAL_STRING "Disk II Slot x, Dy " ;;; Fixed drives that aren't RAM disks str_profile_slot_x: PASCAL_STRING "ProFile Slot x " ;;; Removable drives str_unidisk_xy: PASCAL_STRING "UniDisk 3.5 Sx, Dy " ;;; RAM disks str_ramcard_slot_x: PASCAL_STRING "RAMCard Slot x " ;;; File Share str_fileshare_x: PASCAL_STRING "AppleShare Slot x " ;;; Unknown devices str_slot_drive: PASCAL_STRING "Slot x drive y " ;;; ============================================================ selector_menu: DEFINE_MENU 5 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_add DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_edit DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_del DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_run, '0', '0' DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR .repeat max_run_list_entries, i DEFINE_MENU_ITEM run_list_entries + i * $10, .string(i+1), .string(i+1) .endrepeat menu_item_id_selector_add = 1 menu_item_id_selector_edit = 2 menu_item_id_selector_delete = 3 menu_item_id_selector_run = 4 label_add: PASCAL_STRING "Add an Entry ..." label_edit: PASCAL_STRING "Edit an Entry ..." label_del: PASCAL_STRING "Delete an Entry ... " label_run: PASCAL_STRING "Run an Entry ..." ;; Apple Menu apple_menu: DEFINE_MENU 1 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_about DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR .repeat max_desk_acc_count, i DEFINE_MENU_ITEM desk_acc_names + i * 16 .endrepeat label_about: PASCAL_STRING "About Apple II DeskTop ... " desk_acc_names: .res max_desk_acc_count * 16, 0 splash_menu: DEFINE_MENU_BAR 1 DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM 1, splash_menu_label, dummy_dd_menu blank_menu: DEFINE_MENU_BAR 1 DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM 1, blank_dd_label, dummy_dd_menu dummy_dd_menu: DEFINE_MENU 1 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM dummy_dd_item splash_menu_label: PASCAL_STRING .sprintf("Apple II DeskTop Version %d.%d%s", ::VERSION_MAJOR,::VERSION_MINOR,VERSION_SUFFIX) blank_dd_label: PASCAL_STRING " " dummy_dd_item: PASCAL_STRING "Rien" ; ??? ;; DT_UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON params icon_params2: .byte 0 window_title_addr_table: .addr 0 .addr winfo1title_ptr .addr winfo2title_ptr .addr winfo3title_ptr .addr winfo4title_ptr .addr winfo5title_ptr .addr winfo6title_ptr .addr winfo7title_ptr .addr winfo8title_ptr ;; (low nibble must match menu order) view_by_icon = $00 view_by_name = $81 view_by_date = $82 view_by_size = $83 view_by_type = $84 win_view_by_table: .res 8, 0 pos_col_name: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, pos_col_name pos_col_type: DEFINE_POINT 112, 0, pos_col_type pos_col_size: DEFINE_POINT 140, 0, pos_col_size pos_col_date: DEFINE_POINT 231, 0, pos_col_date .proc text_buffer2 .addr data length: .byte 0 data: .res 49, 0 .endproc LE71D: .word 0 LE71F: .byte 0 .byte 0,0,0 ;;; ============================================================ .macro WINFO_DEFN id, label, buflabel .proc label window_id: .byte id options: .byte MGTK::Option::go_away_box | MGTK::Option::grow_box title: .addr buflabel hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_normal vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_normal hthumbmax: .byte 3 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 3 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 170 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 545 maxcontlength: .word 175 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 20, 27 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 440, 120 penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc buflabel: .res 18, 0 .endmacro WINFO_DEFN 1, winfo1, winfo1title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 2, winfo2, winfo2title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 3, winfo3, winfo3title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 4, winfo4, winfo4title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 5, winfo5, winfo5title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 6, winfo6, winfo6title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 7, winfo7, winfo7title_ptr WINFO_DEFN 8, winfo8, winfo8title_ptr ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Window paths ;;; 8 entries; each entry is 65 bytes long ;;; * length-prefixed path string (no trailing /) ;;; Windows 1...8 (since 0 is desktop) window_path_table: .res (8*65), 0 ;;; Window used/free (in kilobytes) ;;; Two tables, 8 entries each ;;; Windows 1...8 (since 0 is desktop) window_k_used_table: .res 16, 0 window_k_free_table: .res 16, 0 .res 8, 0 ; ??? ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Resources for window header (Items/k in disk/available) str_items: PASCAL_STRING " Items" items_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 8, 10, items_label_pos header_line_left: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, header_line_left header_line_right: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, header_line_right str_k_in_disk: PASCAL_STRING "K in disk" str_k_available: PASCAL_STRING "K available" str_from_int: ; populated by int_to_string PASCAL_STRING " " ;;; Computed during startup width_items_label_padded: .word 0 width_left_labels: .word 0 ;;; Computed when painted pos_k_in_disk: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, pos_k_in_disk pos_k_available: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, pos_k_available ;;; Computed during startup width_items_label: .word 0 width_k_in_disk_label: .word 0 width_k_available_label: .word 0 width_right_labels: .word 0 ;;; Assigned during startup trash_icon_num: .byte 0 ;;; Selection drag/drop param/result drag_drop_param: .byte 0 saved_event_coords: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Each buffer is a list of icons in each window (0=desktop) ;;; window_icon_count_table = start of buffer = icon count ;;; window_icon_list_table = first entry in buffer (length = 127) window_icon_count_table: .repeat 9,i .addr WINDOW_ICON_TABLES + $80 * i .endrepeat window_icon_list_table: .repeat 9,i .addr WINDOW_ICON_TABLES + $80 * i + 1 .endrepeat active_window_id: .byte $00 ;;; $00 = window not in use ;;; $FF = window in use, but dir (vol/folder) icon deleted ;;; Otherwise, dir (vol/folder) icon associated with window. window_to_dir_icon_table: .res 8, 0 num_open_windows: .byte 0 LEC2F: .res 20, 0 ; unreferenced??? LEC43: .res 16, 0 ; ??? LEC53: .byte 0 LEC54: .word 0 .res 4, 0 date: .word 0 .res 7, 0 ; Used! But where ??? hex_digits: .byte "0123456789ABCDEF" ;;; Params for check_file_type_overrides fto_type: .byte 0 fto_auxtype: .word 0 fto_blocks: .word 0 ;;; -------------------------------------------------- PAD_TO $ED00 ;;; (there's enough room here for 127 files at 27 bytes each) icon_entries: .assert ($FB00 - *) >= 127 * .sizeof(IconEntry), error, "Not enough room for icons" ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Segment loaded into AUX $FB00-$FFFF ;;; ============================================================ .org $FB00 num_file_types = 15 type_table: .byte FT_TYPELESS ; typeless .byte FT_SRC ; src .byte FT_REL ; rel .byte FT_CMD ; command .byte FT_TEXT ; text .byte FT_BINARY ; binary .byte FT_DIRECTORY ; directory .byte FT_SYSTEM ; system .byte FT_BASIC ; basic .byte FT_GRAPHICS ; graphics .byte FT_ADB ; appleworks db .byte FT_AWP ; appleworks wp .byte FT_ASP ; appleworks sp .byte DA_FILE_TYPE ; desk accessory .byte FT_BAD ; bad block type_names_table: .byte " ???" ; typeless .byte " SRC" ; src .byte " REL" ; rel .byte " CMD" ; rel .byte " TXT" ; text .byte " BIN" ; binary .byte " DIR" ; directory .byte " SYS" ; system .byte " BAS" ; basic .byte " FOT" ; graphics .byte " ADB" ; appleworks db .byte " AWP" ; appleworks wp .byte " ASP" ; appleworks sp .byte " $F1" ; desk accessory .byte " BAD" ; bad block ;;; The icon-related tables (below) use a distinguishing icon ;;; for "apps" (SYS files with ".SYSTEM" name suffix, and IIgs ;;; S16 application files). This is done by looking up using ;;; the type $01 (and type $01 is looked up as $00). ;;; ;;; Similarly, IIgs-specific types ($5x, $Ax-$Cx) are all ;;; mapped to $B0 (SRC). icon_type_table: .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; typeless .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; src .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; rel .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; cmd .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; text .byte icon_entry_type_binary ; binary .byte icon_entry_type_dir ; directory .byte icon_entry_type_system ; system .byte icon_entry_type_basic ; basic .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; graphics .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; appleworks db .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; appleworks wp .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; appleworks sp .byte icon_entry_type_generic ; desk accessory .byte icon_entry_type_system ; system (see below) type_icons_table: ; map into definitions below .addr gen ; typeless .addr src ; src .addr rel ; rel .addr cmd ; cmd .addr txt ; text .addr bin ; binary .addr dir ; directory .addr sys ; system .addr bas ; basic .addr fot ; graphics .addr adb ; appleworks db .addr awp ; appleworks wp .addr asp ; appleworks sp .addr a2d ; desk accessory .addr app ; system (see below) gen: DEFICON generic_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask src: DEFICON desktop_aux::iigs_file_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask rel: DEFICON desktop_aux::rel_file_icon, 4, 27, 14, binary_mask cmd: DEFICON desktop_aux::cmd_file_icon, 4, 27, 8, desktop_aux::graphics_mask txt: DEFICON text_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask bin: DEFICON binary_icon, 4, 27, 14, binary_mask dir: DEFICON folder_icon, 4, 27, 11, folder_mask sys: DEFICON sys_icon, 4, 27, 17, sys_mask bas: DEFICON desktop_aux::basic_icon, 4, 27, 14, desktop_aux::basic_mask fot: DEFICON desktop_aux::graphics_icon, 4, 27, 12, desktop_aux::graphics_mask adb: DEFICON desktop_aux::adb_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask awp: DEFICON desktop_aux::awp_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask asp: DEFICON desktop_aux::asp_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask a2d: DEFICON desktop_aux::a2d_file_icon, 4, 27, 15, generic_mask app: DEFICON app_icon, 5, 34, 16, app_mask ;;; Generic generic_icon: .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000100),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000100),px(%0011000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000100),px(%0000110) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) ;; Generic mask is re-used for multiple "document" types generic_mask: .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) ;;; Text File text_icon: .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000100),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%1110111),px(%1011100),px(%0011000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000100),px(%0000110) .byte px(%0100111),px(%0110111),px(%0110111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100111),px(%1101110),px(%1111110),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%1111101),px(%1101101),px(%1110010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100110),px(%1111011),px(%1011011),px(%1110010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0100111),px(%1101101),px(%1011101),px(%1110010) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000010) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) ;; shares generic_mask ;;; Binary binary_icon: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000110),px(%0110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0001100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0001100),px(%0011000),px(%0011000),px(%0011000) .byte px(%0110000),px(%0100100),px(%0101000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0100100),px(%0001000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%0110000),px(%0100100),px(%0001000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%0001100),px(%0011000),px(%0001000),px(%0011000) .byte px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0001100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000110),px(%0110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) binary_mask: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000111),px(%1110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0011111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000011),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0001111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0001111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0000011),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0011111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000111),px(%1110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) ;;; Folder folder_icon: .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) folder_mask: .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) ;;; System (no .SYSTEM suffix) sys_icon: .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%1100111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%1100110),px(%0110000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1110011) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) sys_mask: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) ;;; System (with .SYSTEM suffix) app_icon: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0001100),px(%0000000),px(%0110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0110000),px(%0000000),px(%0001100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0011000),px(%0000000),px(%0000001),px(%1111100),px(%0011000) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000110),px(%0000011),px(%0000110) .byte px(%0011000),px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%1110000),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0000110),px(%0000111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100),px(%0011110) .byte px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0110000),px(%1100000),px(%0011110) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0110000),px(%0001110),px(%0000000),px(%0011110) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0001100),px(%0000001),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%0000001),px(%1000000),px(%0011110) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) app_mask: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%1111111),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0001111),px(%1111111),px(%1110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000001),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%0000111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0000001),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111100),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0001111),px(%1111111),px(%1111000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%1111111),px(%1000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) ;; Reserve $80 bytes for settings PAD_TO $FF80 PAD_TO $10000