;;; ============================================================ ;;; Overlay for Disk Copy - $1800 - $19FF (file 2/4) ;;; ============================================================ .proc disk_copy_overlay2 .org $1800 jmp start ;;; ============================================================ DEFINE_OPEN_PARAMS open_params, filename, $1C00 filename: PASCAL_STRING "DeskTop2" DEFINE_READ_PARAMS read_params, 0, 0 DEFINE_SET_MARK_PARAMS set_mark_params, $133E0 DEFINE_CLOSE_PARAMS close_params .byte $00,$00 buf1: .addr $4000 dest1: .addr $D000 len1: .word $2200 buf2: .addr $800 len2: .word $B00 ;;; ============================================================ start: lda #$41 ; ??? sta RAMWRTON sta $0100 sta $0101 sta RAMWRTOFF ;; Free up system bitmap ldx #BITMAP_SIZE-3 lda #0 L183F: sta BITMAP+1,x dex bpl L183F yax_call MLI_RELAY, OPEN, open_params lda open_params::ref_num sta read_params::ref_num sta set_mark_params::ref_num yax_call MLI_RELAY, SET_MARK, set_mark_params copy16 buf1, read_params::data_buffer copy16 len1, read_params::request_count yax_call MLI_RELAY, READ, read_params jsr copy_to_lc copy16 buf2, read_params::data_buffer copy16 len2, read_params::request_count yax_call MLI_RELAY, READ, read_params yax_call MLI_RELAY, CLOSE, close_params sta ALTZPON lda LCBANK1 lda LCBANK1 jmp MGTK_RELAY ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Copy first chunk to the Language Card .proc copy_to_lc src := $6 end := $8 dst := $A ;; Bank in AUX LC sta ALTZPON lda LCBANK1 lda LCBANK1 txa asl a tax ;; Set up pointers lda buf1 sta src clc adc len1 sta end lda buf1+1 sta src+1 adc len1+1 sta end+1 lda dest1 sta dst lda dest1+1 sta dst+1 ;; Do the copy ldy #0 loop: lda (src),y sta (dst),y inc src inc dst lda src bne :+ inc src+1 inc dst+1 : lda src+1 cmp end+1 bne loop lda src cmp end bne loop ;; Bank in ROM sta ALTZPOFF lda ROMIN2 rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc MLI_RELAY sty call stax params jsr MLI call: .byte 0 params: .addr 0 self: bne self ; hang if fails rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ PAD_TO $1A00 .endproc ; disk_copy_overlay2