;;; ============================================================ ;;; DeskTop - Main Memory Segment ;;; ;;; Compiled as part of desktop.s ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Segment loaded into AUX $D000-$FFFF ;;; ============================================================ .org $D000 ;;; Constants needed in both main and aux menu_id_apple := 1 menu_id_file := 2 menu_id_view := 4 menu_id_special := 5 menu_id_startup := 8 menu_id_selector := 3 ;;; Various routines callable from MAIN ;;; ============================================================ ;;; MGTK call from main>aux, call in Y, params at (X,A) .proc MGTK_RELAY_IMPL .assert * = MGTK_RELAY, error, "Entry point mismatch" sty addr-1 stax addr sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON MGTK_CALL 0, 0, addr sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; SET_POS with params at (X,A) followed by DRAW_TEXT call .proc SETPOS_DRAWTEXT_RELAY stax addr sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON MGTK_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, 0, addr MGTK_RELAY_CALL MGTK::DrawText, text_buffer2 tay sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF tya rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; DESKTOP call from main>aux, call in Y params at (X,A) .proc DESKTOP_RELAY_IMPL .assert * = DESKTOP_RELAY, error, "Entry point mismatch" sty addr-1 stax addr sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON DESKTOP_CALL 0, 0, addr tay sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF tya rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Used/Free icon map (Aux $1F80 - $1FFF) free_icon_map := $1F80 ;;; Find first available free icon in the map; if ;;; available, mark it and return index+1. .proc DESKTOP_ALLOC_ICON sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON ldx #0 loop: lda free_icon_map,x beq :+ inx cpx #$7F bne loop rts : inx txa dex tay lda #1 sta free_icon_map,x sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF tya rts .endproc ;;; Mark the specified icon as free .proc DESKTOP_FREE_ICON tay sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON dey lda #0 sta free_icon_map,y sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Copy data to/from buffers (see cached_window_id / cached_window_icon_list / window_icon_count_table/2) ??? .proc DESKTOP_COPY_BUF_IMPL ptr := $6 from: lda #$80 bne :+ ; always to: lda #$00 : sta flag jsr desktop_main_push_pointers lda cached_window_id asl a ; * 2 tax copy16 window_icon_count_table,x, ptr sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON bit flag bpl set_length ;; assign length from cached_window_icon_list lda cached_window_icon_count ldy #0 sta (ptr),y jmp set_copy_ptr ;; assign length to cached_window_icon_list set_length: ldy #0 lda (ptr),y sta cached_window_icon_count set_copy_ptr: copy16 window_icon_list_table,x, ptr bit flag bmi copy_from ;; copy into cached_window_icon_list ldy #0 ; flag clear... : cpy cached_window_icon_count beq done lda (ptr),y sta cached_window_icon_list,y iny jmp :- ;; copy from cached_window_icon_list copy_from: ldy #0 : cpy cached_window_icon_count beq done lda cached_window_icon_list,y sta (ptr),y iny jmp :- done: sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF jsr desktop_main_pop_pointers rts flag: .byte 0 rts ; ??? .endproc DESKTOP_COPY_FROM_BUF := DESKTOP_COPY_BUF_IMPL::from DESKTOP_COPY_TO_BUF := DESKTOP_COPY_BUF_IMPL::to ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Assign active state to active_window_id window .proc DESKTOP_ASSIGN_STATE src := $6 dst := $8 sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetPort, src ; grab window state lda active_window_id ; which desktop window? asl a tax copy16 win_table,x, dst lda dst clc adc #20 ; add offset sta dst bcc :+ inc dst+1 : ldy #35 ; copy 35 bytes into window state loop: lda (src),y sta (dst),y dey bpl loop sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; From MAIN, load AUX (X,A) into A .proc DESKTOP_AUXLOAD stx op+2 sta op+1 sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON op: lda dummy1234 sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; From MAIN, show alert ;;; ...with prompt #0 .proc DESKTOP_SHOW_ALERT0 ldx #$00 ;; fall through .endproc ;;; ... with prompt # in X .proc DESKTOP_SHOW_ALERT sta RAMRDON sta RAMWRTON jsr desktop_aux::show_alert_indirection sta RAMRDOFF sta RAMWRTOFF rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .assert * = $D166, error, "Segment length mismatch" PAD_TO $D200 .include "desktop_res.s" .assert * = $FFBA, error, "Segment length mismatch" PAD_TO $10000