;;; ================================================== ;;; A2Desktop ;;; ================================================== ;;; ================================================== ;;; Entry Points A2D := $4000 UNKNOWN_CALL := $8E00 ;; These must be called from main memory (RAMRDON/RAMWRTON) JUMP_TABLE_03 := $4003 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_06 := $4006 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_09 := $4009 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_0C := $400C ; ??? (made "items/in disk/..." redraw oddly) JUMP_TABLE_0F := $400F ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_12 := $4012 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_15 := $4015 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_18 := $4018 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_CLEAR_SEL := $401E ; Clear DeskTop selection JUMP_TABLE_MLI := $4021 ; ProDOS MLI call (Y=call, X,A=params addr) JUMP_TABLE_24 := $4024 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_27 := $4027 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_2A := $402A ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_2D := $402D ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_30 := $4030 ; ??? JUMP_TABLE_33 := $4033 ; Shows "The syntax of the pathname is invalid.", hangs JUMP_TABLE_36 := $4036 ; ditto JUMP_TABLE_CUR_POINTER := $4039 ; Changes mouse cursor to pointer JUMP_TABLE_CUR_WATCH := $403C ; Changes mouse cursor to watch JUMP_TABLE_3F := $403F ; ??? ;;; ================================================== ;;; A2D Calls ;;; $40E5,(call*2) is the jump table used for processing these calls ;;; $4184,(call*2) defines param blocks input length ;;; if >=0, is length of param block ;;; if <0, and with $7E to get length ;;; if $4185,(call*2) is non-zero, param block is copied. A2D_QUERY_SCREEN := $03 ; Get screen state ;; (input length 0 bytes) ;; (output length 35 bytes - NOT 36) ;; .word left ;; .word top ;; .addr addr A2D_SCREEN_ADDR ;; .word stride A2D_SCREEN_STRIDE ;; .word hoffset ;; .word voffset ;; .word width 560-1 ;; .word height 192-1 ;; .res 8 pattern ;; .byte mskand AND mask, default $FF ;; .byte mskor ORA mask, default $00 ;; .byte 0,0,0 ??? ;; .byte hthick horizontal pen thickness ;; .byte vthick vertical pen thickness ;; .byte 0,$7F,0,$88 ??? (note: one byte shorter than SET_STATE) A2D_SET_STATE := $04 ; Set full drawing state ;; (input length 36 bytes) ;; .word left pixels from screen edge ;; .word top ;; .addr addr A2D_SCREEN_ADDR ;; .word stride A2D_SCREEN_STRIDE ;; .word hoffset pixels scrolled ;; .word voffset ;; .word width pixels ;; .word height ;; .res 8 pattern ;; .byte mskand AND mask, default $FF ;; .byte mskor ORA mask, default $00 ;; .byte 0,0,0 ??? ;; .byte hthick horizontal pen thickness ;; .byte vthick vertical pen thickness ;; .byte 0,$7F,0,$88,0 A2D_SET_BOX := $06 ; Set just the drawing box, subset of full state ;; (input length 16 bytes) ;; .word left pixels from screen edge ;; .word top ;; .addr addr A2D_SCREEN_ADDR ($2000) ;; .word stride A2D_SCREEN_STRIDE ($80) ;; .word hoffset pixels scrolled ;; .word voffset ;; .word width pixels ;; .word height A2D_SET_FILL_MODE := $07 ;; (input length 1 byte) ;; .byte mode 0 = normal, 6 = xor (<4, >=4) A2D_SET_PATTERN := $08 ;; (input length 8 bytes) ;; .res 8 pattern 8x8 pixel pattern for A2D_FILL_RECT calls ;; (TODO: Is there an output???) A2D_SET_THICKNESS := $0A ;; (input length 2 bytes) ;; .byte hthick horizontal pen thickness ;; .byte vthick vertical pen thickness A2D_UNK_0C := $0C ; Unknown - used in calculator ;; (input length 1 byte) A2D_SET_POS := $0E ;; (input length 4 bytes) ;; .word x ;; .word y ;; $0F used in puzzle ;; (input length 4 bytes) A2D_FILL_RECT := $11 ; With selected simple pattern (SET_PATTERN) ;; (input length 8 bytes) ;; .word left (includes scroll pos) ;; .word top ;; .word right pixels ;; .word bottom A2D_DRAW_RECT := $12 ; With selected pattern ;; (input length 8 bytes) ;; .word left (includes scroll pos) ;; .word top ;; .word right pixels ;; .word bottom A2D_TEST_BOX := $13 ; Is pos (via SET_POS) in bounds? Returns true/false in A ;; (input length 8 bytes) ;; .word left ;; .word top ;; .word right ;; .word bottom A2D_DRAW_BITMAP := $14 ; Draw pattern ;; (input length 16 bytes) ;; .word left ;; .word top ;; .addr pattern pattern is 7 bits per byte, 0 = black, 1 = white ;; .byte stride pattern width in bytes ;; .byte 0,0,0,0,0 ??? ;; .word width pixels ;; .word height pixels A2D_MEASURE_TEXT := $18 ;; (input length 3 bytes) ;; .addr data ;; .byte length ;; .word width pixels A2D_DRAW_TEXT := $19 ; Drawn at last SET_POS as left, baseline ;; (input length 3 bytes) ;; .addr data ;; .byte length A2D_UNK_1A := $1A ; Unknown - used in calculator before window creation, ; and after destruction ;; (input length 1 byte) A2D_UNK_24 := $24 ; Unknown - used in calculator ;; (no parameters; pass $0000 as address) A2D_SHOW_CURSOR := $25 ;; (no parameters; pass $0000 as address) A2D_HIDE_CURSOR := $26 ;; (no parameters; pass $0000 as address) A2D_GET_INPUT := $2A ;; (input length 0 bytes) ;; (output length 5 bytes) ;; .byte state (0=up, 1=press, 2=release, 3=key, 4=held) ;; if state is not 3: ;; .byte key (ASCII code; high bit clear) ;; .byte modifiers (0=none, 1=open-apple, 2=closed-apple, 3=both) ;; if state is 3: ;; .word xcoord ;; .word ycoord A2D_UNK_2B := $2B ; Unknown - possibly "reset drawing state" ;; (no parameters; pass $0000 as address) A2D_UNK_2D := $2D ; Unknown - used in calculator ;; (input length 5 bytes) A2D_CREATE_WINDOW := $38 ;; .byte id ;; 0 = desktop ;; 1, 2, ... = file windows ;; 100 = DA (for example) ;; .byte flags (A2D_CWF_*) ;; bit 0: remove title bar ;; bit 1: add close box ;; bit 2: add resize box ;; .addr title ;; .byte hscroll bits: 7 = enable, 6 = show thumb, 0 = show track ;; .byte vscroll ;; .byte hsmax ;; .byte hspos ;; .byte vsmax ;; .byte vspos ;; .byte ??? ;; .byte ??? ;; .word width_a ??? possibly size of scroll area within window of scroll area? ;; .word height_a ??? ;; .word width_b (of scroll area?) ;; .word height_b (of scroll area?) ;; - next section is identical to that for A2D_SET_STATE ;; .word left pixels from screen edge ;; .word top ;; .word screen_addr ;; .word screen_stride ;; .word hoffset pixels scrolled ;; .word voffset ;; .word width pixels ;; .word height ;; .res 8 pattern ;; .byte mskand AND mask, default $FF ;; .byte mskor ORA mask, default $00 ;; .byte 0,0,0 ??? ;; .byte hthick ;; .byte vthick ;; .byte $00,$7F,$00,$88,$00,$00 ??? A2D_DESTROY_WINDOW := $39 ;; (input length 1 byte) ;; .byte id A2D_QUERY_STATE := $3C ; get drawing state of window ;; (input length 3 bytes) ;; .byte id window ;; .addr state state definition to populate, like A2D_SET_STATE A2D_QUERY_TARGET := $40 ;; (input length 4 bytes) ;; .word queryx (relative to screen) ;; .word queryy ;; .byte element (A2D_ELEM_*) ;; 0 = desktop ;; 1 = menu ;; 2 = client area (including scroll bars/resize box) ;; 3 = title bar ;; 4 = resize box ;; 5 = close box ;; .byte id of window A2D_CLOSE_CLICK := $43 ;; (input length 0 bytes) ;; .byte clicked (0 = cancelled, 1 = clicked) ;; .byte ?? ;; .byte ?? A2D_DRAG_WINDOW := $44 ;; (input length 5 bytes) ;; .byte window_id ;; .word xcoord screen coordinates ;; .word ycoord A2D_DRAG_RESIZE := $45 ;; (input length 5 bytes) ;; .byte id of window ;; .word xcoord of mouse ;; .word ycoord of mouse ;; .byte ?? (likely: moved? 0 = no change, 1 = moved) A2D_MAP_COORDS := $46 ; Map screen coords to client coords ;; (input length 5 bytes) ;; .byte window_id ;; .word screenx ;; .word screeny ;; .word clientx ;; .word clienty A2D_QUERY_CLIENT:= $48 ;; (input length 4 bytes) ;; .word xcoord of query ;; .word ycoord of query ;; .byte part (0 = client, 1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll) ;; .byte scroll (1 = up/left, 2 = down/right, 3 = above/before, 4 = below/after, 5 = thumb) A2D_RESIZE_WINDOW := $49 ;; (input length 3 bytes) ;; .byte ?? ;; .byte ?? A2D_DRAG_SCROLL := $4A ;; (input length 5 bytes) ;; .byte type (1 = vscroll, 2 = hscroll) ;; .word xcoord of mouse ;; .word ycoord of mouse ;; .byte position (0...255) ;; .byte moved (0 = no change, 1 = moved) A2D_UPDATE_SCROLL:= $4B ;; (input length 3 bytes) ;; .byte type (1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal) ;; .byte pos (new position 0...250) ;; .byte ??? ;;; $4E looks like last call ;;; ================================================== ;;; Constants ;;; Used in A2D_QUERY_STATE / A2D_SET_BOX A2D_SCREEN_ADDR := $2000 ; Screen address A2D_SCREEN_STRIDE := $80 ; Stride in bytes (???) ;;; Used in A2D_GET_INPUT A2D_INPUT_NONE := 0 ; No mouse or keypress A2D_INPUT_DOWN := 1 ; Mouse button was depressed A2D_INPUT_UP := 2 ; Mouse button was released A2D_INPUT_KEY := 3 ; Key was pressed A2D_INPUT_HELD := 4 ; Mouse button still down ;;; Used in A2D_GET_MOUSE A2D_ELEM_DESKTOP:= 0 A2D_ELEM_MENU := 1 A2D_ELEM_CLIENT := 2 A2D_ELEM_TITLE := 3 A2D_ELEM_RESIZE := 4 A2D_ELEM_CLOSE := 5 ;;; Used in A2D_QUERY_CLIENT, A2D_DRAG_SCROLL, A2D_UPDATE_SCROLL A2D_CLIENT := 0 A2D_VSCROLL := 1 A2D_HSCROLL := 2 ;;; Used in A2D_QUERY_CLIENT A2D_SCROLL_PART_UP := 1 A2D_SCROLL_PART_LEFT := 1 A2D_SCROLL_PART_DOWN := 2 A2D_SCROLL_PART_RIGHT := 2 A2D_SCROLL_PART_ABOVE := 3 A2D_SCROLL_PART_BEFORE := 3 A2D_SCROLL_PART_BELOW := 4 A2D_SCROLL_PART_AFTER := 4 A2D_SCROLL_PART_THUMB := 5 ;;; Used in A2D_SET_FILL_MODE A2D_SFM_NORMAL := 0 A2D_SFM_XOR := 6 ;;; Used in A2D_CREATE_WINDOW A2D_CWF_NOTITLE := 1 << 0 A2D_CWF_ADDCLOSE := 1 << 1 A2D_CWF_ADDRESIZE:= 1 << 2 A2D_CWS_NOSCROLL := 0 A2D_CWS_SCROLL_ENABLED := 1 << 7 A2D_CWS_SCROLL_THUMB := 1 << 6 A2D_CWS_SCROLL_TRACK := 1 << 0 A2D_CWS_SCROLL_NORMAL := A2D_CWS_SCROLL_ENABLED | A2D_CWS_SCROLL_THUMB | A2D_CWS_SCROLL_TRACK ;;; ================================================== ;;; Macros ;;; Call an A2D entry point: ;;; A2D_CALL n - params is $0000 ;;; A2D_CALL n, params_addr ;;; A2D_CALL m, params_addr, label - params_addr is labeled for modifying .macro A2D_CALL op, addr, label jsr A2D .byte op .if .paramcount > 2 label := * .endif .if .paramcount > 1 .addr addr .else .addr 0 .endif .endmacro .macro A2D_DEFSTRING str, label ; String definition, for use with A2D_TEXT .local data ; Call as A2D_DEFSTRING "abc" .local end ; Can include control chars by using: .addr data ; A2D_DEFSTRING {"abc",$0D,"def"} .byte end - data data: .byte str end: .endmacro .macro PASCAL_STRING str ; Length-prefixed string .byte .strlen(str) .byte str .endmacro ;;; Define pattern for A2D_DRAW_BITMAP - low 7 bits are reversed ;;; e.g. .byte px(%1000000) .define px(bits) (((bits&$40)>>6)|((bits&$20)>>4)|((bits&$10)>>2)|(bits&$8)|((bits&$4)<<2)|((bits&$2)<<4)|((bits&$1)<<6)) ;;; ================================================== ;;; DeskTop Internals ;; These are DeskTop internals, but it appears there is no ;; API for getting the selected file. file_selected := $DF21 ; 0 if no selection, 1 otherwise path_index := $DF20 ; index of selected window (used to get prefix) path_table := $DFB3 ; window address table ;; each entry is 65 bytes long ;; length-prefixed path string (no trailing /) file_index := $DF22 ; index of selected file (global, not w/in window) file_table := $DD9F ; file address table ;; each entry is 27 bytes long ;; .byte ?? ;; .byte ?? ;; .byte type/icon (bits 4,5,6 clear = directory) ;; .word iconx (pixels) ;; .word icony (pixels) ;; .byte ?? ;; .byte ?? ;; .byte len, name (length-prefixed, spaces before/after; 17 byte buffer)