.setcpu "6502" .include "apple2.inc" .include "../inc/apple2.inc" .include "../inc/prodos.inc" ;;; ================================================== ;;; Segment loaded into MAIN $290-$3EF ;;; ================================================== ;;; Used to invoke other programs (system, binary, BASIC) .proc invoker .org $290 PREFIX := $220 FILENAME := $280 ; File to invoke, set by caller start: jmp begin ;;; ================================================== default_start_address := $2000 .proc set_prefix_params params: .byte 1 path: .addr PREFIX .endproc prefix_length: .byte 0 .proc open_params params: .byte 3 path: .addr FILENAME buffer: .addr $800 ref_num:.byte 1 .endproc .proc read_params params: .byte 4 ref_num:.byte 0 buffer: .addr default_start_address request:.word $9F00 trans: .word 0 .endproc .proc close_params params: .byte 1 ref_nun:.byte 0 .endproc .proc get_info_params params: .byte $A path: .addr FILENAME access: .byte 0 type: .byte 0 auxtype:.word 0 storage:.byte 0 blocks: .word 0 mod_date: .word 0 mod_time: .word 0 create_date: .word 0 create_time: .word 0 .endproc .res 3 bs_path: PASCAL_STRING "BASIC.SYSTEM" .proc quit_params params: .byte 4 .byte $EE ; nonstandard ??? .word FILENAME ; nonstandard ??? .byte 0 .word 0 .endproc ;;; ================================================== set_prefix: MLI_CALL SET_PREFIX, set_prefix_params beq :+ pla pla jmp exit : rts ;;; ================================================== open: MLI_CALL OPEN, open_params rts ;;; ================================================== begin: lda ROMIN2 lda #default_start_address sta jmp_addr+1 ;; clear system memory bitmap ldx #BITMAP_SIZE-2 lda #0 : sta BITMAP,x dex bne :- jsr set_prefix lda PREFIX sta prefix_length MLI_CALL GET_FILE_INFO, get_info_params beq :+ jmp exit : lda get_info_params::type cmp #FT_S16 bne not_s16 jsr update_bitmap jmp quit_call not_s16: cmp #FT_BINARY bne not_binary lda get_info_params::auxtype sta jmp_addr sta read_params::buffer lda get_info_params::auxtype+1 sta jmp_addr+1 sta read_params::buffer+1 cmp #$0C ; If loading at page < $0C bcs :+ lda #$BB ; ... use a high address buffer ($BB) sta open_params::buffer+1 bne load_target ; always : lda #$08 ; ... otherwise a low address buffer ($08) sta open_params::buffer+1 bne load_target ; always not_binary: cmp #FT_BASIC ; BASIC? bne load_target ;; Invoke BASIC.SYSTEM as path instead. lda #bs_path sta open_params::path+1 ;; Try opening BASIC.SYSTEM with current prefix. check_for_bs: jsr open beq found_bs ldy PREFIX ; Pop a path segment to try : lda PREFIX,y ; parent directory. cmp #'/' beq update_prefix dey cpy #1 bne :- jmp exit update_prefix: ; Update prefix and try again. dey sty PREFIX jsr set_prefix jmp check_for_bs found_bs: lda prefix_length sta PREFIX jmp do_read load_target: jsr open bne exit do_read: lda open_params::ref_num sta read_params::ref_num MLI_CALL READ, read_params bne exit MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params bne exit ;; If it's BASIC, set prefix and copy filename to interpreter buffer. lda get_info_params::type cmp #FT_BASIC bne update_stack jsr set_prefix ldy FILENAME : lda FILENAME,y sta $2006,y dey bpl :- ;; Set return address to the QUIT call below update_stack: lda #>(quit_call-1) pha lda #<(quit_call-1) pha jsr update_bitmap jmp_addr := *+1 jmp default_start_address quit_call: MLI_CALL QUIT, quit_params ;; Update system bitmap update_bitmap: lda #%00000001 ; ProDOS global page sta BITMAP+BITMAP_SIZE-1 lda #%11001111 ; ZP, Stack, Text Page 1 sta BITMAP rts exit: rts ;; Pad to $160 bytes .res $160 - (* - start), 0 .endproc ; invoker