;;; ================================================== ;;; Mouse Graphics Tool Kit (w/ Graphics Primitives) ;;; ================================================== .scope MGTK MLI := $4000 ;; MLI-style call (jsr MLI ; .byte call ; .addr params) ;; Call from AUX (RAMRDON/RAMWRTON) ;;; ================================================== ;;; Graphics Primitives ;;; ================================================== ;;; Point record: ;;; ;;; .word xcoord ;;; .word ycoord ;;; Rect record: ;;; ;;; .word x1 ;;; .word y1 ;;; .word x2 ;;; .word y3 ;;; MapInfo record: ;;; ;;; Point viewloc ;;; .addr mapbits screen_mapbits ;;; .byte mapwidth screen_mapwidth ;;; .byte reserved ;;; Rect maprect a.k.a. cliprect ;;; GrafPort record: ;;; ;;; MapInfo portmap ;;; .res 8 penpattern ;;; .byte colormask_and ;;; .byte colormask_or ;;; Point penloc ;;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness ;;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness ;;; .byte penmode ;;; .byte textback text background ;;; .addr textfont ;;; PolyList record: ;;; .byte count number of vertices in this polygon ;;; .byte last high bit set if there are more polygons ;;; Point vertex1 ;;; Point vertex2 ;;; ... ;;; Font record: ;;; ;;; .byte fonttype 0=regular, $80=double-width ;;; .byte lastchar char code of last character (usually $7F) ;;; .byte height pixels (1-16) ;;; .res N charwidth pixels, for each char ;;; .res N row0 bits ;;; .res N row0right bits (double-width only) ;;; ... NoOp := $00 ; No-op ;; (input length 0 bytes) ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Initialization Commands InitGraf := $01 SetSwitches := $02 ; Configure display switches ;;; .byte flags bit 0=hires, 1=page2, 2=mixed, 3=text ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; GrafPort Commands InitPort := $03 ; Initialize GrafPort to standard values ;;; (input is address of GrafPort record) SetPort := $04 ; Set current port as specified ;;; (input is address of GrafPort record) GetPort := $05 ; Get pointer to current port ;;; .addr port (out) SetPortBits := $06 ; Set just the mapinfo (viewloc, mapbits) ;;; (input is address of MapInfo record) SetPenMode := $07 ; Set the current pen mode ;;; .byte mode pen*/notpen* SetPattern := $08 ; Set the current pattern ;;; .res 8 pattern 8x8 pixel pattern for PaintRect calls SetColorMasks := $09 ; Set the current color masks ;;; .byte and_mask ;;; .byte or_mask SetPenSize := $0A ; Set the current pen size ;;; .byte penwidth horizontal pen thickness ;;; .byte penheight vertical pen thickness SetFont := $0B ; Set the current font ;;; .addr textfont font definition SetTextBG := $0C ; Set the current text background ;;; .byte backcolor 0=black, $7F=white ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Drawing Commands Move := $0D ; Set current pen location (relative) ;;; .word xdelta ;;; .word ydelta MoveTo := $0E ; Set current pen location (absolute) ;;; Point pos Line := $0F ; Draw line from current pen location (relative) ;;; .word xdelta ;;; .word ydelta LineTo := $10 ; Draw line from current pen location (absolute) ;;; Point pos PaintRect := $11 ; Fill rectangle with selected simple pattern/thickness ;;; Rect rect FrameRect := $12 ; Draw rectangle with selected simple pattern/thickness ;;; Rect rect InRect := $13 ; Is current position in bounds? A=$80 true, 0 false ;;; Rect rect PaintBits := $14 ; Draw pattern ;;; (input is address of MapInfo record) PaintPoly := $15 ;;; (input is address of PolyList record) FramePoly := $16 ; Draw multiple closed polygons ;;; (input is address of PolyList record) InPoly := $17 ; Is current position in bounds? A=$80 true, 0 false ;;; (input is address of PolyList record) ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Text Commands TextWidth := $18 ; Measure the width of a string in pixels ;;; .addr data ;;; .byte length ;;; .word width (out) result in pixels DrawText := $19 ; Drawn at last SET_POS as left, baseline ;;; .addr data ;;; .byte length ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Utility Commands SetZP1 := $1A ; Configure lower half of ZP usage by API (speed vs. convenience) SetZP2 := $1B ; Configure upper half ZP usage by API (speed vs. convenience) ;;; .byte preserve 0=stash/no auto restore; 1=restore now and onward Version := $1C ; Get toolkit version ;;; .byte (out) major ;;; .byte (out) minor ;;; .byte (out) patch ;;; .byte (out) status ;;; .word (out) number ;;; ================================================== ;;; Mouse Graphics Tool Kit Calls ;;; ================================================== ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Initialization Calls StartDeskTop := $1D ; Inits state, registers interrupt handler, draws desktop ;;; .byte machine ROM FBB3 ($06 = IIe or later) ;;; .byte subid ROM FBC0 ($EA = IIe, $E0 = IIe enh/IIgs, $00 = IIc/IIc+) ;;; .byte op_sys 0=ProDOS, 1=Pascal ;;; .byte slot_num: Mouse slot, 0 = search (will be filled in) ;;; .byte use_interrupts 0=passive, 1=interrupt ;;; .addr sysfontptr ;;; .addr savearea buffer for saving screen data (e.g. behind menus) ;;; .word savesize bytes StopDeskTop := $1E ; Deallocates interrupt, hides cursor ;;; (no parameters) SetUserHook := $1F ;;; .byte hook_id 0=before, 1=after event checking ;;; .addr routine_ptr 0=remove hook_id AttachDriver := $20 ; Install pointer driver; A=0 on success, $95 if mouse disabled ;;; .addr hook Mouse hook routine to install ;;; .addr mouse_state (out) Address of mouse state (.word x, y; .byte status) ScaleMouse := $21 ; Set mouse/screen scaling ;;; .byte x_exponent x-scale factor for mouse, 0...3 ;;; .byte y_exponent y-scale factor for mouse, 0...3 KeyboardMouse := $22 ; Next operation will be performed by keyboard ;;; (no parameters) GetIntHandler := $23 ; Get address of interrupt handler ;;; .addr handler (out) Address of interrupt handler (after cld) ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Cursor Manager Calls ;;; Cursor record: ;;; ;;; .res 24 bitmap 2x12 byte bitmap (XOR'd after mask) ;;; .res 24 mask 2x12 byte mask (OR'd with screen) ;;; .byte hotx hotspot coords (pixels) ;;; .byte hoty SetCursor := $24 ; Set cursor definition ;;; (input is address of Cursor record) ShowCursor := $25 ; Return cursor to visibility ;;; (no parameters) HideCursor := $26 ; Cursor hidden until ShowCursor call ;;; (no parameters) ObscureCursor := $27 ; Cursor hidden until moved ;;; (no parameters) GetCursorAddr := $28 ; Get cursor definition ;;; .addr definition (out) Address of cursor record ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Event Manager Calls ;;; Event record: ;;; ;;; .byte kind event_kind_* ;;; if kind is event_kind_key_down: ;;; .byte key (ASCII code; high bit clear) ;;; .byte modifiers (0=none, 1=open-apple, 2=solid-apple, 3=both) ;;; if kind is event_kind_update: ;;; .byte window_id ;;; otherwise: ;;; .word xcoord ;;; .word ycoord CheckEvents := $29 ; Process mouse/kbd if GetEvent will be delayed. ;;; (no parameters) GetEvent := $2A ;;; (parameter is address of Event record) FlushEvents := $2B ;;; (no parameters) PeekEvent := $2C ;;; (parameter is address of Event record) PostEvent := $2D ; Post event to queue ;;; (parameter is address of Event record) SetKeyEvent := $2E ; If set, keypresses are ignored by Tool Kit ;;; .byte handle_keys high bit set = ignore keyboard, otherwise check ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Menu Manager Calls ;;; Menu Bar record: ;;; ;;; .word count Number of menu bar items ;;; (array of...) ;;; .byte menu_id Menu identifier ;;; .byte disabled Flag ;;; .addr title Address of length-prefixed string ;;; .addr menu Address of Menu record ;;; .res 6 reserved Reserved ;;; ... ;;; ;;; Menu record: ;;; ;;; .word count Number of items in menu ;;; (array of...) ;;; .res 5 reserved Reserved ;;; .byte options bit 0=OA, 1=SA, 2=mark, 5=check, 6=filler, 7=disabled ;;; .byte mark_char Custom mark character if mark option set ;;; .byte char1 ASCII code of shortcut #1 (e.g. uppercase B); or 0 ;;; .byte char2 ASCII code of shortcut #2 (e.g. lowercase b, or same); or 0 ;;; .addr name Address of length-prefixed string ;;; ... InitMenu := $2F ;;; .byte solid_char char code to use for solid apple glyph ;;; .byte open_char char code to use for open apple glyph ;;; .byte check_char char code to use for checkmark glyph ;;; .byte control_char char code to use for control key glyph SetMenu := $30 ; Configure (and draw) menu ;;; (input is address of Menu Bar record) MenuSelect := $31 ; Enter modal loop for handling mouse-down on menu bar ;;; .byte menu_id (out) Top level menu identifier, or 0 if none ;;; .byte menu_item (out) Index (1-based) of item in menu, or 0 if none MenuKey := $32 ; Find menu item corresponding to keypress ;;; .byte menu_id (out) ;;; .byte menu_item (out) ;;; .byte which_key ;;; .byte key_mods bit 0=OA, bit 1=SA HiliteMenu := $33 ; Toggle highlight state of menu ;;; .byte menu_id DisableMenu := $34 ;;; .byte menu_id ;;; .byte disable 0=enable, 1=disable DisableItem := $35 ;;; .byte menu_id ;;; .byte menu_item ;;; .byte disable 0=enable, 1=disable CheckItem := $36 ;;; .byte menu_id ;;; .byte menu_item ;;; .byte check 0=unchecked, 1=checked SetMark := $37 ;;; .byte menu_id ;;; .byte menu_item ;;; .byte set_char 0=use checkmark, 1=use mark_char ;;; .byte mark_char char code to use for mark ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Window Manager Calls ;;; WInfo record: ;;; ;;; .byte id ;;; .byte options option_* ;;; .addr title ;;; .byte hscroll scroll_option_* ;;; .byte vscroll scroll_option_* ;;; .byte hthumbmax ;;; .byte hthumbpos ;;; .byte vthumbmax ;;; .byte vthumbpos ;;; .byte status ;;; .byte reserved ;;; .word mincontwidth minimum content size (horizontal) ;;; .word maxcontwidth maximum content size (horizontal) ;;; .word mincontlength minimum content size (vertical) ;;; .word maxcontlength maximum content size (vertical) ;;; GrafPort windowport GrafPort record ;;; .addr nextwinfo address of next lower window in stack OpenWindow := $38 ;;; (input is address of WInfo record) CloseWindow := $39 ;;; .byte window_id CloseAll := $3A ;;; (no parameters) GetWinPtr := $3B ; Get pointer to window params by id; A=0 on success ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .addr window_ptr (out) winfo address GetWinPort := $3C ; Get drawing state of window ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .addr port (out) grafport address SetWinPort := $3D ; Update port of window ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .addr port GrafPort to copy from BeginUpdate := $3E ; Respond to update event for window ;;; .byte window_id EndUpdate := $3F ;;; (no paramters) FindWindow := $40 ;;; .word mousex screen coordinates ;;; .word mousey ;;; .byte which_area (out) area_* ;;; .byte window_id (out) of window FrontWindow := $41 ; Get id of top window ;;; .byte window_id (out) window, or 0 if none SelectWindow := $42 ; Make window topmost ;;; .byte window_id TrackGoAway := $43 ;;; .byte clicked (out) 0 = cancelled, 1 = close ;;; .byte ?? (out) ;;; .byte ?? (out) DragWindow := $44 ;;; (input length 5 bytes) ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .word dragx mouse coords ;;; .word dragy ;;; .byte moved high bit set if moved, clear if not GrowWindow := $45 ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .word mousex ;;; .word mousey ;;; .byte itgrew (out) 0 = no change, 1 = moved ScreenToWindow := $46 ; Map screen coords to client coords ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .word screenx ;;; .word screeny ;;; .word windowx (out) ;;; .word windowy (out) WindowToScreen := $47 ;;; .byte window_id ;;; .word windowx ;;; .word windowy ;;; .word screenx (out) ;;; .word screeny (out) ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;;; Control Manager Calls FindControl := $48 ;;; .word mousex ;;; .word mousey ;;; .byte which_ctl ctl_* ;;; .byte which_part part_* SetCtlMax := $49 ;;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar ;;; .byte ctlmax maximum value TrackThumb := $4A ;;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar ;;; .word mousex ;;; .word mousey ;;; .byte thumbpos (out) 0...255 ;;; .byte thumbmobed (out) 0 = no change, 1 = moved UpdateThumb := $4B ;;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar ;;; .byte thumbpos new position 0...250 ActivateCtl := $4C ; Activate/deactivate scroll bar ;;; .byte which_ctl ctl_*_scroll_bar ;;; .byte activate 0=deactivate, 1=activate ;;; $4D ??? ;;; (input length: 16 bytes) ;;; $4E ??? ;;; (input length: 2 bytes) ;;; ================================================== ;;; Graphics Primitives Constants ;;; Used in GetWinPort / SetPortBits screen_mapbits := $2000 ; Screen address screen_mapwidth := $80 ; Stride in bytes ;;; Used in SetPenMode pencopy := 0 penOR := 1 penXOR := 2 penBIC := 3 notpencopy := 4 notpenOR := 5 notpenXOR := 6 notpenBIC := 7 ;;; Used in SetZP1 zp_overwrite := 0 zp_preserve := 1<<7 ;;; Used in GrafPorts colormask_and := $FF colormask_or := $00 textbg_black := $00 textbg_white := $7F ;;; ================================================== ;;; Mouse Graphics Tool Kit Constants ;;; Used in GetEvent event_kind_no_event := 0 ; No mouse or keypress event_kind_button_down := 1 ; Mouse button was depressed event_kind_button_up := 2 ; Mouse button was released event_kind_key_down := 3 ; Key was pressed event_kind_drag := 4 ; Mouse button still down event_kind_apple_key := 5 ; Mouse button was depressed, modifier key down event_kind_update := 6 ; Window update needed event_modifier_open_apple := 1 << 0 event_modifier_solid_apple := 1 << 1 ;;; Used in FindWindow area_desktop := 0 area_menubar := 1 area_content := 2 ; Includes scroll bars area_dragbar := 3 area_grow_box := 4 area_close_box := 5 ;;; Used in FindControl, TrackThumb, UpdateThumb ctl_not_a_control := 0 ctl_vertical_scroll_bar := 1 ctl_horizontal_scroll_bar := 2 ctl_dead_zone := 3 ;;; Used in FindControl part_up_arrow := 1 part_left_arrow := 1 part_down_arrow := 2 part_right_arrow := 2 part_page_up := 3 part_page_left := 3 part_page_down := 4 part_page_right := 4 part_thumb := 5 ;;; Used in OpenWindow option_dialog_box := 1 << 0 option_go_away_box := 1 << 1 option_grow_box := 1 << 2 scroll_option_none := 0 scroll_option_present := 1 << 7 scroll_option_thumb := 1 << 6 scroll_option_active := 1 << 0 scroll_option_normal := scroll_option_present | scroll_option_thumb | scroll_option_active ;;; Used in menu structs menuopt_open_apple := 1 << 0 menuopt_solid_apple := 1 << 1 menuopt_item_has_mark := 1 << 2 menuopt_item_is_checked := 1 << 5 menuopt_item_is_filler := 1 << 6 menuopt_disable_flag := 1 << 7 disablemenu_enable := 0 disablemenu_disable := 1 disableitem_enable := 0 disableitem_disable := 1 checkitem_uncheck := 0 checkitem_check := 1 ;;; Used in ActivateCtl activatectl_deactivate := 0 activatectl_activate := 1 ;;; Response from InRect/InPoly inrect_inside := $80 inrect_outside := $00 inpoly_inside := $80 inpoly_outside := $00 ;;; ================================================== ;;; Offsets grafport_offset_viewloc := 0 grafport_offset_viewloc_xcoord := 0 grafport_offset_viewloc_ycoord := 2 grafport_offset_mapbits := 4 grafport_offset_mapwidth := 6 grafport_offset_maprect := 8 grafport_offset_pattern := 16 grafport_offset_colormasks := 24 grafport_offset_penloc := 26 grafport_offset_penwidth := 30 grafport_offset_penheight := 31 grafport_offset_penmode := 32 grafport_offset_textback := 33 grafport_offset_textfont := 34 grafport_size := 36 winfo_offset_window_id := 0 winfo_offset_options := 1 winfo_offset_title := 2 winfo_offset_hscroll := 4 winfo_offset_vscroll := 5 winfo_offset_hthumbmax := 6 winfo_offset_hthumbpos := 7 winfo_offset_vthumbmax := 8 winfo_offset_vthumbpos := 9 winfo_offset_status := 10 winfo_offset_mincontwidth := 12 winfo_offset_maxcontwidth := 14 winfo_offset_mincontheight := 16 winfo_offset_maxcontheight := 18 winfo_offset_port := 20 winfo_offset_nextwinfo := 56 winfo_size := 58 .endscope ; MGTK ;;; ================================================== ;;; Macros ;;; Call an MGTK entry point: ;;; MGTK_CALL n - params is $0000 ;;; MGTK_CALL n, params_addr ;;; MGTK_CALL m, params_addr, label - params_addr is labeled for modifying .macro MGTK_CALL op, addr, label jsr MGTK::MLI .byte op .if .paramcount > 2 label := * .endif .if .paramcount > 1 .addr addr .else .addr 0 .endif .endmacro ;;; ------------------------------------ ;;; Rect definition. Option fifth param gives scope. ;;; DEFINE_RECT 0,0,20,30 ;;; DEFINE_RECT 0,0,20,30,rect ; rect::x1, rect::y1, rect::x2, rect::y2 .macro DEFINE_RECT left, top, right, bottom, opt_scope .if .paramcount > 4 .scope opt_scope x1: .word left y1: .word top x2: .word right y2: .word bottom .endscope .else .word left .word top .word right .word bottom .endif .endmacro ;;; Point definition. Option third param gives scope. ;;; DEFINE_POINT 10,20 ;;; DEFINE_POINT 10,20,pt ; pt::xcoord, pt::ycoord .macro DEFINE_POINT left, top, opt_scope .if .paramcount > 2 .scope opt_scope xcoord: .word left ycoord: .word top .endscope .else .word left .word top .endif .endmacro ;;; String definition w/ inline data, for use with DrawText ;;; DEFINE_STRING "abc" ;;; DEFINE_STRING {"Ring a bell",$07,"!!!"} ; control characters ;;; Optional second param gives label to internal Pascal string .macro DEFINE_STRING str, opt_label .local data .local end .addr data ; textptr .if .paramcount > 1 opt_label: .endif .byte end - data ; textlen data: .byte str end: .endmacro ;;; Menus (common cases; other options are possible) .macro DEFINE_MENU_BAR count .byte count ; num menus .byte 0 ; reserved .endmacro .macro DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM id, label, menu .byte id ; menu id .byte 0 ; disable flag .addr label ; title pointer .addr menu ; pointer to menu .res 6, 0 ; 6 reserved bytes .endmacro .macro DEFINE_MENU count .byte count ; num items .res 5, 0 ; 5 reserved bytes .endmacro .macro DEFINE_MENU_ITEM saddr, shortcut1, shortcut2 .if .paramcount > 1 .byte MGTK::menuopt_open_apple ; option byte .byte 0 ; mark_char .byte shortcut1 ; char1 .byte shortcut2 ; char2 .addr saddr ; item_str_pointer .else .byte 0 ; option byte .byte 0 ; mark_char .byte 0 ; char1 .byte 0 ; char2 .addr saddr ; item_str_pointer .endif .endmacro .macro DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR .byte MGTK::menuopt_item_is_filler ; option byte .byte 0 ; mark_char .byte 19 ; char1 - Ctrl+S for separator ??? .byte 0 ; char2 .addr 0 ; item_str_pointer .endmacro ;;; ------------------------------------ ;;; Define pattern for PaintBits - low 7 bits are reversed ;;; e.g. .byte px(%1000000) ;;; px() has high bit clear, PX() has high bit set .define px(bits) (((bits&$40)>>6)|((bits&$20)>>4)|((bits&$10)>>2)|(bits&$8)|((bits&$4)<<2)|((bits&$2)<<4)|((bits&$1)<<6)) .define PX(bits) (((bits&$40)>>6)|((bits&$20)>>4)|((bits&$10)>>2)|(bits&$8)|((bits&$4)<<2)|((bits&$2)<<4)|((bits&$1)<<6)|$80)