;;; ============================================================ ;;; Overlay for Disk Copy - $D000 - $F1FF (file 3/4) ;;; ============================================================ .proc disk_copy_overlay3 .org $D000 .scope disk_copy_overlay4 .scope on_line_params2 unit_num := $0C42 .endscope .scope on_line_params unit_num := $0C46 .endscope on_line_buffer := $0C49 .scope block_params unit_num := $0C5A data_buffer := $0C5B block_num := $0C5D .endscope noop := $0C83 quit := $0C84 L0CAF := $0CAF eject_disk := $0CED unit_number_to_driver_address := $0D26 L0D51 := $0D51 L0D5F := $0D5F L0DB5 := $0DB5 L0EB2 := $0EB2 L0ED7 := $0ED7 L10FB := $10FB L127E := $127E L1291 := $1291 L129B := $129B L12A5 := $12A5 L12AF := $12AF .endscope .macro MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 call, params .if .paramcount > 1 yax_call MGTK_RELAY2, call, params .else yax_call MGTK_RELAY2, call, 0 .endif .endmacro jmp LD5E1 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Resources pencopy: .byte 0 penOR: .byte 1 penXOR: .byte 2 penBIC: .byte 3 notpencopy: .byte 4 notpenOR: .byte 5 notpenXOR: .byte 6 notpenBIC: .byte 7 stack_stash: .byte 0 .proc hilitemenu_params menu_id := * + 0 .endproc .proc menuselect_params menu_id := * + 0 menu_item := * + 1 .endproc .proc menukey_params menu_id := * + 0 menu_item := * + 1 which_key := * + 2 key_mods := * + 3 .endproc .res 4, 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Menu definition menu_id_apple := 1 menu_id_file := 2 menu_id_facilities := 3 menu_definition: DEFINE_MENU_BAR 3 DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_apple, label_apple, menu_apple DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_file, label_file, menu_file DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_facilities, label_facilities, menu_facilities menu_apple: DEFINE_MENU 5 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_desktop DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_blank DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_copyright1 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_copyright2 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_rights menu_file: DEFINE_MENU 1 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_quit, 'Q', 'q' label_apple: PASCAL_STRING GLYPH_SAPPLE menu_facilities: DEFINE_MENU 2 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_quick_copy DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_disk_copy label_file: PASCAL_STRING "File" label_facilities: PASCAL_STRING "Facilities" label_desktop: PASCAL_STRING .sprintf("Apple II DeskTop version %d.%d",::VERSION_MAJOR,::VERSION_MINOR) label_blank: PASCAL_STRING " " label_copyright1: PASCAL_STRING "Copyright Apple Computer Inc., 1986 " label_copyright2: PASCAL_STRING "Copyright Version Soft, 1985 - 1986 " label_rights: PASCAL_STRING "All Rights reserved" label_quit: PASCAL_STRING "Quit" label_quick_copy: PASCAL_STRING "Quick Copy " label_disk_copy: PASCAL_STRING "Disk Copy " ;;; ============================================================ .proc disablemenu_params menu_id: .byte 3 disable: .byte 0 .endproc .proc checkitem_params menu_id: .byte 3 menu_item: .byte 0 check: .byte 0 .endproc event_params := * event_kind := event_params + 0 ;; if kind is key_down event_key := event_params + 1 event_modifiers := event_params + 2 ;; if kind is no_event, button_down/up, drag, or apple_key: event_coords := event_params + 1 event_xcoord := event_params + 1 event_ycoord := event_params + 3 ;; if kind is update: event_window_id := event_params + 1 screentowindow_params := * screentowindow_window_id := screentowindow_params + 0 screentowindow_screenx := screentowindow_params + 1 screentowindow_screeny := screentowindow_params + 3 screentowindow_windowx := screentowindow_params + 5 screentowindow_windowy := screentowindow_params + 7 findwindow_params := * + 1 ; offset to x/y overlap event_params x/y findwindow_mousex := findwindow_params + 0 findwindow_mousey := findwindow_params + 2 findwindow_which_area := findwindow_params + 4 findwindow_window_id := findwindow_params + 5 .byte 0 .byte 0 LD12F: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 LD133: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 grafport: .res .sizeof(MGTK::GrafPort), 0 .proc getwinport_params window_id: .byte 0 port: .addr grafport_win .endproc grafport_win: .res .sizeof(MGTK::GrafPort), 0 ;; Rest of a winfo??? .byte $06, $EA, 0, 0, 0, 0, $88, 0, $08, 0, $08 .proc winfo_dialog window_id: .byte 1 options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 0 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 150 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 500 maxcontlength: .word 140 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 25, 20 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 500, 150 penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc .proc winfo_drive_select window_id: .byte $02 options: .byte MGTK::Option::dialog_box title: .addr 0 hscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_none vscroll: .byte MGTK::Scroll::option_present hthumbmax: .byte 0 hthumbpos: .byte 0 vthumbmax: .byte 3 vthumbpos: .byte 0 status: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 mincontwidth: .word 100 mincontlength: .word 50 maxcontwidth: .word 150 maxcontlength: .word 150 port: viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 45, 50 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 150, 70 penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_white fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT nextwinfo: .addr 0 .endproc rect_outer_frame: DEFINE_RECT 4, 2, 496, 148 rect_inner_frame: DEFINE_RECT 5, 3, 495, 147 rect_D211: DEFINE_RECT 6, 20, 494, 102 rect_D219: DEFINE_RECT 6, 103, 494, 145 rect_ok_button: DEFINE_RECT 350, 90, 450, 101 rect_read_drive: DEFINE_RECT 210, 90, 310, 101 point_ok_label: DEFINE_POINT 355, 100 str_ok_label: PASCAL_STRING {"OK ",CHAR_RETURN} ;;; Label positions point_read_drive: DEFINE_POINT 215, 100 point_title: DEFINE_POINT 0, 15 point_slot_drive_name: DEFINE_POINT 20, 28 point_select_source: DEFINE_POINT 270, 46 rect_D255: DEFINE_RECT 270, 38, 420, 46 point_formatting: DEFINE_POINT 210, 68 point_writing: DEFINE_POINT 210, 68 point_reading: DEFINE_POINT 210, 68 str_read_drive: PASCAL_STRING "Read Drive D" str_disk_copy_padded: PASCAL_STRING " Disk Copy " str_quick_copy_padded: PASCAL_STRING "Quick Copy " str_slot_drive_name: PASCAL_STRING "Slot, Drive, Name" str_select_source: PASCAL_STRING "Select source disk" str_select_destination: PASCAL_STRING "Select destination disk" str_formatting: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting the disk ...." str_writing: PASCAL_STRING "Writing .... " str_reading: PASCAL_STRING "Reading .... " str_unknown: PASCAL_STRING "Unknown" str_select_quit: PASCAL_STRING {"Select Quit from the file menu (",GLYPH_OAPPLE,"Q) to go back to the DeskTop"} bg_black: .byte 0 bg_white: .byte $7F rect_D35B: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 150, 0, rect_D35B current_drive_selection: ; $FF if no selection .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 LD367: .byte 0 LD368: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 point_D36D: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, point_D36D .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte $47 .byte 0 num_drives: .byte 0 LD376: .byte 0 LD377: .res 128, 0 drive_unitnum_table: .res 8, 0 LD3FF: .res 8, 0 LD407: .res 16, 0 source_drive_index: .byte 0 dest_drive_index: .byte 0 str_d: PASCAL_STRING 0 str_s: PASCAL_STRING 0 LD41D: .byte 0 LD41E: .byte 0 LD41F: .byte 0 LD420: .byte 0 LD421: .word 0 LD423: .byte 0 LD424: .word 0 LD426: .byte 0 LD427: .word 0 LD429: .byte 0 rect_D42A: DEFINE_RECT 18, 20, 490, 88 rect_D432: DEFINE_RECT 19, 29, 195, 101 LD43A: .res 18, 0 LD44C: .byte 0 LD44D: .byte 0 LD44E: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 quick_copy_flag: .byte 0 .byte 1, 0 str_2_spaces: PASCAL_STRING " " str_number: PASCAL_STRING " " ; filled in by string_to_number ;;; Label positions point_blocks_read: DEFINE_POINT 300, 125 point_blocks_written: DEFINE_POINT 300, 135 point_source: DEFINE_POINT 300, 115 point_source2: DEFINE_POINT 40, 125 point_slot_drive: DEFINE_POINT 110, 125 point_destination: DEFINE_POINT 40, 135 point_slot_drive2: DEFINE_POINT 110, 135 point_disk_copy: DEFINE_POINT 40, 115 point_select_quit: DEFINE_POINT 20, 145 rect_D483: DEFINE_RECT 20, 136, 400, 145 point_escape_stop_copy: DEFINE_POINT 300, 145 point_error_writing: DEFINE_POINT 40, 100 point_error_reading: DEFINE_POINT 40, 90 slot_char: .byte 10 drive_char: .byte 14 str_blocks_read: PASCAL_STRING "Blocks Read: " str_blocks_written: PASCAL_STRING "Blocks Written: " str_blocks_to_transfer: PASCAL_STRING "Blocks to transfer: " str_source: PASCAL_STRING "Source " str_destination: PASCAL_STRING "Destination " str_slot: PASCAL_STRING "Slot " str_drive: PASCAL_STRING " Drive " str_dos33_s_d: PASCAL_STRING "DOS 3.3 S , D " str_dos33_disk_copy: PASCAL_STRING "DOS 3.3 disk copy" str_pascal_disk_copy: PASCAL_STRING "Pascal disk copy" str_prodos_disk_copy: PASCAL_STRING "ProDOS disk copy" str_escape_stop_copy: PASCAL_STRING " ESC stop the copy" str_error_writing: PASCAL_STRING "Error when writing block " str_error_reading: PASCAL_STRING "Error when reading block " ;;; ============================================================ ;; cursor definition - pointer pointer_cursor: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0101100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1110000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111100),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111110),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1000000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0001111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000111),px(%1000000) .byte px(%0000111),px(%1000000) .byte 1,1 ;; Cursor definition - watch watch_cursor: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0100001),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0100110),px(%0011000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0100000),px(%0010000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111100) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1110000) .byte px(%0011111),px(%1100000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte 5, 5 ;;; ============================================================ LD5E0: .byte 0 LD5E1: jsr remove_ram_disk MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetMenu, menu_definition jsr set_cursor_pointer copy #1, checkitem_params::menu_item copy #1, checkitem_params::check MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CheckItem, checkitem_params copy #1, disablemenu_params::disable MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::DisableMenu, disablemenu_params lda #$00 sta quick_copy_flag sta LD5E0 jsr open_dialog LD61C: lda #$00 sta LD367 sta LD368 sta LD44C lda #$FF sta current_drive_selection lda #$81 sta LD44D copy #0, disablemenu_params::disable MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::DisableMenu, disablemenu_params lda #1 sta checkitem_params::check MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CheckItem, checkitem_params jsr draw_dialog MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::OpenWindow, winfo_drive_select lda #$00 sta LD429 lda #$FF sta LD44C jsr LE16C lda LD5E0 bne LD66E jsr LE3A3 LD66E: jsr LE28D inc LD5E0 LD674: jsr LD986 bmi LD674 beq LD687 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CloseWindow, winfo_drive_select jmp LD61C LD687: lda current_drive_selection bmi LD674 copy #1, disablemenu_params::disable MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::DisableMenu, disablemenu_params lda current_drive_selection sta source_drive_index lda winfo_drive_select jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, winfo_drive_select::cliprect lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D255 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_select_source addr_call draw_text, str_select_destination jsr LE559 jsr LE2B1 LD6E6: jsr LD986 bmi LD6E6 beq LD6F9 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CloseWindow, winfo_drive_select jmp LD61C LD6F9: lda current_drive_selection bmi LD6E6 tax lda LD3FF,x sta dest_drive_index lda #$00 sta LD44C lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D211 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CloseWindow, winfo_drive_select MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D432 LD734: addr_call show_alert_dialog, $0000 ; Insert Source beq LD740 jmp LD61C LD740: lda #$00 sta LD44D ldx source_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x sta disk_copy_overlay4::on_line_params2::unit_num jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L1291 beq LD77E cmp #$52 bne LD763 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0D5F jsr LE674 jsr LE559 jmp LD7AD LD763: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D42A jmp LD734 LD77E: lda $1300 and #$0F bne LD798 lda $1301 cmp #$52 bne LD763 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0D5F jsr LE674 jsr LE559 jmp LD7AD LD798: lda $1300 and #$0F sta $1300 addr_call adjust_case, $1300 jsr LE674 jsr LE559 LD7AD: lda source_drive_index jsr LE3B8 jsr LE5E1 jsr LE63F ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x tay ldx #$00 lda #1 ; Insert Destination jsr show_alert_dialog beq LD7CC jmp LD61C LD7CC: ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x sta disk_copy_overlay4::on_line_params2::unit_num jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L1291 beq LD7E1 cmp #$52 beq LD7F2 jmp LD852 LD7E1: lda $1300 and #$0F bne LD7F2 lda $1301 cmp #$52 beq LD7F2 jmp LD852 LD7F2: ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$0F beq LD817 lda drive_unitnum_table,x jsr disk_copy_overlay4::unit_number_to_driver_address ldy #$FF lda ($06),y beq LD817 cmp #$FF beq LD817 ldy #$FE lda ($06),y and #$08 bne LD817 jmp LD8A9 LD817: lda $1300 and #$0F bne LD82C ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$F0 tax lda #$07 jmp LD83C LD82C: sta $1300 addr_call adjust_case, $1300 ldx #$00 ldy #$13 lda #2 ; Confirm Erase LD83C: jsr show_alert_dialog cmp #$01 beq LD847 cmp #$02 beq LD84A LD847: jmp LD61C LD84A: lda quick_copy_flag bne LD852 jmp LD8A9 LD852: ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$0F beq LD87C lda drive_unitnum_table,x jsr disk_copy_overlay4::unit_number_to_driver_address ldy #$FE lda ($06),y and #$08 bne LD87C ldy #$FF lda ($06),y beq LD87C cmp #$FF beq LD87C lda #3 ; Destination format failed jsr show_alert_dialog jmp LD61C LD87C: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_formatting addr_call draw_text, str_formatting jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0CAF bcc LD8A9 cmp #$2B beq LD89F lda #4 ; Format error jsr show_alert_dialog beq LD852 jmp LD61C LD89F: lda #5 ; Destination protected jsr show_alert_dialog beq LD852 jmp LD61C LD8A9: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D211 lda source_drive_index cmp dest_drive_index bne LD8DF tax lda drive_unitnum_table,x pha jsr disk_copy_overlay4::eject_disk pla tay ldx #$80 lda #0 ; Insert source jsr show_alert_dialog beq LD8DF jmp LD61C LD8DF: jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0DB5 lda #$00 sta LD421 sta LD421+1 lda #$07 sta LD423 jsr LE4BF jsr LE4EC jsr LE507 jsr LE694 LD8FB: jsr LE4A8 lda #$00 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0ED7 cmp #$01 beq LD97A jsr LE4EC lda source_drive_index cmp dest_drive_index bne LD928 tax lda drive_unitnum_table,x pha jsr disk_copy_overlay4::eject_disk pla tay ldx #$80 lda #1 ; Insert destination jsr show_alert_dialog beq LD928 jmp LD61C LD928: jsr LE491 lda #$80 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0ED7 bmi LD955 bne LD97A jsr LE507 lda source_drive_index cmp dest_drive_index bne LD8FB tax lda drive_unitnum_table,x pha jsr disk_copy_overlay4::eject_disk pla tay ldx #$80 lda #0 ; Insert source jsr show_alert_dialog beq LD8FB jmp LD61C LD955: jsr LE507 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L10FB ldx source_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x jsr disk_copy_overlay4::eject_disk ldx dest_drive_index cpx source_drive_index beq :+ lda drive_unitnum_table,x jsr disk_copy_overlay4::eject_disk : lda #9 ; Copy success jsr show_alert_dialog jmp LD61C LD97A: jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L10FB lda #10 ; Copy failed jsr show_alert_dialog jmp LD61C .byte 0 LD986: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPort, grafport LD998: bit LD368 bpl :+ dec LD367 bne :+ lda #$00 sta LD368 : MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_down bne LD9BA jmp handle_button_down LD9BA: cmp #MGTK::EventKind::key_down bne LD998 jmp LD9D5 menu_command_table: ;; Apple menu .addr disk_copy_overlay4::noop .addr disk_copy_overlay4::noop .addr disk_copy_overlay4::noop .addr disk_copy_overlay4::noop .addr disk_copy_overlay4::noop ;; File menu .addr disk_copy_overlay4::quit ;; Facilities menu .addr cmd_quick_copy .addr cmd_disk_copy menu_offset_table: .byte 0, 5*2, 6*2, 8*2 LD9D5: lda event_modifiers bne :+ lda event_key and #CHAR_MASK cmp #CHAR_ESCAPE beq :+ jmp LDBFC ;; Keyboard-based menu selection : lda #1 sta LD12F lda event_key sta menukey_params::which_key lda event_modifiers sta menukey_params::key_mods MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MenuKey, menukey_params handle_menu_selection: ldx menuselect_params::menu_id bne :+ rts ;; Compute offset into command table - menu offset + item offset : dex lda menu_offset_table,x tax ldy menuselect_params::menu_item dey tya asl a sta jump_addr txa clc adc jump_addr tax copy16 menu_command_table,x, jump_addr jsr do_jump MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::HiliteMenu, hilitemenu_params jmp LD986 do_jump: tsx stx stack_stash jump_addr := *+1 jmp dummy1234 cmd_quick_copy: lda quick_copy_flag bne LDA42 rts LDA42: copy #0, checkitem_params::check MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CheckItem, checkitem_params copy quick_copy_flag, checkitem_params::menu_item copy #1, checkitem_params::check MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CheckItem, checkitem_params copy #0, quick_copy_flag lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port addr_call draw_title_text, str_quick_copy_padded rts cmd_disk_copy: lda quick_copy_flag beq LDA7D rts LDA7D: copy #0, checkitem_params::check MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CheckItem, checkitem_params copy #2, checkitem_params::menu_item copy #1, checkitem_params::check MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::CheckItem, checkitem_params copy #1, quick_copy_flag lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port addr_call draw_title_text, str_disk_copy_padded rts handle_button_down: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FindWindow, event_xcoord lda findwindow_which_area bne :+ rts ; desktop - ignore : cmp #MGTK::Area::menubar bne :+ MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MenuSelect, menuselect_params jmp handle_menu_selection : cmp #MGTK::Area::content bne :+ jmp handle_content_button_down : return #$FF handle_content_button_down: lda LD133 cmp winfo_dialog::window_id bne check_drive_select jmp handle_dialog_button_down check_drive_select: cmp winfo_drive_select bne :+ jmp handle_drive_select_button_down : rts handle_dialog_button_down: lda winfo_dialog::window_id sta screentowindow_window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ScreenToWindow, screentowindow_params MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, screentowindow_windowx check_ok_button: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, rect_ok_button cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq :+ jmp check_read_drive_button : MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button jsr handle_ok_button_down rts check_read_drive_button: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, rect_read_drive cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne :+ MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_read_drive jsr handle_read_drive_button_down rts : return #$FF handle_drive_select_button_down: lda winfo_drive_select sta screentowindow_window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ScreenToWindow, screentowindow_params MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, screentowindow_windowx lsr16 screentowindow_windowy ; / 8 lsr16 screentowindow_windowy lsr16 screentowindow_windowy lda screentowindow_windowy cmp num_drives bcc LDB98 lda current_drive_selection jsr highlight_row lda #$FF sta current_drive_selection ; $FF if no selection? jmp LDBCA LDB98: cmp current_drive_selection bne LDBCD bit LD368 bpl LDBC0 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button return #$00 LDBC0: lda #$FF sta LD368 lda #$64 sta LD367 LDBCA: return #$FF LDBCD: pha lda current_drive_selection bmi LDBD6 jsr highlight_row LDBD6: pla sta current_drive_selection jsr highlight_row jmp LDBC0 .proc MGTK_RELAY2 sty LDBF2 stax LDBF3 sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON jsr MGTK::MLI LDBF2: .byte 0 LDBF3: .addr 0 sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF rts .endproc LDBFC: lda event_key and #CHAR_MASK cmp #'D' beq LDC09 cmp #'d' bne LDC2D LDC09: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_read_drive MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_read_drive return #$01 LDC2D: cmp #CHAR_RETURN bne LDC55 lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button return #$00 LDC55: bit LD44C bmi check_down jmp LDCA9 .proc check_down cmp #CHAR_DOWN bne check_up lda winfo_drive_select jsr set_win_port lda current_drive_selection bmi LDC6F jsr highlight_row LDC6F: inc current_drive_selection lda current_drive_selection cmp num_drives bcc LDC7F lda #$00 sta current_drive_selection LDC7F: jsr highlight_row jmp LDCA9 .endproc .proc check_up cmp #CHAR_UP bne LDCA9 lda winfo_drive_select jsr set_win_port lda current_drive_selection bmi LDC9C jsr highlight_row dec current_drive_selection bpl LDCA3 LDC9C: ldx num_drives dex stx current_drive_selection LDCA3: lda current_drive_selection jsr highlight_row ;; fall through .endproc LDCA9: return #$FF ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_read_drive_button_down lda #$00 sta state loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LDD14 lda winfo_dialog::window_id sta screentowindow_window_id MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ScreenToWindow, screentowindow_params MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, screentowindow_windowx MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, rect_read_drive cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LDCEE lda state beq LDCF6 jmp loop LDCEE: lda state bne LDCF6 jmp loop LDCF6: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_read_drive lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LDD14: lda state beq LDD1C return #$FF LDD1C: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_read_drive return #$01 state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_ok_button_down lda #$00 sta state loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LDDA0 lda winfo_dialog::window_id sta screentowindow_window_id MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ScreenToWindow, screentowindow_params MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, screentowindow_windowx MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, rect_ok_button cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LDD7A lda state beq LDD82 jmp loop LDD7A: lda state bne LDD82 jmp loop LDD82: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LDDA0: lda state beq LDDA8 return #$FF LDDA8: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_ok_button return #$00 state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc set_cursor_watch MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::HideCursor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetCursor, watch_cursor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ShowCursor rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc set_cursor_pointer MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::HideCursor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetCursor, pointer_cursor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ShowCursor rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ LDDFC: sta disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::unit_num lda #$00 sta disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::block_num sta disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::block_num+1 copy16 #$1C00, disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::data_buffer jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L12AF beq LDE19 return #$FF LDE19: lda $1C01 cmp #$E0 beq LDE23 jmp LDE4D LDE23: lda $1C02 cmp #$70 beq LDE31 cmp #$60 beq LDE31 LDE2E: return #$FF LDE31: lda num_drives asl a asl a asl a asl a clc adc #LD377 adc #0 tax tya jsr LDE9F lda #$80 sta LD44E return #$00 LDE4D: cmp #$A5 bne LDE2E lda $1C02 cmp #$27 bne LDE2E lda disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::unit_num and #$70 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #'0' ldx slot_char sta str_dos33_s_d,x lda disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::unit_num and #$80 asl a rol a adc #$31 ldx drive_char sta str_dos33_s_d,x lda num_drives asl a asl a asl a asl a tay ldx #$00 LDE83: lda str_dos33_s_d,x sta LD377,y iny inx cpx str_dos33_s_d bne LDE83 lda str_dos33_s_d,x sta LD377,y lda #$43 sta $0300 return #$00 .byte 0 LDE9F: stax $06 copy16 #$0002, disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::block_num jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L12AF beq LDEBE ldy #$00 lda #$01 sta ($06),y iny lda #$20 sta ($06),y rts LDEBE: ldy #$00 ldx #$00 LDEC2: lda $1C06,x sta ($06),y inx iny cpx $1C06 bne LDEC2 lda $1C06,x sta ($06),y lda $1C06 cmp #$0F bcs LDEE6 ldy #$00 lda ($06),y clc adc #$01 sta ($06),y lda ($06),y tay LDEE6: lda #$3A sta ($06),y rts .proc number_to_string stax number ldx #7 lda #' ' : sta str_number,x dex bne :- lda #0 sta LDF72 ldy #0 ldx #0 LDF04: lda #0 sta LDF71 LDF09: cmp16 number, tens_table,x bpl LDF45 lda LDF71 bne LDF25 bit LDF72 bmi LDF25 lda #$20 bne LDF38 LDF25: cmp #$0A bcc LDF2F clc adc #$37 jmp LDF31 LDF2F: adc #'0' LDF31: pha lda #$80 sta LDF72 pla LDF38: sta str_number+2,y iny inx inx cpx #$08 beq LDF5E jmp LDF04 LDF45: inc LDF71 sub16 number, tens_table,x, number jmp LDF09 LDF5E: lda number ora #'0' sta str_number+2,y rts tens_table: .word 10000, 1000, 100, 10 number: .word 0 LDF71: .byte 0 LDF72: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ RAM_DISK_UNITNUM = $BF .proc remove_ram_disk ;; Find Slot 3 Drive 2 RAM disk (unit number $BF) ldx DEVCNT : lda DEVLST,x cmp #RAM_DISK_UNITNUM beq remove dex bpl :- rts ;; Remove it, shuffle everything else down. remove: lda DEVLST+1,x sta DEVLST,x cpx DEVCNT beq :+ inx jmp remove : dec DEVCNT rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc restore_ram_disk inc DEVCNT ldx DEVCNT lda #RAM_DISK_UNITNUM sta DEVLST,x rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc open_dialog MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::OpenWindow, winfo_dialog lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_outer_frame MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_inner_frame MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPort, grafport rts .endproc .proc draw_dialog lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D211 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D219 lda quick_copy_flag bne :+ addr_call draw_title_text, str_quick_copy_padded jmp draw_buttons : addr_call draw_title_text, str_disk_copy_padded draw_buttons: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_ok_button MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_read_drive jsr draw_ok_label jsr draw_read_drive_label MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_slot_drive_name addr_call draw_text, str_slot_drive_name MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_select_source addr_call draw_text, str_select_source MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_select_quit addr_call draw_text, str_select_quit MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPort, grafport rts draw_ok_label: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_ok_label addr_call draw_text, str_ok_label rts draw_read_drive_label: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_read_drive addr_call draw_text, str_read_drive rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc draw_text ptr := $0A stax ptr ldy #$00 lda (ptr),y sta ptr+2 inc16 ptr MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::DrawText, ptr rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc draw_title_text text_params := $06 text_addr := text_params + 0 text_length := text_params + 2 text_width := text_params + 3 stax text_addr ldy #$00 lda (text_addr),y sta text_length inc16 text_addr MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::TextWidth, text_params lsr16 text_width lda #>500 sta width_hi lda #<500 lsr width_hi ror a sec sbc text_width sta point_title lda width_hi sbc text_width+1 sta point_title+1 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_title MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::DrawText, text_params rts width_hi: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc adjust_case ptr := $A stx ptr+1 sta ptr ldy #0 lda (ptr),y tay bne next rts next: dey beq done bpl :+ done: rts : lda (ptr),y and #CHAR_MASK ; convert to ASCII cmp #'/' beq skip cmp #'.' bne check_alpha skip: dey jmp next check_alpha: iny lda (ptr),y and #CHAR_MASK cmp #'A' bcc :+ cmp #'Z'+1 bcs :+ clc adc #('a' - 'A') ; convert to lower case sta (ptr),y : dey jmp next .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .byte 0 ;;; ============================================================ .proc set_win_port sta getwinport_params::window_id MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetWinPort, getwinport_params MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPort, grafport_win rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc highlight_row asl a ; * 8 asl a asl a sta rect_D35B::y1 clc adc #7 sta rect_D35B::y2 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D35B rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ LE16C: lda #$00 sta LD44E sta disk_copy_overlay4::on_line_params2::unit_num jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L1291 beq LE17A .byte 0 LE17A: lda #$00 sta LE263 sta num_drives LE182: lda #$13 sta $07 lda #$00 sta $06 sta LE264 lda LE263 asl a rol LE264 asl a rol LE264 asl a rol LE264 asl a rol LE264 clc adc $06 sta $06 lda LE264 adc $07 sta $07 ldy #$00 lda ($06),y and #$0F bne LE20D lda ($06),y beq LE1CC iny lda ($06),y cmp #$28 bne LE1CD dey lda ($06),y jsr LE265 lda #$28 bcc LE1CD jmp LE255 LE1CC: rts LE1CD: pha ldy #$00 lda ($06),y jsr LE285 ldx num_drives sta drive_unitnum_table,x pla cmp #$52 bne LE1EA lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$F0 jsr LDDFC beq LE207 LE1EA: lda num_drives asl a asl a asl a asl a tay ldx #$00 LE1F4: lda str_unknown,x sta LD377,y iny inx cpx str_unknown bne LE1F4 lda str_unknown,x sta LD377,y LE207: inc num_drives jmp LE255 LE20D: ldx num_drives ldy #$00 lda ($06),y and #$70 cmp #$30 bne LE21D jmp LE255 LE21D: ldy #$00 lda ($06),y jsr LE285 ldx num_drives sta drive_unitnum_table,x lda num_drives asl a asl a asl a asl a tax ldy #$00 lda ($06),y and #$0F sta LD377,x sta LE264 LE23E: inx iny cpy LE264 beq LE24D lda ($06),y sta LD377,x jmp LE23E LE24D: lda ($06),y sta LD377,x inc num_drives LE255: inc LE263 lda LE263 cmp #$08 beq LE262 jmp LE182 LE262: rts LE263: .byte 0 LE264: .byte 0 LE265: and #$F0 sta LE28C ldx DEVCNT LE26D: lda DEVLST,x and #$F0 cmp LE28C beq LE27C dex bpl LE26D LE27A: sec rts LE27C: lda DEVLST,x and #$0F bne LE27A clc rts LE285: jsr LE265 lda DEVLST,x rts LE28C: .byte 0 LE28D: lda winfo_drive_select jsr set_win_port lda #$00 sta LE2B0 LE298: lda LE2B0 jsr LE39A lda LE2B0 jsr LE31B inc LE2B0 lda LE2B0 cmp num_drives bne LE298 rts LE2B0: .byte 0 LE2B1: lda winfo_drive_select jsr set_win_port lda current_drive_selection asl a tax lda LD407,x sta LE318 lda LD407+1,x sta LE318+1 lda num_drives sta LD376 lda #$00 sta num_drives sta LE317 LE2D6: lda LE317 asl a tax lda LD407,x cmp LE318 bne LE303 lda LD407+1,x cmp LE318+1 bne LE303 lda LE317 ldx num_drives sta LD3FF,x lda num_drives jsr LE39A lda LE317 jsr LE31B inc num_drives LE303: inc LE317 lda LE317 cmp LD376 beq LE311 jmp LE2D6 LE311: lda #$FF sta current_drive_selection rts LE317: .byte 0 LE318: .addr 0 .byte 0 LE31B: sta LE399 lda #8 sta point_D36D::xcoord MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_D36D ldx LE399 lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$70 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #'0' sta str_s + 1 addr_call draw_text, str_s lda #40 sta point_D36D::xcoord MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_D36D ldx LE399 lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$80 asl a rol a clc adc #'1' sta str_d + 1 addr_call draw_text, str_d lda #65 sta point_D36D::xcoord MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_D36D lda LE399 asl a asl a asl a asl a clc adc #$77 sta $06 lda #$D3 adc #$00 sta $07 lda $06 ldx $07 jsr adjust_case lda $06 ldx $07 jsr draw_text rts LE399: .byte 0 LE39A: asl a asl a asl a adc #8 sta point_D36D::ycoord rts LE3A3: lda #$00 sta LE3B7 LE3A8: jsr LE3B8 inc LE3B7 lda LE3B7 cmp num_drives bne LE3A8 rts LE3B7: .byte 0 LE3B8: pha tax lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$0F beq LE3CC lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$F0 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::unit_number_to_driver_address jmp LE3DA LE3CC: pla asl a tax lda #$18 sta LD407,x lda #$01 sta LD407+1,x rts LE3DA: ldy #$07 lda ($06),y bne LE3E3 jmp LE44A LE3E3: lda #$00 sta LE448 ldy #$FC lda ($06),y sta LE449 beq LE3F6 lda #$80 sta LE448 LE3F6: ldy #$FD lda ($06),y tax bne LE402 bit LE448 bpl LE415 LE402: stx LE448 pla asl a tax lda LE448 sta LD407,x lda LE449 sta LD407+1,x rts LE415: ldy #$FF ; offset to low byte of driver address lda ($06),y sta $06 lda #$00 sta DRIVER_COMMAND sta DRIVER_BUFFER sta DRIVER_BUFFER+1 sta DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER sta DRIVER_BLOCK_NUMBER+1 pla pha tax lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$F0 sta DRIVER_UNIT_NUMBER jsr LE445 stx LE448 pla asl a tax lda LE448 sta LD407,x tya sta LD407+1,x rts LE445: jmp ($06) LE448: .byte 0 LE449: .byte 0 LE44A: ldy #$FF lda ($06),y clc adc #$03 sta $06 pla pha tax lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$F0 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0D51 sta LE47D jsr indirect_jump .byte 0 .byte $7C cpx $68 asl a tax lda LE482 sta LD407,x lda LE483 sta LD407+1,x rts indirect_jump: jmp ($06) ;; TODO: Identify data .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte $03 LE47D: .byte 1, $81 .byte $E4, 0 .byte 0 LE482: .byte 0 LE483: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 LE491: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_writing addr_call draw_text, str_writing rts LE4A8: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_reading addr_call draw_text, str_reading rts LE4BF: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port lda source_drive_index asl a tay lda LD407+1,y tax lda LD407,y jsr number_to_string MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_source addr_call draw_text, str_blocks_to_transfer addr_call draw_text, str_number rts LE4EC: jsr LE522 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_blocks_read addr_call draw_text, str_blocks_read addr_call draw_text, str_number rts LE507: jsr LE522 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_blocks_written addr_call draw_text, str_blocks_written addr_call draw_text, str_number rts LE522: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port lda LD421+1 sta LE558 lda LD421 asl a rol LE558 asl a rol LE558 asl a rol LE558 ldx LD423 clc adc LE550,x tay lda LE558 adc #$00 tax tya jsr number_to_string rts LE550: .byte 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 LE558: .byte 0 LE559: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_source2 addr_call draw_text, str_source ldx source_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$70 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #'0' sta str_s + 1 ldx source_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$80 clc rol a rol a clc adc #'1' sta str_d + 1 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_slot_drive addr_call draw_text, str_slot addr_call draw_text, str_s addr_call draw_text, str_drive addr_call draw_text, str_d bit LD44D bpl LE5C6 bvc LE5C5 lda LD44D and #$0F beq LE5C6 LE5C5: rts LE5C6: addr_call draw_text, str_2_spaces ldx $1300 LE5D0: lda $1300,x sta LD43A,x dex bpl LE5D0 addr_call draw_text, LD43A rts LE5E1: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_destination addr_call draw_text, str_destination ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$70 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #'0' sta str_s + 1 ldx dest_drive_index lda drive_unitnum_table,x and #$80 asl a rol a clc adc #'1' sta str_d + 1 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_slot_drive2 addr_call draw_text, str_slot addr_call draw_text, str_s addr_call draw_text, str_drive addr_call draw_text, str_d rts LE63F: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_disk_copy bit LD44D bmi LE65B addr_call draw_text, str_prodos_disk_copy rts LE65B: bvs LE665 addr_call draw_text, str_dos33_disk_copy rts LE665: lda LD44D and #$0F bne LE673 addr_call draw_text, str_pascal_disk_copy LE673: rts LE674: lda LD44D cmp #$C0 beq LE693 lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_D483 LE693: rts LE694: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_escape_stop_copy addr_call draw_text, str_escape_stop_copy rts LE6AB: lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port copy16 #$800A, LE6FB LE6BB: dec LE6FB beq LE6F1 lda LE6FC eor #$80 sta LE6FC beq LE6D5 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetTextBG, bg_white beq LE6DE LE6D5: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetTextBG, bg_black LE6DE: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_escape_stop_copy addr_call draw_text, str_escape_stop_copy jmp LE6BB LE6F1: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetTextBG, bg_white rts LE6FB: .byte 0 LE6FC: .byte 0 LE6FD: stx LE765 cmp #$2B bne LE71A jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L127E lda #5 ; Destination protected jsr show_alert_dialog bne LE714 jsr LE491 return #$01 LE714: jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L10FB return #$80 LE71A: jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L127E lda winfo_dialog::window_id jsr set_win_port lda disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::block_num ldx disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::block_num+1 jsr number_to_string lda LE765 bne LE74B MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_error_reading addr_call draw_text, str_error_reading addr_call draw_text, str_number return #$00 LE74B: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, point_error_writing addr_call draw_text, str_error_writing addr_call draw_text, str_number return #$00 LE765: .byte 0 LE766: sta $06 sta $08 stx $07 stx $09 inc $09 copy16 #$1C00, disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::data_buffer LE77A: jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L12AF beq LE789 ldx #$00 jsr LE6FD beq LE789 bpl LE77A rts LE789: sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTON ldy #$FF iny LE792: lda $1C00,y sta ($06),y lda $1D00,y sta ($08),y iny bne LE792 sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF lda #$00 rts LE7A8: sta $06 sta $08 stx $07 stx $09 inc $09 copy16 #$1C00, disk_copy_overlay4::block_params::data_buffer .byte $8D .byte $03 cpy #$8D .byte $04 cpy #$A0 .byte $FF iny LE7C5: lda ($06),y sta $1C00,y lda ($08),y sta $1D00,y iny bne LE7C5 sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF LE7D8: jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L12A5 beq LE7E6 ldx #$80 jsr LE6FD beq LE7E6 bpl LE7D8 LE7E6: rts ;;; ============================================================ .proc alert_dialog alert_bitmap: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111100),px(%1111100),px(%0000001),px(%1110000),PX(%0000111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111100),px(%1111100),px(%0000011),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0000111),PX(%1100111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0001111),PX(%1100111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),px(%1110011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1100111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1001111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),PX(%0011111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),px(%1111110),PX(%0111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),px(%1111100),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),px(%1111100),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111110),px(%0000000),PX(%0111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100000),PX(%1111111),px(%1111100),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100001),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111000),px(%0000011),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .proc alert_bitmap_mapinfo viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 20, 8 mapbits: .addr alert_bitmap mapwidth: .byte 7 reserved: .byte 0 maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 36, 23 .endproc rect_E89F: DEFINE_RECT 65, 45, 485, 100 rect_E8A7: DEFINE_RECT 4, 2, 416, 53 rect_E8AF: DEFINE_RECT 5, 3, 415, 52 .proc portbits1 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 65, 45, viewloc mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .byte MGTK::screen_mapwidth reserved: .byte 0 maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 420, 55 .endproc .proc portbits2 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .byte MGTK::screen_mapwidth reserved: .byte 0 maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 559, 191 .endproc str_ok_btn: PASCAL_STRING {"OK ",GLYPH_RETURN} str_cancel_btn: PASCAL_STRING "Cancel Esc" str_try_again_btn: PASCAL_STRING "Try Again A" str_yes_btn: PASCAL_STRING "Yes" str_no_btn: PASCAL_STRING "No" yes_rect: DEFINE_RECT 250, 37, 300, 48 yes_pos: DEFINE_POINT 255, 47 no_rect: DEFINE_RECT 350, 37, 400, 48 no_pos: DEFINE_POINT 355, 47 ok_try_again_rect: DEFINE_RECT 300, 37, 400, 48 ok_try_again_pos: DEFINE_POINT 305, 47 cancel_rect: DEFINE_RECT 20, 37, 120, 48 cancel_pos: DEFINE_POINT 25, 47 LE93D: DEFINE_POINT 100, 24 message_flags: .byte 0 LE942: .addr 0 str_insert_source: PASCAL_STRING "Insert source disk and click OK." str_insert_dest: PASCAL_STRING "Insert destination disk and click OK." str_confirm_erase0: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase " str_confirm_erase0_buf: .res 18, 0 str_dest_format_fail: PASCAL_STRING "The destination disk cannot be formated !" str_format_error: PASCAL_STRING "Error during formating." str_dest_protected: PASCAL_STRING "The destination volume is write protected !" str_confirm_erase1: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase " str_confirm_erase1_buf: .res 18, 0 str_confirm_erase2: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase the disk in slot drive ?" str_confirm_erase3: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase the disk in slot drive ?" str_copy_success: PASCAL_STRING "The copy was successful." str_copy_fail: PASCAL_STRING "The copy was not completed." str_insert_source_or_cancel: PASCAL_STRING "Insert source disk or press Escape to cancel." str_insert_dest_or_cancel: PASCAL_STRING "Insert destination disk or press Escape to cancel." char_space: .byte ' ' char_question_mark: .byte '?' slot_char_str_confirm_erase2: .byte 41 drive_char_str_confirm_erase2: .byte 49 slot_char_str_confirm_erase3: .byte 39 drive_char_str_confirm_erase3: .byte 47 len_confirm_erase0: .byte 23 len_confirm_erase1: .byte 21 message_index_table: .byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 message_table: .addr str_insert_source .addr str_insert_dest .addr str_confirm_erase0 .addr str_dest_format_fail .addr str_format_error .addr str_dest_protected .addr str_confirm_erase1 .addr str_confirm_erase2 .addr str_confirm_erase3 .addr str_copy_success .addr str_copy_fail .addr str_insert_source_or_cancel .addr str_insert_dest_or_cancel ;; $C0 (%11xxxxxx) = Cancel + Ok ;; $81 (%10xxxxx1) = Cancel + Yes + No ;; $80 (%10xx0000) = Cancel + Try Again ;; $00 (%0xxxxxxx) = Ok .enum MessageFlags OkCancel = $C0 YesNoCancel = $81 TryAgainCancel = $80 Ok = $00 .endenum message_flags_table: .byte MessageFlags::OkCancel .byte MessageFlags::OkCancel .byte MessageFlags::YesNoCancel .byte MessageFlags::Ok .byte MessageFlags::TryAgainCancel .byte MessageFlags::TryAgainCancel .byte MessageFlags::YesNoCancel .byte MessageFlags::YesNoCancel .byte MessageFlags::YesNoCancel .byte MessageFlags::Ok .byte MessageFlags::Ok .byte MessageFlags::Ok .byte MessageFlags::Ok LEB81: .addr 0 LEB83: .byte 0 show_alert_dialog: stax LEB81 sty LEB83 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPort, grafport MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_E89F jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_E89F MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPortBits, portbits1 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_E8A7 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, rect_E8AF MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::HideCursor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintBits, alert_bitmap_mapinfo MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::ShowCursor lda #$00 sta LD41E lda LEB81 jsr LF1CC ldy LEB83 ldx LEB81+1 lda LEB81 bne LEC1F cpx #$00 beq LEC5E jsr LF185 beq LEC5E lda #$0B bne LEC5E LEC1F: cmp #$01 bne LEC34 cpx #$00 beq LEC5E jsr LF185 beq LEC30 lda #$0C bne LEC5E LEC30: lda #$01 bne LEC5E LEC34: cmp #$02 bne LEC3F jsr append_to_confirm_erase0 lda #$02 bne LEC5E LEC3F: cmp #$06 bne :+ jsr append_to_confirm_erase1 lda #$06 bne LEC5E : cmp #$07 bne LEC55 jsr set_confirm_erase2_slot_drive lda #$07 bne LEC5E LEC55: cmp #$08 bne LEC5E jsr set_confirm_erase3_slot_drive lda #$08 LEC5E: ldy #$00 LEC60: cmp message_index_table,y beq LEC6C iny cpy #$1E bne LEC60 ldy #$00 LEC6C: tya asl a tay lda message_table,y sta LE942 lda message_table+1,y sta LE942+1 tya lsr a tay lda message_flags_table,y sta message_flags bit LD41E bpl LEC8C jmp LED23 LEC8C: jsr set_pen_xor bit message_flags bpl draw_ok_btn MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, cancel_rect MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, cancel_pos addr_call draw_text, str_cancel_btn bit message_flags bvs draw_ok_btn lda message_flags and #$0F beq draw_try_again_btn MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, yes_rect MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, yes_pos addr_call draw_text, str_yes_btn MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, no_rect MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, no_pos addr_call draw_text, str_no_btn jmp LED23 draw_try_again_btn: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, ok_try_again_rect MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, ok_try_again_pos addr_call draw_text, str_try_again_btn jmp LED23 draw_ok_btn: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::FrameRect, ok_try_again_rect MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, ok_try_again_pos addr_call draw_text, str_ok_btn LED23: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, LE93D addr_call_indirect draw_text, LE942 ;; fall through ;;; ============================================================ input_loop: bit LD41E bpl LED45 jsr LF192 bne LED42 jmp LEDF2 LED42: jmp LED79 LED45: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_down bne LED58 jmp handle_button_down LED58: cmp #MGTK::EventKind::key_down bne input_loop lda event_key and #CHAR_MASK bit message_flags bmi :+ jmp LEDE2 : cmp #CHAR_ESCAPE bne :+ jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, cancel_rect LED79: lda #1 jmp clear_and_return_value : bit message_flags bvs LEDE2 pha lda message_flags and #$0F beq LEDC1 pla cmp #'N' beq do_no cmp #'n' beq do_no cmp #'Y' beq do_yes cmp #'y' beq do_yes jmp input_loop do_no: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, no_rect lda #3 jmp clear_and_return_value do_yes: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, yes_rect lda #2 jmp clear_and_return_value LEDC1: pla cmp #'a' bne LEDD7 LEDC6: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, ok_try_again_rect lda #0 jmp clear_and_return_value LEDD7: cmp #'A' beq LEDC6 cmp #CHAR_RETURN beq LEDC6 jmp input_loop LEDE2: cmp #CHAR_RETURN bne LEDF7 jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, ok_try_again_rect LEDF2: lda #0 jmp clear_and_return_value LEDF7: jmp input_loop handle_button_down: jsr map_event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords bit message_flags bpl LEE57 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, cancel_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LEE1B jmp handle_cancel_button_down LEE1B: bit message_flags bvs LEE57 lda message_flags and #$0F beq LEE47 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, no_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LEE37 jmp handle_no_button_down LEE37: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, yes_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LEE67 jmp handle_yes_button_down LEE47: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, ok_try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LEE67 jmp handle_ok_try_again_button_down1 LEE57: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, ok_try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LEE67 jmp handle_ok_try_again_button_down2 LEE67: jmp input_loop ;;; ============================================================ clear_and_return_value: pha MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPortBits, portbits2 MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, rect_E89F pla rts ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_ok_try_again_button_down1 jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, ok_try_again_rect lda #$00 sta state loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LEEEA jsr map_event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, ok_try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LEECA lda state beq LEED2 jmp loop LEECA: lda state bne LEED2 jmp loop LEED2: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, ok_try_again_rect lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LEEEA: lda state beq LEEF2 jmp input_loop LEEF2: lda #0 jmp clear_and_return_value state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_cancel_button_down jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, cancel_rect lda #$00 sta state loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LEF5A jsr map_event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, cancel_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LEF3A lda state beq LEF42 jmp loop LEF3A: lda state bne LEF42 jmp loop LEF42: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, cancel_rect lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LEF5A: lda state beq LEF62 jmp input_loop LEF62: lda #1 jmp clear_and_return_value state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_ok_try_again_button_down2 lda #$00 sta state jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, ok_try_again_rect loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LEFCA jsr map_event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, ok_try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LEFAA lda state beq LEFB2 jmp loop LEFAA: lda state bne LEFB2 jmp loop LEFB2: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, ok_try_again_rect lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LEFCA: lda state beq LEFD2 jmp input_loop LEFD2: lda #0 jmp clear_and_return_value state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_no_button_down lda #$00 sta state jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, no_rect loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LF03A jsr map_event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, no_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LF01A lda state beq LF022 jmp loop LF01A: lda state bne LF022 jmp loop LF022: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, no_rect lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LF03A: lda state beq LF042 jmp input_loop LF042: lda #3 jmp clear_and_return_value state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc handle_yes_button_down lda #$00 sta state jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, yes_rect loop: MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LF0AA jsr map_event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::InRect, yes_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LF08A lda state beq LF092 jmp loop LF08A: lda state bne LF092 jmp loop LF092: jsr set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::PaintRect, yes_rect lda state clc adc #$80 sta state jmp loop LF0AA: lda state beq LF0B2 jmp input_loop LF0B2: lda #2 jmp clear_and_return_value state: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc map_event_coords sub16 event_xcoord, portbits1::viewloc::xcoord, event_xcoord sub16 event_ycoord, portbits1::viewloc::ycoord, event_ycoord rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc set_pen_xor MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc append_to_confirm_erase0 ptr := $06 stxy ptr ldy #$00 lda (ptr),y pha tay : lda (ptr),y sta str_confirm_erase0_buf-1,y dey bne :- pla clc adc len_confirm_erase0 sta str_confirm_erase0 tay inc str_confirm_erase0 inc str_confirm_erase0 lda char_space iny sta str_confirm_erase0,y lda char_question_mark iny sta str_confirm_erase0,y rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc append_to_confirm_erase1 ptr := $06 stxy ptr ldy #$00 lda (ptr),y pha tay : lda (ptr),y sta str_confirm_erase1_buf-1,y dey bne :- pla clc adc len_confirm_erase1 sta str_confirm_erase1 tay inc str_confirm_erase1 inc str_confirm_erase1 lda char_space iny sta str_confirm_erase1,y lda char_question_mark iny sta str_confirm_erase1,y rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc set_confirm_erase2_slot_drive txa and #$70 ; Mask off slot lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #'0' ldy slot_char_str_confirm_erase2 sta str_confirm_erase2,y txa and #$80 ; Mask off drive asl a ; Shift to low bit rol a adc #'1' ; Drive 1 or 2 ldy drive_char_str_confirm_erase2 sta str_confirm_erase2,y rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc set_confirm_erase3_slot_drive txa and #$70 ; Mask off slot lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a clc adc #'0' ldy slot_char_str_confirm_erase3 sta str_confirm_erase3,y txa and #$80 ; Mask off drive asl a ; Shift to low bit rol a adc #'1' ; Drive 1 or 2 ldy drive_char_str_confirm_erase3 sta str_confirm_erase3,y rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ LF185: sty LD41D tya jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L0EB2 beq :+ sta LD41E : rts .proc LF192 lda LD41D sta disk_copy_overlay4::on_line_params::unit_num jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L129B beq done cmp #$52 beq done lda disk_copy_overlay4::on_line_buffer and #$0F bne done lda disk_copy_overlay4::on_line_buffer+1 cmp #$52 beq done MGTK_RELAY_CALL2 MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::key_down bne LF192 lda event_key cmp #CHAR_ESCAPE bne LF192 return #$80 done: return #$00 .endproc LF1CC: cmp #$03 bcc LF1D7 cmp #$06 bcs LF1D7 jsr disk_copy_overlay4::L127E LF1D7: rts .endproc show_alert_dialog := alert_dialog::show_alert_dialog ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Padding ??? .scope tya lsr a bcs :+ bit $C055 : tay lda ($28),y pha cmp #$E0 bcc :+ sbc #$20 : and #$3F sta ($28),y lda $C000 bmi :+ jmp $51ED : pla sta ($28),y bit $C054 lda $C000 .byte $2C .byte $10 .endscope ;;; ============================================================ PAD_TO $F200 .endproc