Disassembly of the original desk accessories: * [Calculator](calculator.s) - complete! * [Date](date.s) - complete! * [Puzzle](puzzle.s) - complete! * [Show Text File](show.text.file.s) - in progress! 95% complete - moved to [preview](../preview/) * [Sort Directory](sort.directory.s) - in progress! 60% complete New desk accessories: * [This Apple](this.apple.s) * Gives details about the computer, expanded memory, and what's in each slot. * [Eyes](eyes.s) * Eyes that follow the mouse. * [Screen Dump](screen.dump.s) * Dumps a screenshot to an ImageWriter II attached to a Super Serial Card in Slot 1. * [Key Caps](key.caps.s) * Shows an on-screen keyboard map, and indicates which key is pressed. * [Run Basic Here](run.basic.here.s) * Launches BASIC.SYSTEM with PREFIX set to current window's directory. See [API.md](API.md) for programming details ## Files * `TARGETS` - lists DAs (used by makefile and other scripts) * `Makefile` - cleans/builds targets * `*.s` - source (originally generated using da65, now modified) ## Build Instructions On Unix-like systems (including Mac OS X) `make all` should build the desk accessory files (original and new) into `out/` output with a `.built` suffix. ## Getting The DAs Onto Your Apple II There are a handful of approaches for getting the files on your real or virtual Apple. ### Create a Disk Image To produce a ProDOS disk image with the DA files, install and build the [Cadius](https://github.com/mach-kernel/cadius) tool: ``` git clone https://github.com/mach-kernel/cadius /tmp/cadius make -C /tmp/cadius CADIUS=/tmp/cadius/bin/release/cadius ``` Then from the `desk.acc/` directory, run: `res/package.sh` This will generate: `desk.acc/out/DeskAccessories.po` Mount this disk image in your emulator, or transfer it to a real floppy with [ADTPro](http://adtpro.com/), then follow the install instructions below. ### Mount Folder in Virtual ]\[ If you use [Virtual \]\[](http://www.virtualii.com/) as your emulator, you can skip creating a disk image. At the top level of the repo, run `res/go.sh` to build all targets, then run `res/mount.sh`. This will create a `mount/` folder and the built files will automatically be copied in. Then run Virtual ]\[ and use the **Media** > **Mount Folder as ProDOS Disk...** menu item, then select the `mount/` folder. A new ProDOS volume called `/MOUNT` will be available. (Tip: use the **Special** > **Check Drives** command in A2D to make it appear.) (The `res/go.sh` script will helpfully run `res/mount.sh` automatically if the `mount/` folder already exists.) ### Other If you need to copy the files some other way (e.g. via [CiderPress](http://a2ciderpress.com/)), you need to do the following: Transfer the `.built` files in the `out` directory, ensuring you: * Drop the `.built` suffix * Ensure they have ProDOS file type `$F1` * Ensure they have start address `$0800` * Ensure they have auxtype `$0640` (to match the originals) The last three are tricky, and depend on how you're copying the files. ## Install Instructions Once you have the files accessible on your Apple: * Copy the files into your `A2.DESKTOP/DESK.ACC` folder (using A2D or any other tool) * Restart so A2D picks up the new DA Tips: * You can use the Sort Directory DA to order the files, which controls the menu order: * Open the `A2.DESKTOP/DESK.ACC` folder * Hold Open-Apple and click on each file in the desired order * Select Sort Directory from the Apple menu, and verify the order * Restart