# A2D Work-in-Progress disassembly of Apple II Desktop (a.k.a. A2.Desktop) ## Background A2.Desktop started its life as "Mousedesk" by Version Soft, as a mouse-driven Mac-like "Finder" GUI application for 8-bit Apples with 128k of memory (Enhanced Apple //e, Apple //c) using double-hires monochrome graphics (560x192) and the ProDOS operating system. Although the history is sketchy, it appears that Apple Computer licensed (or acquired) the software, and released it - rebranded as Apple II Desktop - as the initial system software for the Apple IIgs before 16-bit GS/OS replaced it. The rebranded version still functions on 8-bit Apples. Introduction/overview: http://toastytech.com/guis/a2desk.html A more thorough pieced-together history, details of versions, bug reports and feature requests: https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ground.icaen.uiowa.edu/MiscInfo/Misc/mousedesk.info Disks can be found at: ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/masters/other_os/gui/ Other GUI environments exist for the 8-bit Apples, including GEOS (which includes productivity applications) and Quark Catalyst. While A2.Desktop is more limited - serving only as a file manager and application launcher - it is (subjectively) more visually appealing and better integrated with ProDOS. ## Goal The goal of this project is to disassemble/reverse-engineer the suite with an eye towards understanding how it functions, and eventually fixing bugs and adding functionality. ## Tools The [cc65](http://cc65.github.io/cc65/) tool chain will be used; source files will target the ca65 macro assembler. Cross-development on modern systems will be assumed. (Sorry, Merlin purists! We still love you.) ## Code of Conduct Discussions should be polite, respectful and inclusive, and focus on the code. Harassment will not be tolerated. Keep comments constructive.