2018-01-28 22:03:48 -08:00

4.9 KiB


There are three distinct API classes that need to be used:

  • Main MGTK API - entry point $4000 AUX, called MLI-style (JSR followed by command type and address of param block)
  • DeskTop Jump Table - simple JSR calls starting at $4003 MAIN, no arguments
  • DeskTop API - another MLI-style interface starting at $8E00 AUX




The port block is reused in several places. It has the following structure:

  .word left           pixels from screen left edge
  .word top            pixels from screen top edge
  .addr addr           screen address $2000
  .word stride         screen stride $80
  .word hoff           pixels scrolled left
  .word voff           pixels scrolled up
  .word width          pixels wide
  .word height         pixels tall

Drawing state can be set to a port (SetPort) and then subsequent operations will occur within the port: they will be clipped to the bounds and the offset will be taken into account. For example, if hoffset is 15 and voffset is 5 then a pixel plotted at 40, 40 will appear at 40 - 15 = 25 pixels from the left edge and 40 - 5 = 35 pixels from the top edge.


A simple repeating 8x8 pattern is defined by 8 bytes. All bits of each byte are used.

Window Parts

Windows have a client area which has the requested dimensions. Above this is an optional title bar which in turn has an optional close box. Within the client area are an optional resize box and optional scroll bars.

Desk Accessory Lifecycle

  • Loaded/invoked at $800 MAIN (have through $1FFF available)
  • Save stack
  • Copy DA code from MAIN to AUX (e.g. using AUXMOVE)
  • Transfer control to AUX
  • Turn on ALTZP and LCBANK1
  • Create window (OpenWindow)
  • Draw everything
  • Call $2B (no idea what this does!)
  • Enter input loop
  • ...
  • Destroy window (CloseWindow)
  • Redraw desktop icons (DESKTOP_REDRAW_ICONS)
  • Switch control back to MAIN (RAMRDOFF/RAMWRTOFF)
  • Ensure ALTZP and LCBANK1 are on
  • Restore stack
  • RTS

NOTE: Movable windows must maintain an offscreen_flag. If a window is moved so that the client area is entirely offscreen then various operations should be skipped because the window's box coordinates will not be set correctly.

Input Loop

  • Call GetEvent.
  • If a key, then check modifiers (Open/Closed Apple) and key code, ignore or take action.
  • If a click, call FindWindow.
  • If target id not the window id, ignore.
  • If target element is desktop or menu then ignore.
  • If target element is close box then initiate window close.
  • If target element is title bar then initiate window drag.
  • If target element is resize box then initiate window resize.
  • Otherwise, it is client area; call FindControl.
  • If client part is a scrollbar then initiate a scroll.
  • Otherwise, handle a client click using custom logic (e.g. hit testing buttons, etc)

Window Close

  • Call TrackGoAway, which enters a modal loop to handle the mouse moving out/in the box.
  • Result indicates clicked or canceled; if clicked, exit the DA, otherwise ignore.

Window Drag

  • Call DragWindow.
  • If offscreen flag was not set, redraw desktop icons (DESKTOP_REDRAW_ICONS).
  • Set offscreen flag if window's top is greater than or equal to the screen bottom (191), clear otherwise.
  • If offscreen flag is not set, redraw window.

Window Resize

  • Call GrowWindow.
  • Call UpdateThumb if needed to adjust scroll bar settings. (Details TBD).
  • Redraw window.

Window Scroll

Drawing Operations


DeskTop Jump Table

Call from MAIN (RAMRDOFF/RAMWRTOFF). Call style:

   jsr $xxxx

NOTE: Most of these calls have not been identified yet.


Redraws all DeskTop windows. Required after a drag or resize. Follow with DESKTOP_REDRAW_ICONS call.


Deselect all DeskTop icons (volumes/files).


Changes mouse cursor to the default pointer. Note that bitmap is in the language card memory so it must be swapped in.


Changes mouse cursor to a watch. Note that bitmap is in the language card memory so it must be swapped in.

DeskTop API

Call from AUX (RAMRDON/RAMWRTON). Call style:

   jsr $8E00
   .byte command
   .addr params

NOTE: Only a single call has been identified so far.



Parameters: none (pass $0000 as address)

Redraws the icons on the desktop (mounted volumes, trash). This call is required in these cases:

  • After destroying a window (CloseWindow)
  • After repainting the desktop (JUMP_TABLE_REDRAW_ALL) following a drag (DragWindow)
  • After repainting the desktop (JUMP_TABLE_REDRAW_ALL) following a resize (GrowWindow)