;;; ============================================================ ;;; DeskTop - Aux Memory Segment ;;; ;;; Compiled as part of desktop.s ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Segment loaded into AUX $851F-$BFFF (follows MGTK) ;;; ============================================================ .proc desktop_aux .org $851F ;;; ============================================================ ;;; This chunk of code appears to be used by one of ;;; the dynamically loaded segments. .include "ovl0.inc" ;;; ============================================================ .assert * = DEFAULT_FONT, error, "Entry point mismatch" .incbin "../fonts/A2D.FONT" font_height := DEFAULT_FONT+2 ;;; ============================================================ .assert * = $8D03, error, "Segment length mismatch" PAD_TO $8E00 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Entry point for "DESKTOP" ;;; ============================================================ .assert * = DESKTOP, error, "DESKTOP entry point must be at $8E00" jmp DESKTOP_DIRECT ;;; ============================================================ .macro MGTK_RELAY2_CALL call, addr .if .paramcount > 1 yax_call MGTK_RELAY2, (call), (addr) .else yax_call MGTK_RELAY2, (call), 0 .endif .endmacro .proc poly num_vertices: .byte 8 lastpoly: .byte 0 ; 0 = last poly vertices: v0: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v0 v1: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v1 v2: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v2 v3: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v3 v4: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v4 v5: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v5 v6: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v6 v7: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, v7 .endproc .proc paintbits_params2 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr 0 mapwidth: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0,maprect .endproc .proc paintbits_params viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr 0 mapwidth: .byte 0 reserved: .byte 0 maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0,maprect .endproc paintrect_params6: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0, paintrect_params6 .proc textwidth_params textptr: .addr text_buffer textlen: .byte 0 result: .word 0 .endproc settextbg_params := textwidth_params::result + 1 ; re-used .proc drawtext_params textptr: .addr text_buffer textlen: .byte 0 .endproc text_buffer: .res 19, 0 white_pattern: .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte %11111111 .byte $FF black_pattern: .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte $FF checkerboard_pattern2: .byte %01010101 .byte %10101010 .byte %01010101 .byte %10101010 .byte %01010101 .byte %10101010 .byte %01010101 .byte %10101010 .byte $FF dark_pattern: .byte %00010001 .byte %01000100 .byte %00010001 .byte %01000100 .byte %00010001 .byte %01000100 .byte %00010001 .byte %01000100 .byte $FF light_pattern: .byte %11101110 .byte %10111011 .byte %11101110 .byte %10111011 .byte %11101110 .byte %10111011 .byte %11101110 .byte %10111011 .byte $FF ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Icon (i.e. file, volume) details num_icons: .byte 0 icon_table: .res 127, 0 ; index into icon_ptrs icon_ptrs: .res 256, 0 ; addresses of icon details has_highlight: ; 1 = has highlight, 0 = no highlight .byte 0 highlight_count: ; number of highlighted icons .byte 0 highlight_list: ; selected icons .res 127, 0 ;;; Polygon holding the composite outlines of all icons ;;; being dragged. drag_outline_buffer: .res 680, 0 ;;; ============================================================ .proc peekevent_params kind: .byte 0 ; spills into next block .endproc .proc findwindow_params2 mousex: .word 0 mousey: .word 0 which_area: .byte 0 window_id: .byte 0 .endproc .proc grafport viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, screen_width-1, screen_height-1 penpattern: .res 8, $FF colormasks: .byte MGTK::colormask_and, MGTK::colormask_or penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 1 penheight: .byte 1 penmode: .byte $96 ; ??? textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_black fontptr: .addr DEFAULT_FONT .endproc .proc getwinport_params window_id: .byte 0 a_grafport: .addr grafport4 .endproc .proc grafport4 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr 0 mapwidth: .word 0 cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 0, 0, cliprect penpattern: .res 8, 0 colormasks: .byte 0, 0 penloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0 penwidth: .byte 0 penheight: .byte 0 penmode: .byte 0 textbg: .byte MGTK::textbg_black fontptr: .addr 0 .endproc .byte $00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$FF,$80 ;; Used for FILL_MODE params pencopy_2: .byte 0 penOR_2: .byte 1 penXOR_2: .byte 2 penBIC_2: .byte 3 notpencopy_2: .byte 4 notpenOR_2: .byte 5 notpenXOR_2: .byte 6 notpenBIC_2: .byte 7 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; DESKTOP command jump table desktop_jump_table: .addr 0 .addr ADD_ICON_IMPL .addr HIGHLIGHT_ICON_IMPL .addr REDRAW_ICON_IMPL .addr REMOVE_ICON_IMPL .addr HIGHLIGHT_ALL_IMPL .addr UNHIGHLIGHT_ALL_IMPL .addr CLOSE_WINDOW_IMPL .addr GET_HIGHLIGHTED_IMPL .addr FIND_ICON_IMPL .addr L97F7 ; $0A .addr UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON_IMPL .addr REDRAW_ICONS_IMPL .addr ICON_IN_RECT_IMPL .addr REDRAW_ICON_IDX_IMPL .macro DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL op, addr, label jsr DESKTOP_DIRECT .byte op .addr addr .endmacro ;;; DESKTOP entry point (after jump) .proc DESKTOP_DIRECT ;; Stash return value from stack, adjust by 3 ;; (command byte, params addr) pla sta call_params clc adc #<3 tax pla sta call_params+1 adc #>3 pha txa pha ;; Save $06..$09 on the stack ldx #0 : lda $06,x pha inx cpx #4 bne :- ;; Point ($06) at call command add16 call_params, #1, $06 ldy #0 lda ($06),y asl a tax copy16 desktop_jump_table,x, dispatch + 1 iny lda ($06),y tax iny lda ($06),y sta $07 stx $06 dispatch: jsr dummy0000 tay ldx #3 : pla sta $06,x dex cpx #$FF bne :- tya rts call_params: .addr 0 .endproc .proc moveto_params2 xcoord: .word 0 ycoord: .word 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ADD_ICON IMPL .proc ADD_ICON_IMPL PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_icon: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ldy #0 lda (params::ptr_icon),y ldx num_icons beq proceed dex : cmp icon_table,x beq fail dex bpl :- bmi proceed fail: return #1 proceed: jsr sub jsr L9F98 lda #1 tay sta (params::ptr_icon),y return #0 sub: ldx num_icons ; ??? sta icon_table,x inc num_icons asl a tax copy16 params::ptr_icon, icon_ptrs,x rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; HIGHLIGHT_ICON IMPL .proc HIGHLIGHT_ICON_IMPL PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_icon: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ptr := $06 ; Overwrites param ldx num_icons beq bail1 dex ldy #0 lda (params::ptr_icon),y : cmp icon_table,x beq :+ dex bpl :- bail1: return #1 ; Not found : asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, ptr ldy #IconEntry::state lda (ptr),y bne :+ ; Already set ??? Routine semantics are incorrect ??? return #2 : lda has_highlight beq L9498 ;; Already in highlight list? dey lda (ptr),y ldx highlight_count dex : cmp highlight_list,x beq bail3 dex bpl :- jmp L949D bail3: return #3 ; Already in list L9498: lda #1 sta has_highlight ;; Append to highlight list L949D: ldx highlight_count ldy #0 lda (ptr),y sta highlight_list,x inc highlight_count lda (ptr),y ; icon num ldx #1 ; new position jsr change_highlight_index ldy #IconEntry::id lda (ptr),y ; icon num ldx #1 ; new position jsr change_icon_index jsr L9F9F return #0 ; Highlighted .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; REDRAW_ICON IMPL .proc REDRAW_ICON_IMPL PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_icon: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ptr := $06 ; Overwrites param ;; Find icon by number ldx num_icons beq bail1 dex ldy #0 lda (params::ptr_icon),y : cmp icon_table,x beq found dex bpl :- bail1: return #1 ; Not found ;; Pointer to icon details found: asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, ptr lda has_highlight ; Anything highlighted? bne :+ jmp done : ldx highlight_count dex ldy #0 lda (ptr),y ;; Find in highlight list : cmp highlight_list,x beq found2 dex bpl :- jmp done found2: jsr L9F9F return #0 done: jsr L9F98 return #0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; REMOVE_ICON IMPL ;;; param is pointer to icon number .proc REMOVE_ICON_IMPL PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_icon: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ptr := $06 ; Overwrites param ;; Find icon by number ldy #0 ldx num_icons beq bail1 dex lda (params::ptr_icon),y : cmp icon_table,x beq found dex bpl :- bail1: return #1 ; Not found ;; Pointer to icon details found: asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, ptr ldy #IconEntry::state lda (ptr),y bne :+ return #2 ; Not highlighted ;; Unhighlight : jsr calc_icon_poly MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy_2 jsr draw_icon ;; Move it to the end of the icon list ldy #IconEntry::id lda (ptr),y ; icon num ldx num_icons ; new position jsr change_icon_index ;; Remove it from the list dec num_icons lda #0 ldx num_icons sta icon_table,x ;; Clear its flag ldy #IconEntry::state lda #0 sta (ptr),y lda has_highlight beq done ;; Find it in the highlight list ldx highlight_count dex ldy #0 lda (ptr),y : cmp highlight_list,x beq found2 dex bpl :- jmp done ; not found ;; Move it to the end of the highlight list found2: ldx highlight_count ; new position jsr change_highlight_index ;; Remove it from the highlight list and update flag dec highlight_count lda highlight_count bne :+ lda #0 sta has_highlight : lda #0 ldx highlight_count sta highlight_list,x done: return #0 ; Unhighlighted .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; REDRAW_ICON_IDX IMPL .proc REDRAW_ICON_IDX_IMPL PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_icon_idx: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ptr := $06 ; Overwrites param ldy #0 lda (params::ptr_icon_idx),y asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, ptr jmp draw_icon .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; HIGHLIGHT_ALL IMPL ;;; Highlight all icons in the specified window. ;;; (Unused?) .proc HIGHLIGHT_ALL_IMPL jmp start PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_window_id: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ptr := $08 ;; DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON params icon: .byte 0 buffer: .res 127, 0 start: lda HIGHLIGHT_ICON_IMPL ; ??? beq start2 lda highlight_list sta icon DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON, icon jmp start start2: ;; Zero out buffer ldx #max_icon_count-1 lda #0 : sta buffer,x dex bpl :- ldx #0 stx icon ;; Walk through icons, find ones in the same window ;; as the entry at ($06). loop: lda icon_table,x asl a tay copy16 icon_ptrs,y, ptr ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda (ptr),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask ldy #0 cmp (params::ptr_window_id),y bne :+ ;; Append icon number to buffer. ldy #IconEntry::id lda (ptr),y ldy icon sta buffer,y inc icon : inx cpx num_icons bne loop ldx #0 txa pha ;; Highlight all the icons. loop2: lda buffer,x bne :+ pla rts : sta icon DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON, icon pla tax inx txa pha jmp loop2 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; UNHIGHLIGHT_ALL IMPL .proc UNHIGHLIGHT_ALL_IMPL jmp L9697 L9695: .byte 0 L9696: .byte 0 L9697: lda num_icons sta L9696 L969D: ldx L9696 cpx #0 beq L96CF dec L9696 dex lda icon_table,x sta L9695 asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $08 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($08),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask ldy #0 cmp ($06),y bne L969D DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_REMOVE_ICON, L9695 jmp L969D L96CF: return #0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; CLOSE_WINDOW IMPL .proc CLOSE_WINDOW_IMPL jmp L96D7 L96D5: .byte 0 L96D6: .byte 0 L96D7: lda num_icons sta L96D6 L96DD: ldx L96D6 bne L96E5 return #0 L96E5: dec L96D6 dex lda icon_table,x sta L96D5 asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $08 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($08),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask ldy #0 cmp ($06),y bne L96DD ;; Move to end of icon list ldy #IconEntry::id lda ($08),y ; icon num ldx num_icons ; icon index jsr change_icon_index dec num_icons lda #0 ldx num_icons sta icon_table,x ldy #IconEntry::state lda #0 sta ($08),y lda has_highlight beq L9758 ldx #0 ldy #0 L972B: lda ($08),y cmp highlight_list,x beq L973B inx cpx highlight_count bne L972B jmp L9758 L973B: lda ($08),y ; icon num ldx highlight_count ; new position jsr change_highlight_index dec highlight_count lda highlight_count bne L9750 lda #0 sta has_highlight L9750: lda #0 ldx highlight_count sta highlight_list,x L9758: jmp L96DD .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; GET_HIGHLIGHTED IMPL ;;; Copies first 20 highlighted icon numbers to ($06) .proc GET_HIGHLIGHTED_IMPL ldx #0 txa tay : sta ($06),y iny inx cpx #20 ; 20 items bne :- ldx #0 ldy #0 : lda highlight_list,x sta ($06),y cpx highlight_count beq done iny inx jmp :- done: return #0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; FIND_ICON IMPL .proc FIND_ICON_IMPL jmp start .res 9, 0 ; ??? coords := $6 ;; Copy coords at $6 to param block start: ldy #3 : lda (coords),y sta moveto_params2,y dey bpl :- ;; Overwrite y with x ??? copy16 $06, $08 ;; ??? ldy #5 lda ($06),y sta L97F5 MGTK_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, moveto_params2 ldx #0 L97AA: cpx num_icons bne L97B9 ldy #4 lda #0 sta ($08),y sta L97F6 rts L97B9: txa pha lda icon_table,x asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask cmp L97F5 bne L97E0 jsr calc_icon_poly MGTK_CALL MGTK::InPoly, poly bne inside L97E0: pla tax inx jmp L97AA inside: pla tax lda icon_table,x ldy #4 sta ($08),y sta L97F6 rts rts ; ??? .byte 0 L97F5: .byte 0 L97F6: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; DESKTOP $0A IMPL ;; Desktop icon selection .proc L97F7 ldy #IconEntry::id lda ($06),y sta icon_id tya sta ($06),y ldy #4 : lda ($06),y sta L9C8D,y sta L9C92-1,y ; ??? dey cpy #0 bne :- jsr push_pointers lda icon_id jsr L9EB4 stax $06 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask sta win_id jmp L983D ; skip over data win_id: .byte $00 ; written but not read icon_id: .byte $00 .byte $00 ; unused ??? deltax: .word 0 deltay: .word 0 ;; DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON params highlight_icon_id: .byte $00 L9831: .byte $00 L9832: .byte $00 L9833: .byte $00 L9834: .byte $00 L9835: .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 L983D: lda #0 sta highlight_icon_id sta L9833 peek_loop: MGTK_CALL MGTK::PeekEvent, peekevent_params lda peekevent_params::kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::drag beq L9857 ignore_drag: lda #2 ; return value jmp just_select ;; Compute mouse delta L9857: sub16 findwindow_params2::mousex, L9C8E, deltax sub16 findwindow_params2::mousey, L9C90, deltay drag_delta := 5 ;; compare x delta lda deltax+1 bpl x_lo lda deltax cmp #($100 - drag_delta) bcc is_drag jmp check_deltay x_lo: lda deltax cmp #drag_delta bcs is_drag ;; compare y delta check_deltay: lda deltay+1 bpl y_lo lda deltay cmp #($100 - drag_delta) bcc is_drag jmp peek_loop y_lo: lda deltay cmp #drag_delta bcs is_drag jmp peek_loop ;; Meets the threshold - it is a drag, not just a click. is_drag: lda highlight_count cmp #$15 ; max number of draggable items? bcc :+ jmp ignore_drag ; too many ;; Was there a selection? : copy16 #drag_outline_buffer, $08 lda has_highlight bne :+ lda #3 ; return value jmp just_select : lda highlight_list jsr L9EB4 stax $06 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask sta L9832 MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport COPY_STRUCT MGTK::Rect, grafport::cliprect, L9835 ldx highlight_count stx L9C74 L98F2: lda highlight_count,x jsr L9EB4 stax $06 ldy #0 lda ($06),y cmp #1 bne L9909 ldx #$80 stx L9833 L9909: sta L9834 DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_ICON_IN_RECT, L9834 beq L9954 jsr calc_icon_poly lda L9C74 cmp highlight_count beq L9936 jsr push_pointers lda $08 sec sbc #icon_poly_size sta $08 bcs L992D dec $08+1 L992D: ldy #IconEntry::state lda #$80 ; Highlighted sta ($08),y jsr pop_pointers L9936: ldx #icon_poly_size-1 ldy #icon_poly_size-1 L993A: lda poly,x sta ($08),y dey dex bpl L993A lda #8 ldy #0 sta ($08),y lda $08 clc adc #icon_poly_size sta $08 bcc L9954 inc $08+1 L9954: dec L9C74 beq L995F ldx L9C74 jmp L98F2 L995F: COPY_BYTES 8, drag_outline_buffer+2, L9C76 copy16 #drag_outline_buffer, $08 L9972: ldy #2 L9974: lda ($08),y cmp L9C76 iny lda ($08),y sbc L9C76+1 bcs L9990 lda ($08),y sta L9C76+1 dey lda ($08),y sta L9C76 iny jmp L99AA L9990: dey lda ($08),y cmp L9C7A iny lda ($08),y sbc L9C7A+1 bcc L99AA lda ($08),y sta L9C7A+1 dey lda ($08),y sta L9C7A iny L99AA: iny lda ($08),y cmp L9C78 iny lda ($08),y sbc L9C78+1 bcs L99C7 lda ($08),y sta L9C78+1 dey lda ($08),y sta L9C78 iny jmp L99E1 L99C7: dey lda ($08),y cmp L9C7C iny lda ($08),y sbc L9C7C+1 bcc L99E1 lda ($08),y sta L9C7C+1 dey lda ($08),y sta L9C7C iny L99E1: iny cpy #icon_poly_size bne L9974 ldy #IconEntry::state lda ($08),y beq L99FC add16 $08, #icon_poly_size, $08 jmp L9972 L99FC: MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer L9A0E: MGTK_CALL MGTK::PeekEvent, peekevent_params lda peekevent_params::kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::drag beq L9A1E jmp L9BA5 L9A1E: ldx #3 L9A20: lda findwindow_params2,x cmp L9C92,x bne L9A31 dex bpl L9A20 jsr L9E14 jmp L9A0E L9A31: COPY_BYTES 4, findwindow_params2, L9C92 lda highlight_icon_id beq L9A84 lda L9831 sta findwindow_params2::window_id DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_FIND_ICON, findwindow_params2 lda findwindow_params2::which_area cmp highlight_icon_id beq L9A84 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON, highlight_icon_id MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer lda #0 sta highlight_icon_id L9A84: sub16 findwindow_params2::mousex, L9C8E, L9C96 sub16 findwindow_params2::mousey, L9C90, L9C98 jsr L9C9E ldx #0 L9AAF: add16 L9C7A,x, L9C96,x, L9C7A,x add16 L9C76,x, L9C96,x, L9C76,x inx inx cpx #4 bne L9AAF lda #0 sta L9C75 lda L9C76+1 bmi L9AF7 cmp16 L9C7A, #screen_width bcs L9AFE jsr L9DFA jmp L9B0E L9AF7: jsr L9CAA bmi L9B0E bpl L9B03 L9AFE: jsr L9CD1 bmi L9B0E L9B03: jsr L9DB8 lda L9C75 ora #$80 sta L9C75 L9B0E: lda L9C78+1 bmi L9B31 cmp16 L9C78, #13 bcc L9B31 cmp16 L9C7C, #screen_height bcs L9B38 jsr L9E07 jmp L9B48 L9B31: jsr L9D31 bmi L9B48 bpl L9B3D L9B38: jsr L9D58 bmi L9B48 L9B3D: jsr L9DD9 lda L9C75 ora #$40 sta L9C75 L9B48: bit L9C75 bpl L9B52 bvc L9B52 jmp L9A0E L9B52: MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer copy16 #drag_outline_buffer, $08 L9B60: ldy #2 L9B62: add16in ($08),y, L9C96, ($08),y iny add16in ($08),y, L9C98, ($08),y iny cpy #icon_poly_size bne L9B62 ldy #IconEntry::state lda ($08),y beq L9B9C lda $08 clc adc #icon_poly_size sta $08 bcc L9B99 inc $08+1 L9B99: jmp L9B60 L9B9C: MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer jmp L9A0E L9BA5: MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer lda highlight_icon_id beq L9BB9 DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON, highlight_icon_id jmp L9C63 L9BB9: MGTK_CALL MGTK::FindWindow, findwindow_params2 lda findwindow_params2::window_id cmp L9832 beq L9BE1 bit L9833 bmi L9BDC lda findwindow_params2::window_id bne L9BD4 L9BD1: jmp ignore_drag L9BD4: ora #$80 sta highlight_icon_id jmp L9C63 L9BDC: lda L9832 beq L9BD1 L9BE1: jsr push_pointers MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, grafport ldx highlight_count L9BF3: dex bmi L9C18 txa pha lda highlight_list,x asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 jsr calc_icon_poly MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy_2 jsr draw_icon pla tax jmp L9BF3 L9C18: jsr pop_pointers ldx highlight_count dex txa pha copy16 #drag_outline_buffer, $08 L9C29: lda highlight_list,x asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($08),y iny sta ($06),y lda ($08),y iny sta ($06),y lda ($08),y iny sta ($06),y lda ($08),y iny sta ($06),y pla tax dex bmi L9C63 txa pha lda $08 clc adc #icon_poly_size sta $08 bcc L9C60 inc $08+1 L9C60: jmp L9C29 L9C63: lda #0 just_select: ; ??? tay jsr pop_pointers tya tax ldy #0 lda highlight_icon_id sta ($06),y txa rts L9C74: .byte $00 L9C75: .byte $00 L9C76: .word 0 L9C78: .word 0 L9C7A: .word 0 L9C7C: .word 0 L9C7E: .word 0 L9C80: .word 13 const_screen_width: .word screen_width const_screen_height: .word screen_height L9C86: .word 0 L9C88: .word 0 L9C8A: .word 0 L9C8C: .byte $00 L9C8D: .byte 0 L9C8E: .word 0 L9C90: .word 0 L9C92: .res 4 L9C96: .word 0 L9C98: .word 0 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 L9C9E: COPY_STRUCT MGTK::Rect, L9C76, L9C86 rts L9CAA: lda L9C76 cmp L9C7E bne L9CBD lda L9C76+1 cmp L9C7E+1 bne L9CBD return #0 L9CBD: sub16 #0, L9C86, L9C96 jmp L9CF5 L9CD1: lda L9C7A cmp const_screen_width bne L9CE4 lda L9C7A+1 cmp const_screen_width+1 bne L9CE4 return #0 L9CE4: sub16 #screen_width, L9C8A, L9C96 L9CF5: add16 L9C86, L9C96, L9C76 add16 L9C8A, L9C96, L9C7A add16 L9C8E, L9C96, L9C8E return #$FF L9D31: lda L9C78 cmp L9C80 bne L9D44 lda L9C78+1 cmp L9C80+1 bne L9D44 return #0 L9D44: sub16 #13, L9C88, L9C98 jmp L9D7C L9D58: lda L9C7C cmp const_screen_height bne L9D6B lda L9C7C+1 cmp const_screen_height+1 bne L9D6B return #0 L9D6B: sub16 #screen_height-1, L9C8C, L9C98 L9D7C: add16 L9C88, L9C98, L9C78 add16 L9C8C, L9C98, L9C7C add16 L9C90, L9C98, L9C90 return #$FF L9DB8: copy16 L9C86, L9C76 copy16 L9C8A, L9C7A lda #0 sta L9C96 sta L9C96+1 rts L9DD9: copy16 L9C88, L9C78 copy16 L9C8C, L9C7C lda #0 sta L9C98 sta L9C98+1 rts L9DFA: lda findwindow_params2::mousex+1 sta L9C8E+1 lda findwindow_params2::mousex sta L9C8E rts L9E07: lda findwindow_params2::mousey+1 sta L9C90+1 lda findwindow_params2::mousey sta L9C90 rts L9E14: bit L9833 bpl L9E1A rts L9E1A: jsr push_pointers MGTK_CALL MGTK::FindWindow, findwindow_params2 lda findwindow_params2::which_area bne L9E2B sta findwindow_params2::window_id L9E2B: DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_FIND_ICON, findwindow_params2 lda findwindow_params2::which_area bne L9E39 jmp L9E97 L9E39: ldx highlight_count dex L9E3D: cmp highlight_list,x beq L9E97 dex bpl L9E3D sta L9EB3 cmp #1 beq L9E6A asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask sta L9831 lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_type_mask bne L9E97 lda L9EB3 L9E6A: sta highlight_icon_id MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_HIGHLIGHT_ICON, highlight_icon_id MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::FramePoly, drag_outline_buffer L9E97: MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, grafport MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 jsr pop_pointers rts L9EB3: .byte 0 L9EB4: asl a tay lda icon_ptrs+1,y tax lda icon_ptrs,y rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON IMPL ;;; param is pointer to icon entry .proc UNHIGHLIGHT_ICON_IMPL PARAM_BLOCK params, $06 ptr_iconent: .addr 0 END_PARAM_BLOCK ptr := $06 ; Overwrites param jmp start .byte 0 ; ??? ;; DT_REDRAW_ICON params icon: .byte 0 start: lda has_highlight bne :+ return #1 ; No selection ;; Move it to the end of the highlight list : ldx highlight_count ; new position ldy #IconEntry::id lda (params::ptr_iconent),y ; icon num jsr change_highlight_index ;; Remove it from the highlight list and update flag ldx highlight_count lda #0 sta highlight_count,x dec highlight_count lda highlight_count bne :+ lda #0 sta has_highlight ;; Redraw : ldy #0 lda (params::ptr_iconent),y sta icon DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_REDRAW_ICON, icon return #0 .endproc rts ; unused ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ICON_IN_RECT IMPL .proc ICON_IN_RECT_IMPL jmp start icon: .byte 0 rect: DEFINE_RECT 0,0,0,0,rect start: ldy #0 lda ($06),y sta icon ldy #8 : lda ($06),y sta rect-1,y dey bne :- lda icon asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 jsr calc_icon_poly cmp16 poly::v0::ycoord, rect::y2 bpl done cmp16 poly::v5::ycoord, rect::y1 bmi done cmp16 poly::v5::xcoord, rect::x2 bpl done cmp16 poly::v4::xcoord, rect::x1 bmi done cmp16 poly::v7::ycoord, rect::y2 bmi L9F8F cmp16 poly::v7::xcoord, rect::x2 bpl done cmp16 poly::v2::xcoord, rect::x1 bpl L9F8F done: return #0 L9F8F: return #1 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ L9F92: .byte 0 L9F93: .byte 0 L9F94: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 L9F98: lda #0 sta L9F92 beq L9FA4 L9F9F: lda #$80 sta L9F92 .proc L9FA4 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask bne :+ lda L9F92 ora #$40 sta L9F92 ;; copy icon coords and bits : ldy #IconEntry::iconx : lda ($06),y sta paintbits_params2::viewloc-IconEntry::iconx,y iny cpy #IconEntry::iconx + 6 ; x/y/bits bne :- jsr push_pointers copy16 paintbits_params2::mapbits, $08 ldy #11 : lda ($08),y sta paintbits_params2::mapbits,y dey bpl :- bit L9F92 bpl :+ jsr LA12C : jsr pop_pointers ldy #9 : lda ($06),y sta paintrect_params6::y2,y iny cpy #$1D bne :- : lda drawtext_params::textlen sta textwidth_params::textlen MGTK_CALL MGTK::TextWidth, textwidth_params lda textwidth_params::result cmp paintbits_params2::maprect::x2 bcs :+ inc drawtext_params::textlen ldx drawtext_params::textlen lda #' ' sta text_buffer-1,x jmp :- : lsr a sta moveto_params2::xcoord+1 lda paintbits_params2::maprect::x2 lsr a sta moveto_params2::xcoord lda moveto_params2::xcoord+1 sec sbc moveto_params2::xcoord sta moveto_params2::xcoord sub16_8 paintbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord, moveto_params2::xcoord, moveto_params2::xcoord add16_8 paintbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord, paintbits_params2::maprect::y2, moveto_params2::ycoord add16 moveto_params2::ycoord, #1, moveto_params2::ycoord add16_8 moveto_params2::ycoord, font_height, moveto_params2::ycoord COPY_STRUCT MGTK::Point, moveto_params2, L9F94 bit L9F92 bvc LA097 MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport jsr LA63F : jsr LA6A3 jsr LA097 lda L9F93 bne :- MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPortBits, grafport rts LA097: MGTK_CALL MGTK::HideCursor, DESKTOP_DIRECT ; These params should be ignored - bogus? MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, notpencopy_2 bit L9F92 bpl LA0C2 bit L9F92 bvc LA0B6 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy_2 jmp LA0C2 LA0B6: MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintBits, paintbits_params MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR_2 LA0C2: MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintBits, paintbits_params2 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_open_mask beq LA0F2 jsr LA14D MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, dark_pattern ; shade for open volume bit L9F92 bmi LA0E6 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penBIC_2 beq LA0EC LA0E6: MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penOR_2 LA0EC: MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, paintrect_params6 LA0F2: COPY_STRUCT MGTK::Point, L9F94, moveto_params2 MGTK_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, moveto_params2 bit L9F92 bmi :+ lda #MGTK::textbg_white bne setbg : lda #MGTK::textbg_black setbg: sta settextbg_params MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetTextBG, settextbg_params lda text_buffer+1 ; Capitalize first letter of icon and #CASE_MASK ; Why - this is already guaranteed ??? sta text_buffer+1 MGTK_CALL MGTK::DrawText, drawtext_params MGTK_CALL MGTK::ShowCursor rts LA12C: COPY_BLOCK paintbits_params2, paintbits_params ldy paintbits_params::maprect::y2 LA13A: lda paintbits_params::mapwidth clc adc paintbits_params::mapbits sta paintbits_params::mapbits bcc LA149 inc paintbits_params::mapbits+1 LA149: dey bpl LA13A rts LA14D: ldx #0 LA14F: add16 paintbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord,x, paintbits_params2::maprect::x1,x, paintrect_params6::x1,x add16 paintbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord,x, paintbits_params2::maprect::x2,x, paintrect_params6::x2,x inx inx cpx #4 bne LA14F lda paintrect_params6::y2 sec sbc #1 sta paintrect_params6::y2 bcs LA189 dec paintrect_params6::y2+1 LA189: rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; v0 v1 ;;; +----------+ ;;; | | ;;; | | ;;; | | ;;; v7 | | v2 ;;; v6 +-----+ +-----+ v3 ;;; | | ;;; v5 +----------------------+ v4 ;;; ;;; (Label is always at least as wide as the icon) icon_poly_size = (8 * .sizeof(MGTK::Point)) + 2 .proc calc_icon_poly entry_ptr := $6 bitmap_ptr := $8 jsr push_pointers ;; v0 - copy from icon entry ldy #IconEntry::iconx+3 ldx #3 : lda (entry_ptr),y sta poly::v0,x dey dex bpl :- ;; Top edge (v0, v1) copy16 poly::v0::ycoord, poly::v1::ycoord ;; Left edge of icon (v0, v7) copy16 poly::v0::xcoord, poly::v7::xcoord ldy #IconEntry::iconbits copy16in (entry_ptr),y, bitmap_ptr ;; Right edge of icon (v1, v2) ldy #8 ; bitmap x2 lda (bitmap_ptr),y clc adc poly::v0::xcoord sta poly::v1::xcoord sta poly::v2::xcoord iny lda (bitmap_ptr),y adc poly::v0::xcoord+1 sta poly::v1::xcoord+1 sta poly::v2::xcoord+1 ;; Bottom edge of icon (v2, v7) ldy #10 ; bitmap y2 add16in (bitmap_ptr),y, poly::v0::ycoord, poly::v2::ycoord lda poly::v2::ycoord ; 2px down clc adc #2 sta poly::v2::ycoord sta poly::v3::ycoord sta poly::v6::ycoord sta poly::v7::ycoord lda poly::v2::ycoord+1 adc #0 sta poly::v2::ycoord+1 sta poly::v3::ycoord+1 sta poly::v6::ycoord+1 sta poly::v7::ycoord+1 ;; Bottom edge of label (v4, v5) lda font_height clc adc poly::v2::ycoord sta poly::v4::ycoord sta poly::v5::ycoord lda poly::v2::ycoord+1 adc #0 sta poly::v4::ycoord+1 sta poly::v5::ycoord+1 ;; Compute text width ldy #.sizeof(IconEntry)+1 ldx #19 ; len byte + 15 chars + 2 spaces : lda (entry_ptr),y sta text_buffer-1,x dey dex bpl :- ;; Pad with spaces until it's at least as wide as the icon : lda drawtext_params::textlen sta textwidth_params::textlen MGTK_CALL MGTK::TextWidth, textwidth_params ldy #8 ; bitmap x2 offset lda textwidth_params::result cmp (bitmap_ptr),y bcs got_width inc drawtext_params::textlen ldx drawtext_params::textlen lda #' ' sta text_buffer-1,x jmp :- got_width: lsr a ; width / 2 sta text_width lda ($08),y ; still has bitmap x2 offset lsr a ; / 2 sta icon_width ;; Left edge of label (v5, v6) lda text_width sec sbc icon_width sta icon_width lda poly::v0::xcoord sec sbc icon_width sta poly::v6::xcoord sta poly::v5::xcoord lda poly::v0::xcoord+1 sbc #0 sta poly::v6::xcoord+1 sta poly::v5::xcoord+1 ;; Right edge of label (v3, v4) inc textwidth_params::result inc textwidth_params::result lda poly::v5::xcoord clc adc textwidth_params::result sta poly::v3::xcoord sta poly::v4::xcoord lda poly::v5::xcoord+1 adc #0 sta poly::v3::xcoord+1 sta poly::v4::xcoord+1 jsr pop_pointers rts icon_width: .byte 0 text_width: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; REDRAW_ICONS IMPL .proc REDRAW_ICONS_IMPL jmp LA2AE ;; DT_REDRAW_ICON params LA2A9: .byte 0 LA2AA: jsr pop_pointers rts LA2AE: jsr push_pointers ldx num_icons dex LA2B5: bmi LA2AA txa pha lda icon_table,x asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda ($06),y and #icon_entry_winid_mask bne LA2DD ldy #0 lda ($06),y sta LA2A9 DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_REDRAW_ICON, LA2A9 LA2DD: pla tax dex jmp LA2B5 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; A = icon number to move ;;; X = position in highlight list .proc change_icon_index stx new_pos sta icon_num ;; Find position of icon in icon table ldx #0 : lda icon_table,x cmp icon_num beq :+ inx cpx num_icons bne :- rts ;; Shift items down : lda icon_table+1,x sta icon_table,x inx cpx num_icons bne :- ;; Shift items up ldx num_icons : cpx new_pos beq place lda icon_table-2,x sta icon_table-1,x dex jmp :- ;; Place at new position place: ldx new_pos lda icon_num sta icon_table-1,x rts new_pos: .byte 0 icon_num: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; A = icon number to move ;;; X = position in highlight list .proc change_highlight_index stx new_pos sta icon_num ;; Find position of icon in highlight list ldx #0 : lda highlight_list,x cmp icon_num beq :+ inx cpx highlight_count bne :- rts ;; Shift items down : lda highlight_list+1,x sta highlight_list,x inx cpx highlight_count bne :- ;; Shift items up ldx highlight_count : cpx new_pos beq place lda highlight_list-2,x sta highlight_list-1,x dex jmp :- ;; Place at new position place: ldx new_pos lda icon_num sta highlight_list-1,x rts new_pos: .byte 0 icon_num: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc push_pointers ;; save return addr pla sta stash pla sta stash+1 ;; push $06...$09 to stack ldx #0 : lda $06,x pha inx cpx #4 bne :- ;; restore return addr lda stash+1 pha lda stash pha rts stash: .word 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc pop_pointers ;; save return addr pla sta stash pla sta stash+1 ;; pull $06...$09 to stack ldx #3 : pla sta $06,x dex bpl :- ;; restore return addr lda stash+1 pha lda stash pha rts stash: .word 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ draw_icon: MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, grafport jmp LA3B9 LA3AC: .byte 0 LA3AD: .byte 0 ;; DT_REDRAW_ICON params LA3AE: .byte 0 LA3AF: .word 0 LA3B1: .word 0 LA3B3: .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 LA3B7: .byte 0 .proc frontwindow_params window_id: .byte 0 .endproc .proc LA3B9 ldy #0 lda ($06),y sta LA3AC iny iny lda ($06),y and #$0F ; type - is volume? sta LA3AD beq volume ;; File (i.e. icon in window) lda #$80 sta LA3B7 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, white_pattern MGTK_CALL MGTK::FrontWindow, frontwindow_params lda frontwindow_params::window_id sta getwinport_params::window_id MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetWinPort, getwinport_params jsr LA4CC jsr LA938 jsr erase_icon jmp LA446 ;; Volume (i.e. icon on desktop) volume: MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport jsr LA63F : jsr LA6A3 jsr erase_desktop_icon lda L9F93 bne :- MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPortBits, grafport jmp LA446 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc erase_desktop_icon lda #0 sta LA3B7 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPattern, checkerboard_pattern2 ;; fall through .endproc .proc erase_icon copy16 poly::v0::ycoord, LA3B1 copy16 poly::v6::xcoord, LA3AF COPY_BLOCK poly::v4, LA3B3 MGTK_CALL MGTK::PaintPoly, poly rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ LA446: jsr push_pointers ldx num_icons dex ; any icons to draw? .proc LA44D ptr := $8 cpx #$FF ; =-1 bne LA466 bit LA3B7 ; no, almost done bpl :+ MGTK_CALL MGTK::InitPort, grafport MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, grafport4 : jsr pop_pointers rts LA466: txa pha lda icon_table,x cmp LA3AC beq LA4C5 asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, ptr ldy #IconEntry::win_type lda (ptr),y and #$07 ; window_id cmp LA3AD bne LA4C5 ;; Is icon highlighted? lda has_highlight beq LA49D ldy #IconEntry::id ; icon num lda (ptr),y ldx #0 : cmp highlight_list,x beq LA4C5 inx cpx highlight_count bne :- LA49D: ldy #IconEntry::id ; icon num lda (ptr),y sta LA3AE bit LA3B7 bpl LA4AC jsr LA4D3 LA4AC: DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_ICON_IN_RECT, LA3AE beq LA4BA DESKTOP_DIRECT_CALL DT_REDRAW_ICON, LA3AE LA4BA: bit LA3B7 bpl LA4C5 lda LA3AE jsr LA4DC LA4C5: pla tax dex jmp LA44D .endproc ;;; ============================================================ LA4CB: .byte 0 LA4CC: lda #$80 sta LA4CB bmi LA4E2 LA4D3: pha lda #$40 sta LA4CB jmp LA4E2 LA4DC: pha lda #0 sta LA4CB LA4E2: ldy #0 LA4E4: lda grafport4,y sta LA567,y iny cpy #4 bne LA4E4 ldy #8 LA4F1: lda grafport4,y sta LA567-4,y iny cpy #12 bne LA4F1 bit LA4CB bmi LA506 bvc LA56F jmp LA5CB LA506: ldx #0 LA508: sub16 poly::vertices,x, LA567, poly::vertices,x sub16 poly::vertices+2,x, LA569, poly::vertices+2,x inx inx inx inx cpx #32 bne LA508 ldx #0 LA538: add16 poly::vertices,x, LA56B, poly::vertices,x add16 poly::vertices+2,x, LA56D, poly::vertices+2,x inx inx inx inx cpx #32 bne LA538 rts LA567: .word 0 LA569: .word 0 LA56B: .word 0 LA56D: .word 0 LA56F: pla tay jsr push_pointers tya asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 ldy #3 add16in ($06),y, LA567, ($06),y iny add16in ($06),y, LA569, ($06),y ldy #3 sub16in ($06),y, LA56B, ($06),y iny sub16in ($06),y, LA56D, ($06),y jsr pop_pointers rts LA5CB: pla tay jsr push_pointers tya asl a tax copy16 icon_ptrs,x, $06 ldy #3 sub16in ($06),y, LA567, ($06),y iny sub16in ($06),y, LA569, ($06),y ldy #3 add16in ($06),y, LA56B, ($06),y iny add16in ($06),y, LA56D, ($06),y jsr pop_pointers rts ;;; ============================================================ LA627: .word 0 LA629: .word 0 LA62B: DEFINE_POINT 0,0 .proc setportbits_params2 viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 0, 0, viewloc mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .word MGTK::screen_mapwidth cliprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 0, 0, cliprect .endproc .proc LA63F jsr calc_icon_poly lda poly::v0::ycoord sta LA629 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord lda poly::v0::ycoord+1 sta LA629+1 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1+1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord+1 lda poly::v5::xcoord sta LA627 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord lda poly::v5::xcoord+1 sta LA627+1 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1+1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord+1 ldx #3 : lda poly::v4,x sta LA62B,x sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2,x dex bpl :- cmp16 LA62B, #screen_width - 1 bmi done lda #<(screen_width - 2) sta LA62B sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 lda #>(screen_width - 2) sta LA62B+1 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2+1 done: MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPortBits, setportbits_params2 rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc LA6A3 lda #$00 jmp LA6C7 .proc findwindow_params mousex: .word 0 mousey: .word 0 which_area: .byte 0 window_id: .byte 0 .endproc LA6AE: .word 0 LA6B0: .byte $00 LA6B1: .byte $00 LA6B2: .byte $00 LA6B3: .byte $00 LA6B4: .byte $00 LA6B5: .byte $00 LA6B6: .byte $00 LA6B7: .byte $00 LA6B8: .byte $00 LA6B9: .byte $00 LA6BA: .byte $00 LA6BB: .byte $00 LA6BC: .byte $00 LA6BD: .byte $00 LA6BE: .byte $00 LA6BF: .byte $00 LA6C0: .byte $00 LA6C1: .byte $00 LA6C2: .byte $00 LA6C3: .word 0 LA6C5: .word 0 LA6C7: lda L9F93 beq LA6FA lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 clc adc #1 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2+1 adc #0 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1+1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord+1 COPY_BYTES 6, LA629, setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1 lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1+1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord+1 LA6FA: lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1 sta LA6B3 sta LA6BF lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1+1 sta LA6B4 sta LA6C0 lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1 sta LA6B5 sta LA6B9 lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1+1 sta LA6B6 sta LA6BA lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 sta LA6B7 sta LA6BB lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2+1 sta LA6B8 sta LA6BC lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::y2 sta LA6BD sta LA6C1 lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::y2+1 sta LA6BE sta LA6C2 lda #0 sta LA6B0 LA747: lda LA6B0 cmp #4 bne LA775 lda #0 sta LA6B0 LA753: MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPortBits, setportbits_params2 lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2+1 cmp LA62B+1 bne LA76F lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 cmp LA62B bcc LA76F lda #$00 sta L9F93 rts LA76F: lda #1 sta L9F93 rts LA775: lda LA6B0 asl a asl a tax ldy #$00 LA77D: lda LA6B3,x sta findwindow_params,y iny inx cpy #4 bne LA77D inc LA6B0 MGTK_CALL MGTK::FindWindow, findwindow_params lda findwindow_params::which_area beq LA747 lda findwindow_params::window_id sta getwinport_params MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetWinPort, getwinport_params jsr push_pointers MGTK_CALL MGTK::GetWinPtr, findwindow_params::window_id copy16 LA6AE, $06 ldy #1 lda ($06),y and #$01 bne LA7C3 sta LA6B2 beq LA7C8 LA7C3: lda #$80 sta LA6B2 LA7C8: ldy #4 lda ($06),y and #$80 sta LA6B1 iny lda ($06),y and #$80 lsr a ora LA6B1 sta LA6B1 sub16 grafport4::viewloc::xcoord, #2, grafport4::viewloc::xcoord sub16 grafport4::cliprect::x1, #2, grafport4::cliprect::x1 bit LA6B2 bmi LA820 lda grafport4::viewloc::ycoord sec sbc #14 sta grafport4::viewloc::ycoord bcs LA812 dec grafport4::viewloc::ycoord+1 LA812: lda grafport4::cliprect::y1 sec sbc #14 sta grafport4::cliprect::y1 bcs LA820 dec grafport4::cliprect::y1+1 LA820: bit LA6B1 bpl LA833 lda grafport4::cliprect::y2 clc adc #12 sta grafport4::cliprect::y2 bcc LA833 inc grafport4::cliprect::y2+1 LA833: bit LA6B1 bvc LA846 lda grafport4::cliprect::x2 clc adc #20 sta grafport4::cliprect::x2 bcc LA846 inc grafport4::cliprect::x2+1 LA846: jsr pop_pointers sub16 grafport4::cliprect::x2, grafport4::cliprect::x1, LA6C3 sub16 grafport4::cliprect::y2, grafport4::cliprect::y1, LA6C5 lda LA6C3 clc adc grafport4::viewloc::xcoord sta LA6C3 lda grafport4::viewloc::xcoord+1 adc LA6C3+1 sta LA6C3+1 add16 LA6C5, grafport4::viewloc::ycoord, LA6C5 cmp16 setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2, LA6C3 bmi LA8B7 add16 LA6C3, #1, setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 jmp LA8D4 LA8B7: cmp16 grafport4::viewloc::xcoord, setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1 bmi LA8D4 copy16 grafport4::viewloc::xcoord, setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 jmp LA6FA LA8D4: cmp16 grafport4::viewloc::ycoord, setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1 bmi LA8F6 copy16 grafport4::viewloc::ycoord, setportbits_params2::cliprect::y2 lda #1 sta L9F93 jmp LA6FA LA8F6: cmp16 LA6C5, setportbits_params2::cliprect::y2 bpl LA923 lda LA6C5 clc adc #2 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord lda LA6C5+1 adc #0 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::y1+1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::ycoord+1 lda #1 sta L9F93 jmp LA6FA LA923: lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord lda setportbits_params2::cliprect::x2+1 sta setportbits_params2::cliprect::x1+1 sta setportbits_params2::viewloc::xcoord+1 jmp LA753 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc LA938 add16 grafport4::viewloc::ycoord, #15, grafport4::viewloc::ycoord add16 grafport4::cliprect::y1, #15, grafport4::cliprect::y1 MGTK_CALL MGTK::SetPort, grafport4 rts .endproc PAD_TO $A980 ;;; ============================================================ ;; 5.25" Floppy Disk floppy140_icon: .addr floppy140_pixels; mapbits .byte 4 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 0, 1, 26, 15 ; maprect floppy140_pixels: .byte px(%1010101),px(%0101010),px(%1010101),px(%0101010) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%1000000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%1000000),px(%0000111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%1000000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%1000000),px(%0000111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%1000000),px(%0000111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000111),px(%1100000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%1000000),px(%0000111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000111) .byte px(%1011000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000111) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000110) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) ;; RAM Disk ramdisk_icon: .addr ramdisk_pixels ; mapbits .byte 6 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 1, 0, 38, 11 ; maprect ramdisk_pixels: .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0001110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0001101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0001110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0001111),px(%1000111),px(%1100110),px(%0000110),px(%0001101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0001100),px(%1100110),px(%0110111),px(%1011110),px(%0001110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0001111),px(%1000111),px(%1110110),px(%1110110),px(%0001101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0001100),px(%1100110),px(%0110110),px(%0000110),px(%0001110) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0001101) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1001100),px(%1100110),px(%0001110) .byte px(%0101010),px(%1010101),px(%0101010),px(%1001100),px(%1100110),px(%0001101) .byte px(%1010101),px(%0101010),px(%1010101),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) ;; 3.5" Floppy Disk floppy800_icon: .addr floppy800_pixels; mapbits .byte 3 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 20, 11 ; maprect floppy800_pixels: .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111110) .byte px(%1100011),px(%0000000),px(%1100111) .byte px(%1100011),px(%0000000),px(%1100111) .byte px(%1100011),px(%1111111),px(%1100011) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011) .byte px(%1100111),px(%1111111),px(%1110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1100110),px(%0000000),px(%0110011) .byte px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111) ;; Hard Disk profile_icon: .addr profile_pixels ; mapbits .byte 8 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 1, 0, 51, 9 ; maprect profile_pixels: .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1110101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011010) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011010) .byte px(%1100011),px(%1000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011101) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011010) .byte px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0011101) .byte px(%0111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1111111),px(%1110101) .byte px(%1010111),px(%0101010),px(%1010101),px(%0101010),px(%1010101),px(%0101010),px(%1010111),px(%0101010) ;; Trash Can trash_icon: .addr trash_pixels ; mapbits .byte 5 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 7, 1, 27, 18 ; maprect trash_pixels: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1010101),PX(%1111111),px(%1010101),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0101010),PX(%1100011),px(%0101010),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),PX(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100001),px(%0000100),px(%0010011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100010),px(%0001000),px(%0100011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100001),px(%0000100),px(%0010011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) label_apple: PASCAL_STRING GLYPH_SAPPLE label_file: PASCAL_STRING "File" label_view: PASCAL_STRING "View" label_special: PASCAL_STRING "Special" label_startup: PASCAL_STRING "Startup" label_selector: PASCAL_STRING "Selector" label_new_folder: PASCAL_STRING "New Folder ..." label_open: PASCAL_STRING "Open" label_close: PASCAL_STRING "Close" label_close_all: PASCAL_STRING "Close All" label_select_all: PASCAL_STRING "Select All" label_copy_file: PASCAL_STRING "Copy a File ..." label_delete_file: PASCAL_STRING "Delete a File ..." label_eject: PASCAL_STRING "Eject" label_quit: PASCAL_STRING "Quit" label_by_icon: PASCAL_STRING "By Icon" label_by_name: PASCAL_STRING "By Name" label_by_date: PASCAL_STRING "By Date" label_by_size: PASCAL_STRING "By Size" label_by_type: PASCAL_STRING "By Type" label_check_drives: PASCAL_STRING "Check Drives" label_format_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Format a Disk ..." label_erase_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Erase a Disk ..." label_disk_copy: PASCAL_STRING "Disk Copy ..." label_lock: PASCAL_STRING "Lock ..." label_unlock: PASCAL_STRING "Unlock ..." label_get_info: PASCAL_STRING "Get Info ..." label_get_size: PASCAL_STRING "Get Size ..." label_rename_icon: PASCAL_STRING "Rename an Icon ..." desktop_menu: DEFINE_MENU_BAR 6 DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_apple, label_apple, apple_menu DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_file, label_file, file_menu DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_view, label_view, view_menu DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_special, label_special, special_menu DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_startup, label_startup, startup_menu DEFINE_MENU_BAR_ITEM menu_id_selector, label_selector, selector_menu file_menu: DEFINE_MENU 12 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_new_folder, 'F', 'f' DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_open, 'O', 'o' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_close, 'C', 'c' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_close_all, 'B', 'b' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_select_all, 'A', 'a' DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_copy_file, 'Y', 'y' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_delete_file, 'D', 'd' DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_eject, 'E', 'e' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_quit, 'Q', 'q' menu_item_id_new_folder := 1 menu_item_id_open := 3 menu_item_id_close := 4 menu_item_id_close_all := 5 menu_item_id_select_all := 6 menu_item_id_copy_file := 8 menu_item_id_delete_file := 9 menu_item_id_eject := 11 menu_item_id_quit := 12 view_menu: DEFINE_MENU 5 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_by_icon, 'J', 'j' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_by_name, 'N', 'n' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_by_date, 'T', 't' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_by_size, 'K', 'k' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_by_type, 'L', 'l' menu_item_id_view_by_icon := 1 menu_item_id_view_by_name := 2 menu_item_id_view_by_date := 3 menu_item_id_view_by_size := 4 menu_item_id_view_by_type := 5 special_menu: DEFINE_MENU 13 DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_check_drives DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_format_disk, 'S', 's' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_erase_disk, 'Z', 'z' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_disk_copy DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_lock DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_unlock DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_get_info, 'I', 'i' DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_get_size DEFINE_MENU_SEPARATOR DEFINE_MENU_ITEM label_rename_icon menu_item_id_check_drives := 1 menu_item_id_format_disk := 3 menu_item_id_erase_disk := 4 menu_item_id_disk_copy := 5 menu_item_id_lock := 7 menu_item_id_unlock := 8 menu_item_id_get_info := 10 menu_item_id_get_size := 11 menu_item_id_rename_icon := 13 .addr $0000,$0000 .assert * = $AD58, error, "Segment length mismatch" PAD_TO $AE00 ;;; ============================================================ ;; Rects confirm_dialog_outer_rect: DEFINE_RECT 4,2,396,98 confirm_dialog_inner_rect: DEFINE_RECT 5,3,395,97 cancel_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 40,81,140,92 LAE18: DEFINE_RECT 193,30,293,41 ok_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 260,81,360,92 yes_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 200,81,240,92 no_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 260,81,300,92 all_button_rect: DEFINE_RECT 320,81,360,92 str_ok_label: PASCAL_STRING {"OK ",GLYPH_RETURN} ok_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 265,91 cancel_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 45,91 yes_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 205,91 no_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 265,91 all_label_pos: DEFINE_POINT 325,91 .byte $1C,$00,$70,$00 .byte $1C,$00,$87,$00 textbg_black: .byte $00 textbg_white: .byte $7F press_ok_to_rect: DEFINE_RECT 39,25,360,80 prompt_rect: DEFINE_RECT 40,60,360,80 current_target_file_pos: DEFINE_POINT 65,43 LAE82: DEFINE_POINT 65,51 LAE86: DEFINE_RECT 65,35,394,42 LAE8E: DEFINE_RECT 65,43,394,50 str_cancel_label: PASCAL_STRING "Cancel Esc" str_yes_label: PASCAL_STRING " Yes" str_no_label: PASCAL_STRING " No" str_all_label: PASCAL_STRING " All" LAEB6: PASCAL_STRING "Source filename:" LAEC7: PASCAL_STRING "Destination filename:" ;; "About" dialog resources about_dialog_outer_rect: DEFINE_RECT 4, 2, 396, 108 about_dialog_inner_rect: DEFINE_RECT 5, 3, 395, 107 str_about1: PASCAL_STRING "Apple II DeskTop" str_about2: PASCAL_STRING "Copyright Apple Computer Inc., 1986" str_about3: PASCAL_STRING "Copyright Version Soft, 1985 - 1986" str_about4: PASCAL_STRING "All Rights Reserved" str_about5: PASCAL_STRING "Authors: Stephane Cavril, Bernard Gallet, Henri Lamiraux" str_about6: PASCAL_STRING "Richard Danais and Luc Barthelet" str_about7: PASCAL_STRING "With thanks to: A. Gerard, J. Gerber, P. Pahl, J. Bernard" str_about8: PASCAL_STRING "November 26, 1986" str_about9: PASCAL_STRING .sprintf("Version %d.%d",::VERSION_MAJOR,::VERSION_MINOR) ;; "Copy File" dialog strings str_copy_title: PASCAL_STRING "Copy ..." str_copy_copying: PASCAL_STRING "Now Copying " str_copy_from: PASCAL_STRING "from:" str_copy_to: PASCAL_STRING "to :" str_copy_remaining: PASCAL_STRING "Files remaining to copy: " str_exists_prompt: PASCAL_STRING "That file already exists. Do you want to write over it ?" str_large_prompt: PASCAL_STRING "This file is too large to copy, click OK to continue." LB0B6: DEFINE_POINT 110, 35 LB0BA: DEFINE_POINT 170, 59 ;; "Delete" dialog strings str_delete_title: PASCAL_STRING "Delete ..." str_delete_ok: PASCAL_STRING "Click OK to delete:" str_ok_empty: PASCAL_STRING "Clicking OK will immediately empty the trash of:" str_file_colon: PASCAL_STRING "File:" str_delete_remaining: PASCAL_STRING "Files remaining to be deleted:" str_delete_locked_file: PASCAL_STRING "This file is locked, do you want to delete it anyway ?" LB16A: DEFINE_POINT 145, 59 delete_remaining_count_pos: DEFINE_POINT 200, 59 LB172: DEFINE_POINT 300, 59 ;; "New Folder" dialog strings str_new_folder_title: PASCAL_STRING "New Folder ..." str_in_colon: PASCAL_STRING "in:" str_enter_folder_name: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the folder name:" ;; "Rename Icon" dialog strings str_rename_title: PASCAL_STRING "Rename an Icon ..." str_rename_old: PASCAL_STRING "Rename: " str_rename_new: PASCAL_STRING "New name:" ;; "Get Info" dialog strings str_info_title: PASCAL_STRING "Get Info ..." str_info_name: PASCAL_STRING "Name" str_info_locked: PASCAL_STRING "Locked" str_info_size: PASCAL_STRING "Size" str_info_create: PASCAL_STRING "Creation date" str_info_mod: PASCAL_STRING "Last modification" str_info_type: PASCAL_STRING "Type" str_info_protected: PASCAL_STRING "Write protected" str_info_blocks: PASCAL_STRING "Blocks free/size" str_colon: PASCAL_STRING ": " unlock_remaining_count_pos2: DEFINE_POINT 160,59 lock_remaining_count_pos2: DEFINE_POINT 145,59 files_pos: DEFINE_POINT 200,59 files_pos2: DEFINE_POINT 185,59 unlock_remaining_count_pos: DEFINE_POINT 205,59 lock_remaining_count_pos: DEFINE_POINT 195,59 str_format_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Format a Disk ..." str_select_format: PASCAL_STRING "Select the location where the disk is to be formatted" str_new_volume: PASCAL_STRING "Enter the name of the new volume:" str_confirm_format: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to format " str_formatting: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting the disk...." str_formatting_error: PASCAL_STRING "Formatting error. Check drive, then click OK to try again." str_erase_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Erase a Disk ..." str_select_erase: PASCAL_STRING "Select the location where the disk is to be erased" str_confirm_erase: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to erase " str_erasing: PASCAL_STRING "Erasing the disk...." str_erasing_error: PASCAL_STRING "Erasing error. Check drive, then click OK to try again." ;; "Unlock File" dialog strings str_unlock_title: PASCAL_STRING "Unlock ..." str_unlock_ok: PASCAL_STRING "Click OK to unlock " str_unlock_remaining: PASCAL_STRING "Files remaining to be unlocked: " ;; "Lock File" dialog strings str_lock_title: PASCAL_STRING "Lock ..." str_lock_ok: PASCAL_STRING "Click OK to lock " str_lock_remaining: PASCAL_STRING "Files remaining to be locked: " ;; "Get Size" dialog strings str_size_title: PASCAL_STRING "Get Size ..." str_size_number: PASCAL_STRING "Number of files" str_size_blocks: PASCAL_STRING "Blocks used on disk" .word 110,35,110,43 str_download: PASCAL_STRING "DownLoad ..." str_ramcard_full: PASCAL_STRING "The RAMCard is full. The copy was not completed." str_1_space: PASCAL_STRING " " str_warning: PASCAL_STRING "Warning !" str_insert_system_disk: PASCAL_STRING "Please insert the system disk." str_selector_list_full: PASCAL_STRING "The Selector list is full. You must delete an entry" str_before_new_entries: PASCAL_STRING "before you can add new entries." str_window_must_be_closed: PASCAL_STRING "A window must be closed before opening this new catalog." str_too_many_windows: PASCAL_STRING "There are too many windows open on the desktop !" str_save_selector_list: PASCAL_STRING "Do you want to save the new Selector list" str_on_system_disk: PASCAL_STRING "on the system disk ?" .assert * = $B5D9, error, "Segment length mismatch" PAD_TO $B600 ;;; ============================================================ show_alert_indirection: jmp show_alert_dialog alert_bitmap: .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),px(%0000000),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111100),px(%1111100),px(%0000001),px(%1110000),PX(%0000111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111100),px(%1111100),px(%0000011),px(%1100000),px(%0000011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0000111),PX(%1100111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0001111),PX(%1100111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),px(%1111001),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),px(%1110011),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1100111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1001111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),PX(%1111111),PX(%0011111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),px(%1111110),PX(%0111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),px(%1111100),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1111100),PX(%0011111),px(%1111100),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111110),px(%0000000),PX(%0111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100000),PX(%1111111),px(%1111100),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100001),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0111000),px(%0000011),PX(%1111111),PX(%1111111),px(%1111110),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte PX(%0111111),px(%1100000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .byte px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000),px(%0000000) .proc alert_bitmap_params DEFINE_POINT 20, 8 ; viewloc .addr alert_bitmap ; mapbits .byte 7 ; mapwidth .byte 0 ; reserved DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 36, 23 ; maprect .endproc alert_rect: DEFINE_RECT 65, 87, 485, 142 alert_inner_frame_rect1: DEFINE_RECT 4, 2, 416, 53 alert_inner_frame_rect2: DEFINE_RECT 5, 3, 415, 52 .proc portmap viewloc: DEFINE_POINT 65, 87, viewloc mapbits: .addr MGTK::screen_mapbits mapwidth: .byte MGTK::screen_mapwidth reserved: .byte 0 maprect: DEFINE_RECT 0, 0, 420, 55, maprect .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Show Alert Dialog ;;; Call show_alert_dialog with prompt number in X (???), A = ??? .proc show_alert_dialog_impl ok_label: PASCAL_STRING {"OK ",GLYPH_RETURN} try_again_rect: DEFINE_RECT 20,37,120,48 try_again_pos: DEFINE_POINT 25,47 cancel_rect: DEFINE_RECT 300,37,400,48 cancel_pos: DEFINE_POINT 305,47 .word $BE,$10 ; ??? pos_prompt: DEFINE_POINT 75,29, pos_prompt alert_action: .byte $00 prompt_addr: .addr 0 try_again_label: PASCAL_STRING "Try Again A" cancel_label: PASCAL_STRING "Cancel Esc" err_00: PASCAL_STRING "System Error" err_27: PASCAL_STRING "I/O error" err_28: PASCAL_STRING "No device connected" err_2B: PASCAL_STRING "The disk is write protected." err_40: PASCAL_STRING "The syntax of the pathname is invalid." err_44: PASCAL_STRING "Part of the pathname doesn't exist." err_45: PASCAL_STRING "The volume cannot be found." err_46: PASCAL_STRING "The file cannot be found." err_47: PASCAL_STRING "That name already exists. Please use another name." err_48: PASCAL_STRING "The disk is full." err_49: PASCAL_STRING "The volume directory cannot hold more than 51 files." err_4E: PASCAL_STRING "The file is locked." err_52: PASCAL_STRING "This is not a ProDOS disk." err_57: PASCAL_STRING "There is another volume with that name on the desktop." ;; Below are internal (not ProDOS MLI) error codes. err_F9: PASCAL_STRING "There are 2 volumes with the same name." err_FA: PASCAL_STRING "This file cannot be run." err_FB: PASCAL_STRING "That name is too long." err_FC: PASCAL_STRING "Please insert source disk" err_FD: PASCAL_STRING "Please insert destination disk" err_FE: PASCAL_STRING "BASIC.SYSTEM not found" ;; number of alert messages alert_count: .byte 20 ;; message number-to-index table ;; (look up by scan to determine index) alert_table: ;; ProDOS MLI error codes: .byte $00,$27,$28,$2B,$40,$44,$45,$46 .byte $47,$48,$49,$4E,$52,$57 ;; Internal error codes: .byte $F9,$FA,$FB,$FC,$FD,$FE ;; alert index to string address prompt_table: .addr err_00,err_27,err_28,err_2B,err_40,err_44,err_45,err_46 .addr err_47,err_48,err_49,err_4E,err_52,err_57,err_F9,err_FA .addr err_FB,err_FC,err_FD,err_FE ;; alert index to action (0 = Cancel, $80 = Try Again) alert_action_table: .byte $00,$00,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$80,$80,$00 ;; Actual entry point start: pha txa pha MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::HideCursor MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetCursor, pointer_cursor MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::ShowCursor ;; play bell sta ALTZPOFF sta ROMIN2 jsr BELL1 sta ALTZPON lda LCBANK1 lda LCBANK1 ldx #$03 lda #$00 LBA0B: sta grafport3_viewloc_xcoord,x sta grafport3_cliprect_x1,x dex bpl LBA0B copy16 #550, grafport3_cliprect_x2 copy16 #185, grafport3_cliprect_y2 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPort, grafport3 addr_call_indirect LBF8B, portmap::viewloc::xcoord sty LBFCA sta LBFCD lda portmap::viewloc::xcoord clc adc portmap::maprect::x2 pha lda portmap::viewloc::xcoord+1 adc portmap::maprect::x2+1 tax pla jsr LBF8B sty LBFCC sta LBFCE lda portmap::viewloc::ycoord sta LBFC9 clc adc portmap::maprect::y2 sta LBFCB MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::HideCursor jsr LBE08 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::ShowCursor MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, alert_rect ; alert background MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR ; ensures corners are inverted MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, alert_rect ; alert outline MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPortBits, portmap::viewloc::xcoord MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, alert_inner_frame_rect1 ; inner 2x border MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, alert_inner_frame_rect2 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, pencopy MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::HideCursor MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintBits, alert_bitmap_params MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::ShowCursor pla tax pla ldy alert_count dey LBAE5: cmp alert_table,y beq LBAEF dey bpl LBAE5 ldy #0 LBAEF: tya asl a tay copy16 prompt_table,y, prompt_addr cpx #0 beq LBB0B txa and #$FE sta alert_action jmp LBB14 LBB0B: tya lsr a tay lda alert_action_table,y sta alert_action LBB14: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR bit alert_action bpl LBB5C MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, cancel_rect MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, cancel_pos addr_call draw_pascal_string, cancel_label bit alert_action bvs LBB5C MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, try_again_rect MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, try_again_pos addr_call draw_pascal_string, try_again_label jmp LBB75 LBB5C: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::FrameRect, try_again_rect MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, try_again_pos addr_call draw_pascal_string, ok_label LBB75: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, pos_prompt addr_call_indirect draw_pascal_string, prompt_addr LBB87: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_down bne LBB9A jmp LBC0C LBB9A: cmp #MGTK::EventKind::key_down bne LBB87 lda event_key and #CHAR_MASK bit alert_action bpl LBBEE cmp #CHAR_ESCAPE bne LBBC3 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, cancel_rect lda #1 jmp LBC55 LBBC3: bit alert_action bvs LBBEE cmp #'a' bne LBBE3 LBBCC: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, try_again_rect lda #0 jmp LBC55 LBBE3: cmp #'A' beq LBBCC cmp #CHAR_RETURN beq LBBCC jmp LBB87 LBBEE: cmp #CHAR_RETURN bne LBC09 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, try_again_rect lda #2 jmp LBC55 LBC09: jmp LBB87 LBC0C: jsr LBDE1 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords bit alert_action bpl LBC42 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::InRect, cancel_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne :+ jmp LBCE9 : bit alert_action bvs LBC42 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::InRect, try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LBC52 jmp LBC6D LBC42: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::InRect, try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside bne LBC52 jmp LBD65 LBC52: jmp LBB87 LBC55: pha MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::HideCursor jsr LBE5D MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::ShowCursor pla rts LBC6D: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, try_again_rect lda #0 sta LBCE8 LBC84: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LBCDB jsr LBDE1 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::InRect, try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LBCB5 lda LBCE8 beq LBCBD jmp LBC84 LBCB5: lda LBCE8 bne LBCBD jmp LBC84 LBCBD: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, try_again_rect lda LBCE8 clc adc #$80 sta LBCE8 jmp LBC84 LBCDB: lda LBCE8 beq LBCE3 jmp LBB87 LBCE3: lda #0 jmp LBC55 LBCE8: .byte 0 LBCE9: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, cancel_rect lda #0 sta LBD64 LBD00: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LBD57 jsr LBDE1 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::InRect, cancel_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LBD31 lda LBD64 beq LBD39 jmp LBD00 LBD31: lda LBD64 bne LBD39 jmp LBD00 LBD39: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, cancel_rect lda LBD64 clc adc #$80 sta LBD64 jmp LBD00 LBD57: lda LBD64 beq LBD5F jmp LBB87 LBD5F: lda #1 jmp LBC55 LBD64: .byte 0 LBD65: lda #0 sta LBDE0 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, try_again_rect LBD7C: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::GetEvent, event_params lda event_kind cmp #MGTK::EventKind::button_up beq LBDD3 jsr LBDE1 MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::MoveTo, event_coords MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::InRect, try_again_rect cmp #MGTK::inrect_inside beq LBDAD lda LBDE0 beq LBDB5 jmp LBD7C LBDAD: lda LBDE0 bne LBDB5 jmp LBD7C LBDB5: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::SetPenMode, penXOR MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::PaintRect, try_again_rect lda LBDE0 clc adc #$80 sta LBDE0 jmp LBD7C LBDD3: lda LBDE0 beq LBDDB jmp LBB87 LBDDB: lda #2 jmp LBC55 .endproc show_alert_dialog := show_alert_dialog_impl::start ;;; ============================================================ LBDE0: .byte 0 LBDE1: sub16 event_xcoord, portmap::viewloc::xcoord, event_xcoord sub16 event_ycoord, portmap::viewloc::ycoord, event_ycoord rts .proc LBE08 copy16 #$0800, addr lda LBFC9 jsr LBF10 lda LBFCB sec sbc LBFC9 tax inx LBE21: lda LBFCA sta LBE5C LBE27: lda LBE5C lsr a tay sta PAGE2OFF ; main $2000-$3FFF bcs LBE34 sta PAGE2ON ; aux $2000-$3FFF LBE34: lda ($06),y addr := *+1 sta dummy1234 inc16 addr lda LBE5C cmp LBFCC bcs LBE4E inc LBE5C bne LBE27 LBE4E: jsr LBF52 dex bne LBE21 ldax addr rts .byte 0 LBE5C: .byte 0 .endproc .proc LBE5D copy16 #$800, addr ldx LBFCD ldy LBFCE lda #$FF cpx #0 beq LBE78 LBE73: clc rol a dex bne LBE73 LBE78: sta LBF0C eor #$FF sta LBF0D lda #$01 cpy #$00 beq LBE8B LBE86: sec rol a dey bne LBE86 LBE8B: sta LBF0E eor #$FF sta LBF0F lda LBFC9 jsr LBF10 lda LBFCB sec sbc LBFC9 tax inx lda LBFCA sta LBF0B LBEA8: lda LBFCA sta LBF0B LBEAE: lda LBF0B lsr a tay sta PAGE2OFF ; main $2000-$3FFF bcs :+ sta PAGE2ON ; aux $2000-$3FFF addr := *+1 : lda $0800 ; self-modified pha lda LBF0B cmp LBFCA beq LBEDD cmp LBFCC bne LBEEB lda ($06),y and LBF0F sta ($06),y pla and LBF0E ora ($06),y pha jmp LBEEB LBEDD: lda ($06),y and LBF0D sta ($06),y pla and LBF0C ora ($06),y pha LBEEB: pla sta ($06),y inc16 addr lda LBF0B cmp LBFCC bcs LBF03 inc LBF0B bne LBEAE LBF03: jsr LBF52 dex bne LBEA8 rts .byte $00 LBF0B: .byte $00 LBF0C: .byte $00 LBF0D: .byte $00 LBF0E: .byte $00 LBF0F: .byte $00 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ .proc LBF10 sta LBFCF and #$07 sta LBFB0 lda LBFCF and #$38 sta LBFAF lda LBFCF and #$C0 sta LBFAE jsr LBF2C rts .endproc .proc LBF2C lda LBFAE lsr a lsr a ora LBFAE pha lda LBFAF lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a sta LBF51 pla ror a sta $06 lda LBFB0 asl a asl a ora LBF51 ora #$20 sta $07 clc rts LBF51: .byte 0 .endproc .proc LBF52 lda LBFB0 cmp #$07 beq LBF5F inc LBFB0 jmp LBF2C LBF5F: lda #$00 sta LBFB0 lda LBFAF cmp #$38 beq LBF74 clc adc #$08 sta LBFAF jmp LBF2C LBF74: lda #$00 sta LBFAF lda LBFAE clc adc #$40 sta LBFAE cmp #$C0 beq LBF89 jmp LBF2C LBF89: sec rts .endproc .proc LBF8B ldy #$00 cpx #$02 bne LBF96 ldy #$49 clc adc #$01 LBF96: cpx #$01 bne LBFA4 ldy #$24 clc adc #$04 bcc LBFA4 iny sbc #$07 LBFA4: cmp #$07 bcc LBFAD sbc #$07 iny bne LBFA4 LBFAD: rts .endproc LBFAE: .byte $00 LBFAF: .byte $00 LBFB0: .byte $00,$FF,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00 LBFC9: .byte $00 LBFCA: .byte $00 LBFCB: .byte $00 LBFCC: .byte $00 LBFCD: .byte $00 LBFCE: .byte $00 LBFCF: .byte $00 ;; Draw pascal string; address in (X,A) .proc draw_pascal_string ptr := $06 stax ptr ldy #0 lda (ptr),y ; Check length beq end sta ptr+2 inc ptr bne call inc ptr+1 call: MGTK_RELAY2_CALL MGTK::DrawText, ptr end: rts .endproc ;; MGTK call in Y, params addr (X,A) .proc MGTK_RELAY2 sty call stax addr jsr MGTK::MLI call: .byte 0 addr: .addr 0 rts .endproc .assert * = $BFFC, error, "Segment length mismatch" PAD_TO $C000 .endproc ; desktop_aux